
Stripper Phones

Avatar for Quemafia
QuemafiaNorth Carolina

Why is it that strippers always have the shittiest ass phones that are always getting disconnected? Everytime I get a number it is in service for no more than a month. Ive kept the same number for the past 20 years. And their screens are always cracked.

I know with what I tip alone they can get a new iphonw off of just a session or two.


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Avatar for K

They usually arent paying for it. The PL paying for it cuts her off and she needs to find another guy to get her a phone

Avatar for TXbananas

Burner phone(s). Also related to why it sometimes takes 3 days or more between responses.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Trap/burner phones. Pay as you go type and the number gets changed when she is avoiding trouble. Pretty standard really...

Avatar for RandomMember

Because maintaining a phone lease requires the responsibility level of your average 13-yr-old.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I think the insights above are excellent - and true. Some dancers understand the importance of the connection between their phones and more money. It can be very useful to pull a customer into a club with a few sexy photos - and it’s easy to hit up several customers.

However, I think dancers are rough on phones. I doubt that buying a nicer phone would be worth it.

Cell service is another story. Dancers have questionable credit - so getting approved for cell service can be a challenge. Then remembering to make payments is another struggle. Pay as you go is best for many dancers. It might also explain why numbers change frequently - as I think they put your number back in the pool of available numbers when you miss a month payment.

Avatar for shadowcat

Recently a stripper had agreed to OTC. Terms, money were agreed upon. Only thing left was to set up a time and place. She showed me her cracked burner phone and said to call her with the details. So a day later I tried to call and got "A mail box has not yet been set up for this user". Fuck it. I'm out.

Avatar for Rickberge

The same logic should hold for us. When I turn into "PL" mode, I use a burner/crack/ trap phone.

This phone with it's own number, is the one I give to strippers. And I give them a fake name. Makes it a lot easier to separate reality from fantasy.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Many often have nice phones from what I can tell, but having service is another matter - many of these chicks live day-to-day (even minute-to-minute) and seem to often have $$$ issues and often late on payments (car, rent, ph, etc).

Avatar for jaredlucas

On a related topic I am now using a second phone number on my smartphone.

There a number of apps out there that will allow you to add an additional number on a single phone. Eliminates the need to carry two phones.

Avatar for jackslash

Their phone screens are cracked because they get drunk and drop their phones or throw them at their boyfriends.

Avatar for Subraman

All of the above explanations are part of it. Lost her phone, broke her phone, customer who was paying for her phone stopped, didn't pay her bill, etc. Here is a fun one that I've run into a few times with strippers. Every once in a while, after they've given out their # to too many customers and to too many random guys at dance clubs, all of whom they've forgotten but who continue to text them, they simply get a new phone number when they buy a new phone. It's the funniest way to manage your contacts, but I've seen it several times.

Avatar for Abq2017

I think theft by other dancers/ clients is a big reason. I wouldn't want to leave a nice $700 phone lying around a club and have it stolen. An old flip phone does the trick.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Subraman makes a good point. It’s an easy way to clean things up.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Strippers are not dependable, generally.

I know... stunning.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

My ATF DS always has her personal phone which is the latest iPhone and then she also has a separate work phone which is a crappy one. The work phone is for communicating with her PL customers only. And yeah she broke the screen on it and didn't care as much about fixing it. With her personal phone she treats it like it is gold.

Avatar for Ch3ll

Ive noticed they usually have nice smartphones. Although the service is probably pay as go. As Papi mentioned the screen is usually cracked though. I do believe most of them change numbers like crazy.

A couple I've exchanged numbers with have changed their number at least once that I know of. My current fav has had 7 different numbers. I thought it was so weird I started numbering them in my phone after the third number. I may be being naive, but her first number was the one registered under her Facebook. With her I believe it was due to finances.

There is one stripper I know who had kept the same number over three years. Another stripper I know physically had two phones she'd use. She once told me each purpose, but I was like whatever since we were still meeting OTC. I'm guessing at one point, one got cut off, because she texted me that such and such number didn't work anymore and how to contact her.

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