Comments by TeoTommy
discussion comment
5 years ago
DFW, Texas
I've been to plenty of clubs, where the shift didn't seem to pique my interest. At that point it just depends on my mood. Sometimes I just leave. Other times I will look for a dancer who seems to be having a fun night, and give her a fly.
discussion comment
6 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
What I think almost no one understands is that Trump is the ultimate expression of Karma. Trump is what Washington deserved. Trump is what the Republicans deserve. Trump is what the Democrats deserve. Shakespeare git it right SO long ago. "A pox on both your houses!". Well guess what? Trump is a pox. If you gather the worst of our nation's self-defecating politicians in a swamp you will inexorably get a Donald J Trump. So everyone needs to take their antibiotics and clean up their shit, or the next one will be a cancer, and we'll be stuck with chemotherapy.
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6 years ago
I have literally dozens of relatives that worked long and hard and legally to first emigrate, attain legal residency and after decades claim their citizenship. I have more relatives somewhere in the process. But apparently they are all morons who have spent way to much time, money and effort, when the illegal way is much cheaper and easier.
You could do worse than show up at some random citizenship swearing in ceremony, and congratulating our newest Americans.
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6 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
Buy $900 of multi spectrum antibiotics.
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6 years ago
Local Hick
Been with more than a few intoxicated dancers, but only one stands out in my memory. This 30 something dancer with a MILF vibe falls into my lap and says, "I am so fucking wasted. I'll do whatever you want, but please don't fuck me." How could I possibly deny such an eloquent woman.
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6 years ago
New Jersey
If the local PD didn't have such a huge hard-on for busting local sex trafficking, I might actually check one out. But I know for a fact that local undercover units get a small budget for "inside surveillance". I don't think they bust AMPs for the sex, they bust for the trafficking.
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6 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I run away from lube HJs. Too many of her PLs complained it felt like she was trying to rip off his foreskin. She can bother to learn, hence the lotion.
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6 years ago
New York
Should put up on the club marquee, "heart attack lap dances, no extra charge."
I'd be in there, in a heartbeat.
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6 years ago
IMO, numbers aren't essential. But if you are going to post a numberless review, it better have some actual useful information, like I saw couple being treated well, the bouncer had bad BO, or the dancers spent all of their time on their phones. Stuff like that actually tells us a lot about the club.
If you post a generic review, without even bothering to say I paid X Y and Z, then you deserve to get your submission shit canned.
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7 years ago
New York
You can lease strippers? Shit, I've been waiting all my money just renting them.
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7 years ago
Fuck Joe Biden
The state of California has determined that looking at nekid wimin causes cancer of the eye, fingers tips and scrotum. Also, everything in Whole Foods. I saw the sign.
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7 years ago
For half that you can go get your Hump in Pahrump. Probably get the limo ride for free, too.
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7 years ago
Mistress L can smack you out of your doldrums.
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7 years ago
layin low but staying high
Hey, I'll go for a dance or two with a stripper who is honest and upfront about being low mileage. I can respect that. What burns me are the ROBs who promise the kitty vault and only deliver on a few nipples flicks.
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7 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I use strippers in a well ventilated area, as sometimes the fumes can be overwhelming.
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7 years ago
Off again on again PL
It’s a classic sales technique.
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
For a god VIP our big group of floor lapdances, I tip the cost of another lapdance. If I LDK, ditto. For real extras in the VIP, I tip 50-100% of the VIP trip. If everything was agreed to BEFORE the VIP, that’s different tho.
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7 years ago
Somewhere in the club
I go to a lot of clubs during the daytime, when the customer count is low. Some clubs wave the dancer’s stage fee if they come in during the slow hours, then let them stay for tge busy night shift. Anyway, a lot of the time they as bored out of their minds. If the club AC is down low, they may also be cold.
I have had plenty of girls sit down and talk with me, simply because they are bored. I will always pay for a dance or two, to a nice girl. I’ve had some sit in my lap, just to warm up a little. Sometimes the SS can be entertaining. If a girl sits in my lap, I usually start giving her a one hand shoulder massage by the start of the second song. They will just melt under your hand, especially if they are working the tail end of a long, long night. I remember one particular visit where the girl had her ass down square on my dick, squirming while my hands were working a few knots out of her shoulders. It was three or four songs before her moaning caught the attention of the manager. But it was obvious that it was making her moan. Still, she skeddadled, rather than catch hell. Maybe a song later, I have another dancer plop down in my ass, demanding what the first girl got. It didn’t take long for the manager to show up again. I slipped him a pair of $20s and thanked him for keeping an eye out for us. Three more dancers, some FIV, and generous stick shifting LDK made for a very entertaining afternoon.
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7 years ago
A Solid 6. Most ink doesn’t bother me. Cheap tattoos are a turn off, but really goid tattoos can attract my attention. If she had the right personality, that could bump her up to a 7, as could being physically more fit.
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7 years ago
Off again on again PL
“Oh yeah. Fuck. Right there, Right there! Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Oh Ffffuuuuucccckkkkk! Shit, you are amazing.” Then I slip her an extra 20. “What days do you normally work? I’d like to dance with you again.”
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8 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Samuel Gawith - Squadron Leader
Rattray - Marlin Flake
Sutliff - Maple Street
Solani - Aged Burley Flake
A good burl pipe is a thing to be treasured, but don't knock the cobb pipe.
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8 years ago
I'd pay her what she says I owe, then tip her what I think would be fair. Minimum would be $100 total.
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8 years ago
$100 On The Cum? No matter how you get there? Sounds like a good deal. So no cum = no pay, right?
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8 years ago
Never had one complain. On the other hand, I've had a few actively try to cause one, and one who thought it was SO cool to get me to LDK
discussion comment
8 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Slippery Virgin Nipple