
Comments by Ch3ll (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Christmas Gifts for Stripper and/or Kids
    I would be open to the idea of taking my fav somewhere if I could manage to be up her way before stores close, but I think I'll give her a little cash. I like the idea of gift cards too, but I feel like some forget/misplace them and they never get used.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How far have you driven for a strip club?
    My longest is 150 miles round trip, which is my normal travel since this is the closest strip club to me. The drive does seem long at times, but Tucson is also the place to go for flights, shopping, different dining, and other things to do if you live in surrounding cities. So to travel there that's normal to me, although it's never been just to go to the strip club. I do other stuff since I'm in the city. However, once I did make the overall commute 300 miles. I had drove up, stopped by the casino as usual and upon leaving the casino I realized I didn't have my driver's license. Note, I frequent the casino so much I guess they get lax about carding me. So it was like 9 PM and the clubs close at 2 AM and ALWAYS have carded me. So I drive home just to get my driver's license, then back up just to have about 90 minutes in the strip club only to come back home again. So yeah that was pretty PL for me when it comes to distance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sit Back and Relax or Take Control?
    I always sit back and relax so they can do what's comfortable to them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Whaht would you do
    I would try not to let her see me until she was done on stage. Then I'd sit back and try to catch up with her and at least talk about when and why she started stripping. After that I'd leave and go to another club. Hopefully, she isn't dancing at my favorite club or that would become awkward seeing her dance for PLs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you talk to other customers?
    I don't usually talk to other customers unless they strike up a conversation with me. The few occurrences where another customer struck up the convo I in the end wish I would have not run in to them. Each time it has been a guy, at the bar, who has had way too many to drink and will talk about any and everything. My convos are usually short and sweet, that being with the female bartenders or strippers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Stripper Phones
    Ive noticed they usually have nice smartphones. Although the service is probably pay as go. As Papi mentioned the screen is usually cracked though. I do believe most of them change numbers like crazy. A couple I've exchanged numbers with have changed their number at least once that I know of. My current fav has had 7 different numbers. I thought it was so weird I started numbering them in my phone after the third number. I may be being naive, but her first number was the one registered under her Facebook. With her I believe it was due to finances. There is one stripper I know who had kept the same number over three years. Another stripper I know physically had two phones she'd use. She once told me each purpose, but I was like whatever since we were still meeting OTC. I'm guessing at one point, one got cut off, because she texted me that such and such number didn't work anymore and how to contact her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Things you've learned in life because you go to strip clubs
    I don't think I've learned any life lessons. I have learned quite a bit about the strip club life if you will. It may appear they are making a killing, but after the house cut, and tip out some really aren't raking the hundreds every night. I learned money indeed can get you sex. I've learned money and drugs is what talks in strip clubs. I guess one thing I can say was a life lesson is that unless you're budgeting for your SC habit, it is in no shape, for, or fashion beneficial in the long run for your life. Unless of course you're crossing things off your bucket list lol.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Fish out of water
    I take it you're 55+, and if so to some extent I can believe that'd be the dream of an older gentleman as far as sex, intimacy goes. The fucked up part is the extent of her habit. I hope the help you are providing makes a positive lasting impact on your life. I can only imagine she is truly thankful and not to mention y'all have been at it for 9 years. That's a pretty long shelf life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can't pull the trigger
    Go with a buddy as someone mentioned. I too have my concerns about a couple of clubs in my town, but I've went nonetheless so I know first-hand what it's like. Also, two of the clubs I frequent have had violence issues in the past, but it's not something thats happening every day/night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you like to be seen in public with a female wearing these?
    Doesn't look too appealing. Like Chessmaster though, I'm sure on the right woman I'd like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    I just read Subraman and Papi post. I'll see what happens next time I go with some white friends.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    Are you ex military and haven't quite shed that former lifestyle characteristics yet? Just asking. Only time and them growing comfortable with you will they assume you're not a cop. I doubt most of them may think that of me, but I did have one outright ask me at the 19th hour as we were walking up to the room for our first OTC, "Are you a cop?". I found it weird that she'd even ask because to me it's too easy for me to say yes or no even if I was a cop. So, in my opinion if she's brave she'll just outright ask and accept your answer, granted she feels she knows you some.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How long until OTC?
    If I had to guess, I'd say within two more months you'll have gone OTC with one. That's a pretty high price tag, maybe it's your area. I know for me it's $200 - $300. I know OTC is a two way agreement, but in our case, being men, I think it's only a matter of the right stripper coming along before we decide, yep I'll take her OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you drink in the club?
    Like OP, crown and coke is one. But others are Hennessy and coke. My favorite which I'll get if the club has it is Grand Marnier and Coke. Beyond those it's Coors Light, Bud Light, or ice water.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Keeping your mouth shut!
    I haven't ever overhead a stripper pulling SS on a customer, but I've definitely sat there and thought does he know any better or what the hell is she telling him. But then that's my imagination. I personally wouldn't tell another customer about a particular stripper's tendencies unless I knew him. Even then if may very well be a different experience for him. So I think it'll vary customer to customer what the stripper does, although the bad may outweigh the good.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rookie move = being ripped-off
    Yes indeed, rookie move. Not to mention the money lost, but that would have been like 3 or 4 dances from prices I remember reading reviews while out there. Had he known any better he'd had tipped like $5 and asked her to come over. I'm sure he probably wouldn't have been bent out of shape then, and it's more likely she'd had come over if she's after more money. Im thankful I found TUSCL before ever having a prepay situation, whether good or bad. I wouldn't fault the management, but escorting them out the club seems extreme. I'm sure someone who didn't get ripped off has negatively reviewed the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sweaty Strippers
    I tend to like a sweaty stripper at least if it happened while she was dancing on me. It doesn't always usually mean she's super active in the dance, but it's I like to see one sweat while she's dancing. To me it likes she's doing what she has to do for the money and doesn't care about the sweat.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    How do yoy Cover up the Stripper Smell?
    I don't have a significant other, but there have been times I wanted to go somewhere else and either smelled or had makeup stains on my khakis crotch, which makes it obvious. So as you mentioned a change of clothes is your best bet and a wash of the face. I've had makeup smear there too. If your spouse doesn't know your entire wardrobe collection, keep three outfits tucked in the trunk with a catch all pair of shoes. I should take my own advice and maybe then I won't be disappointed when I have makeup on the crotch of my pants.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    Alone or in groups
    I prefer alone over a group. If it's just to have a good time with the fellas then so be it. However, if the intent is to enjoy the strip club I'll always prefer alone. No need to worry about dividing my attention or worrying about someone else. The big ALSO, never know what may happen in the club or after a dancers shift.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to scout for a fellow monger Buddy
    Before I spill the beans I usually have determined that I can trust this person. From there just ask "hey want to go to the strip club?". The occurrences I've seen happen with me is because it just came up in conversation. Now at that point through some questions and or experiences in the club, you'll know if they're a monger too. Unless you're telling everytime you go and what you do, spend, etc., nobody will probably consider you're that deep into strip clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Do you use your real name when you club?
    I always use my real first name. If she's new to me and I ask her her name and she has an interesting stage name, if I'm quick witted enough I'll say mine is something that's opposite or goes along with what hers is. I don't worry with them knowing my name, plus it makes it easier for me not to be caught off guard if she's calling me by some fake name I only use in the strip club. Sometimes my name has served as a conversation starter. I guess it throws some people off that I'm a black guy with a Hispanic first name.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Front room DFK leads to your wife leaving you.
    Economics and Strippers (Lap Dance Prices)
    I'm used to $10 lap dances and $20 VIP here in AZ. At those prices I can have a good time with at the low end $80 and up to $200. I don't too much do VIP anymore, so my money lasts longer and I get more dances. I went to Houston, TX for a weekend to see family and searched on TUSCL reviews and prices across the board were pretty much $20 - $30 lap dance and $40 up VIP best I remember. I ended up going to one club and sure enough lap dances were $20. I was on a tight budget that night, but I just couldn't bring myself to paying $20 per lap dance. And I can say I loved those TX girls, more body!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    returning texts
    I never just completely cut them off unless I feel OTC will never happen between us for a first time. So in regards to waiting, I'll wait up to an hour if we're going to be meeting OTC whether first time or if we have before. Other than that if I'm texting them it's just to say hi and/or my attempt of keeping myself in their memory. In that case I don't too much care if they respond. Generally strippers don't reply in a timely manner or don't at all. You could be texting one and all of a sudden she drops off and you might not hear from her again til you see her in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Sideline app is no longer free
    I had Sideline too, but didn't keep a stripper(s) to continue my need for it. Sucks it's no longer free, because I got those notifications too. In the past, I've used Line2. Best I recall it wasn't free and was like $8.99 a month and you kept whatever number you chose.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Another discussion about kissing
    I'll kiss a stripper and have in the past. While I'm kissing them I'm not thinking, "Oh shit! I know she's swallowed or sucked some random guys dick just moments before now." Like PoolyD, Ill use my best judgement.