Joined Jun, 2011
Last Seen Sep, 2021
Front Room
3 years ago
Should Strip Clubs and Casino's be held responsible for
Allowing clients to keep spending money once they are passed the drinking limit ?
I've seen this in both worlds when a club will serve someone drinks until they are smashed...
Front Room
3 years ago
Signs your not as young as you think
Lost a 10k pot playing deep 2/5 poker last night... I misread my hand for the first time ever... I've seen old ass men do this and found it funny......
Front Room
3 years ago
Fucked 3 stripper's and got fucked by 1 stripper all at the same damn time
Yep shot costed daddy a fortune but I'm spending as quick as sleepy Joe and this new socialism country and print it 😂
Had 1 sucking my dick... 1 sucking my...
Front Room
4 years ago
2 is better than 1 I guess
Don't understand why my opinion has changed but in the past I've tried 2 girls.. even making sure they work good together. Usual I hate the double in cost and...
Front Room
4 years ago
Clubs are back to normal and I'm cummings more often than usual
Is it the economy that making girls more willing to give me sexy more often than in the past ?
Like seriously even at clean clubs I'm getting HJ and BJ...
Front Room
4 years ago
Hooked up with old Favorite
she made me feel missed and Loved. Gonna Book More Time soon. Think She Wants to date Me. We close in Age...
Front Room
4 years ago
Dajavue buying up Greenville SC Clubs
Yep its confirmed the owner of buck's( old PP) just bought out Trophy
Im confused if this is a death blow or not. According to past comments from our own legendary...
Front Room
4 years ago
Whats the HIV infection rate in renting out a used sex doll ?
Asking for a friend 😆...
Front Room
4 years ago
What is the difference betweeen a sex doll and a stripper ?
Asking for a friend 😆...
4 years ago
Spiritual Wisdom for the Strip Club hobby in face of this Pandemic
A man is getting chased in the woods by a tiger and he comes upon a whell so he dove into it. As he was ascending he noticed it was empty and had a poisonous snake at the bottom so he started clawing at the walls to stop his fall...
Front Room
4 years ago
Should founder charge us men a fee to......
Observe what the dancers are chatting about
This should by default be an retarded amount.. To keep most if not all out while protecting the integrity of their privacy
But for the...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
Dose student loan forgiveness open the Pandora box for other debts ?
Could see this ushering in massive forgiveness with mortgages, credit cards and so on
Not saying its a good or bad thing
Just reflecting on what this might dominos into...
Front Room
4 years ago
Spiritual Wisdom for Clubbing during a Pandemic
A man is getting chased in the woods by a tiger and he comes upon a whell so he dove into it. As he was ascending he noticed it was...
Front Room
4 years ago
Dose anyone read the TUSCL articles anymore ?
Looks like last one was published in 2017
Was writing a discussion then it got lengthy.. Thoughts to myself hell this could be an article
What y'all think ?
Just submit it as...
Front Room
4 years ago
Aka Shit on Shingles is one of my favorite depression eara recipes from the military
Toast with hash and gravy
What is your favorite depression erea recipes ?
Just incase all these stimiulus...
Front Room
4 years ago
In the last 3 days ive been forced feed pussy
3 dancers on 3 seperate days have feed me their pussy
When i was younger this wasnt for me that common
What gives ?...
Front Room
4 years ago
I meet a Bathroom a Troll Last night that....
Confessed to me that after his shift he commutes 2 hours home WTF
I get dancers but hell i wouldn't think other staff members let alone the Bathroom Troll could afford...