
Comments by Ch3ll (page 7)

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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    It's always been B for me, because it suits my schedule better. There have been times where I could have tried a day shift, but just haven't. I'm willing to try a day shift if it's has a good amount of dancers there at the time.
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another common dancer question
    I like the "I like to go to strip clubs" and "what do you have in mind" I usually tell them I don't do much. I like to gamble. Gambling is usually what u do before hitting the strip clubs nearest me anyway, because it's in the city of the strip clubs.
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    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    finding loose money in the SC
    Im not sure who's cash it was, but I went up to the side stage to tip my fav and she pointed out ~$22 on the floor and asked me to pick it up. It was a slow weeknight, so I looked around only one customer nearby, acted like I dropped something and picked it up then gave it to her. Stayed at the stage a little more then went back to my seat. Was never approached about it. In hindsight I think I was stupid to even do that, because could have caused drama with the club itself. I know I was thinking with my little head, because I really didn't give it much thought, it was like instant reaction. Beyond that I've seen like a dollar on the floor from leftover tips, but I don't bother it. Or if the stripper or bouncer bypasses a tip being picked up I'll catch their attention so they can get it.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How to get a girl you like from stage to your lap?
    Tip her and just hope, hope, hope she comes to you. In the scenario you gave she's more than likely to go to one of her regulars if she's getting all that attention. Your best bet is to tip her however much you can afford hoping she sees, ask her to come by, and hope she decides to take a chance on you. I've seen times where it's slow, and only one guy tips and the girl goes to smoke or dressing room.
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    7 years ago
    otc to fwb
    @tiger I'm 33 so in the same range as you, but I agree with Papi and everyone else. I think us being relatively close in age to some of the strippers adds to the delusion that we're special. Just keep having fun paying whatever it is Ya'll agree on. My experience hasnt been so much that drama came along, but that she drifted away as hints of money being tight came up and/or me catching feelings.
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    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Stripper legit wants to hang out with you after work
    My ex CF said that many times after we'd just ended an OTC night. But if I hit her up the next day or so talking about some hanging out, nothing ever developed. In regards to your discussion title, this ex CF and I did hangout once at her place for like 30 minutes after work, but we talked and then cuddled, kissed, but no sex. Then she had to go get her kids so that was that.
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    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    The OP and the first reply made for a good laugh. I agree with SCPandit. That's a good hustle on her part. I think I'd be fooled at first until I started reminiscing on my visit. So.....because I'm not hip to what the acronym is, what is PSA?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    As Subraman mentioned it's rather weird that you've been going in to see her the past couple years and no number exchange has happened. Did you get any kind of contact info prior this as far as communicating? Aside from the above I wonder what has your spending been on her? But to answer the question I'd go over to her place if there haven't been any red flags raised since y'all have been seeing each other at the club. As others have mentioned, the alternative, neutral location would be some public activities and a nice hotel afterward. If she were to turn that down I'd be suspicious. I've been to two dancers place for otc. However, our first few OTCs were at a hotel. One was in the wee hours of the morning, like 6 am when the sun was coming up so I wasn't too worried. Another because no hotels were available due to a big college event going on. I was skeptical, but everything turned out to be okay.
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    7 years ago
    New Jersey
    Strippers and phones
    I think they do lose some amount of business by doing this. I take it as a clue and make my opinion that she probably isn't that into it that day/night or she's on the lower end of the talent scale. I can't recall ever approaching one who was on her phone alot. But....I will say don't discount approaching a stripper, because some of my best experiences have been from the ones I approached.
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    @WillMunny I always rent a car when I go to Vegas if I fly. So probably..... I think we could pull off a visit to a strip club. Now the road head, yeah if I rented a truck.
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    Flights aren't what they used to be flying out of Tucson to Vegas. I know it's a while, but about 6 years ago one could fly round trip from Tucson to Vegas for a little over $100 and that was just planning ahead. I just looked and round trip would be over $500. It costs me that to fly back home to Mississippi. Well, despite my hopes I probably won't be taking this stripper. Because we mostly communicate on Facebook messenger I can see she's read the message but no response. I'm sure next time I see her it'll be, "oh you never message me, I told you to message me when you want to hangout."
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    @Subraman Lol. I was talking to my homie about how I'd do an analysis to see if it'd be cheaper to drive, 8 hours for me from AZ, as opposed to flying. On the off chance she would go I was 99% going with the rental car driving, because I'd be out of nothing if she flaked. Refundable airline tickets are a little pricey.
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    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    The stripper I'm considering we've been OTC several times and I've stayed overnight at her place twice. When we're together we get along fine. I know that sounds crazy given there's money exchange, but most of our times together have been random, no certain or agreed upon amount or anything. My biggest concern is her reliability. She's never stood me up, but just simply responding to messages when I've gotten straight to the point on the first message I sent. To clarify on the trip though, if I did take her it'd be a couple of days before the tournament. So we'd hangout uninterrupted for two days and then she'd be headed back home before the tournament begins.
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    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    1 x week
    I think once a week is fine. When I first started I'd go 3 or 4 times in a week and was spending $100+ each visit. Also, it's a 3 hour round trip if I go to the strip club . As others have said as long as your standard of living isn't affected. I know I did mine, but I've learned and getting back on track. Once a week is persistent enough to get a stripper to grow comfortable with you and possibly lead to other things like OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Presenting yourself as rich vs poor
    I guess I fall into presenting my self as rich, although I like to think of it as how if dress anyway. Khakis, casual shoes, and polo or button down shirt. No jewelry, not even a digital watch. As far as how I get treated that depends on the girls and or the club. I've been in the club and buying dances but that may be from just one dancer and no others come by. Other times a few are coming by. Other times I'd like to think it's a race preference. They have their choices so it is what it is. Unless you actually stopped a stripper and request a dance and she says oh I need to use the bathroom first or something and doesn't come back, who knows.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New year new me...
    Do some strippers actually only do VIP and no floor dances (excluding cocktail waitresses) and/or do some find it's usually more profitable than wasting time doing floor dances OR do they just pick and choose thinking oh this guy is a sucker?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    When there is one or two customers
    I've never been in the club when it was specifically 1 or 2 patrons, but I have when it's been less than 10. Sometimes it has ended up being a pleasant experience, that's if that one dancer approaches and turns out to be a strip club gem. However, mostly if they're aren't approaching and the lineup has rotated on stage, I just leave. Money in my pocket. I was at the club this past Monday night from around 930 to 1030 and no dancers were approaching. Two dancers in front of me we're sitting with a dude and they had just given him a double dance, but beyond that they were just sitting chatting and drinking. This one particular dancer I had my eye on had been on stage twice and on her second stage she came by. She ran the "how long have you been here" "have you had any dances". I said no, but then she says "let's go to VIP, I only do dances in VIP". I told her I was only doing floor dances and left it at that. Shortly after I left the club. $7 total expenses (1 beer, two ice water with $1 tip). Money for another SC venture.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Just give me what ever you think it was worth"
    I don't know where to draw the line between extras and mileage, but recalling some VIP experiences (VIP is rare for me nowadays), I'd say yes she conveyed that message, but without saying. And if I was able, had extra cash I'd tip appropriately.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If you went to the sc with unlimited funds?
    If I had to choose from those options it would be E. And for the most part I agree with TiredTraveler response. Except I'm not fond of any in the club extras anymore. I'd prefer anything that's probably off limits in the club to be done OTC. Also, I'd try to make it a bucket list to visit every single SC in the U.S. I read of a middle aged man who was already a millionaire due to the construction company he owned. He tried his luck at the lottery once buying 100 $1 tickets and won one of the big ones like the Powerball or Mega Millions. He like us enjoyed SCing but ended up getting robbed for like three separate times at the club for amounts of $25k, $50k, and some other crazy amount to be carrying in your car. Anyway, the SCing as portrayed by the news wasn't so bad, but due to his windfall of cash his granddaughter's boyfriend died, his granddaughter died, and his daughter died. And the guy admits he wish he would have never won. Anyway, to keep it light, yes unlimited SCing money would be quite nice.
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    7 years ago
    Sex OTC - prostitute??
    I don't consider them a prostitute. I think the day of, leading up to our first OTC is when thoughts of prostitution cross my mind. In discussion with them for setting up OTC or even after it has occurred I feel I'm taking careful consideration to not be like "hey I'm paying you this for that.". Last time I discussed OTC and or paying with a long time OTC stripper she couldn't figure out what the hell I was trying to say, because I didn't want to just say "hey I pay you for this, when we do this."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is it really that hard for strippers to get credit?
    I've only talked about credit with one stripper and found out she got denied for a Care Credit card. When she told me I didn't really know what to say. I felt sorry for her, because my coworker turned me on to how it works, what it's used for and I got approved. At the time my credit score was in the mid 600s and high utilization.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Memories vs $$$
    I dont fit the bill for SCing long and hard, but in the 3 to 4 years I have, the first two being the heaviest, I'd say I'd rather the experiences. The lessons learned from dealing with strippers has been invaluable. And being OTC with women I consider sexier, more attractive than what I normally pull has been great to experience. I wish my memory would serve me right so I knew how much I've spent in these four years!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Remaining Friends With The Ex?
    Me and my ex still communicate much, but it's most due to the five kids we have. Oldest is a preteen so we'll pretty much be like this for many years to come. We do communicate sometimes about affairs going on I the others life and some random stuff. Once we both unexpectedly met each other at the doctor's office so that was somewhat awkward, but we shared why we were there. As crazy as it sounds I helped her move into her new house having to lift alongside her boyfriend. But that got me some free pizza and beer. We also had Thanksgiving together the past three years. It's weird I'll admit, but I know a big part of us communicate, doing things is because of our young kids. I'm often criticized by family and friends because of how we are.