Rick's Austin

Atlanta suburb
Looks like shill city. The last 4 reviews are all outstanding. All written by people that just registerd this month. 3 have only 1 review. The other has two but the other club got a 1-1-1 across the street. Yeah, I flagged all 4 of them.
last commentI'm thinking you may see a lot more reviews about Rick's Austin because they have a sign in their entry way with this web site listed and encourage reviews.
DAMN! A club in Austin I missed when I was last there!
Clubber, Rick's is a blast. They took very good care of us. It's actually in Round Rock. They are big fans of this website.
Hello Shadocat, My name is Scott and I am the General Manager of Rick's Cabaret Austin. I have posted signs through out the club asking for reviews. You should be seeing a lot more about us. I hope you get the chance to come out and visit us so we can show you a good time.
Looks like someone may need to unflag the reviews. We may have a rare club GM actually interested in customer feedback.
Thank you for that Txtittyfan. I do care and we have worked so hard down here and are very proud of what we have done. That is why we have posted signs for our guests to leave reviews at this site. I will make their visit a worth wild one or die trying. I can be reached directly at Scottb@ricks.com.
Jesus. Now the GM posts a review and gives it a guess what? 10-10-10.
I wonder what the sign says? "write a good review and get free passes to the club"?
Shadowcat, I would love for you to come visit my club. I would try my hardest to make sure you had a great time. I tell you what, you come on out here and I will show you a terrific time. If you don't like it I will pay for your flight home. How's that sound?
Scott - I admire your dedication but my bull shit detector has a hair trigger. Why is it that Chipper rates your club a 10-9-10 but rates your competition, Perfect 10 Men's Club, the #10 rated club on TUSCL a 1-1-1?
And BTW, I fly free anyhow. A perk from 42 years of service to a major air line. Now excuse me. I am off to my favorite club for 3 days.
Shadowcat, I can not speak for the actions of others or I would have you on a plane out here showing you a good time. Maybe he dated a girl there, used to work there or he just feels that way. The best answer I can give you is write him and ask him. So I take it you won't come out this way? Like I have said to you and every one else. Come on and out and I will showe you why we are the best. If you get your flights for free then I will pay for your hotel and food and of course good time to Rick's.
The word is show, not showe. Sorry everyone.
I went to Round Rock, but only to the Harley dealer. At least I know how I missed it in Austin.
That's a really nice dealership. They are about 4 miles north on IH-35. I was at the dealership a few weeks ago to drop off some free admission passes. They have always been very good to us. Clubber, come on in some time and let me buy you a drink and show you around.
TommyL It is not in Round Rouck. It is in Travis County.
Couldn't rent a bike there. Their hours are not "friendly" to that and working people.
Scott, most of the regulars on here aren't going to be happy until they see a review from someone who has, in their opinion, posted a number of other credible reviews. I definitely fall into that category; a person with one review, and that being of your place, isn't credible in my eyes, especially with all, or nearly all, 10s, and little to no description of downsides. And as shadowcat points out, two diametrically opposed reviews of direct competitors fairly shouts "bullshit".
I wish you luck, but we're going to continue to cry "shill" when we see those types of things.
Scott, what you have just witnessed on this board are the narrow minded opinions of members that are either infatuated with their favorite club or go primarily to receive sex. A common gripe on this board is poor club management and customer service.
It appears that you are making an attempt to improve your club and its reputation for whatever reason. You are making overtures to provide an exceptional experience in your mind to the non believer, yet they still hold to their position and do not give you the benefit of the doubt.
Regarding the reviews, first time posters usually have a different perspective on ratings than frequent posters. As for the diametrically opposed ratings on two clubs, let's put it in perspective. A group goes to club a for a bachelor party and is treated like shit. They go across the street to club B and are treated extremely well. It is not hard for me to understand the rating differnce. The rating extremes could be attributed to newness of the poster and possibly even encouragement by club B management.
If you look at club reviews, they tend to have wide ranges depending on the reviewer and the experiences. We all have favorite clubs that have been trashed by others.
First off I appreciate your enthusiasm and apparent efforts to run a good SC. Secondly, I appreciate your efforts to promote this site. With that promotion it is likely that many first time posters may end up submitting reviews and if they really do like your club those reviews may seem over-inflated. That is somewhat normal with new posters.
As for those of us on this site that want club information to remain useful, we will continue to look at such reviews with skepticism. Shill reviews do nothing but hurt the reputation of a club (see the reviews for Living Dolls in Key West, FL). Be patient and a credible reviewer will visit your establishment. And that credible reviewer should remain anonymous to you when they visit. How the average patron experiences your club is much more important than how you may have treated someone to a personal VIP experience.
Good luck. Austin is a great city.
Hi every one, Just woke up and glad to see so many opinions regarding our reviews. Txtittyfan, thank you as always for your support.
Clubber, sorry the Harley dealership didn't work out. We do have a pretty good relationship with Napalm bikes and I would be happy to introduce you to the owners if you are still in the market. They have been very good to who ever we refer.
Georgmicroding, I aprreciate your feedback. Like I mentioned before to Shadowcat, I can't speak for others or their motives. I have read several reviews from accross the street and many seem to be advertisements for their own club pushing speacials meaning they were written from an employee, but I can't say for sure. I do see and understand your point of view. I'm afraid you will be seeing a lot more reviews because again we are encouraging our guests to write them and for 99.99% of them it will be a first time review. We shall see.
GSWx4, great point on the first time reviewers. I like anonymous reviews but I would also like the opportunity to make things right if a guest has has an unpleasant visit to our establishment. Remember, this discussion has begun because of anonymous reviews. I think I am the only person who is not anonymous. Thank you for your feedback and yes, Austin is a great city, GO HORNS !!!
Essjay, thank you for your feedback. I hope to keep you as a customer and thank you for bringing the issue you had in the club to my attention.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will always make myself available on this site or in person @ Rick's Cabaret North Austin.
The Rick clubs in Fort Worth are good, fantastic drink specials and most of the dancers are attractive. Every now and then you get a hag of a vulture, but every club has those. Can't say anything about Austin. It would have to do something to top 10 though.
"Scott, what you have just witnessed on this board are the narrow minded opinions of members that are either infatuated with their favorite club or go primarily to receive sex."
Seriously? The only possible explanations for the criticism laid out so far are jealousy and horn-doggedness? There's no possibility at all that there's any validity to them? "Narrow minded"? Hello Kettle, this is Pot. You're black.
From the comments above, it seems a first time reviews by a new member is not credible and must be a shill? When does a reviewer become credible, when the reviewer agrees with you?
There is a flurry of new postive reviews for a club. The immediate response is that they must be shills. Even when a seemingly valid reason is offered for the new reviews, members still protect their position by stating that "we will wait untill we get credible reviews". Sounds fairly narrow minded to me.
I have been visiting strip clubs for over 25 years. Were my first reviews on this board a couple of years ago not credible because I was new to the board?
People appear to have left positive reviews after leaving Rick's, because management appears to be making an effort to improve the clubs image by providing a level of service many patrons are not accustomed to. Did management encourage the reviews, or were the reviews a result of newbie exuberance? Who cares, the reviews reflected the individuals experience.
In the grand scheme of things, assigning a numerical ranking system to compare clubs on this board is useless. The only thing of value is what is written.
Trying to fine tune everyone's review ranking system to meet your idea of what a review should be, or questioning the validity of a persons review because it is overly positive seems a little anal to me.
There could be just as much negative reviewing that never gets questioned to bring down a club. But in the grand scheme of things a review really has little significance on its own. This is entertainment!
We are now back to my original comment, did the reviews get unflagged? IMO they were flagged in error.
Just got back from the dentist, the wife had some work done.
Doc_Holliday, good to hear you like the Rick's clubs up in Fort Worth. They are run by good guys and a lot of fun. As numbers go, we have been so fortunate and voted the #2 Rick's only behind New York Rick's so yes, we have done something very special down here. We really took off in December and have more then doubled our business since then improving 52% every month from the year before. That's a huge number and we have our customers to thank and hard working employees. In fact, we will beat last Septembers numbers in about 8 days with the rest of the month to go. We have remodeled our customer bathrooms with the mens being completed in a few days. We have added 16 new flat screen TV's for our sport fans and with the addition of our new SUV we are seeing excellent results. Tonight we are having our second poker tournament of the week becuase one just isn't enough. We also sell half price bottles every day so instead of paying $300 for Grey Goose or more at other clubs, it's only $150. Take any bottle out of our menu and I will give it to you for half price. We also have $2 Tuesday's where every drink is $2, premium and down. Rick's Corporation is giving us all the tools to make our guests happy. We were the first Rick's to have the UFC fights and pay per view boxing. So yes, we are different from our sister clubs every where else. Doc, I am the biggest pain in the butt to our corporate office because I ask for everything and keep asking if I don't get it. Come on down to Austin and you will see how different we are. Thanks for participating Doc.
Georgmicrodong, welcome back. I'm not sure what to take from your statement but I'm dam glad you're involved. Like I said before, heads up for many new reviewers. I guess you can flag them all but do expect more.
Txtittyfan, thanks for your support. It means a lot. I hope I can get an opportunity to meet you some day and show you a good time.
Ok guys, I have to head to the pharmacy for the wife and then to the club for some dinner, I'm a ribeye fan and my wife loves the mashed potatos our chefs make. As always, you can find me here or at Rick's North Austin.
P.S. EarlFire, we are located in Round Rock
3105 S IH-35 Round Rock, Texas 78664
Yes, tx, a first time review from a first time poster is "not credible", like it or not, and that is not a negative comment. It merely indicates that the poster lacks credibility, not that he's lying. The guy may be telling the complete and utter truth, or he may be lying his ass off; there's simply no way to tell until there's more info available. Thus "not credible" as opposed to "credible" or "incredible".
As far as being a shill, the juxtaposition of a 10 review for one club and a 1 review for the direct competitor is shill-like. At the very least, it's suspicious, and worthy of investigation. And when the club manager posts such a review, and admits to asking people to post reviews, which turn out to glow radioactively, with little or no discussion of negatives, that too starts pegging the bullshit meter.
Now, it may turn out that these reviewers are simply naive, rather than deliberately fluffing things, in which case either experience (if they ever post again) or supporting or balancing reviews will trend the rating back to where it's supposed to be. Part of that process is others calling "foul", or at least WTF, and making sure things are on the up and up. I suspect we won't see many of the one shotters again; they saw the sign, had a reasonably good time, and figured they were doing the club a favor.
Scott is to be applauded for trying to improve the club, and if his response to negative comments, in reviews or not, is to make that improvement when he can, great, I'm all for it.
I will continue to view one shotters with skepticism.
scott, a review is one thing, all you're doing is self promotion which falls into the classifaction of advertising. in this case free advertising for yourself which you hope brings money into your club and your pocket.
i flagged your ad, er review and the other fake reviews too.
why don't you just let actual customers decide ratings for your club as opposed to your shill ratings?
Perhaps my next trip up there.
Georgmicrodong, I will always ask the customer to write reviews. I want their feedback and the opportunity to fix things that need fixing. I have posted signs asking for people to review my club, it's a fantastic idea and I view it as inviting negative comments as well. If they choose to have a good time in my club, good for them. This is a free country and they can write anything they want. As far as improving the club, oh yeah we have. The club has been remodeled, the girls count is 100+ on Friday and Saturdays and most Tuesdays. We have the SUV, new bathrooms and soon to be an additional VIP room. Yes everyone, the club has been retooled since we bought it. We have so many customers who have come in since it was the Joy of Austin and yes they love the improvements. The staff has changed and actually care about the club now. The club is night and day now and it has been an incredible ride. Now we are giving away a car for the second year in a row to one of our entertainers. Clubs giving away cars to entertainers??? Yeah, we do it to say thank you. So yes everyone, the club has changed.
Troop, thanks for replying. Guys, I can't make people send in reviews like I can't make you stop writing them but you do, so they will. The funny thing is everyone here is writing about tmy club but I'm pretty sure maybe only one of you has been to it so you can't possibly know the before and after transformation. I suggest you come on in and let us show you how we are. As far as free advertising... You bet.
Clubber, looking forward to meeting you. Just ask for Scott at the door or send me a private message and I will send you my number. We can pick you up for free in our SUV and get you home safe.
Well boys, got to hit the floor. The poker tournament is going on and the club is buzzing with Monday Night Football. 71 girls checked in right now on a Monday, I love my job.
I will take the free airfare and hotel if shadowcat does not :) and I will give my honest opinion of the club.
People have their own ways of processing information here. I look at single reviewers with a little bit of skepticism too, but then I only have a few myself so far so probs ppl see me as a noob as well.
I say welcome to Scott1969 and am impressed a club GM would come on here and be open to criticisms, suggestions, etc. If dudes on here go ooh lala when a stripper who seems to hate her job and her customers posts on here with 8 things a stripper blahblah, why can't a GM post his thoughts?? Strippers post "stripper reviews" more and more I've noticed. Why can't a GM do so and not be welcomed? Perhaps, though, he should ID himself as the GM in a review, I dunno.
I have been to the Rick's in Mpls...I didn't think it was all that great. But then, it is Mn and no place is all that great lol(cry)
Without the benefit of reading any reviews (yet) of Rick's, Scott's positive attitude may be enough to get me in there on my trip to Austin next month. I enjoyed P10 last year and gave it a positive review ... we'll have to see how Rick's compares!
I've read a ton of posts, where people complain about managers not listening to customer complaints. At least it looks as if there is one who is willing to listen and do what they can to accommodate their customers.
I feel pretty confident I can sift through the "shill" reviews to make an intelligent decision. So I'm not to worried about it.
Hi guys, just woke up. Great night in the club. The mens bathroom remodel is going well and the expanded poker tournament on Mondays was a success. Monday Night Football had an amazing turnout, we dam near ran out of wings. I did manage to have a entire tray of drinks spilled on me, my fault for not looking and turning to quick and bumping into our new server.
Jcromp856, welcome to the conversation. I wish I could afford to fly everyone out here but my wife watches every dollar I spend and she never misses a thing. If I find a quarter on the floor, she knows. I tell you what, if you can find a way out here I will pay for your hotel for a couple days and make sure you get picked up and dropped off at the airport. I will also pick you up so you can visit the club and I will buy you dinner.
The samurai, thank you for the support. I'm sorry you weren't real happy at Rick's in Minneapolis. Andy is the regional manager up there and if you want to send me the details of what you didn't like I will pass them on to him. Andy is a good man and really takes or guests concerns very seriously. We just purchased Schieks up there as well and it's now called Downtown Cabaret. My very good friend Chris, aka "Skinny"is the GM of the new club. Skinny is a great guy and a lot of fun. We both worked at Sapphire together in Las Vegas and he came with me to Rick's Austin before being promoted. He is from the midwest and just loves it up north. If you get a chance pop in there and say hi. Tell him Scott sent you. We also worked together at the Glitter Gulch in Vegas and always joke about weraing the gold vest and bow tie. Bring him a cigar, he loves them. Sauternes, you better come visit my club when you get to Austin. Call me at 702-358-2218 and I will pick you up in our SUV. I will make sure you have a great time. If your a baseball fan let me know. We have season tickets to the Round Rock Express minor league team here and they are currently in first place. We can go check out the game with some ladies.
Rh48hr, I appreciate the kind words. I love this industry and I take it seriously. It is a job like any other but it has fed me and the wife for years. I love the idea of an open forum and connecting with guests. I think we are doing a great thing down here in Austin and I am so proud of our club. It was a tough begining getting passed the reputation of the old "Joy of Austin". Not that Joy wasn't a fun place but from what I have been told it really went down hill and no one cared except to line their own pockets. I am a team first guy. The club comes first or your gone. None of my guys hustle the girls or customers or they will be terminated. I always have an open door for the ladies and staff. I love meeting new people and can talk forever although my wife says I never shut up. I got that from my mom, she loved to talk. Anyway, we used to have another Rick's in Austin and it was the most beautiful club I had ever seen and that includes Vegas. It was in a very bad location and just couldn't survive. That's why we got the new location in Round Rock and it's perfect. So we have been battling with the old Joy reputation and people saying we will leave again like we did with the old Rick's, not true. It has been a great ride and we just set a new weekly record last week and it's only September and not even our busy time yet. If we have a good night tonight and an average one tomorrow we will again set a new weekly record.
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm gonna order some food from Jimmy Johns and catch up on some paper work.
Rick, Thanks for the open attitude and willingness to listen. I have relatives in the Austin area and hope to make a visit to your club in the future. In the meantime, you might want to look at the blog for The Stripclub Hound. He apparently is a former manager of clubs in the L.A. area and has had some interesting comments on club operations.
Sorry, meant to address to Scott.
While I recognize Scott's enthusiasm, and desire to improve things, this is a CUSTOMER REVIEW site, not an ADVERTISING space. I'm tempted to flag review as a shill review just for those reasons. Can you imagine how clogged up site would be if each and every club manager were alotted free space to "plug" their club?
Lastly, I'd ask Scott if he were to consider buying a car, whose reviews he'd rather read: 1) From car owners/users just like him. 2) From dealership owner/salesman ?
Sandyamn, thanks for the info. It would be great to meet you and show you around. We had a great night tonight with our $2 Tuesday's. The place was packed. Get over to Austin and let's have some fun.
Minnow, I made it no secret that I was the general manager at Rick's. The review is obvious. That was the point. I too am a customer and hit every club up in town once a week. As far as buying cars go, I buy them brand new and never read a review. I buy what I like. I'm not a car guy and never changed a tire in my life so I have AAA. I just bought a brand new 2010 Nissan 370 covertable and and brand new 2011 Nissan Armada Platinum for the wife. Never read a review or asked anyone. Just walked in and said I wanted it. Never negotiated. I do appreciate you participating though.
Got to head to the gym guys. I have a power lifting meet to prepare for in a week.
Now Baby Dolls Dallas has shot up to #3! It's cool. But not my favorite club in the area. I haven't been there recently, either they remodeled and changed management or they started a tuscl campaign like this place.