Confrontations with ROBs and Management

avatar for sinclair
What would you do in this situation: you got 5 dances and the dancer demands payment for 8 dances. You refuse to pay for service not rendered and management gets involved, siding with the lying dancer. Bouncers start to approach. How would you play this situation? Has this ever happened to you?


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avatar for troop
14 years ago

so sinclair, did this happen to you?
what did you do?

anyway, i would not pay! i would then leave that club and never go back.
if they got physical i would defend myself with whatever means necessary.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Even with bouncers approaching, I would stand my ground and refuse to pay. I would let them kick me out and then write them up in a club review. If the bouncers threaten me with violence I would threaten them back with police involvement.

Easy for me to say. I wasn't there and no it has never gone that far for me. I have had dancers try to overcharge me and depending on the amount of money, I will either just pay it or refuse.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
I have not dealt with that situation, but I always try to keep in my head what song we start with and end with although with some dancers they can make you forget everything :-) But if you can do that, any good management can check with the DJ and see how many songs were played during that time, or see who were the dancers on stage during that time to see who what was right. The main thing is stay calm and don't get angry. It won't help your case.

If management won't go the extra mile to provide any assistance, you may have to just pay (or don't pay) and never give that SC your business again. They are in the customer service business and they should make sure everything is right for your continued patronage (probably a pipe dream).
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
troop, not exactly. I have had girls try to claim an extra dance or two before quite frequently, but no situations yet where management gets involved. I verbally correct the dancers and pay them the true amount. Usually they drop their scheme when they see you aren't a sucker. If the dancer kept pursuing the scheme, I'd probably walk out, giving her the amount for the actual dances. I don't even care about getting kicked out or banned from a strip club for standing up against ROB tactics. Chances are there are others to go to within a reasonable distance.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
14 years ago
Rh48hr, remembering the start/end songs is a good idea, provided you can identify them. As I am over 50, most of the current hits sound the same to me. Your idea works for me in clubs that stress 80's hits, but those are few and far between.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I refused to pay. I spoke to the bouncers as we left the VIP area. The ROB had summoned them. I told them kick me out if you wish. I've gone to that club ever since it opened in the early 90's. I told the bouncers that, and that I'd be willing to talk to the manager about the ROB. They just let me leave.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I would turn into my alter ego, which is Clint Eastwood, and stare down the bouncers. If that didn't work, I would into my other alter ego, which is Woody Allen, and run like hell.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I fucking hate these situations and usually wait a while before returning to the club again. I have had this happen a few times. First time I just paid the extra $30 owed(kahoots). Another time I settled on giving $20 instead of the $40 she wanted (bogarts). The third time I just stood my ground and refused to pay the extra $30 and the management took my side. (kahoots)
avatar for tttclub
14 years ago
Remembering the first song is a really good idea. I had it happen to me once, the bouncer was being a dick about it, and we went to the dj. She tried to charge me for 10 when I got 6. I was actually off 1, it was 7 by the dj count. Regardless, I paid 7 and went on my way. The dances were great, and I made sure to let the girl know how much potential business she lost, as I showed her my roll of $$ before I left. I told her "trying to rip me off of $100 probably cost her $1000 long run, but that's what u get for being a stupid whore." I haven't been back to that club (Coliseum) since. There are so many clubs in Detroit, I don't give businesses to the places that are haven's for ROB's. Sure, one or two dancers wont make me leave a club, but when the bouncer sides with the drunk whore, and management, then they won't get another dime from me. Certain places in Detroit just don't get it in my opinion. Coliseum, Tycoons, BT's. In those places, rip offs have become a culture, not an exception.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Wouldn't pay. Get my ass kicked, likely. Retribution? You betcha!

That said, I do not believe it would happen at the clubs I frequent. For a one visit club, well let's just say I never get "even". I ALWAYS come out way ahead! I tend to follow the advice of Sean Connery in "The Untouchables".
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
As far as I am aware I have only ever been ripped off one time. The dancer over counted several songs in a long set. I decided to pay instead of make a scene. It would be hard to explain at home why I got into legal trouble or got injured while traveling on business. The funny thing was that this was the second time I had danced with this girl. She was a great dancer. I would probably have wound up tipping her the amount she scammed me for anyway.
avatar for minnow
14 years ago
I wouldn't pay in this miscount situation. If you can't recall 1st song as suggested by tttc, I'd say- OK, review security tapes and tell me how many songs I'm back there. I did just that in my last set-to with a club (It involved continuous running 2fer and not being informed about it). They reviewed the tapes in their office, and refunded me the difference.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
3Leg -- I' m not as old as you, but I like the 80's as well. You can always say "I really like this song, but I don't know the name." They tell you and then you have the name to reference if they try to be a ROB later.
avatar for londonguy
14 years ago
Happened to me in Vegas last year at OG one afternoon. Got a very poor LD from a girl who during the LD thought it okay to use her cell phone. I made it clear before she started it was one dance but tried to hit me for the cost of two. She said she'd tell management so I told her she could do whatever the fuck she wanted. Management duly approached me but I stood my ground calmly and clearly and convinced them she was a ling bitch.
avatar for 59
14 years ago
LG "during the LD thought it was okay to use her cell phone"?

I would have ended the dance right there, pro-rated the $20, and told her to kiss off!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Things like this have happened to me a few times. It's a case by case decision about what to do. Fortunately, I've never been in a situation where I felt like I was in danger, but I have been escorted out a few times when I refused to pay for dances not provided. Only once has any bouncer type threatened to *take* what I wouldn't give. Two of them figured they'd try it, but they hadn't counted on the five other Marines and one Navy Seal in the room at the time...No mayhem ensued.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"I told her "trying to rip me off of $100 probably cost her $1000 long run"

Once tried to explain the concept of net present value of a stream of future income to a dancer. She didn't seem to grasp it, because at the end she said, "but I made a $100."
avatar for azdd
14 years ago
Great comments and suggestions, I really like the idea of making a mental note of the first song. This happens to me rarely, and only when I'm from out of town (another reason to always tell them you're local). I just chuckle and tell them, look darlin, I've been doing this a very long time, and I know exactly how many songs that was, are really going to try and rip me off after I've been so nice to you? They have always backed down to the right number, I've never gotten a manager involved.
avatar for londonguy
14 years ago
In hindsight I agree 59, I should have done that. Had I been over here I would have done it but I was a little hesitant as I was over there. It won't happen again though.

Steve, the term 'intelligent dancer' is, generally speaking, an oxymoron.
avatar for JuiceBox69
14 years ago
Next time I will bring a chalk board to keep count : )))
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
It would be extremely rare for me to get that many dances with a dancer I don't trust or had a number of dances from in the past. I would argue and complain and then weigh my options. If I was sure of the count, I would be more firm in arguing. If I wasn't sure because I had been drinking and distracted I might end up paying her but would not get any more dances from her as long as I remembered her and mention her name on here and to management in the club. In my opinion purposely charging for something you did not get is theft and a crime. Of course if it was something illegal to start with, you would be stupid to pursue. I once heard about a stupid criminal calling the police to report he wasn't given all the drugs he paid for.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Because of possible disagreements over the number of dances, I now often stick to familiar dancers and limit the number of dances I get from any other dancers.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
It's never happened to me in a negative way. I have been undercounted before though...which is nice. You have to stand your ground. The dancer, bouncers and management are probably counting on you just paying up to keep things quiet...Ask for the police and make a big stink and they'll usually back down...they don't really want negative press even within the club.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
I've actually never been in a dance count discrepancy before. I have, however, had customers that just don't have the money, as in they have maxed out all their credit cards.
I had one customer who racked up $970 dollars on lap dances. He had mostly cash, which I collected every 10 dances since I had never seen him before. He did need to use his card at the end and it was maxed out. He was $70 short. I just said no problem and.told him not to worry about it. If someone is spending $1000, I could care less about $70 plus id like him to come back.
I have one regular that spends 1000 a week over the course of three visits. He's got a serious club addiction. One of the worst I've seen.He will many times not have the money one day so I give him up to five dances and he comes back in a couple days when he gets paid and gives me the money then.
Many long term customers will also write me personal checks. I did take a personal check from a vacationer once. It was $60 bucks and I just figured what the hell.
avatar for IrishLad
14 years ago
I had it at OG Vegas as well. Asked a girl for a dance, she started fondling another girl while dancing for me, fine. After one song they demanded 2 songs each. I laughed, gave girl 1 a $20 and told her we were done. She called the bouncer. I told him she was trying to rip me off and that i was leaving, he seemed to think that was a viable solution. Sad but just, I spend several hundred dollars minimum when I go to a club in Vegas, that night it ended up being Cheetahs :-)

If the bouncer had tried to make me pay up I seriously doubt I would have changed my position. If he tried to detain me physically I'd call the cops on the spot.
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