Pipe smoking
Atlanta suburb
Any body smoke a pipe with tobacco in it? I can't recall ever seeing one in a strip club. I am an ex cigarette smoker but the smell of cigarettes or pot doesn't bother me but cigars smell like shit. On the other hand I always liked the smell of a pipe but personally they got too hot for my mouth.
I dry heave at the smell of a stogie, and as an ex-cigarette smoker, I'm not huge fan of that smell on someone's clothes, but don't mind it while they are in the process of smoking. As a vaper now (yeah, I know, I'm a millenial douchebag), I almost always love the smell of someone's vape, but none match pipe tobacco.
Rattray - Marlin Flake
Sutliff - Maple Street
Solani - Aged Burley Flake
A good burl pipe is a thing to be treasured, but don't knock the cobb pipe.
Generally dancers like having a bit of a conversation-starter, and the smell f most of my tobaccos can be quite nice to them. But in some of the trashier places, the girls think it's cool to "steal" your pipe for a while, or yank it out of your teeth and stick it in their own mouths, all of which is simply inappropriate (you wouldn't do that with someone's drink, would you? or his cigarette?). So if the girls are all morons without any class (there is a certain allure to that type, you must admit ...) I (again) will choose not to bring the pipe(s) inside.
Nice pipes are a pastime in themselves. It's like having a deck of cards with you. You play with it, have stuff to do whenever you WANT to do stuff with your hands, and generally can have a better smoke than anyone who just lives by RJR's dictates. Of course the hobby-side of it appealing, learning all about the types of wood, the shapes of pipe, the designs, the great living carvers, and all of the different types of tobacco, flavored, unflavored, Balkan, English, so forth. But also, the non-hobby side of it is rather appealing too -- the experience of SMOKING it is SO much better than smoking a cheap cigar or any cigarette I've ever had. YOU choose the elixir, and it's not mass-manufactured. For me, I can take or leave the pipe, 100% of the time; I started it mostly to kick an addiction which I noticed was starting up for cigarettes; and it worked just fine, I don't crave cigarettes at all any more. In fact, I haven't smoked my tobacco-pipe in about six months or a year. It's about the EXPERIENCE, not just the NICOTINE.