
What would you do with $1800 in TJ ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 6:45 PM
Someone a few days ago started a Topic about having sex with his favorite porn star. Evidently he had the opportunity to spend one hour with her but the cost was $1800. For a one hour session. The majority of the comments on that thread said that was too much money to spend on one session with one girl. But it got me thinking. How much fun could I have with $1800 in TJ ? On my typical trip to Zona Norte, I'll stay 3 nights in Cascadas. Get the VIP card and then get a Jacuzzi suite. During those 3 days, I'll have 8 sessions of Arriba, 3 of those sessions will be 3-somes with two girls. I'll do ficha drinks with each girl before the arriba. Then I'll probably do another 15-18 fichas with other girls during the 3 days. All that will cost me less than the $1800 he was going to spend for one hour. Who got the better deal ? What could you get out of $1800 in TJ ? Be creative !


  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Between 30 and 35 hour long sessons with tj sg lol
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    Oddly enough, $1,800 is typically what I have budgeted for my past two trips to TJ and the one next month. Frankly, the guy who spent $1,800 for one hour with his favorite porn star either has money to burn or is a hopeless loser of epic proportions. My guess is the latter. WTF? Did he think she was going to fall in love with him and marry him? We all have our favorite porn stars (mine are probably in their 60s by now), but even for a young, hot one, I doubt I'd pay more than $300 an hour for, if even that. As for what I'd do with $1,800 in TJ, nothing quite as elaborate as @Warrior. After paying for the flight, hotel, parking at the airport and meals, I usually have about $250-$300 to spend per night, for four nights. One arriba per night, a lot of tipping at the shaving cream shows and some fichas, in addition to my 4-5 beers per night.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    warrior... i just got back from doing basically what you suggested...
  • BudWeedGuy
    5 years ago
    My wife and I are going soon. We are budgeting 3k. We are first timers. There are 2 of us and we will likely bring up one at a time sometimes and 1 for each sometimes. We plan on spending 3 nights at the hotel. Likely to be friday - sunday. 3k will include flight from detroit (500 RT for 2), hotel, food, drinks, girls ,etc. All included. Everything I've read says dont pinch pennies and have a great time. So that's our plan. Wont spend more than 100 for arriba for any one girl. Seem like enough?
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    $1800 is alot in TJ like $5000 here. You can buy more than one pussy trophy.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    $1800 3 night hotel = $120 4 days of meals/drinks = $100 Transportation = $80 12 arribas = $1080 Fichas = $270 Meals for chicas = $100
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I'm more with Countryman and Cristobal. Will be seeing women regularly in TJ, forming relationships with them. My life has never really been limited by or dependent upon large amounts of money. SJG [view link] “Unconscionable & Unacceptable”: Rep. Barragán Decries Detention of Migrant Children in Prison Cells [view link]
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I could probably get 5-7 days out of that in TJ.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I've read accounts of guys who have gone to Thailand and booked a girl for 5 days and 5 nights. SJG
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    My initial response was using HKTJ pricing as my base, but if I visit CC or AB instead of HK my dollar would stretch much further. 15 arribas would cost approximately $1050 (the other prices should stay relatively the same).
  • BudWeedGuy
    5 years ago
    I had planned on basically everything you wrote out, cristobal. Thank you for that. I also had thought about all of the $1 here and there will likely be another $50 or so. Tipping at the stage and for groping another $100 - $200 (2 of us... one budget) Flight: Detroit to SAN rt: 500ish for 2 To and from border: 100 Hotel: 200 (3 nights) Drinks/fichas: 400 Tips: 200 Arriba: 600 - 800 (6 - 8 girls) Food: 100 Miscellaneous: 500ish. Comes to just under 3k. Am I way over saving for this? I want to make it the best trip possible so we keep coming back.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    @budweedguy In my budget, I included the various $1 tips but since I rarely grope, so that is not in my budget.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    We are not gonna talk bout my budget lol. I have had chicas that know me drop other mongers in the middle of a ficha when they see me. If i like them i spoil them
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    So i am the worst monger in the world to talk about a budget
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    From Countryman's posts, it is clear that he gets results in the HK Bar. SJG
  • TeoTommy
    5 years ago
    Buy $900 of multi spectrum antibiotics.
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