Is it possible........

avatar for skibum609
...that the Democratic party will actually find a worse candidate that Hillary and lose to the moron Trump again? You wouldthink it impossible, but John Kerry and Hillary Clinton make it possible....... Why don't they nominate Steny Hoyer and try to pretend they're Americans?


last comment
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Polling yesterday shows that Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris would beat Trump if election were today:…

I think I have a preference for Warren -- but I would vote for Biden as a safer way to get rid of the idiot in office. This is no time for a risky candidate.
i say run jimmy carter & walter mondale again. yeah, i'm serious.

why not? they're both still alive. only pair left around who haven't had a second term.

so, give it to 'em. give 'em a second shot, since folks like to criticize their past administration in the 70s

hell, carter & or mondale may even be both talked into not taking a salary this time around.

i'd vote for 'em--if they were running together, regardless

Oh Ran-Dumb-Member. Why am I not surprised that you would support Pocahontas ?
A strong economy and stock market is a huge tailwind for any incumbent - the economy often trumps all except fir the most idealistic types.

But I think Trump will have less supporters than in 2016 bc of the many shenanigans he's pulled as president - but the strong economy may make many voters gun-shy about electing a big-government democrat to fuck it up.
I’m never going to vote for Trump, I think anyone would be better even J. Fred Muggs.
The DNC will put Biden up against Trump since he also represents the status quo and won't change shit. So yeah, people won't have much of a choice. Why vote for Trump light when you can have the original Trump? Abstentionism will win it for Trump again if Biden goes up. And if Biden does manage to win, it will be a Pyrrhic victory.
@skibum Trump is going to lose, how badly depends on the Republican party, if they don’t get their shit together and stand up for what’s right, you’re gong to have not only a liberal congress, but all three branches will be open to give away every dime that we work for.
He will win, and we will see the autistic screeching of the left only get worse.
The Democratic party to a large-extent seems hell-bent in going way left, this for the most-part concerns and scares Republicans/conservatives and perhaps many independents which I think would vote Republican mainly to avoid the ultra-left from gaining power vs bc they love the Republican candidate.
No, the party is just going back to it's roots. I wish someone would bring back Eisenhower Republicans.... at least they weren't the loony fringe we have today.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
It's unclear from the article whether enough polling was done in states to predict electoral college results, which is what matters. I'd be surprised if Warren or Sanders could carry the electoral college versus Trump and a little less surprised if Harris could. It would not surprise me if Biden could, but if Biden is the Dem candidate hopefully he will carefully select running mate because if Biden's elected he will be 78 years old at inauguration time.
It is always an issue for both parties, pick a centrist candidate, or pick one who will bring more of their own people out.

Hillary Clinton was a very centrist candidate.

Elizabeth Warren really is too, but with Right Wing Media, the center is really now in right wing nonsense land.

It’s still early in the primary season, so the candidates are courting the money available from the activists wing of the party. As the field narrows, the remaining candidates will moderate to seek the support of more centrist Dems and Independents. And in any case, even if the overall makeup of Congress shifts left and a far-left President is elected, Congress will still end up being, when averaged out, a mixed bag. Which would moderate any implementation of a far-left President’s policy proposals.
What the President did with his racist attack on the progressive wing of the Democratic party, was to wake up the progressives and make them realize that they don't really have the votes to move so far to the left, what needs to happen and it appears likely that unlike the last election, the Sanders voters have woken from some of their crazier dreams, and will be sure to vote for the eventual nominee, most likely to be a more pragmatic centrist.
We don't know what can be done politically, who can put out a message which people will accept, and what kind of a message.

Right Wing nonsense media though has been poisoning the electorate for decades now. It is nonstop, and it has no relation to reality.

avatar for prevert
6 years ago
“Right Wing nonsense media...”

I’d say Left Wing nonsense media has been doing the same thing, only in the other direction. Neither one of them pays much attention to the truth from what I’ve seen.
There really is no left wing nonsense media.

Right wing nonsense is the main thing on the internet. Other than that the most extreme thing is Fox

Remember that I come from back when there was just the official news, before the internet and before Cable TV.

It was just network, really 3 of them.

I think we have to make it clear that by "left wing" these fucking morons mean anything not pandering to the alt right ie KKK type nonsense.
By left wing I mean the 4 assholes Trump went after. None are americans in my book, although like many other vile, desapicable traitors they are American citizens. Simple fact is that screeching racism means nothing any longer. The Democratic party is filled with stupid bigots, but being non-white its a-ok with democrats. Thats why Omar can make the most vile accusations against jews and go unpunshed. Bish v. Kerry is hap[pening again.
Two legitimate fears:

We nominate Biden on "electability" and he pulls a Kerry and loses. I would argue most of Bidens issues don't matter as much vs Trump such as "old" "slightly creepy with women" and "a bit of a loose cannon". All three of those apply as much or more to Trump.

Fear two is we nominate a progressive who polls well but loses. Warren seems to have all the markings of a candidate whose actual votes won't match her polling.

Obviously this President had been a huge failure, and I pray he will be the worst president we see in our lifetimes. He's ruined our international reputation and hurt our economy with trade wars. Putin is getting exactly what he wanted with an incompetent President. I really hope the Republicans find someone better than Cruz or Rubio going forward.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Trump is going to have 18 months and $1Billion to prepare the battlefield before the Dems have a nominee. He has been building a database of supporters’ email and phone numbers, calculating what message each individual will respond to based on demographics. Oh, and lower unemployment and higher growth than we’ve had in decades. Trump’s approval numbers are at a high, even higher than Obama at this point.

There could be a black swan event that changes the election but, barring that, the odds are in Trump's favor.
^ Trump is his own Black Swan event
80% of all newspersons delf-identify as liberal but its right wing news. harry reasoner wouldn't piss on anyone at CNN even if they were on fire.
"... Obviously this President had been a huge failure, and I pray he will be the worst president we see in our lifetimes. He's ruined our international reputation and hurt our economy with trade wars ..."

Record unemployment and a record stock market I don't see as a huge failure.

And standing up to China and their corruption, and standing up to European countries that for decades took advantage of the US by not contributing to NATO as was agreed; finally standing up to them is a good thing - China and many European countries had been taking advantage of the US for decades and no one stood uo to them I guess in the name of "international relations".

I would like Trump to go about it a different way but IMO many of the things he's doing are for the betterment of the US in the long-run l, and change is often painful.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Cant trust the polls after 2016.
Skibum and Trump, the ultimate loosers of the world.

4 progressive congress women standing up for themselves:…

Lowering the unemployment rate and raising the stock market should not be things the POTUS is judged by.

Biden couldn't get it done in his previous runs for president when there was less dirt on him - I don't think Biden is a strong contender to beat Trump - up to recently I thought Elizabeth Warren would be Trump's toughest opponent but as of late not sure she's as formidable as I once saw her buy she may still be formidable enough.
Not a fan of Biden.

But Warren and Jay Inslee and many of the others look very good!

stock prices are based on speculation and unemployment rates only measure how many people apply for unemployment insurance.... They don't measure the actual state of the economy.

I think the DNC will force Biden on voters just as it did Clinton. In which case, Trump could get a second term thanks to abstentionism....
Democrats want someone other than Biden.

The unemployment rate and the stock market are irrelevant, just part of a boom and bust cycle which is very destructive.

avatar for prevert
6 years ago
I agree that the unemployment rate and the stock market are irrelevant along with the economy in general. I read somewhere that most economists claim that the president has little or no control or influence over the economy. They just take credit for it when it’s good and blame their predecessor when it’s bad.
Presidents get too much credit and blame for the economy. This stock market has also been funded by increasing the national deficit.
I agree with the above two posts, prevert and JamesSD.

It is really our economic system which is screwy, and dropping the top tax rate will only make it more so, deeper booms and busts

Yes, Presidents get too much credit, but I notice the democrats love to crow about it as well, so nothing new here. Of course the greatest economic times ever were under Clinton, but not really, as we were in recession until Newt took over.
Newt did nothing good. And that Newt take over was in 1994, the election most driven by Rush Limbaugh.

Yes, Democrats like to crow about it, and this is stupid.

What we need is an altered economic system, mostly we need to go back to pre-Reagan taxation levels, top rate 70%.

Clinton did

1. apply the extra 2% tax
2. Make small cuts to military spending

This was enough to really please the financial community. Said that he was not racing to drive the train off of a cliff.

It meant Price to Earnings ratios could be higher, because lower interest rates and a longer term view of corporate valuations.

Wish Clinton could have done more and his changes lasted. Wish he could have gotten his health care passed.

Presidents don't haved the power to apply or change tax law. That's a lie. Make small cuts in military spending? He passed his own defense bill without Congress? His predecessor was the one who closed military bases. Lie two. All done with you.
Of course the things he did were with passage of both houses of congress.

This was that first budget, where they had a state of the union and Hillary sat between John Scully and Alan Greenspan, it was to court the financial community. This was I think the first 100 days.

After that they were trying to pass health care, and were always a few votes short in the Senate. Then in the 94 election they lost both houses, so it was just playing defense legislatively for the remainder of his two terms.

Good SCOTUS and other appointments, but no legislative victories.

At 92 convention promised to "End welfare AS WE KNOW IT".

But everything was in those last 4 words. The actual Clinton-Gingrich bill which he signed has been a total disaster.

Remember that in the primary it was not Bill Clinton who pushed the idea of health care which "covered every American."

That came from Bob Kerry of Nebraska. Front runners Clinton and Tsongas picked it up."

Tom Harken of Iowa and Jerry Brown agreed on a workers rights and union representation policy to drive US tariff laws, so they would not have been supporting anything like NAFTA.

I am hoping today that maybe Andy Yang can be the one who pushes for UBI and gets it picked up by whomever the front runners turn out to be.

Yeah, we'll have UBI before Europe lol.

President Donald J Trump cannot win the 2020 Presidential Elections using his supporters alone.

He will need to win over Independents & Moderates in order to return to the White House...

The same exact scenario applies to whoever is the Democratic Nominee...

Moderates & Independents will determine the outcome of the 2020 Elections...
I like Yang a lot, but I'm extremely skeptical of the elections. I know people don't want Biden, but they didn't want Clinton and the DNC still pushed her on us. I think that's realistically what will happen unless someone else starts leading the primaries by a margin too large to make them comfortable with committing electoral fraud again...
Also 2020 Presidential Election will be determined by Six (6) States:

Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida & Arizona...

Whichever candidate wins a majority of these states wins the 2020 Presidential Election...

I will be supporting Vice President Joe Biden because he is the one best position to assemble the Obama Coalition & rally to victory in November 2020...

Based on the facts before me I believe President Donald J Trump will win Ohio & Florida...

Vice President Joe Biden will win Arizona, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin...

Michigan seems like a toss up to me right now...

A lot can change between now & November 2020 but these are predictions right now...

If Vice President Joe Biden is able to recapture the White working Class Voters who voted for both Former President Barack Obama & President Donald J Trump then Vice President Joe Biden wins the 2020 Presidential Election...

Progressive are a tiny minority of the Democratic Party...

Moderates who make up the Largest Majority of the Democratic Party want Uncle Joe Biden

The DNC didn’t push Hillary Clinton on us...

Hillary Clinton was the Candidate because 3 Million People votes for her than Bernie Sanders...

Heck there isn’t a Realistic Party to the Nomination for Bernie Sanders if he can’t win over the Black Vote...

There is only one candidate who is best position to recapture the Midwest & that candidate is Former Vice President Joe Biden...

Progressive policies including free healthcare for illegals & Decriminalizing Border Crossing isn’t gonna win you a Election in the Midwestern States critical to the Presidency...
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
"If Vice President Joe Biden is able to recapture the White working Class Voters...l"

Good point, and I think he can, but even more significant is that Biden has a huge lead in the polls among AA voters:…

I take it this is nothing more than a carry-over from being Obama's VP?
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
^^^ Not very nice; I do the best I can with limited intelligence.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
if enough people stay home, out of disgust with the eventual democrat nominee, Trump can win with just his core supporters.

Just nominate a decent, sane person, one committed to reunifying the country and creating more good jobs. Someone who loves America and doesn’t think all white people are bigots. The problem is, none of the 20 candidates meet this criteria.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
"Just nominate a decent, sane person, one committed to reunifying the country and creating more good jobs"


@Mark94 copied the above passage, verbatim, from Tom Friedman's NY Times article. You can do a Google search to verify. Mark is such an original thinker!

Friedman makes a good point about not nominating someone with revolutionary ideas. For example, improve the ACA and give the option to buy into Medicaire without throwing 150M people off their private insurance. Incremental changes.
A nice incremental change would be removing every illegal alien. Prosperity would follow.
^ “If wishes were fishes”
If every illegal was deported Trumps businesses would be among the first to fail.
That's what is called a fringe benefit.
Having immigrants is good for this country. And as many are refugees we have a moral obligation to take them.

As far as Skibum, no one should have to put up with him.

Having immigrants WAS good for America. They are now a financial and societal burden. We have no moral obligation to foreigners. They are the enemy. When the economy crashes illegals won't even be worth their weight as dog food.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Australia and Canada have a merit based immigration system.

Got a million dollars to invest in a business ? Got an engineering degree ? Come on in !

Planning on living off welfare ? See you later !

That’s a system that works.
Immigrants are not in anyway a drain on America.

That type of Australian system, that does not do anything good.

We have a hard enough time finding adequate jobs for our own educated people as it is now.

Being able to have employment which uses your skills is really a privilege, not a guarantee, and not properly understood as any kind of an obligation either.

The more we can publicly support people to live, like UBI, the more that expands our economy.

Most of this stuff you guys are posting is just about protecting America's Rich from America's Poor.

I can def see the merits of merit-based immigration - but from what I see most immigrants that come to the US bust their ass working and at times are exploited via being underpaid - many do jobs most Americans don't wanna do for pay most Americans would not accept - I'm not sure how much of a correlation there is b/w illegal aliens and welfare - I'm not even sure if they qualify for many welfare programs being illegal - thinking that immigrants come here to get on welfare does not jive with what I see and seems more of a political urban legend - I see way way more immigrants pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and improving their lives thru hard work than living off the government.

IMO immigration needs to be legal and controlled bc it's hard to assimilate so many people at once - but throughout US history one can argue immigrants have given more than have taken away - not to mention that many considered Americans are from immigrant backgrounds themselves.
illegal aliens correlate to about $135 billion in tax payer funds
We need a break from immigration anyway we are full, we don't do enough taking care of our own homeless and vets look at California for example.

"immigration needs to be legal and controlled" Basically correct, but ...

Problem is 1. Most attempts to control are just racism, and idiotic ideas from right wing media.

2. Hard to control when there are problems in other places in the world, and so you have refugees who are desperate.

^^^^^ economic and global climate factors will create even more crisis situations around the world, some causing more refugees coming to the US.

We have not lived in a scarcity based economy since the 1870's. We have lived in a surplus based economy. So all the rules have to change.

But people don't want to see this, so we have wide spread poverty, environmental devastation, and don't forget about the two world wars.

In the 1870's it was ending reconstruction in the South, so that it could be a consumer base, and using the West as a raw materials base.

There's pros and cons to immigration - I'm not sure which outweighs which but my gut tells me if done right the pros outweigh the cons
This country was founded by immigrants when we stop attracting the attention of the rest of the world and the desire to come here goes away, we will be a poorer nation, but there is necessity to have some checks and balances, on how people can come here, and we don’t need politicians like this president to foment crises, that put our border controls at risk, for his own political gains.
Immigration is good. But also, in times like this we really cannot stop it.

In the 1870's, the issue was over production of steel, in the UK, causing a recession. Those recessions hurt, but they also tell us that we are no longer in scarcity economies, but are in surplus economies.

In the 1930's it was simply the wild money orgy, created by advancing technology, but also by Harding dropping the 90% top tax bracket.

It had to end.

Keynesianism did wonders for a long time, but it still would have had its limits. Anyway, people elected Ronald Reagan, and ever since we have operated on Voodoo Economics.

Having a job is no longer a right nor an obligation.

Full employment is no longer desireable or practical.

We live on a spaceship, we must protect it ecologically, and making sure there is adequate distrubution has to be the objective.

Concerns about things like federal coffers really are secondary. We adjust our money system to make what we need to do happen. The money system is not the objective and it is not what controls us.

avatar for TeoTommy
6 years ago
I have literally dozens of relatives that worked long and hard and legally to first emigrate, attain legal residency and after decades claim their citizenship. I have more relatives somewhere in the process. But apparently they are all morons who have spent way to much time, money and effort, when the illegal way is much cheaper and easier.

You could do worse than show up at some random citizenship swearing in ceremony, and congratulating our newest Americans.
America is no longer a country and the reason is immigration. Highest percentage ever if foreign born citizens and when you add in illegals you know why we failed. Allowing in so many foreigners is like losing weight. If you never stop; you die.
avatar for prevert
6 years ago
Agreed Papi.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
The difference between an “ immigrant” and an “illegal immigrant” is like the difference between a bank customer and a bank robber. People, like me, who oppose illegal immigration can still be in favor of legal immigration. I am.
Its not that simple. The constitution guarantees rights to residents, not specifically citizens... as do most American laws. Undocumented Americans reside in the US.... and with the private sector renting homes to them, allowing them to bank, employing them, etc.... their status is essentially that of de facto citizens. If you want to blame anyone or anything for illegal immigration, blame capitalism and the private sector.
Biden is the most likely candidate to win the primaries, and he will beat Trump. That is probably the most likely scenario.

Liz Warren is very capable. If anyone pulled off an upset and beat Biden, it would be her. Both Biden and Warren would beat Trump.

Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris would have a shot at beating Trump, but I wouldn't want to take a risk. Bernie is too polarizing, whereas Biden will snag a substantial amount of Independent votes.

That's about it. If I could choose, Liz Warren would win. She lays out her plans and I think she would get shit done. My second choice would be Biden. Third would be Bernie, and Kamala would place fourth.

I don't really care about any other candidates at this point.
Biden won't beat Trump....
Polls had Clinton winning unanimously... Biden will just be a repeat... not because people will vote Trump, but because of Democrat abstentionism
Personally, if anyone other than Biden or Harris get the nomination, I'm voting Democrat. If not, I'm voting Green as usual.... I'm not being coerced into the two party system just to give it legitimacy...
"A nice incremental change would be removing every illegal alien. Prosperity would follow."

LOL, if you removed every "illegal alien" from this country, average people wouldn't be able to afford food. Undocumented workers are a huge part of the agricultural industry. So if starvation is the prosperity you are talking about, then you're spot on.
Nina, you cited an example of liberal racism. You support the presence of undocumented Americans as a source of cheap labor aka modern day slaves rather than being an ally of their plight.
Ahh so progressives want illegals here so they can abuse them and make them work for low wages so they can have cheap inceberg lettuce? Ok, at least you're honest. Liz Warren has noi chance of beating Trump. America has seen a Massachusetts Senator run against an unpopular incumbent, but Hanoi John lost; just like Pocahontas Liz would. Maybe Mike Dukakis could run again lol. By the way the Defacto citizen quote was the single stuiderst thing ever said by anyone. They are criminal leeches. Wait until the next recession comes; then lets see how popular these leeches will be.
Mark94, an immigrant being here unlawfully is not anything like as you say a "bank robber". They are not depriving anyone of anything or harming anyone. You have to keep this in perspective.

Skibum posted, "A nice incremental change would be removing every illegal alien. Prosperity would follow."

We have a broken economic system. We already produce enough of everything which everyone needs so that every person could live better than royalty had in the past. How much more prosperity do you expect?

If you mean building up huge holdings in the stock and real estate markets, that is just profiting from labor divisions. Beyond a point that becomes very harmful to our economy and ecology.

You Skibum want to hold onto a world where you live off of the sweat of others.


Alice Smith -- House of the Rising Sun……

Cry -- Doyle Bramhall II and Alice Smith…

Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights w/ Doyle Bramhall II, note the introduction of harmonic notes…

A Landmark Study on the Origins of Alcoholism…

ALICE SMITH - love don't live here anymore…
As long as no one gets hurt, bank robbery is actually a victimless crime...banks are insured against robbery.
Your stupidity and banal criminal mind never ceases to amaze me Icey. Luckily you're a fraud and none of it is real. SJG people like me work our asses off supporting the vermin and excrement that supports the democratic party. Filthy, useless, lazy leeches. Worst part is you whine and bitch constantly. Those who contribute nothing always disparage the efforts of those who support them. Children, ignorant children, leap to mind.
"Nina, you cited an example of liberal racism. You support the presence of undocumented Americans as a source of cheap labor aka modern day slaves rather than being an ally of their plight."

I absolutely did not, and I'm not sure how you can spin it that way when my point was quite clear. Someone made a comment about removing every undocumented worker, so I pointed out that if that were to happen, Americans would starve. I said nothing slavery, I simply pointed out how prevalent immigrants are in agriculture and that our agricultural industry would collapse if we removed the people who make it thrive. Point out where I was wrong. Even if I were to say that the cheap labor of immigrants is beneficial to me, there is absolutely nothing racist about saying that. Facts aren't racist.

Nothing I said even hinted that all I care about was exploiting immigrants for cheap labor. You are really reaching with that one, unless you are really stupid enough to have had my point actually go over your head.

I have immigrants in my family, in fact my stepmom did not even get her citizenship until right before the 2016 election.

I clearly know much more about immigration than you and have probably been a far better ally to undocumented immigrants than you ever will be.
I think all discussions of national politics, on tuscl and elsewhere, should feature Nina’s avatar. It makes all things better.
She does have beautiful breasts, with a nice smile.
Nina you can now ask for political donations if you get enough small dollar donors you will qualify for matching funds
That’s my contribution 💙
If you want to understand the overwhelming power of Nina’s breasts, look no further than the fact that Ski and I agree on them. I’m pretty sure he and I disagree as to whether the sky is blue.
lmao Jimmy - good one - and tru
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
President Trump’s approval rating has been improving and now is at his all-time high and just a few points shy of what’s needed to guarantee him a second term.

In the latest SurveyMonkey/NBC poll out Friday, Trump is at 48% and he reached 49% in a daily poll this month.

At one point, all the Democrats needed to win back the Presidency was not be crazy. The Dem debates, and the Squad, have failed that test.
OK, mark94, but do you believe that? You didn't actually write that, you copied and pasted it from the very conservative (and biased) Washington Examiner.…
^ let’s just wait till November 2020 there will be a headline on every newspaper “YOUR FIRED”
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
I copied it and the numbers are accurate. Opinions can vary but facts are facts.
SurveyMonkey and NBC had Hillary with a comfortable lead over Trump, on election day.
I trust no pills. Polls are not much different than trolls. Generally full of shit just to get attention. However, when I travel on my day to day business over a 4 state region each month, I do find that most everybody is a Trump supporter. That was not the case in 2015/2016. Something changed the attitude of the same shit hole dive bars that I frequent. Not sure what, but something has changed the overall support. Who knows. Nobody will until 2020. The country seems to be completely split 50/50 with regard to political thought.
Although, I don’t trust pills, as my spellchecker suggests, the word I meant to type was POLLS.
If they ran Hillary again she would likely crush Trump, now that people see what a Trump presidency is like. Similarly, as long as too much goofiness doesn't come out about Biden, he at least beats Trump. If the democrats put up a progressive, they might lose, though. And it's looking like there's a fair chance they'll do so
I personally would prefer to see the Dems select one of the young guns. Sen. Mike Bennett from Colorado, for instance, has a good mind, seems to be realistic, and is more centrist. Trouble is, no one knows him. There’s 5 more like him.
As someone in their mid-70’s, I feel qualified to say Biden is too old (as is Trump) and the country needs a different type of choice than last time.
There’s still a good chance we’ll be in recession by election year. The first quarter of 2019 had a reverse yield curve, which is and has been a precursor to every one of the last seven recessions.
Elizabeth Warren has a good mind, has well thought out policy positions and is very capable, but lacks an electability gene in my view. I just don’t see people getting behind her.
The Dem. Party really fucked Sanders 4 years ago when they kept backing (and funding) Hillary despite their members clamoring for Bernie. But the fact is I think he’d have a stroke if he did the job a President should do.
Of course the current POTUS doesn’t do the job - ignores of skips briefings, is unprepared for meetings, etc. I never heard a POTUS admit to having free time until DT came along.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
“If they ran Hillary again she would likely crush Trump, now that people see what a Trump presidency is like.”

Yeah, I am sick and tired of low unemployment, high growth, more favorable trade agreements, and troop drawdowns. Fucking Trump !
Many of Trump's antics leave me SMH - but as a conservative commentator once said "I rather have a second-rate fireman than a first rate arsonist" - meaning I rather have president that stands up for most things I believe in politically, vs a super-duper candidate that politically stands against most things I believe in.
The things which Trump is standing up for are completely illogical, like for example lower taxes and the supply side logic which wants business leaders to lead our society. Government should never be following a business logic.


The most complicated cars ever made…
Unfortunately, stupidity, ignorance and racism are not in short supply in America.

Consequently, it is entirely possible that President Turdbucket will be re-elected.
Better than any democratic candidate. Sad as that sounds. Racism lol. Bullshit.
What I’m laughing about is how incredibly inconsistent you Trumpublicans have turned out to be, such a bunch of phony bullshitters, I mean originally you guys were Tea Partiers, but now the debt doesn’t matter, you’re all full of shit, and it’s gonna be interesting anyone voting for the con man needs to have a full battery of psychological testing.
^^^^^^^^ Doesn't happen that often: I agree with twentyfive.

Gotta watch our for war with Iran.

Trying to understand it:…

Iran Crisis…


Paramore: Hard Times…
People voted for Trump because the Democratic party is no longer an American political party. As far as increasing the national debt? Well demographics being what they are I don't give a fuck about debt I won't be paying. Citing the Guardian = anti-american retard.
LOL 1.2 Trillion budget deal what a crock of shit, you fuckn retards are going to be dealing with your Chinese overlords, and their enforcers the Russians whom they hired to fuck up our elections you’ useful idiots been conned so bad and don’t even know it.
No, people voted for Trump because with decades now of Reagan's voodoo economics, and of right wing nonsense media, they no longer know which way is up.

Democrats have been too timid.

How pray tell will you escape the ugly future you predict for the rest of us 25?
Don't know, but why would you worry about it, you've told us you're gonna spend it all before you go, to that big ski run in the sky, me I've been trying to wake some shortsighted idiots up, and get rid of the orange idiot, before he steals as much as he can carry, and gives the rest to his buddy Putin.
After all your talk about greed, have you ever seen a POTUS as greedy as this fuck.
So the democrat platform of intersectionality lets compete to figure out who can be the biggest victim, everything free for everyone, no borders, kill babies but pay for lifetime medical benefits for illegals, $15 minimum wage which will cost an estimated loss of 3.7 million lost jobs, and people who don't want to vote for a scumbag democrat is the retard. Fuck outta here, it sucks we have to pick the lesser of two evils but anyone who considers the commie wanna be leftists of the democratic party is the real retard. No democrat is going to even think about decreasing the deficit and will run it up even worse.

You are great complaining about Trump but never offer up even a slightest mention of who is better because you have no one. Haha and keep up with muh Russians, that is working great.
consider this

Economist Mike Kimel has noted that the former Democratic Presidents (Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and Harry S. Truman) all reduced public debt as a share of GDP, while the last four Republican Presidents (George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford) all oversaw an increase in the country's indebtedness.[38] Economic historian J. Bradford DeLong, observed a contrast not so much between Republicans and Democrats but between Democrats and "old-style Republicans (Eisenhower and Nixon)" on one hand (decreasing debt) and "new-style Republicans" on the other (increasing debt).[39][40] David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget, blamed the "ideological tax-cutters" of the Reagan administration for the increase of national debt during the 1980s.[41] Former Treasury official Bruce Bartlett attributed the increase in the national debt since the 1980s to the policy of "starve the beast".[42][43] While noting that George H.W. Bush's budget deal in 1990 was one of the reasons for improvement of the fiscal situation in 1990s, Bartlett was highly critical of George W. Bush for creating budget deficits by reducing tax rates and increasing spending in the early 2000s
@Txtwat A/K/A dougster, shut the fuck up already you had your chance but your such a pussy and stolen valor phony you never showed up at Tootsie's where you told everybody you were going to kick my ass, Five witnesses were there with me, you were the no show, all you do is snipe at me from under a slime covered rock and keep missing the mark, you are nothing, never have been anything and never will be anything, adios motherfucker.
Well that democratic party doesn't even remotely exist anymore just hating trump so vote for anyone else doesnt solve anything, you know they wont reduce it and will make it larger, dems want more gov and more taxes to waste. They have no savior they have no candidate worth a shit.
@ime Obama raised the deficit as well, but prior to that the deficit was a province of Republican spending, and if you think that these idiots running the country now are doing a good job, I'm not the one being conned.
Shut down the government til debt is paid, and cut it in 4th.
You get me wrong I love the country not the government.
And the dems are just running a different con, fuck them all.
^ That's not completely wrong.
It looks like finally the insanity of Reagonomics and Striving to Save Up Money, is finally being questioned, and a least some are starting to see what a mess has been made.

And the four women progressive democrats in the House is a most encouraging sign.

Life is great. Money to make; plenty of vacations; wine; weed; strippers; skiing; golf; dining by the water's edge; watching the Democratic party eat itself. Life be muthafuckin a-ok SJG.
^^^^^ Efforts totally wasted, worthwhile careers denied, because of Reaganomics and the Work Ethic. And to make things worse, having to endure the senile suicidal ramblings of creeps like skibum609


Lots of weird and dangerous stuff going on.…
Is Trump still president? I thought the dems suceeded and impeached him.
^^^^^ Working on it! But there is still more to do to correct for decades of right wing media poisoning the electorate.

Watching the leech SJG melt down when Trump wins again is going to be funny.I see a lot of young people in Maga hats and the more pictures of invaders swarming across the border like locusts, the more conservative we will become. Next recession peopleare going to be going after illegals with a vengeance.
What you fail to realize is what’s happening now is the equivalent of giving antibiotics to a healthy child, at some point that child will fall ill, and the disease will have built an immunity to all of the known antibiotics.
This is why overstimulation will create, an asset bubble, with more risk being added to the quest for greater returns.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Based on Mueller’s testimony, this rings true.

“ a remarkable rumor is circulating among some Democrats. This is – in the words of one source – that Mueller is ‘slowly losing his faculties’, that at the age of 74, the former special counsel is going senile. The source went on to say that this was one reason why Mueller had been ‘so intent’ on limiting the time and scope of the hearings today.”
^ where is this rumor circulating @mark, sounds like fake news
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
^ ( or, just watch his testimony. Painful).

“This particular source was a senior official in the last presidential administration and maintains good lines of communication into the DoJ. Democrats had a slightly different version of this rumor when Mueller handed in his report to the attorney general, William Barr. Then, they were briefing that the White House would brief that Mueller had dementia, spinning a lie in order to undermine what the administration fully expected would be a brutal report damning the president as a traitor.

Now that Mueller’s report is not what they wanted, these same Democrats are starting to believe that ‘lie’. It is tempting to see a psychological explanation for this.

For two years, President Trump’s critics viewed Mueller as a kind of superman, cape fluttering in the wind, who would destroy the Trump presidency with a mighty blow from a righteous fist. When Mueller said he could not prove – or ‘establish’ – that collusion had taken place, there was puzzlement and disappointment. He had not even tried to subpoena the President. He must have lost his mind.

The late request for Mueller to have a second by his side, his deputy, Aaron Zebley, has only turned up the heat under this simmering pot. One Democrat said it was ‘amazing’ that he had asked an aide to join him as a witness. President Trump himself agreed, tweeting that Zebley’s appearance was ‘a disgrace’. ‘VERY UNFAIR, SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. A rigged Witch Hunt!’”
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Mueller does seem out of it. So far he's added nothing.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
For anyone who has struggled seeing a family member or friend struggle with dementia, the behavior is painfully familiar. He has the same blank look in his eyes.
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
Trump will get re-elected.

On one hand you have the fractured, ineffective and flaccid democratic party comprised of slimy politicians each with their own self-serving agenda.

On the other hand you have the energetic and dynamic trump with a single unifying banner that crosses all party lines "make america great again"

One man, one army, one purpose. Trump is handily winning the game of thrones.

Additionally, none of the democrats take down attempts are working - trump relishes as the democrats exhaust themselves throwing any accusation that can stick as well as paint themselves into a corner by trump labelling the anti-american and far-left "Squad" as the face of the party.

2020 is going to be a bloodbath for the democrats and i wouldnt be surprised to see a reaganesque electoral landslide for trump.
Is it possible....

that Nicole was really IceyLoco this whole time? Both always seemed to post at the same times and have disappeared at exactly the same time...
Until both parties stop pendering to their base, or a moderate party arises, 2 douche bags will run against each other. I may nevere ever consider voting a Democrat into office ever again, but the idea Trump isn't a loud mouthed, ignorant buffoon is a non-starter. A human turd like him might be better than an animla turd like the democrats; yes all of them, but he/it is still a turd.
The Democrats are clowns. I see that now.
"Is it possible....

that Nicole was really IceyLoco this whole time? Both always seemed to post at the same times and have disappeared at exactly the same time..."

Too different of writing styles. They may know each other in real life though. Both bitter women.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
The battle between Republicans and Democrats is a cage match to the death. The only way it ends is if one party defeats the other so massively at the polls that they are wiped out for a generation.

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women
Bring on that Civil War you spoke of Skibum. Cause I'm going to be a behind the lines commando. Going where ever I need to, bringing back scalps. And all perfectly legal.

Mark94, good insights. But there will always be two parties, even if one of them takes a set back, even if the names change. After Nixon people predicted that the Republican Party was done for. Didn't last long though.

Good point Nina. Yes, very possible they were friends with the same agenda. Both seemed interested in discussing the law and legal careers, seemed to like and support Muslim women, and were anti middle aged men who pay strippers.
Nicole and IceyLoco are not the same person and I am quite sure that they will both be back and continuing to post regularly.

In the US we had had one Frances Wright, probably a better example if you want to understand what Liberalism means, than the current NeoLiberals, or the stuff that Right Wing Media puts out.

Frances Wright (September 6, 1795 – December 13, 1852), widely known as Fanny Wright, was a Scottish-born lecturer, writer, freethinker, feminist, abolitionist, and social reformer, who became a US citizen in 1825. The same year, she founded the Nashoba Commune in Tennessee, as a utopian community to demonstrate how to prepare slaves for eventual emancipation, but the project lasted only five years. In the late 1820s Wright was the first woman lecturer to speak publicly before gatherings of men and women in the United States about political and social-reform issues. She advocated for universal education, the emancipation of slaves, birth control, equal rights, sexual freedom, legal rights for married women, and liberal divorce laws. Wright was also vocal in her opposition to organized religion and capital punishment. The clergy and the press harshly criticized Wright's radical views. Her public lectures in the United States led to the establishment of Fanny Wright societies and her association with the Working Men's Party, organized in New York City in 1829, became so strong that its opponents called the party’s slate of candidates the Fanny Wright ticket.…

Blah, blah, blah, I can cut and post since I am no longer pretending to be Icey and Nicole and have reverted back to my simpering buffoon personna. Enjoy wearing your hair shirt this weekend; I will. SJG
^^^^^^^^ Skishit, one of the biggest proponents of UBI is Andy Stern, past President of SEIU.

Lots and lots of Americans would love to have an SEIU job. SEIU members elected Stern, are you going to call them "losers" you fucking creep?

Yeah nothing betterthan washing dishes for limosine liberal douchebags. A union guy as a psoponent of the taxpayer giving them money. Wow how fucking unique Get a fucking job you pompous, useless leech.
I the democrats keep fucking around demonizing everyone who doesn't agree with their every tiny little point, they'll lose again. Then they'll lose in 2024 to Pence.

Fucking morons.

Unless the U.S. can field a viable third party, America is fucked.
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