How many of you have ever been in the position where you got unexpected extras and then when you asked "What do I owe you for that?" She replies "Whatever you think it was worth". It doesn't happen frequently but when it does, I am at a loss as to what I should give her. I don't want to low ball her and have her think that I'm a cheap SOB but I don't want to over pay and have her think she has found a whale.
It helps if you know the club and know what the going rate is for certain extras but If you don't know the club and were not expecting extras picking a number is difficult. In these cases I just try to give what I have given for the same service in other clubs.
I’ve only had that happen a couple of times that I remember, and yes, it puts you in a bit of a quandary. But I’m a pretty generous tipper and they were happy with what I gave them.
That only happened to me once. I over paid ( $400.00) out of ignorance and she knew I was a sucker when she started. Since then I never go in the back without a clear understanding of what i am willing to pay IF something happens. Not very romantic but who are we kidding about that expectation. I owe all understanding to TUSCLE Thanks.
This has only happened to me at a club where there are sometimes extras in VIP. I have already paid for a VIP, so a $40-$50 tip usually makes them very happy.That is usually the upcharge for extras over a VIP anyway. "My VIP is $150, but if you want that, I normally get $200"
I tipped generously. She handed back the tip, but I told her to keep it.
She deserved it, and she became a regular of mine. I know that I'm not going to get shorted with her and, while I'm no whale (financially), she recognizes that she will get taken care of a bit better than fairly by me.
Had it happen back in June. Received unexpected FS when the expectation was a HJ. I tipped her what I thought was fair based on what the going rate was at the club for most dancers.
I have had my neighbors children use that line when shoveling snow from my driveway, but never a stripper. I gave the kids $20 each for shoveling snow. I would think a BJ should be a bit more.
Off the top of my head, have never been in this position b/c:
1) for most of my clubbing career extras were not a part, or just a emall part
2) I usually try to iron out everything upfront
I *have* gotten unexpected extras in the black dives I hit and usually just pay what I think it's fair which happens to be above what most people spend in these dives thus the dancers are usually ok with what I give them
I don't know where to draw the line between extras and mileage, but recalling some VIP experiences (VIP is rare for me nowadays), I'd say yes she conveyed that message, but without saying. And if I was able, had extra cash I'd tip appropriately.
I’ve never had a dancer tell me to pay her what I thought her extras were worth - so I don’t have direct experience with that situation.
However, I’d attempt to quantify each aspect of the session. If I had already paid for the dances - then I’d take that out. If I normally tip a certain amount (depending on the dances/service) in that club - then I’d take that out. Once I was down to the actual price of the extras only - I’d basically consider it an added tip. So - I’d create a price for the songs + price of the tip + price for extras = amount paid to the dancer.
I had it happen when a gorgeous all-American girl next door stripper sat down right on my johnson and fucked the hell out of me literally out of nowhere on a couch. I was so surprised and pleased and lost all brain activity, and didn't pay what I should have, I know that.
That was a few years ago. Where did that one go lol?
I've had something like this happen a few times and it's always shocked me but in a good way. The most recent was really the best I had gotten a couple of topless dances from her and finally took her to a VIP booth. It was a specials day so the booth was I think $120 for 30 minutes, at this club it's generally understood what goes on when you go back there but there's always been a price discussion up front for the extras. This time there wasn't and I figured she would bring it up at some point. She got nude, started grinding away and pretty soon I had my fingers moving around down south. Within about 5-10 minutes she had my pants unzipped then pulled down. She put a cover on and again all without mentioning any price rode me for a while then moved to CBJ and finished me off.
When we were all done and put back together she hugged me and acted like she wasn't expecting a thing. Of course I tipped her I was really torn how much and I forget what I did but I think it was $100, she acted very pleased and surprised.
It will probably never happen again but it was a very nice surprise.
I just tell her "making love to you is priceless and I could never find a monetary value." I follow that up with asking when I get to meet her parents to announce that we are getting married and see how fast she runs out of vip.
Or if I don't want to risk a stiletto to the nuts that night, I just go with what I have seen as market rate in the area +/- based on her performance and looks. If I don't know the rate for the area I generally go with $25/scale out of 10. A 6 would get $150 (6x $25) while a 10 would get $250.
Usually when a girl says that, i think she's trying to get more from you than you would give normally without trying to sound like she wanted more. I've had girls say something like that after just regular dances, but during the dances she might say something like i don't normally do this with most or even any other customer to try to plant seeds like she's giving you better treatment. And then she after the dances she'll say the "base" amount you owe plus whatever you felt she was worth, implying a tip, but not outright asking for one. I don't think saying something like this is necessary at all, but it does put you in that strange spot of giving nothing or a little and having the dancer say or think so you thought that/she was worth little or nothing. It's probably mostly just hustle/SS to get more so who really cares what they think or say.
It's kinda a way to put the custy on the spot - similar to "wanna buy the lady a drink" or "I'll give you a dance and you don't have to pay me if you don't like it"
It can be a challenge for some of us Americans - as we are accustomed to seeing a specific price. When left to determine a price - it can be challenging. You don’t want to low ball and offend - and you don’t want to overpay and be a whale.
It can be an absolutely brilliant sales tool, if she's profiled you right as: the type who would negotiate a hard bargain if given the chance, but who wants to make sure it ends up win-win. I'd bet strippers who are profiling their customers right, in buyer's markets, may well be ending up with bigger tips! I've only gotten this a handful of times (if that) in my SC career
"... It's kinda a way to put the custy on the spot - similar to "wanna buy the lady a drink" or "I'll give you a dance and you don't have to pay me if you don't like it" ..."
Danncers hedge that most guys will not wanna come off as being cheap and may actually overpay, if at least by a little, to sorta cover themselves.
I'd like to believe that "whatever you think" really means "whatever you want" because she wanted to do the extras for a good customer that she likes. Like if you've ever gone into an independently owned convenient store and you bought a bunch of stuff and you forgot that one last small thing. Sometimes the guy behind the counter will say, "just gimme a dollar" or he'll let you take it for free based on the amount business you've done with that store in the past. And I think that with the dancers, sometimes these little extras are meant to keep you coming back rather than it is a way to make a few more dollars. But at the same time, they aren't going to be foolish enough to say, "Oh no....that's OK. I don't want anything for my extras."
For a god VIP our big group of floor lapdances, I tip the cost of another lapdance. If I LDK, ditto. For real extras in the VIP, I tip 50-100% of the VIP trip. If everything was agreed to BEFORE the VIP, that’s different tho.
last commentI tipped generously. She handed back the tip, but I told her to keep it.
She deserved it, and she became a regular of mine. I know that I'm not going to get shorted with her and, while I'm no whale (financially), she recognizes that she will get taken care of a bit better than fairly by me.
1) for most of my clubbing career extras were not a part, or just a emall part
2) I usually try to iron out everything upfront
I *have* gotten unexpected extras in the black dives I hit and usually just pay what I think it's fair which happens to be above what most people spend in these dives thus the dancers are usually ok with what I give them
However, I’d attempt to quantify each aspect of the session. If I had already paid for the dances - then I’d take that out. If I normally tip a certain amount (depending on the dances/service) in that club - then I’d take that out. Once I was down to the actual price of the extras only - I’d basically consider it an added tip. So - I’d create a price for the songs + price of the tip + price for extras = amount paid to the dancer.
That was a few years ago. Where did that one go lol?
When we were all done and put back together she hugged me and acted like she wasn't expecting a thing. Of course I tipped her I was really torn how much and I forget what I did but I think it was $100, she acted very pleased and surprised.
It will probably never happen again but it was a very nice surprise.
Or if I don't want to risk a stiletto to the nuts that night, I just go with what I have seen as market rate in the area +/- based on her performance and looks. If I don't know the rate for the area I generally go with $25/scale out of 10. A 6 would get $150 (6x $25) while a 10 would get $250.
If it were me, I would oblige her, as well as finding a tactful way to give her money.
Danncers hedge that most guys will not wanna come off as being cheap and may actually overpay, if at least by a little, to sorta cover themselves.
If it did happen, I'd try to be fair, hand her the money, and say "Are we good?"