
Don’t you just hate it......

layin low but staying high
Thursday, January 11, 2018 7:02 PM
When a 9.5 turns out to be low mileage. What a waste of a stripper. This one looked like heaven. Until I heard her rules. I tuned her out after the speech about her hyper sensitive ticklish nipples. But she might have said that erections are not allowed. And she was only 18 too. Has the under age wristband on. We could have had a beautiful relationship.


  • Dougster
    6 years ago
    Pretty rare, IME. The best looking girls always seem to be the ones most open to fun. Then again I am a RICH STUD. For the vast majority of the board who are just DUMB FAGs their experience might be different.
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    Erections are not allowed???? Are you sure you were in a strip club? Maybe it was just a pole dance fitness class that you followed some redhead into by mistake?
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Blond actually. Its a strip club.
  • rattdog
    6 years ago
    after tomorrow night when all guys get paid by their jobs she won't ever be back, sounds like she can't stomach this line of work. unless she switches to being a waitress, shit i mean shot girl or bartending.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    It's only happened to me twice. The first was a girl who was an absolute knockout, but had her own $1000 club. By the time a guy had spent that on her (and this was a low mileage Baltimore juice bar) she would condescend to do more that straddle you and shake her ample chest. Sad, because she really was a nice person and very honest. The second was a girl named Georgia at the late, lamented 1320 Club II in Springfield VA. A beautiful girl (a redhead, JS!) who actually did a lot of dances. We went back, and the first thing she did was recite a litany of all the things she/I couldn't do. She then lived down to all of them. Too bad. A VCU student who was a solid 9.2.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Chill attitude. Got high with me. I had such great expectations. The little head just didn’t see this coming and now he’s sulking. Might have to buy him some kisses.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Maybe she said elections were not allowed and you misunderstood her b/c of the music
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    99 bottles of beer on the wall one of those bottles should happen to fall what a waste of good alcohol 98 more to go
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I just did a couple cheap air dances with her. Yes I’m pathetic. But so are you so shut the duck up. She complained that things were slow tonight. I wonder why. She is clearly convinced that I’m going to do a VIP with her and save her night. I’m not that pathetic. Really.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    You'll do a VIP with her - somehow you'll convince yourself
  • TeoTommy
    6 years ago
    Hey, I'll go for a dance or two with a stripper who is honest and upfront about being low mileage. I can respect that. What burns me are the ROBs who promise the kitty vault and only deliver on a few nipples flicks.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Dougstet, Not correct. The best looking girls not always to be the ones most open to be fun. I know a girl who is absolute knock out.She doesn't even allow feeding.
  • ButterMan
    6 years ago
    I can relate there's a 9.5 blonde at my favorite Club that's a lot like this easy to talk to gorgeous girl but her LD is very lackluster and will leave you disappointed it's just above an air dance
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I feel for you. It's like the stripper who came to my house but would not lick my balls. My balls don't like being disrespected.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I assume the 9.5 will be low mileage. If it happens to be more that's great. Anyone who actually believes the hotter women are more open to fun than the uglier women has not only never been to a strip club, they've never even been on a date. Silly, silly comment.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    Reminds me of the dancer I met in my first review of Gold Club Tampa. I would have gladly blown both loads with her, but she wouldn't let my hands leave my side. If I'd stuck around she would have wondered why I wasn't buying any more dances from her.
  • lmgol075
    6 years ago
    Fortunately have only had this happen to me once. New girl started working at my regular club. Drop dead gorgeous. Probably one of the best looking girls there. Probably 23-24 years old, brown hair, little curvy but not overboard. Huge natural pierced boobs - much more than a handful but proportionate to her body. Heard it was her first club, so I waited a month or two before I got a dance from her. What a complete waste of time. Never put her boobs in my face or really even showed them to me. While she was grinding, I put my hands on her waist and she immediately moved them off and said no touching. Finished the song and walked away. Fast forward about 4 months or so and went to the club with a group of friends. One of them took a liking to her. I didnt say anything since I wanted to see if things changed with her in that time. After he got a dance from her and came back I asked him how it was he said biggest waste of $20. Hardly any grinding, not boob action and went to touch her and shut down. Said while he was talking to her she was a real bit**. Talking about how she runs the club, is a top earner there blah blah blah. I laughed and said yeah, thats what shes always sitting alone, most of the other girls complain about her and hate her, and when shes on main stage is lucky to have 2-3 people sitting there. What a shame and waste of a 9
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