Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Aug, 2024
Front Room
2 years ago
Kentucky Bourbon Trail
Me and some friends are starting to plan a trip to do this in the spring probably have 3 or 4 days.
Who has done it or recommendations from locals. Feel...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
Why Doesn't Diddlin Joe leave the basement to campaign.
Because he doesn't have to. Why let old mush brain out in public when you can just cheat by mail in.
What a fucking joke having a fair election is....
Political Discourse
4 years ago
FBI finds 9 discarded Trump military mail-in ballots in PA
The Democrats are wasting no time rigging the election. We know that fraud is the only way Biden can win, the Democrats have telegraphed their play for months and are...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
Biden wants to flood the country with unlimited cheap labor and higher taxes.
So Biden's Campaign must have been watching Pornhub or something and decided to go with "77 Year Old Dementia Patient tried to Fuck the Whole Country." as it's plan.
So as...
Front Room
4 years ago
Cover Songs
What are songs you have listened to that didn't know where covers or the cover is better than the original.
I had no idea this was a Bob Seeger song because...
Political Discourse
4 years ago
Peaceful Biden Voters Dancing
Please make sure sound is on. I repeat sound Needs to be on.
Have a great Sunday guys.
Don't forget sound needs to be on.
Front Room
5 years ago
Shutdown - What do you miss the most?
I miss the gym, and the other gym I go to for Kettle bell workouts. My kettle bell place is great but its a small gym and they do different...
Front Room
5 years ago
Ime's first music thread 2020
Post songs you like and links
https://youtu.be/UjETkibtg1o. Find you a girl who likes to fuck hardcore and you got made. Hydrate grab your balls and hold on for the ride, and...
Front Room
5 years ago
Best Hustle
What's the best hustle you have encountered? Not the run of the mill my cat is sick, need electric bill money type, but what are good or memorable hustles you...
Front Room
6 years ago
OT: Songs with Spanish Need translations -Help a gringo out
Hey if anyone who speaks spanish and can translate it it for me on some songs it would be appreciated. Some of this shit google translate won't even translate...