
Can't pull the trigger

To all my fellow mongers out there, I have a question for you. Is there any club where you've had apprehension to visit?? You've read the reviews and it sounds like a nice time can be had but you can't just seem to make yourself go.
What reasons would stop you from going? Location, price, fears of being clipped, untrustworthy staff?
I'm asking because it's a club I've been considering trying out but whenever I'm out clubbing I just can't seem to go. Just something seems off about that place. So I wanted to see has this happened to anyone else before...


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Sometimes it’s smart to listen to that inner voice, if you do go take a buddy along to keep you safe.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Afraid of the neighborhood.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Agreed 25 that's been my reasoning. Other clubs I'll go to full throttle but one in particular I can't even talk myself into it. I don't really know too many people that club except like bachelor parties. I need to meet more hardcore mongers
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Jack in this instance it is the neighborhood I'm skeptical of, a fight broke out a couple years ago and a kid got his ass beat to death in the parking lot and the bouncers didn't do shit. Not to mention complaints of bouncers and strippers running scams and the fact waitresses will keep your CC info then go shopping. These are things I've heard from civies but I read reviews on here and nothing like that
  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    Big Tezzy,seems to me that you lack courage.I guess the view never changes for you.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Sharing a true story........about a year ago when I first started going back to clubs I was in N.E. Ohio for work and finished up earlier than expected. I looked on my GPS and there were two clubs within five miles of my hotel--one west and one east.......took a look at both clubs on line and both seemed on par with each other......my gut took me east......something felt "off" about the other place although there was nothing I could find to verify the feeling.........next morning the club west of me that I avoided was on the local news.....shooting in the parking lot spilled over from a brawl inside the club.........Trust your gut.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @TD I don’t agree that lacking courage is the issue, I have very little fear, it is more an understanding, that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    If there is a club I’d like to go to, I just go if I can fit it in. There have been some I’ve avoided if they consistently have bad reviews, don’t have the type of dancers I like per the reviews, or have been in the news for shootings, etc.
  • tumblingdice
    7 years ago
    @Tfive, my entire life is based on calculated risk,nothing ventured nothing gained.What I was saying is don't post just go find out.

    After all you're not really living life if you haven't been shot at once or twice.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I agree (for once) with 25.

    Most of the time you can sense when you are doing something you shouldn't be doing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @TD Getting shot at iwas a very high adrenaline experience,I kept my head down hope you did the same. ,)
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    Go with a buddy as someone mentioned. I too have my concerns about a couple of clubs in my town, but I've went nonetheless so I know first-hand what it's like. Also, two of the clubs I frequent have had violence issues in the past, but it's not something thats happening every day/night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    IMO most people that are not SCers don't know much about SCing and just repeat rumors - I'd trust the TUSCL reviews more than what some civilians that know little about SCing say .

    I've been apprehensive about certain clubs mainly thinking they would not be very good but still checked them out for myself and usually ended up having at least a decent time.

    If you have doubs then just do a recon trip on a slow shift (midweek evening maybe around 9:30 pm) when the clubs are usually docile and u can get a feel for the place.

    I've learned that I rather check out clubs with my own eyes b/c everyone's taste is not the same; but if most of the TUSCL reviews say stay away, then I may not bother.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I, too, am a "listen to your inner voice" type. That said, it's also always worth double-checking to see if your inner voice has picked something up that your big head didn't, or if it's just being a little bitch.

    Like Papi, in a bad neighborhood, I'll reconnoiter on a slow day, read up on the neighborhood and where to park. In my city, there's only 3 strip clubs in bad neighborhoods, but for years 2 of those clubs where the best clubs in town. Figured out the neighborhood, where to park, brought a defensive tool when warranted... no worries, no problems
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Down here in South FL pretty-much every club has it's own parking-lot thus one does not have to park a block(s) away to visit the club.

    Thus I'm not used to hitting clubs where one has to park street-side, sometimes a couple of blocks away, and then walk to the club - but this is what I had to do when I visited NJ last year and hit some black dives in Irvinton and one in Paterson - I was def not comfortable parking a block or 2 away then having to walk to the club in an unfamiliar area with not the best rep, but I ended up having a great time and fucking 7 different hos b/w the 3 dives I hit, it was a pretty-memorable trip
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    bigt... "What reasons would stop you from going? Location, price, fears of being clipped, untrustworthy staff?"

    this happens to me all the time. i guess it is part of the excitement.
  • K
    7 years ago
    Avoid it is there If there are legitimate reasons to not go to a club. Just not being comfortable for whatever reason is legitimate enough for me.

    They can't keep your CC if you don't use it.

    Location rarely is an issue for me. Even in the most dangerous areas, most violence occurs between people that know each other. Mind your business and you will be fine. Clubs will not survive if they are in an area that is so dangerous customers stay away. Whoever runs the club will make sure that the area immediately around the club is safe to park. In Newark I tip the homeless guy on the street not because he will protect my car from others but because I know he will do something if I don't.

    In my experience, brawls in Stripclubs happen far less often than in other bars. When I've seen them it was almost always between people that knew each other. I do hear about them in the news more often than other clubs. I assume this is because there is the titillation factor of it being a strip club. With that said, the one man I know that was killed in a bar brawl was at a stripclub. The one person I know that killed a man in a bar brawl was at a neighborhood bar. I still frequent both locations.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Yes, there are clubs that I won't go to. Mostly it's because of reports that the crowd is really rough, sometimes in the news. That, or ethnic clubs where by all accounts if you're not the correct ethnicity, you won't be well-received.

    Neither of the clubs that first come to mind have TUSCL reviews (maybe no fat, old, bald guy has made it out alive to write one.) If there were any, I might take that into account, but as often as not, a new manager will post a bunch of CLUB ADS on TUSCL, Yelp, etc., to try to drum up business, while people are still getting stabbed and robbed out front.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I just don't want to waste my time and money. If a club is far away and not near any other clubs i might want to visit and the value in general is not there (from reviews and club info), i just go nah. Also if reviews don't describe particular hot dancers that deliver, i also see no reason to go. I've never had issues with violence or shady areas (although clubs are rarely in a decent let along very nice area). I have walked into a club and have felt a little out of place, though.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    7 nuts in one night?! I thought the multiple LDKers in one evening were something else, but they have nothing (or is it nutthing?) on you! I suppose you don't have to nut every time (and it might not happen if covered), but still...
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Not exactly 7 nuts in one night - allow me to PL-elaborate.

    1st nut was on a late Fr afternoon visit, then FSed two more bitches on that same visit where I got hard both times but didn't nut (I don't mind fucking and not nutting b/c I can fuck for 30-minutes or more straight).

    2nd nut was on Fr eve.

    Then FSed 3 more bitches on Sat afternoon and was hard with all 3 but didn't bust b/c of the prev day's 2 nuts - 6 of the 7 FS's were barside fucks in dives (ebony would put condom-on on the diwn-lo while I sat on my barstool, she would turn around standing in front of me with her back to me, then in would go the banana from the back similar to doggy-style and it would just look like she was grinding on me, for w/e reason I find that type of barside fucking enticing and kinda fun/exciting - since I didn't bust on most of the FS's, some of those ebonies I'd be fucking for up to 30-minutes straight (those bitches didn't complain and knew how to fuck and they def put in some work) - I paid them b/w $80 and $100 and some reviewers state paying just $40 or.$50, but I did have them on lockdown for a good while (and barside dances were just $10).
  • Electronman
    7 years ago
    Never experienced a bar side fuck---- sounds fun.

    Closest I've come to public sex was a handy and some FIV while seated in a booth in the main club. Next was the infamous group VIP at Bogart's (metro Detroit) where a half dozen couples would be at various stages of engagement on padded chairs in the semi-private group VIP area. Bogarts has redesigned the VIP to have more private booths.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    This is a good topic. I’m enjoying Papi’s stories too! I’ve had certain concerns slow me down, but not prevent me, from hitting a few clubs.

    I’m a tall, skinny, pasty white guy - and I know that I stand out like a white golf flag in some AA clubs. I checked out a few Irvington NJ clubs before going. It turned out to be a great time, so it was a good experience, but I believe it’s good to be aware.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Money&Budget. I was hesitant for a while to visit Christies @ Cleveland. I kept thinking that the place looked too high-end and might blow my budget or be a stretch to afford. It's sort of silly to think that way. Part was I was too comfortable with my old stomping grounds @ CH. That's just plain not a rational way to think and act. I plan to go to Christies the next time I'm not.

    I still have yet to pull the trigger on driving to Detroit. It's the $$ for gas, hotel, extras, OTC, etc. It's like a 6 hour round trip. Maybe I'd take a vacation day or move my schedule so I'm not trying to do night shift and try day shift instead. It just seems unnecessary when I have 4 or 5 clubs within 10 minute drive. But I know the Detroit clubs are probably better.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Never had any apprehension to visit any club. Tbh before finding this site I didn't know much about strip clubs and which ones were best and what was allowed at each. Once I found this site and got access to the reviews I saw exactly which clubs I should be trying to visit. Which is why I have trips planned to Atlanta and SoCal/TJ next year.

    Hearing that a club is in a bad neighborhood doesn't really scare me. I'm black so I blend in well with the thugs lol. The thing that scares me more is seeing a review that says air dances. Much worse than gun toting thugs for me.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    I won't visit a club if vandals strike in the parking lot and get to my car and the club won't even return my phone call. I mean I could sit out in the parking lot with a gun or weapon but that defeats the whole reason to visit a strip club and if the club manager doesn't give a fuck and won't even talk to you, forget that club. If it happens again, I will call the police to the strip club for even something some people think as minor like someone egging cars. If it was up to me, I would pass a law justifying shooting vandals on the spot. I was just telling a relative if we lived in a mad max world, I would take out a gun and shoot someone if they parked next to my car and dinged it on purpose. Some people deserve to be shot in my opinion. If the club management doesn't give a fuck, then I would either stop visiting or drive an old car and make the club become a nuisance club by reporting every single incident to the police filing reports every time.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    The short answer is if you don't feel safe parking your car in the parking lot, might be a good reason not to visit. Alternative is to park there and get revenge by shooting anyone throwing eggs at anyone's car if they come back on another night. Someone shooting back at a vandal might make them leave. If they didn't, self defense case gets stronger.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    There's a club in Hialeah, I forget the name where when I entered I was wanded and had to go thru a metal detector. Had I known that beforehand, I wouldn't have entered. I stayed a few minutes, checking out the place then left.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    I'm of the opinion that you can't know a good strip club until you've been to enough to have a basis of comparison. And you can't know how good a really good strip club is until you've been to the bad ones. There are quite a few clubs in my city that I'm trying to collect matchbooks from so I'll give you some of the reasons I'm hesitant to visit even though I intend to in the future:

    * Would rather hit up my home club (and have a guaranteed good time)
    * No attractive girls at the club (or just not my type)
    * Clip joint
    * It's an air dancing/no-touching club
    * Don't want to pay cover/drink minimums just to get my matchbook
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    If you're hearing bad things about a neighborhood, there is probably a reason. There's a club I used to go to where about 3 people were killed during the time I was a regular. At least one more was badly injured and hospitalized, and it happened about 10 feet in front of me when the club staff got tired of the guy talking shit. They drug him out by his feet and his head was hitting against stuff on the way out. None of that was in the reviews for the club on TUSCL. Other than the occasional death, it was a a club with a surprisingly good lineup and lots of fun to be had.
  • Mainster
    7 years ago
    There are a couple clubs that I will not visit after dark because the neighborhood is just too fucked up.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    What twentyfive said.
    That inner voice is there for a reason. I will venture into most any club, even some in very sketchy areas. As a female monger I rarely feel any fear (clubbing in the daytime helps with that, lol). But there are a few places with known violent pasts that I do avoid, like Sam's Haufbrau in DTLA for example. I always listen to that gut feeling, whether it's for a stripclub or a grocery store. Bad mojo is bad mojo regardless of the destination.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If I would've listened to my inner-voice I probably would've never ventured into an all-black club and wouldn't have experienced what I have - and believe me that inner-voice kept me away for a couple of years of wanting to do it on a regular basis.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    One takes a risk every time they drive to the club
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ way way more people get killed in car-accidents than in strip clubs - but don't ask shadowcat :)
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Don't pull the trigger, squeeze.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    If you don't pull the trigger she may not pull your dick - thank about-it
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Mostly, it's out of routine. The ones I go to I know what I'm getting.
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