It would be weird tippping dancers with coins. The little purses they carry around would get heavy. But a coin filled purse might be just the thing to straighten out an unruly customer.
First the $1 was replaced by the loonie, and then the $2 by the toonie. And that was the end of stage tipping in Canada. Joe Canuck is not inclined to reach out and proffer a fiver. (That's $5.50 in Yankee money.)
Had a stage-tipping conversation with a server at a Canadian club. She insisted the $5 bill should be given. I kept mine. And not much stage-tipping was in evidence at any club I saw (yes, there was some, but not on par with an American club).
Personally I like $1 coins. They last way longer, they are smaller, etc.
$2 bills? A lot of people don't even know they exist. Americans are dumb when they don't even recognize their own money (…) Says something about the pathetic financial knowledge in America these days.
1) As a numismatic, I insist it be an interesting coin,and not another tip of the hat to political correctness (Sacajawea, Susan B. Anthony). I am so tired of limp wristed, latte sipping, effeminates setting the stage. Instead of a person, put symbols on the coin, buffalo, eagle, Capitol building, White House, or make it really interesting by having rotating symbols, like the Golden Gate bridge, Mt. Rushmore, etc.
2) It would be interesting if strip clubs had a near monopoly on issuing two dollar bills.
I love two dollar bills and those little $1 gold coins. I wouldn't mind being tipped with those. However, if some dude made it rain with coins, I'd have to put my stiletto through his balls.
The upside is that if we all transitioned to coins, making it rain might become obsolete.
The smallest euro bill is the 5 euro, which is worth about $7.00. That would be a lot for a stage tip to European strippers, and so I would expect 1 and 2 euro coins to be used.
A nice thing about euro bills is that different denominations--5, 10, 20, 50, etc--are different sizes and different colors, so you're less likely to give a dancer a 50 when you mean to give her a 20.
I am honestly surprised we haven't done away with the $1 bill already. I would think if you could convince the vending machine makers to make their machines so that they can take $1 coins that people would use $1 coins and the dollar bill would be obsolete. AFAIK, the only place you can use a dollar coin is the post office, and I usually end up using my debit card for that. OTOH, as a strip club fanatic, I hope they don't. I don't think tipping in coins would be a good thing. I'm not sure how it would work.
You guys should visit an Alberta SC just to see how dancers are tipped on the stage. As has already been mentioned, there are no $1 or $2 bills in Canada. Tipping dancers in Alberta clubs is done by the loonie toss. Dancer rolls around naked on stage as guys toss loonies (or toonies) at her pussy. Hit the spot and the dancer will give you a poster or fridge magnet after her set is finished.
Needless to say, this gives openings to drunks to be real assholes. Throwing the coins like fastballs. Heating the coins with a lighter so the dancer is burned. I once saw a jerk drop the loonie in a puddle of puke and then flip the coin at the dancer. (I cold-cocked that bastard and be damned if I wasn't the one thrown out of the club!).
I detest this loonie toss. But, on the whole, Alberta dancers love it. I have seen a dancer scoop up over $300 in coins with her silly little loonie vacuum after just one set on stage.
Steve, I can handle the metric system. Dollar coins, in addition to the pennies, nickels, and quarters, adds too much mass to the pocket. Too much additional stuff to sort through when drunk, too! Soccer?! Kind of an irony, in a country where we pride ourselves on space (McMansions, acreage, etc.) the sport with the largest footprint, or one of the largest, is the least popular at the pro level.
@art: They use a VACUUM CLEANER to hoover up the coins?! I'm surprised American strippers haven't adopted this idea to clean up the one-dollar bills after some idiot has made it rain. I see a business opportunity for an enterprising young man: door to door strip club dollar vacuum salesman.
It is not a real vacuum that the girls use. It is a magnetic device on a cord. Dancers walk around the stage with this thing picking up the loonies and toonies (they are magnetic coins). It is much more interesting when the girls bend over to pick up the coins manually. Many tantalizing vistas can be on offer!.
You should have seen the look on the asshole's face when he looked up from the floor and saw that it was an old fat bald guy who had whacked him. He was ready to go and I was willing to oblige him but a bouncer rushed over to stop things. Even though the dancer on stage came to my defense, the bouncers evicted me from the club. I hung around outside for a few minutes to see if the asshole wanted to pursue the 'discussion', but he was a no-show. Old farmerart was feeling kinda feisty that night - I was really ready to pour the boots to that jerk.
I have never seen such gross behaviour by a customer in a SC.
I've already commented on subject in similar thread started by "steve229" a few months back(21 July). Basically, I favor going to dollar coins, discontinuing production of $1 bills, pennies, and just rounding cash purchases to the nearest nickel. Also, ramping up production of $2 bills. Before I put flame suit on, consider that federal government, and at least several states round tax refunds/bills the the nearest dollar already. I suspect many tuscl members can recall buying bubble gum for a penny- a nickel now is worth what a penny was then. I'm sure even "younger" tusclers can recall reaching into pocket for 2 quarters for a convenience store purchase- now those are $1 or so. So, if carrying 2 quarters in pocket wasn't a big deal, carrying nearly similar sized dollar coins shouldn't be, either. As for last point having fewer dollar bills to circulate, forcing to consider $2 tip: IMO, not as big a deal as some may make it out to be, as I suspect tip $ are relatively small portion of club visit budget when compared to VIP's, lapdances, drinks, etc.
last comment(That's $5.50 in Yankee money.)
Although, one dancer did say it was bad luck...
$2 bills? A lot of people don't even know they exist. Americans are dumb when they don't even recognize their own money (…) Says something about the pathetic financial knowledge in America these days.
2) It would be interesting if strip clubs had a near monopoly on issuing two dollar bills.
The upside is that if we all transitioned to coins, making it rain might become obsolete.
A nice thing about euro bills is that different denominations--5, 10, 20, 50, etc--are different sizes and different colors, so you're less likely to give a dancer a 50 when you mean to give her a 20.
Needless to say, this gives openings to drunks to be real assholes. Throwing the coins like fastballs. Heating the coins with a lighter so the dancer is burned. I once saw a jerk drop the loonie in a puddle of puke and then flip the coin at the dancer. (I cold-cocked that bastard and be damned if I wasn't the one thrown out of the club!).
I detest this loonie toss. But, on the whole, Alberta dancers love it. I have seen a dancer scoop up over $300 in coins with her silly little loonie vacuum after just one set on stage.
"Singin' dollar dollar bill y'all
Singin' dollar dollar bill y'all"
It is not a real vacuum that the girls use. It is a magnetic device on a cord. Dancers walk around the stage with this thing picking up the loonies and toonies (they are magnetic coins). It is much more interesting when the girls bend over to pick up the coins manually. Many tantalizing vistas can be on offer!.
Beer works just fine with old farmerart.
You should have seen the look on the asshole's face when he looked up from the floor and saw that it was an old fat bald guy who had whacked him. He was ready to go and I was willing to oblige him but a bouncer rushed over to stop things. Even though the dancer on stage came to my defense, the bouncers evicted me from the club. I hung around outside for a few minutes to see if the asshole wanted to pursue the 'discussion', but he was a no-show. Old farmerart was feeling kinda feisty that night - I was really ready to pour the boots to that jerk.
I have never seen such gross behaviour by a customer in a SC.
Before I put flame suit on, consider that federal government, and at least several states round tax refunds/bills the the nearest dollar already. I suspect many tuscl members can recall buying bubble gum for a penny- a nickel now is worth what a penny was then. I'm sure even "younger" tusclers can recall reaching into pocket for 2 quarters for a convenience store purchase- now those are $1 or so. So, if carrying 2 quarters in pocket wasn't a big deal, carrying nearly similar sized dollar coins shouldn't be, either. As for last point having fewer dollar bills to circulate, forcing to consider $2 tip: IMO, not as big a deal as some may make it out to be, as I suspect tip $ are relatively small portion of club visit budget when compared to VIP's, lapdances, drinks, etc.