
$ in Reviews

Thursday, July 11, 2019 3:54 PM
Some people seem to have a checklist for reviews, with $ at top. They write critical comments if prices not given. But please: If a place like Follies or Criket or Pandora has many reviews, not everyone needs to write out the price list. I'd like to hear about a change in prices, or a request from a dancer at an unusual price, or an especially good happy hour deal. But if the last 10 reviewers have said dances are $20 each, I don't need for the new review to say the dances cost $20. Same principle applies to parking and bathroom troll What I want to read in every review is what the dancers were like (looks, attitude), what the interaction with them was (service, extras). Unless you walked in and there were no dancers, in which case I want to know that.


  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Amen brother. There are some little bitches on here that seem to reject most reviews. Two that come to mind are Clubber and Minnow.
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    When I read a review, I expect it to be self contained. If I have to go back to previous reviews, then that decreases the value of the review, particularly if other recent reviewers have adapted the same philosophy, of “if you want to know how much it costs, look at previous reviews.” It is obvious that approach may be good for you, but if everyone took that approach, then nobody would post anything about the cost. When I read a review, I want to know if I am going to have a good time at a club and if so, how much it is going to cost me. So, to me, when I look at a review for approval, I want to see the prices of cover, drinks, and dances covered, some description of the dancers, and some description of the dance. If all of these are there, I approve the review. If any of those items are missing, but the other items are covered thoroughly, I may approve the review. And, if I am approving the review, I shouldn’t have to go back and look at the last 10 reviews to see if the missing items are covered. It takes too long and by the time I get back to the review, there is a good chance that others have either approved or rejected the review and it is no longer there for my input. Make it easy for the reviewers to approve your reviews. How hard is it to start the review with “I went in the afternoon, so there was no cover, but if it had been after 500PM, cover would have been $8. I had a domestic bottle of beer and it cost $5.75.” And to include in the review, “I had a lap dance on the floor for $10 and then we adjourned to the VIP room for $25 a dance sessions.” It may be repetitious to you, as you go there all the time, but for someone new to the club that kind of information helps a lot, particularly if you don’t have to go digging back through other reviews to find out. Plus, including details in your reviews, like prices, gives the reader some confidence that you have actually been in the club. For what it is worth, I think your reviews are OK, but they would be much better if you included prices, which in addition to giving the reader more information, would result in them getting approved easier. Keep reviewing. That is what makes the site great.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    @HarderLap summed up my views - I'm of the thought that a review should be written from the POV of someone whose never been to the club, not from the POV of "hey everybody knows this" - and saying"hey it's in other reviews" it's a non-starter fir me personal
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    lMO a review is to provide information for others, but seems too many reviewers write reviews for themselves like a journal-entry and just write what's important to them instead of the reader - in essence the review is about them and not the club
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I think costs are important and not everyone reading the review will know that info perhaps most won't - and they shouldn't have to read multiple reviews for what can be explained in one sentence. Having said this I won't reject a good review for missing any one particular detail whether it's cost or anything else - it just happens that many reviews that fail to give basic info like costs are often missing a lot of other info describing the club and often leave the reader in the dark that is not already familiar with the club.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    Harderlap summed it up pretty well.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't travel much, but the few times I do and want info on various clubs, it often become a major PITA trying to get proper info on multiple ckubs to where I will often just give up and just wing it. There are a lot of crappy reviews from the guys writing personal journal entries to the ones writing minimal reviews just to get VIP - and there are many instances where the reader needs info on a club(s) ASAP vs having the luxury of having been reading reviews if a particular club for months or years.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    One should assume that the guys that know all the details of any one club are the minority instead of the majority
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    If you're not going to properly "do your homework" when choosing a club to visit that you aren't familiar with that's on you. That means using all available resources to research the clubs you would most encounter what you like. Not just the latest review, but many reviews of the same place as not all reviewers have like opinions. You may even find some suggestions on who to keep an eye out for... and who to just keep any eye out (robs). Maybe some of you guys would like google maps included so you won't get lost trying to find the club?
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Reviews should include at least the basic prices. When i write a review, I am not going to read the previous reviews to see if they included prices.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    It takes very short truncated sentence/outline to place the data most of us like. I always assume there will be naked or close to naked women. I go for an overall fun night. By default, I assume hot women will be there at some point in Time. I actually travel a 5 state region and plan my SC time based on the details of the club more than the details of the women. If the club atmosphere is not what I am looking for, then another 4 hour drive is no. If deal for me. Thus, give me substance regarding atmosphere. If I want pure sex, the AMP market had the SC market beat to Hell at 1/3 the price for 3 X the sex. SC scene is more for my overall relaxation and I want to know what I get for my money.
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    Different readers expect different things in the reviews. A good writer (reviewer) writes to his audience and include the things that the reader expects to see, whether or not the writer himself thinks that they are important. The nice thing about a peer reviewed web site is that there is a wide variety of styles and viewpoints. We should all respect this. Nofuglies - There are Google maps and directions given in the club listing, so that base is covered. :^)=
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    ^^^ well put... If everyone likes your review then you did something wrong.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    A review is a summary of that person's personal experience....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Unless your a plagiarist like you than it’s someone else’s personal experience lulz
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I don't insist on pricing, but if there's no pricing then I expect other usable/unique data to compensate. Also, including the price of a lapdance isn't Olympic weight lifting...
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    20fag, if you're accusing me of plagiarism, prove it or STFU with your delusional geriatric trick ass.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I’ll prove it when you prove anything at all about yourself you are a whiny fuckn bitch that loves to dish it out but such a pussy you can’t take it, I have credibility here you don’t and judging from the way things are going never will. You cry about being attacked yet you came on Clubber’s thread just to attack me I made no mention of you so stfu yourself
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    We argue about this constantly. To me, BY FAR the most important information about a review is inside info on which girls are great and which are ROBs/GPS/etc -- without discussing details that could get the girl in trouble with management, the other girls, or LE. All of which is easy to do. Least interesting information is how much cover charge, lap dance, drink price, etc. is, especially if there are a zillion previous reviews with that information. No, a review should not have to be self-contained -- what type of psycho only reads ONE review before deciding on a club, anyway? No one. Everyone is reading a few reviews per club, and they'll get price information along the way. But inside information that Cinnamon is a ROB who doesn't deliver what she promises, Candy gives amazing lap dances, Lily overcounts songs, Jade made his night and is CF material? Actual usable inside info that I couldn't have gotten anywhere but in a review by someone who went there, and I can put to use right away. I suppose it's also useful to know that a drink costs $8 too.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    cost of a dance? cover? WTF? I don't get it. You mean you guys can find where the google map info is but can't see the rest of the words on that same page? At least Subraman gets it!! Ethnicity Mixed Lap Dance Cost $40 Avg. Drink Cost $6 Cover Day $10 Cover Night $20 12PM - 4AM Daily Juice Bar Non-Smoking DJ Bikini Lap Dances Topless Lap Dances Nude Lap Dances Couple Friendly VIP Room
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I'll point out that for many clubs, that front page info never gets updated.
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    Nofuglies - Yes, but there are a lot of club listings that read like this, with much information missing: EthnicityUnknown Lap Dance Cost20,40,100 Avg. Drink Cost Cover Day: Cover Night: AlcoholFoodPool TablesDJTopless Lap DancesNude Lap DancesPrivate Lap Dance RoomsCouple FriendlyVIP RoomFeature Dancers Nothing about the cover charge, and the dance prices are not clear as to what you are paying for with the different amounts. If one goes back two reviews, the dance price structure is explained, but it is slightly different than what is in the club listing. And, if one wants to know the cover charge, which is not in the club listing, one has to go back 14 reviews, or a year and a half. Perhaps it has changed in the meantime. I am not saying that pricing is the most important thing in the review, but it helps to include it, particularly if everyone else reviewing the club is ignoring the cover charge. I was also trying to explain to the original poster, ArtCollege, why some think including prices is important and why those people were apparently critical of his reviews. Just because it is of lesser importance does mean it can be excluded with impunity.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    20fag, you're defaming me by claiming my reviews are plagiarized. If you know they're plagiarized then prove it and call me out. Of course you can't coz those are my reviews and you're just a geriatric trick troll lulz
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Hard summed it up nicely. Now for you, Art C., if you can't take constructive criticism, get out of the review business!
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    When you click through from teh club listing to review a club you get a link to review guidelines, which I have cut and pasted below. If you follow these guidelines, you will likely have no problem getting your review approved, although there are always the outlier reviewers. Note the third sub bullet under the fourth bullet: “*A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs!“ So, including the costs is in the review guidelines and is expected. Guidelines follow: “Your review will be sent to our community members for approval, so it is suggested that you read our review guidelines. *Content and length are the two most important factors to consider. *Be wordy. Fill the review box. One or two sentence reviews aren't helpful to anyone. *Give a LOT of details in your review (club layout, atmosphere, dance quality, etc.). *Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each. *One paragraph should describe the club vibe. Mention cleanliness, thug factor, music level, dj annoyance factor, lighting, etc. *Another paragraph should describe the dancers and their vampiness. How many were there? What ethicities did you see? Did they seem happy to see you? *A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs! *At least one paragraph should summarize with three or four sentences describing why you would or would not return to the club. *Be honest. You can go into detail of the private dances. Just be careful with names if it may get your ATF in trouble. *Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! When composing a review, spell check it. Pro Tip 1: Think about what you would like to tell your good buddy about a strip club he's never been to. Pro Tip 2: Think about the business traveler that is sitting in his hotel room with only time enough to hit one club in this new town. Let him know why or why not he should visit a particular club. We have a zero tolerance policy for plagiarism. If we find out you submit a review as your own from another site, your account will be deleted.” Keep the reviews coming, it is what makes this site great!
  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    Club-set costs — cover, drinks, individual dances, VIP room time — should be included. It gives you an idea how expensive the club is, or isn't, which is important. Negotiated costs, particularly for extras, should NOT be included. If you specify a cost and a service, you're basically implicating yourself, and potentially the dancer. Bad idea for everyone. I think it's fair to imply extras were available, but I wouldn't post the specifics. I again point everyone to this clip from The Wire: [view link]
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    Those are guidelines, not minimum requirements for an acceptable review. I just shake my head when a review (including my own) covers 80-90% of all that, but there is someone who feels it is their job to point out the bits you did not cover. Do these guys use a clipboard and checklist? Guidelines, not contract law, for heck's sake.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Art, is it just too much work for you to put a line in with pricing intel? I hear what you're saying, but the reality is that the pricing intel for many of the most highly reviewed clubs is as bad, or worse, than the intel for any other club. Most of those highly reviewed clubs have a lot of shill activity which excludes anything negative, like expensive alcohol, short poured drinks, VIP/LD upsells, very expensive private rooms, etc. Also, 99% of the clubs on here are reviewed more sporadically, so including pricing intel is simply a good habit to have.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Hard, The guidelines have been posted and discussed ad nauseum, but I assume some don't bother to read them. Personally, I haven't rejected a single review that met these first four criteria: Content and length are the two most important factors to consider. Be wordy. Fill the review box. One or two sentence reviews aren't helpful to anyone. Give a LOT of details in your review (club layout, atmosphere, dance quality, etc.). Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    gold, A review is your opinion. A critique is the readers opinion. Also, always remember... [view link]
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    This is a rare instance where I disagree with Subra. At a lot or at least some clubs, Cinnamon on Tuesday afternoons isn't the same Cinnamon on Saturday nights and/or, Cinnamon in March isn't the same one in July. Similarly, describing her appearance doesn't mean I'll find the same chick. For me, it's much more useful to know Rooms are $75/15 minutes and see the last 4 guys paid $150/$150/$200/$150 for the girls end. Similarly, a general description of the the kinds of girls is much more valuable to me than a detailed description of one dancer. The specifics of our differences isn't really the point of my post though, the idea is there's wide variance in what people feel is valuable/acceptable. Hopefully the 3/5 votes thing is keeping out more bad reviews than its letting in, for all versions of "bad"
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Clubs are mostly about the dances and that is what most custies do, thus dance price and any variations of it is an important piece of info for the avg custy.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "Clubs are mostly about the dances and that is what most custies do, thus dance price and any variations of it is an important piece of info for the avg custy." I'm not sure where you club, but in the places I go the solid majority of customers can't be bothered to get off their asses to stage tip, nevermind go back for $20-40 dances. Also, contrary to the water guzzling day visit types that seem to dominate this board, most customers go at night and drink cocktails, so I'll add that bar and sometimes even cover costs matter - a lot. On stripperweb I've posted joke posts over the years about the difference between SW dancers and those In Real Club (IRC). Some day I might have to make the same type of post about customers on this board vs. those IRC because the differences are just as pronounced.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    That should have read "drink adult beverages" because beer is part of the comment.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"The specifics of our differences isn't really the point of my post though, the idea is there's wide variance in what people feel is valuable/acceptable. Hopefully the 3/5 votes thing is keeping out more bad reviews than its letting in, for all versions of "bad"" Agree completely! Many reviews are light on some facet, but make up for it in others. That's great -- if review #1 doesn't hit the topic I prioritize, maybe review #2 will. The problem is to the extent that there's a group that feels that the price details MUST be included, everything else is optional. I feel, if anything, if a review is going to miss anything, it's price -- I'm going for the girls, that's what's most valuable to me. The sane thing is, recognize different people prize different details, and instead of trying to dictate a particular standard that isn't shared by everyone, just approve reviews that provide details on whatever the reviewer prizes -- some guys might think it's critical that everyone know that drinks have gone from $7.50 to $9.00; others might prefer to discuss which girls are awesome or ROBs.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Protip: if anybody is facing issues because their reviews don’t say much in the way of pricing, then feel free to submit your reviews in the evenings like I do. [view link] [view link] [view link] Heck, on that last one, clubber even commented and had nothing bad to say about the lack of pricing detail. 😀
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    If you can't talk about specific pricing, then my baseline assumption is that the review is bullshit and the poster is trying to avoid including any BS info that a local could easily dispute. Now if the rest of the review is good, then I can be swayed, but not with a listing of dancer names that could have been pulled off the club's website or FB page. If pricing intel is lacking, then I won't be convinced unless there is a lot of other specific intel about the visit.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    nice, I had just asked you earlier today if you were the one at Tootsie's. Talking to others, really sad I missed that meeting! ;)
  • 623
    5 years ago
    Adding basic pricing info takes 10 words and if you won’t add it to the review maybe you were never there. The difference between a $30 reg dance price and a $15 reg dance price is going to change which club I go to in a new town. Likewise, probably difference between a pompous place with $15 beer vs $5 beer.
  • wld4tatas
    5 years ago
    >Amen brother. There are some little bitches on here that seem to reject most reviews. Two that come to mind are Clubber and Minnow. Agreed. Two of the most incompetent reviewers on tuscl.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    w4t, who's the little bitch here ? The critical reviewers (btw, I approved your review below the 1 that I rejected), or a whiny poster who apparently sees adding a few more sentences to fill out the review to be a monumental task ? You do realize that by making your wild accusation that you're laying yourself open to have members check on your prior review history to decide for themselves whether you're credible or "FOS".
  • wld4tatas
    5 years ago
    I'm sure you mean well minnow, but you are very often blocking reviews in my state that have plenty of good details. Clubber is worse.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    What wld4tatas said! Many reviews have tidbits of good details for locals. They may mean nothing to someone who has never been to the club but if rejected, that piece of valuable information may be gone for good if the reviewer doesn't resubmit. I'll approve those all day just so it is available to review before my next visit to that club.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    w4t- OK, is anything stopping them from conveying info via PM, or placing in club comments section ? If writing a proper review per guidelines is such a herculean task, perhaps other methods of communication are appropriate. Should the effort expended in batting out a quick 5 line submission be accorded the same credit as many members who put much more thought and effort into their submissions ?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ minnow I don’t disagree about effort expended, keep in mind that for some the effort is more than their capabilities. I like to believe that you get as much out of any thing as you put in, proportionately of course.
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    boo hoo. like a couple of high school kids wondering why they spent so many more hours and pages on their essays only to get a "B" grade on their paper instead of an "A" like the other kids. Maybe for some, it's just easier to figure out and communicate what is quality info and what is just window dressing.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    A reviewer does not necessarily know what all the other reviews have said about the club. This is especially true if the reviewer is a first-time visitor. The reviewer should give his experience in the club and this should include prices. Most customers want to know if you have to pay a $10 valet fee and a $20 cover charge before you even start to have fun.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    I would prefer all current pricing and mileage limits on each review. These are always subject to change no matter what was 10 reviews ago. There are several clubs I would bend over backwards to go to six months ago but wouldn't bother right now due to changes.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    How difficult is it to follow the fucking guidelines..... quit your fucking crybaby pussy whining , read the guidelines and follow them or shut the fuck up and move on
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    So club 76 in Austintown Ohio had a review today by Grover76. I thought the review was good, had most of the prices but did not list out dance prices.... I approved it but added a comment to list dance prices. Hopefully grover will comment back with the dance prices, if not I will begin declining these as people that cannot hit the guidlines
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't get that - some reviewers bother to state the cover charge but don't bother to state the dance price, have seen it in various reviews - I take it as laziness and not wanting to put much effort to write a proper informative review
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    It seems like the TJ forum worked out really well. I think people might like a forum just for review discussions. You guys can argue over the merits of describing how hot the bathroom attendant is versus going into more detail about how much you paid the bathroom attendant.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    wld4tatas , I have never rejected a review that met or approached the guidelines as set out on TUSCL. If you are so incompetent you can't follow a few guidelines, don't bother to write an incomplete review. Isn't that difficult if one is fairly literate!
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    10 to 1 the mostly worthless reviews (short and incomplete) are just because the writer is to cheap to support TUSCL. Just sayin'.
  • Harderlap
    5 years ago
    By getting a review approved and published, you are receiving a monthly subscription to TUSCL which is worth $7.95. For that value, which is roughly 45 minutes of your time at minimum wage, it is reasonable to assume that the writer of the review will cover all, or nearly all of the guidelines. Think of what value you are receiving for your review and take a few extra minutes, which you are essentially getting paid for, to make the review comply with the guidelines. This is a reasonable expectation.
  • TeoTommy
    5 years ago
    IMO, numbers aren't essential. But if you are going to post a numberless review, it better have some actual useful information, like I saw couple being treated well, the bouncer had bad BO, or the dancers spent all of their time on their phones. Stuff like that actually tells us a lot about the club. If you post a generic review, without even bothering to say I paid X Y and Z, then you deserve to get your submission shit canned.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    The guidelines are just that, nothing more, and aren't carved in stone, obviously. That said, this summary for those that haven't bothered to check are the basics of a review. 1)Content and length are the two most important factors to consider. 2)Be wordy. Fill the review box. One or two sentence reviews aren't helpful to anyone. 3)Give a LOT of details in your review (club layout, atmosphere, dance quality, etc.). 4)Your review should be at least 4 solid paragraphs, with 4-7 sentences each. a)One paragraph should describe the club vibe. Mention cleanliness, thug factor, music level, dj annoyance factor, lighting, etc. b)Another paragraph should describe the dancers and their vampiness. How many were there? What ethicities did you see? Did they seem happy to see you? c)A third paragraph should be about value. Don't say drinks, dances, cover charge, etc. were cheap or expensive. Tell us the actual costs! d)At least one paragraph should summarize with three or four sentences describing why you would or would not return to the club.
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    Putting prices in the reviews is not needed. The clubs main summary page includes the price of lap dances. If a person doesn't look at the summary page first, then that's their problem. I for one don't want to read 20 reviews that repeat the same thing over and over again. In fact most of the stuff Clubber mentions in Item c) should be on the summary page not reviews.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ summary page info is often wrong, outdated, missing. or incomplete Club info is only repetitive for those that already know the club well - arguably a good percentage of those reading a particular review do not know that info like those that have read 20+ reviews of the place - and the "well they should go look for it in other reviews" is a shiity excuse for not having an extra couple of sentences in the review.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    To the people downvoting reviews: not everyone wants to write a 2000 word manifesto every time to please your picky ass. Guidelines are GUIDElines not hard and fast rules. Too many downvotes lately, I see Long reviews downvoted and I’m like who are these chumps the TUSCL gestapo?
  • codemonkey
    5 years ago
    If a review has useful info I'll approve it whether it has $ or not and maybe ask for $ in the comments. I've been amazed that some reviews have gotten approved that basically said "The girls were hot and I had a great time."
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    rl27, RE: "In fact most of the stuff Clubber mentions in Item c) should be on the summary page not reviews." Just remember I only mentioned those items. They are straight from the review guidelines posted by founder!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    "... not everyone wants to write a 2000 word manifesto every time to please your picky ass ..." The club basics can be described in 3 or 4 sentences.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    There are TUSCLers that have been on here for years reading reviews of particular clubs and seem to think everyone else is the same which is incorrect - and for those that haven't been reading reviews of a club for years then that's their problem, they should go read a dozen reviews of the club if they need complete club info.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Papi, That was discussed elsewhere. A review should be just that and following the guidelines. One should NOT have to go "search for answers" seemed to be the prevailing thought on TUSCL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ damn straight 😄
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    [view link] This is what you need to write an awesome review
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