Comments by minnow (page 97)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strppers as Tuscl Members?
    I mostly agree with the trooper. A lot of dancer reviews are shill like. The ones that aren't are written from the pov of a dancer scouting out a prospective club to work at, or a dancer going to club with bf. I can't say I've gleaned much useful info from dancer reviews, but its refreshing to get dancers writing articles (AND posting pics, hint , hint)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Thanks founder of tuscl
    I'll add thanks, too. Thank you founder for starting site, and continuing to maintain/refine the best stripclub review site around.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The 50 Best Strip Clubs in America
    IMO, author just threw together a list to appeal to a wide range of tastes- from lowbrow( 1 of clubs on list looked like an old barn, really)- to high end NYC and Vegas clubs. I've been to 9 of clubs listed( 6 during Tuscl membership, submitted reviews). I'm surprised that Portland and NOLA got multiple listings, but Deroit, Tampa, and ESL got none. Shadowcat, ask 10 different guys to submit a T10 list, you'll get 10 different lists.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Respecting the art form
    Can we stop with the whining about cover charges?!
    I just finished reading 2 dozen or so of the most recent reviews, not one of them griped about the cover charge- in fact one reviewer stated that the $20 cover at Mons Venus was worth it. One review whined about $5 beers, another about expensive LD's. Most reviews didn't bother mentioning cover. I can see both sides to OP's sentiments. If someone has, say $200 to spend in club, cover and overpriced drinks are the cost of doing business. I'd wager that the folks griping the loudest are those who want to pay cover, nurse a drink, and watch shows without tipping. OTOH, every dollar a person spends or saves would be the equivalent of a F500 company spending/saving ~ $100K. Don't think for a second that those companies won't hesitate to reduce those expenses in a heartbeat by whatever means (firing some people, going to a lower cost supplier, etc). Therefore, listing cover charges is relevant, as are the hours(7p? 8p?) that the charges increase, or publications/websites for discount cover coupons.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OT: Miami Heat vs Dallas Mavericks
    Based on stripclub city strength, Miami Heat in 6.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you really give a shit about the club layout?
    Although not that high on priority list, some things are nice to know, like where restroom, ATM machine, 2nd bar (if applicable) are. Also, where speakers are ( some can be unpleasantly noisy compared to other seats), ventilation/ac system effecdtiveness (too much or little), where low and high priced private dance areas are ( to know if you're being steered to pricier area), etc. As I got more reviews under my belt, I steered away from boilerplate layout descriptions, and adopted paragraph system with capitalized subject header, dividing into club orientation/costs, dancers, stages/laps, and a general summary so one could prioritize their reading better.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Feature Dancers
    Re: Bree Olson- "sometimes she does more than just dance". For everyones entertainment value, type in "puma swede helicopter sex" in search engine, enjoy the story, and maybe vid link if you can find it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's your top 5 favorite clubs of all time?
    I'll preface this by saying that list is in a state of flux, that clubs I thought were great 10, 20 yrs. ago would be blown away by more current clubs. Many of my choices have survived the test of time mainly by consistency, not nec. having THE BEST mileage, dancers, or bang for $$. In no particular order: 1) Mons Venus- Tampa 2) Baby Dolls- Dallas 3) Brass Flamingo- Indianapolis For the remaining 2 slots, some candidates are Diamond Caberet (now Penthouse Club) ESL, Bare Ellegance- L.A., SR-COI, Hi Liter (Pre 9 pm timeframe)- Phoenix, Living Room- Dayton.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    (REVISED) Annoying Strip Club Practices ... Part 2: "Wanna Dance (When You're S
    In over 100 different club visits spanning a quarter century, I have rarely encountered this occurence DURING a stage show. Many do, however, approach stage seats between shows. This would only bug me if she continued to sit with me after I indicated that I'm not interested in dances right now. In similar vein, waitress asking me if I want a drink when my glass is HALF FULL, and I'm about to have a good interaction with stage performer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Are We the Only Ones Who Would Like to See Some Artistic Dancing?
    If OP wants to see more artistic performances, suggest that you and wifey go to ballet, "CDS", Vegas Show, or to clubs that specialize in features on feature night. Understand that couples are a minority in stripclub, and target audience (single or unacompanied patrons) are more focused on potential laps/VIPS than seeing an artistic performance. That said, I don't mind seeing a standout from the usual boilerplate walking around a pole, or swaying in front of stage mirror away from patrons. But as 1 poster said, distinct/unique stage performances don't always translate into desired performance in the back.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Something tells me he didn't like this club
    Has anyone not read the disclaimer that stuff written here should be considered works of fiction? I checked out the zbone site. Club listed, but one of the few clubs that doesn't have an editorial review. The reader review page has nearly 3 years worth of reviews on 1 page ( hint- the active popular clubs are lucky to have last 3 WEEKS on 1 page). I didn't see any reviews calling it out as a tranny club. Reviews fell into 2 categories: Shill type reviews, and real PL's saying how dead club was. Either way, club not high on my wish list. Guessing that either club really is a tranny club, but no z-boners want to call it out as such, preferring to call it a dead club and "let live" for the few with such proclivities. Or else just a dead club, and latest club reviewer thought this would be a creative way to put club out of misery. It seems that the tranny clubs around would be underground type with no mainstream advertising. A early 90's review by "Showgirls" magazine (Deja Vu rag)on New Orleans club scene had local host showing author around town. Gist of article was that Nola was a good place to listen to music and get shitfaced drunk, but not so great for club scene. After visiting a few known clubs, author was taken to an unnamed club that happened to be tranny. I don't know what's worse- walking into a tranny club or into a regular club that hired a tranny dancer passing themselves off as a real female.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Memorial Day
    Debating tonight, 50/50 chance. Have gone a few times in past, maybe a bit slower than normal, but not completely dead. Economy must be slow in Detroit to be completely closed. I suspect some clubs may follow "Sunday Hours" tommorow.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Any mileage in Illinois?
    ss1- Right, OP is a moron or a real tool. Same poster whose 1st thread asked for a national mileage/OTC list. In 2nd thread, gripes about not wanting to waste money in CR, yet in a response post in another thread claims to drop $1.5-2K in club visits. My advice- get off computer and study for your exams- US workforce needs more people like you to compete in the global marketplace.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who are these guys?
    r123- "I only go to one club right now".... How about trying visiting some other clubs dude. You don't exactly live (or visit) in Stripclub Siberia.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who are these guys?
    +1 on Super Dude sentiments. To paraphrase a members parting siggy to his response to a freeloader on another site: "The internet- it's not just for leeches."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Day after the Rapture
    "Heaven doesn't have to be like Spearmint Rhino".... lol @ vm. For some true mongers, going to SR ( or most any corporate chain club, esp. DV) would be HELL. Lets keep this post a sticky with everyone posting their version of ideal club. Look for the pink site to have similar thread with ideal the exact opposite of ours............
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
    p11- Have you heard one "adage" going around: "If it floats or fucks, rent it." Must have been a boatowner and (ex) stripper spouse who coined this phrase.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    If Rick thinks he's getting burned out by the routine and needs a break, then he needs a break. I would be presumptious to suggest what to do during the "break", or for how long, but I'll take a stab anyway. 1) What other activities do you enjoy besides going to clubs? I realize that geographical/climate considerations may come into play (ie you like surfboarding, no dice in WI winters), or your only free time outside of bankers hrs ( golf course open at 10p??). Sometimes, just relaxing in what you like to do without a set agenda will have things happpen. I've met women just lounging around pool. 2) Related to #1, maybe you have an itch to try the pickup bar routine, and bang a hot chick without laying out Benjamins. Now may be the time to give it a shot. 3) I've found that a break can be good for oneself- the best visits have sometimes occured after a dry spell. Looking for Rick Dugan to be the guy in the library reading a book, or going to evening bible study groups and posting about it........................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dayton Ohio Clubs
    John- I forgot to mention about the imposter claiming to be my sister that has several STD's. Better get yourself checked.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    When and Where Did Lap Dancing Begin?
    My first experience- Mons Venus, Tampa, 1990. It had probably been going on for a few years there already. I've "heard" that LD's as we've known them 1st happened in Houston in early 80's.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Mexico
    New Club in Albuquerque?
    I'll be on watch for your review, but I'm not holding my breath. ABQ isn't exactly the kindest environment for stripclubs. I recall a Spearmint Rhino opening up in a very visible location near the intersection of I25 and I40- what happened to it? You mention All Fours (did that used to be Chapter II?). There was a nude club (Icehouse) that was around a while, shutting down several years ago. There's only 5 clubs in ABQ listed on Tuscl. I seem to recall 6-8 clubs in the past. I hope you get a prize for being the 1st to review The Palms.........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    NHL Playoffs results/predictions based off strip club city strength
    Thanks, samsung. If I get too bored, I might start NBA playoff thread. Loooks like final 4 now is Boston vs Tampa Bay, San Jose vs Vancouver. My take: 1) Tampa Bay over Boston- No comparison, Tampa Bay wins handily, but long distance help from Providence should at least keep series interesting. 2) San Jose over Vancouver- This is ugly series- both cities suck for stripclub mongers. San Jose getting long distance help from San Francisco should put them over the top. But really- Vancouver $50 no- mileage LD's, SF has mileage but very expensive.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dayton Ohio Clubs
    Yeah, OV, I noticed that too on my most recent visit. Bikini only on stages. I've also noticed on this thread that a lot of info is being freely given to a poster with ZERO reviews. But, hey, I'll give some advice to OP. Save Dayton driving gas and instead go halfway up I75 to Hustler Store near Lebanon, and buy yourself a blowup doll.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    1) a&b are my minimum expectations when visiting clubs. The more advanced stages are great when they happen. 2) No- lack of availability, different travel patterns/hours in job. 3) Duh, yes. Life is like a shit sandwich, the more dough you have, the less shit you have to eat.