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joined Jul 2012last seen Feb 2023

Reviews by chessmaster

Comments made by chessmaster

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2 years ago
avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
When you get called a n*gga but you're white
"General rules of thumb for the n-word, in all its varieties. 1. If you aren’t African American, don’t use it. 2. If you find yourself around AA’s who use this term, find new friends. 3. If you find yourself around non-AA’s who use this term, you may pause to cringe, and then find new friends." From the nigga perspective: 1. If youre white or asain(among others) dont use it. 2. If you find yourself around niggas who use the word nigga, dont be alarmed. You may or may not need new friends. 3. If you find yourself around only non-niggas, then yes cringe and find new friends.
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2 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
Evil Lair
Rich sanctuary state sends "asylum seekers" to military concentration camp
Imagine people in your neighborhood telling you you should not only take in the homeless, but feed them, bathe them and clothe them. But I can't let them into my home amd take care of them. But you should.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
The A-team Vs the B-eam
The problem I have is maybe there's 1 or 2 A-team (already taken) and a lot of C or less team." I think in this scenario some actual B teamers get promoted to the A team because they are surrounded by the C team.
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3 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
The A-team Vs the B-eam
"Example - I’m at a dive club, and there’s a rare A-team member. Most of the clientele is broke or more interested in chugging beers, then I’ll go after the A-Team. Example - I’m in a huge club in a large city, there’s plenty of A-Team talent but most appear to have major attitudes and a line of douches / whales ready to gobble up all their attention. Well usually there’s even more B-Team talent which can be easy pickings and a recipe for a great night. Some of my best nights ever have been with B-Team talent, and even C-Team talent because there were no better options." Interesting. I always found the B-team at the big clubs to be better than the lone A-teamer at the dive. But that could be I'm not a big enough whale even in the dives. Plus, I like variety so I will probably have a better time with multiple talent from the B-team at the big clubs.
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3 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.
The A-team Vs the B-eam
Its a real dilemma. You want the A-team along with everyone else. They know this and thus they also know they dont have to put in as much effort to achieve the same results as most of the B-team and all of C-team. You also want some effort. You have to find the balance between how much effort you want and how much talent you want to sacrifice.