
Another discussion about kissing

New Jersey, near the Shore
Saturday, October 7, 2017 10:36 PM
I was just reading a thread where TUSCLers were talking about kissing strippers, and the general consensus is that it's a bad idea and/or disgusting. This seems irrational. For the record, this was the thread I was reading: [view link] I recently posted my opinions on this topic elsewhere, but it was in response to a much older thread so probably very few people noticed/gave a shit. This was the view I expressed in the earlier thread: "... [S]ome guys expressed disgust at kissing a girl who probably kisses and/or blows lots of other guys. I understand that. But how is this any different than kissing just a regular slutty girl? Let's say you are in town on business and a hot slut comes on to you at a bar? She's a slut, not a whore, so no money is exchanged. Do you fuck her? While you're fucking her, are you gonna tell me that you're not going to kiss her at all? And how many guys do you think she's blown in her time? The only thing standing between you and all those other guys is some mouthwash. And strippers use mouthwash too. Any thoughts?" For the record, this was the earlier thread from which the above quote was taken: [view link]


  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    Good points. A stripper at Club Hong Kong kissed me on the mouth several times (not DFK), and I had no issues with it. Same with a masseuse at Allure near Toronto. I enjoyed it. I like anything as close to a GFE as I can get.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    The difference between kissing a slutty girl and kissing a professional whore is that the whore often has sucked and slurped numerous dicks (and possibly tongues too) that day as opposed to the slutty girl who isn't usually seeing multiple guys every single day. So if i know a girl is very obviously "whory" at the club, i would be hesitant to do any type of mouth to mouth kiss with her. She'll often have a stinky vagina as well, although many non extra girls or even ROBs have the stinky vagina/vulva/clit too, so sometimes it's just hygiene. And there's also the bad breath or oft mentioned dick breath. Of course some PLs just don't care at all and care more about getting their own needs met and try not to think about the dirty details similar to how many people don't like to think how food (often junk food and fast food) is processed. Different strokes for different folks.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler, ok, this is a fair point, but think of it this way: let's say the whore and the slutty girl have each blown 6 guys this week; but the whore blew all 6 of them today on her first shift at the club; whereas the slutty girl spaced them out, such that she blew one guy per day for six days (on the seventh day she rested, I guess). And now you're up to bat next. What do you do? I just don't see any real difference. But I assume most guys do. Is it because the slut is presumably brushing her teeth on most days? Well, you might be presuming too much. But okay, let's assume that the whore brushes her teeth after each BJ, too. Would that make any difference? Or is it because more time has passed between the slut's BJs, whereas the whore just blew 6 guys on their lunch breaks a half hour ago; and therefore, the slut's own saliva should work to clean out her mouth over time? Well, mouthwash seems to mimic and speed up that process. So as long as the whore is using some sort of dental hygiene, I just don't see much of a difference. I think this is more psychological rather than medical/physical.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    If you don't see the difference between hours and days, then i don't know what to tell you. Surely, you've heard of sloppy seconds, right? With the whore, you'd be dealing with sloppy 6ths and 7ths or more just that day, and some of them fresh, as i doubt whores brush their teeth (and floss and rinse and tongue scrape and orally irrigate) after every BJ, especially if they're cum sluts and just leave whatever they didn't swallow there. I doubt they even brush their teeth even once everyday as most people have poor or inadequate dental/oral hygiene. Are you fine with gang bangs? Some people are. How about MMF threesomes? Again, some people are. One of the reasons, slutty girls are considered gross is because of the constant exchanging of body fluids with multiple partners sometimes at the same time. Even if they're not promiscuous, i don't want to hear or know about a stripper's boyfriend/husband. I'm of the philosophy that there can only be one dick in a room/VIP/lap dance area with a stripper for the fantasy to work. But a lot of people just don't care. Someone that cared would probably never step foot into a FKK club or even Hong Kong although many of the girls at Hong Kong supposedly don't kiss or provide real GFE. I'm even more in the dark regarding FKK clubs.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Agree with everything dirk said. Better #7 for the week than #7 for the day.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @factory: It seems you're trying to justify it b/c it's something u want/enjoy - many a dancer does not exercise good hygiene along with other poor decisions, particularly those that go around kissing random men thst pay her $$$ - bottom line is they're sex workers - it probably won't kill u to be kissing strippers so if u really enjoy it then it's a risk many r willing to tske
  • K
    7 years ago
    Burlington From your name and your posts I know you are very familiar with the playhouse. I won't say who but a particular dancer had just finished blowing first one friend then another. No cover, she swallowed. After coming out of the room from the second BJ I saw her DFK first one PL then another until she convinced the fourth or fifth guy to go for a private dance. Even If she didn't have a few of my friend's children swimming in her mouth she had some saliva and some germs for the previous few guys she had just kissed. The odds are that some random slut hasn't blown several guys today and she probably hasn't kissed several more.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I find some of the contradictions amusing. Some guys have been adamant in the past about being repulsed by conversation with a stripper, just wanting to get down to it. But then one of their biggest source of enjoyment was the "GFE" of DFK. What kind of "GFE" could there be if you know nothing about them?
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Vincemichaels is a good example of kissing a stripper and is still alive. Gwen used to do 6 or 7 guys in a shift.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Tuscl makes more sense when you read it realizing it is nothing but 90% chest-thumping fibsters.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    All y'all overthink this shit beyond belief. Nothing I won't do with a stripper, as I am impervious to everything bad.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    After Shadowcat's water sports story from yesterday, I'm really starting to rethink the whole kissing a stripper thing.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    In extras clubs, I tend not to kiss the stripper. In no-extras clubs, I'll kiss the stripper. To flag's point, I love talking to the strippers, and in no-extras clubs, having had her flirt me into near-ecstasy and semi-chub beforehand makes the kissing even better
  • K
    7 years ago
    I dont kiss itc. I only kiss otc with women i trust and am comfortable with. I may be anal about this but i provide a new toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. I use them and request she does before we start
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @theDirkDiggler, I understand but, again, just assume for now that the whore is using excellent dental hygiene. Like she's brushing, flossing, irritating, rinsing, etc., between blowjobs. This is totally unrealistic, but just assume for the sake of argument. And also assume that the slut has only the normal level of American dental hygiene. Now, is kissing the whore still beyond the pale? What I'm trying to get at is whether this is a psychological thing or not. I think for lots of guys it is.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @K, damn dude, now that's how you whore around! She sounds like more than a whore, she's a slore. PM me with her name, I'll never tell. No wonder you bring a toothbrush ;)
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    If you are OCD about germs - don't kiss strippers. If you see a stripper walk out of VIP with cum on her chin - maybe you should pick a different stripper to kiss. If a stripper was just rimming you - perhaps you should offer her Listerene before you kiss her. If you like to kiss hot women, you are with a hot stripper, and she likes to kiss, then kiss the bitch and good luck. I just don't see this as either rocket science, or a one size fits all issue.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo, @flagooner, @joc13, @theDirkDiggler, Kissing is part of the GFE, to me. And I think you're probably just as likely to catch something by receiving a BBBJ or performing DATY (which I know at least some of you guys do) as you are from DFKing. At least herpes, or maybe HPV. And don't forget, another guy just came in her mouth, and you're assuming that she didn't wash her mouth out, and now your dick is in her mouth together with the last guy's cum residue. Uh oh, sounds risky to me. Maybe we should give up CFS, too, because condoms can break. I know this for a fact because it's happened to me before. So if we give up DFK, BBBJ, DATY, FS, etc., and we're down to just LDs we might as well all stay home and jerk it to porn (no offense, LDKing). Because the level of contact will be comparable at that point. But you want proof that it's all just psychological? I can kiss a stripper who has had guys cumming in her mouth all day, but if I hear that she had a guy piss in her mouth (as in shadowcat's story from joc13's thread), I would never go near her again as long as I live, let alone kiss her. Or even her friends, probably. And we all know that piss is sterile. You can't catch anything from piss like you can from cum. But piss in the mouth is gross and unnatural. Cum in the mouth seems like it belongs there (if she's a slut/whore/slore). See? All in our heads, mine included. I think dallas702's standard is basically the one I live with. Kiss her if she's hot, avoid her if you literally see cum dribbling down chin at that moment, don't do it if you're OCD, etc.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Just my 2 cents. If you enjoy kissing strippers - and kissing enhances the experience (either in VIP or an LD room) - then don't think too much about it. Just enjoy your time with the dancer. We don't know what these girls do in between dancers or between shifts - so it's pointless to keep wondering about it. You know there's a chance she swallowed a load before you kissed her - who knows what she did - so just enjoy your time with the dancer.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Relax, BHF. I can appreciate GFE. All I said is that I find it amusing when guys want GFE with kissing being a major component but want nothing to do with any conversation. This post had no reference to kissing a stripper being akin to sucking dick or being dangerous.
  • K
    7 years ago
    Burlington, message sent Even if she hasnt done anything with anyone, by the end of the shift her breath will stink. They always think to wash their pussies but never their mouth before an otc session.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    There's pros and cons to everything in life, particularly strip-clubbing - everyone has different likes and dislikes w.r.t. SCing, dancers, etc - no need to get defensive; what others have posted is just giving the pros and cons of what you suggest - if one is gonna post opinions on this board one has to learn to accept others' opinions that may not jive w/ one's own.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... one of their biggest source of enjoyment was the "GFE" of DFK. What kind of "GFE" could there be if you know nothing about them ..." Personally speaking, I don't need to know anything about a girl to enjoy DFKing w/ her (it's a physical/sexual rush) - w.r.t. the logic above, then do you not enjoy porn b/c "you don't know anything about the porn actress" - jeez, this guy
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @flagooner, @Papi_Chulo, Agreed. I read too much into your comments. My mistake.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @BHF I'm a big fan of kissing. I'm pretty much with Cashman - we don't know what they're doing, and it's better not to think about it. At least that's what I thought until shadow posted what he did. If it's not SS as he hypothesized in the SS thread, then in my case, I have some thinking to do. BTW, bad breath and cigarette mouth are more of a worry/turn off to me than anything else (other than the piss)
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I don't know why you asking for a hypothetical situation where the whore has so much better oral hygiene that the slutty girl, but in that case if i did know that she had impeccable hygiene after each customer (As an an aside i did know one dancer that said that she cleaned up/freshened up after every lap dance and she wasn't an extra girl or kisser and she told she did it to be respectful to each customer and i took that to heart and now wash my hands after every dance/VIP session out of respect for every dancer except the final one to the delight of the bathroom troll), yes i would be more willing to do GFE with her. I'm sure many (but not all) dancers probably feel the same way about customers. If she felt or knew the customers were very clean, she would be more willing to engage further with them (extras or not). The dancer i spoke of was a germaphobe as many dancers are for good reason considering how many customers they are dealing with. There was another thread about favorites that didn't do extras. My favorites (the ones i eventually spend the bigger bucks on) tend not to do extras or very hesitantly, reluctantly or selectively do them only after a certain amount of trust AND money spent. Many of those girls do say that they don't do this with everyone or anyone else which could very well be SS, but these girls almost never push rooms and when i bring it up they say don't like doing them for various reasons (customers try to do more, make less per hour especially since customers aren't going to tip for the same thing as a regular dance). And there are a lot of extras girls that don't play the same way with everyone for whatever reason. Most TUSCLers will say that any type of FK or open mouthed kissing is quite rare except from maybe the dirtiest girls, but maybe there's something different about your situation. Not that i'm against having fun with an obvious extras girl (i like them quite a bit actually), i just take that in consideration and adjust accordingly (use more protection or act a little more conservative which seems counterintuitive), and i usually end up spending less money on them per session and long term.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    lol. another discussion about tasting some guy’s cum without directly sucking his dick
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    I tend to have a YOLO attitude when I club. I’ve kissed a few strippers including my CF who had just got done blowing me. But I know I was the first of the night. All that being said, in my experience, kissing strippers on the mouth is much more of the exception and the opportunity usually doesn’t arise
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @ Papi "w.r.t. the logic above, then do you not enjoy porn b/c "you don't know anything about the porn actress" - jeez, this guy" More power to you if you get GFE from watching porn? My comment/logic referred to achieving GFE without knowing anything about her, not the enjoyment of DFK. Jeez, this guy. ;-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ you're still on the list buddy!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    LOL. It is good to have you back on the discussion board.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
  • KJ702
    7 years ago
    I don't mind kissing especially a lfk
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I dont have an issue with it myself but since you brought it up its not just the mouth ok... Top girl in club, solid 10 goes back with me with magnificent dd gummis. We have a great time, cfs and bbbj but she goes on stage in one song. I finish with russian and make a mess on those beauties. She quickly cleans up wiping on the curtain or whatever I pay her and she runs down to the stage. I suit up and take my seat at a table by the stage with my drink and chuckle when I see the PL shoving his face between her ya yas clearly kissing her tits still fresh with my splooge. Think of that when you start sucking your dreamgirls tits or whatever...its just a dirty world out there and if your fantasy involves imagining she is snow white drenched in antiseptic sorry to bust that vision.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ "I don't mind kissing especially a lfk" Is lfk "labia french kiss"?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ jeez this guy
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    ill kiss.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    When you go into a hotel room - do you think of all the possible shit that went down in that room? I don't care. If it's a comfortable room, quiet, and if it's not filled with cigarette odor - I relax and get some rest. I'll kiss a stripper or otc girl too - as it's not an issue with me. If there's still splooge on her chin - I'll decline and I will let her know that she needs to clean herself up before hitting up any pl's.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Just for the record, skibum609, JAprufrock, joc13, GoVikings, KJ702, Uprightcitizen, justme62, and Cashman1234 are all honest men and I respect that. Not saying the rest of you are dishonest... just in denial. Come on guys, some of these chicks are hot as balls. You would totally let them run your fucking lives if they asked. I just can't believe it when guys say they won't kiss a smoking hot stripper. It's like when someone asks about dating a stripper. Of course your brain says "no thanks." So does mine. But your brain ain't in charge. And if you had any self control to begin with you wouldn't be in a strip club in the first place. Or maybe it's just me. But that's why we're PLs. I embrace it.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @BHF. News flash: not all of us PLs are alike, just like not all strippers are. Some of us go to SCs because we enjoy it, not because we have no impulse control. Some go for extras and OTC, some are happy with LDK or HM dances, some even like air dances (I think). Some idiots make it rain while others are cheap bast Ardsley (guilty as charged) Some want to date strippers, some aren't stupid.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I could go on.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I have DFK a few dancers. At one club, BJ are off the table from all dancers. You can get HJ and FS but no BJ because it can't be done discreetly. I have kissed a few dancers there. With my current fave at my other club, I DFK with her on my last trip as I was her first customer of the night. I am also 99% sure she doesn't do BJ based on my experience and the experience of a couple other mongers who have danced with her on a regular basis. BHF - I can say with confidence I would/will not date a stripper. Even my current fave who as you put it is "Hot as Balls". I have other things in my life which are more of priority than dating anyone stripper or civilian. I would be more than happy to have FWB arrangement with her. :-)
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    I'll kiss a stripper and have in the past. While I'm kissing them I'm not thinking, "Oh shit! I know she's swallowed or sucked some random guys dick just moments before now." Like PoolyD, Ill use my best judgement.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @Pooled I was technically engaged to a stripper quite a long time ago. I think I read one fellow PL on this board mention that he had gone the next step and married one.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Oops. PoolyD Autocorrect got me there.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    @BHF you're starting to sound like SJG now. Like Flagooner said, everyone is different. Some folks want to DFK, other don't. Ive never kissed a single dancer and don't want to. I don't care how hot she is. And yes, it has to do with me not knowing what she was doing before me. I had an amazing ITC experience in the VIP recently and as we were giving each other a final hug she leaned up to kiss me and I pull her in and put my head on top of hers to avoid the kiss. I kinda felt bad as she was absolutely beautiful and amazing but I just can't do it.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @TFP said "@BHF you're starting to sound like SJG now." That's very hurtful LOL. Okay, I stand corrected, I guess some guys just won't kiss dancers. I still maintain that it's just a psychological thing, but certainly I'm not immune to similar mental pitfalls. For example, I would never eat food that falls on the ground, even if I somehow knew with 100% certainty that the ground was totally sterile and that I wouldn't get sick. Also, I could never eat food that was laid out on a trash bag even if it's a clean bag fresh out of the box. And I never flush a public urinal, that's just gross. I also wash my hands immediately after shaking someone's hand. And I wash my hands immediately after petting a dog or cat. And yet somehow, I'll kiss a stripper. Go figure.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    ^ haha
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Yes I kiss strippers, and I'll do it again, you only live once.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    BurlingtonHF - we have very different standards -lol! I let my dog lick my face all the time - and I know he sniffs butts - and licks lots of crazy shit! I will eat basically anything - regardless of whether it's been on the floor or in a garbage bag. So - kissing a dancer might be one of the cleaner things I do!
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    BHF: I have to admit it's pretty easy for me to follow my "don't kiss extras strippers", since I rarely go to extras clubs, and the one extras club I do go to is a mostly-HJ-only club. So it's pretty rare I have to have any kind of internal struggle around "she probably gave 4 guys BBBJCIMWS before me ... but she's sooo pretty and now she wants to french kiss me". I can probably honestly say I haven't kissed an extras stripper in 10 years. Meanwhile, I LK girls in the no-extras clubs I've been going to for the past 10 years, and occasionally DFK when given the rare opportunity. I like being able to kiss my incredibly gorgeous no-extras strippers, but I'd likely trade no-guilt kissing for a BJ and temptation :)
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Maybe these bitches chew spermacidal stripper gum.
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