
Do you use your real name when you club?

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:35 AM
When you are in a club, and dancers ask your name, do you use your real first name? I'm not talking about being very secretive - with fake ID. If you use a different name - how did you come up with it?


  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I have always used my real first name but never my last name. Have been considering using a fake one anymore as the world is getting weirder
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Yes I go by my real first name at the club. And like Doces300 I won't ever tell anyone my last name.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I use my real first name, no harm in that.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I'm the same. In a club, since I'm only using cash, all that's needed are first names. I use my real first name - there's no need for any additional identification.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Yes I do. Last name no but just remember all the girl has to do is ask her friend the waitress if you use a credit card. Another reason why its a bad idea to use one in a club...
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I agree with real first name, no last name, cash only.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Unless you have a unique first name that will allow you to be identified in a Google search of that name, why would you give a fake first name? Seems paranoid in the extreme to me. As far as last names, in hundreds (possibly thousands) of introductions, I’ve only been asked once, and I gave my real one. Nothing bad came of it, but I’ve had second thoughts and probably wouldn’t do it again unless I know her really well (which I usually don’t). While on the subject, I never ask, but in my experience probably close to 50% of dancers that spend more time with me than just a “wanna dance” give me their real name unsolicited. Somtimes I wonder if they have a second fake name to make PLs feel “special” for getting their “real” name. I have also had a few who have showed me their drivers license unsolicited. Of course that could be fake too.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    I use Rickyboy Dugan as my name. Hey, I need all the help I can get.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Yes And quite frankly, I find it strange if you don’t
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Real name. Remembering an alias is a pain, especially if booze is involved.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I used to use a fake first name, but ultimately decided there wasn't a issue using my real first name.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    Nope: Never my real name Never my real address Never my real occupation Never my regular phone number Never the actual hotel I am staying in Virtually no personal information other than very general terms
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Haha Ishmael. I used a fake first name years ago the first time I went and then the booze worked as expected. I must've used ten different first names that night. It's much harder to remember my own bullshit, especially with booze, so I've used my first name ever since.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I've heard some guys will use a fake name in case they run into the dancers outside of the club - and they recognize the guy. If a customer is married - he might be in trouble with his wife.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    When they ask my name I tell them it must be baby because that is what all of the girls call me. :)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i use my first name.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    They know me as Thor.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    Many, many years ago I used a fake first name a few times. It just didn't feel right. Ever since, I just use my real first name. If their intention is to do something shady, they would need more information than just your first name.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Yes, real first name. I'm a rent a geek (true enough), or "technology whore" as my former business partner used to like to refer to ourselves (that version usually gets a chuckle from the dancers). I'm between clients (not always true). I live in North Atlanta (me and a million other people). I'm married (no sense lying about that; I'd mess that lie up worse than using a fake first name; besides, I think it puts some dancers at ease).
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Fake first name, have done this for many years. My current reason for doing so: I get a kick out of it, and I feel like there's some karmic balance in neither of us knowing each others' first names. The reason I initially started doing it: and yes, I realize this was, to some extent, overthinking paranoia. One day, talking to a stripper, I realized that my then-girlfriend (and later wife) and I often partied in the same places as the strippers, and just that past weekend, we'd missed each other at the same club by like 30 minutes. I don't think the strippers would purposely out me, but drunken strippers are sometimes loud and impulsive (yes! I know this is shocking) and I could just imagine them not seeing my girlfriend and screaming out "Subraman! Subraman!" or whatever. I decided that giving them a fake name (I went with "Flagooner") gave me a little margin for error ... we're walking around party central and some drunk stripper calls out "Flagooner!" I'm like "I have no idea who that girl thinks I am, what the hell is she calling me? Flooner?" and hustle her out of there.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I usually introduce myself as, James Bond sorry babe but now I have to kill you. ;)
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    My middle name
  • bang69
    7 years ago
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    Fake. Unless you have a whole built up backstory, you tend to give up a lot of information in small talk. Fake first name Shields you a bit. Also dancers have stage names to protect themselves from from some of the at best weirdos or worst dangerous customers, and rightfully so. But on our side, while most dancers are magic sprinkled down from heaven, some dancers are thieves & scam artists. Best not to share traceable information with them either to protect yourself. On another sub point, I've had some dancers tell me their "real name". 1. I could give a shit less, and 2. I presume their "real name" is also fake, but just level 2 of their club identity. My attitude is, I'm not giving you my real name, why should I care about yours. Other random point maybe next time, I'll give them an obviously fake male stripper name. Pleased to meet you "Dynasty" my name is Dick Hammer.
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    I just tell them my name is Cash. Seems to get their attention.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Yes I do - Elenora deBurjerack.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Sounds like you are paranoid not to use your real name unless you are married or have a reason to hide it. I'm not worried about a hot dancer stalking me.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    ^ exactly I’m surprised that people actually have the patience to use/think of a fake name every time they go to a club. Hey guys, do you ever forget to use your fake name and use your real one lololol
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    If a strippers outs you in front of your wife does it really matter what name she calls you?
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    @chess Well, if some stripper comes up and refers to you as "Dick Hammer" then perhaps you can get by, on she must be high or something-you have a chance of escape. But if this strange woman calls you out by your government name in front of your spouse - you're 100% fucked. Dick Hammer here is going to continue to play the better odds.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I always use my real name: Professor Peter Pussyhound.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Real name. So common! As for any other info, depends on the dancer. A CF, can know a lot about me. The ATF, a whole other story. I ran into a former ATF from Key West when I was on my home turf with my wife. Sure didn't look like her from 20+ years before. Anyway we had some conversations and that was it. My wife knows her now, but only as a woman I met in Key West. I know many women from work, so no red flags. The now ATF, shes been out to dinner with was ad even to the in-laws with us for special occasions. Been to my business. Knows the whole family, but they very knew of our other relationship.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Man, some paranoid people here or something. I've never been asked my last name. Now that would be weird. Sooner or later, you probably will run into someone you know at the strip club; that's probably a bigger concern, but oh well, when that happens you saw that person too so they might just pretend they never saw you if they know what's good. Now i wonder how many of the other strip club workers use fake names. Waitresses? Bartenders? Door girls? Bouncers and floor hosts even? I didn't think they would, but from this discussion, who knows?
  • chilzz
    7 years ago
    Fake name always. With social media and easy ability to put faces to a name, I don;t see why use your real one. I use the same name so not hard to recall.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Exactly. It all, of course, depends on how much you have to lose. I'm guessing the guys who think a stalker stripper couldn't use a first name (plus other very small details of your life, with tend to leak out over time, even if your last name doesn't) to hunt you down, haven't actually looked into it. I also think the guys with little to lose, who aren't afraid of a stripper finding them, have a point, too. Hard to make blanket statements, and different people have different risk tolerances and different judgements as to what is a risk at all. It's pretty personal -- the only black/white is the argument over, say, whether someone with your first name and a very few other facts might be able to find you, and the answer is factually yes. Like I said, for me, I don't twist much over this. I have very little to lose and the risk is low to me regardless. I still enjoy the karmic balance of both of us using fake names, I just get a kick out of it, and if there's minor security advantages to it, that's great
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I do both. My name is often misheard and mistaken for another, so I stopped correcting people on it and eventually just started giving it out. Any girl I talk to more than a few times is corrected.
  • TheFword
    7 years ago
    My real name. Most of the time they don't remember it anyway, even after a FS extras session. One time when asked my name I replied "Bruno, that's just my club name my real name is..."
  • IHearVoices
    7 years ago
    I used to give my real first name when I started, but then (for whatever reason) girls couldn't hear it when I said it so I went with another name. One girl at a local club who I've developed a rapport with told me her real name...or at least one that was different than her dancer name...so I told her my real name.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Real name....I offer my stage name to some and they get a kick out of it. "Bubba" for inquiring minds. Most of my favorites have given real name and number, several "real" social media accounts too. I'm very careful about approaching that line...to easy for people to snoop on FaceBook etc.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Why would a stripper choose you(of all people) to... i dont even know what. What are they gonna do if/when they find you? Extort you? Rob you? Commit credit fraud?
  • Ch3ll
    7 years ago
    I always use my real first name. If she's new to me and I ask her her name and she has an interesting stage name, if I'm quick witted enough I'll say mine is something that's opposite or goes along with what hers is. I don't worry with them knowing my name, plus it makes it easier for me not to be caught off guard if she's calling me by some fake name I only use in the strip club. Sometimes my name has served as a conversation starter. I guess it throws some people off that I'm a black guy with a Hispanic first name.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Sometimes I just go super-fake on principle.
  • Cheo_D
    7 years ago
    When your first name is so absurdly common as mine, I can let it go. Family name, nope.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    I have a super common first name so I just use that. I do lie about my occupation though. I make ok money but the occupation doesn't sound impressive so I say I'm an electrical engineer. Funny experience with a dancer at Rhino in Vegas one time. So we finish the VIP and she offers OTC. She gets my number and then calls me so I'll have hers. I was doing a trial of that caller ID app that lists the name or business name of every number calling. So when her call came through on my phone it had her full real name on the display and she was shocked like, how the fuck does it show all that??!! I told her it's time to get that burner phone, so the name us PLs will see is 'Butterfly Princess' or whatever you want it to be lol.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I usually use my real first name. If I am in the mood to mess with her and I won't see her again, I go by what's in my wallet-- Benjamin, Grant or Jackson. If I had to use a totally fake name it would be Big Rod.
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