Comments by lopaw (page 146)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    how often do tuscl members change handels
    I can't Handel this thread. But I'll try and stay composed ^.^
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    11 years ago
    Bizarro Thought...
    I'm doubtful, MD. I get the feeling that Founder doesn't pull any punches so if he got fed up enough with the nonsense going on in here he'd unceremoniously pull the plug. This BigJohn guy seems to mainly have only the main village idiot on his radar, so i don't think he's Founder. Though I will agree that it is an interesting theory.
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    11 years ago
    I'm a feminist, staxwell, and believe me they are NOT feminists. They are whiney bitches with holier-than-thou attitudes who hate everyone who enters a SC as a customer. The good news is that they don't represent the majority of dancers out there in the real world.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Upscale, dive or other?
    Upscale. I've been spoiled by the amenities and the top of the line selection of dancers. It costs more but I feel that it's worth it.
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    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Of course my situation is different from you guys, but I have found that the dancers who claim to me that they are bisexual usually are great in the VIP room and they know what to do and how to make a woman happy. The ones who say that they are bi-curious sometimes really are curious, and that's where I come in - to help fulfill that curiousity. Using the term bi-curious can give some dancers the option to feel out the response of their prey and gauge the reaction. If the reaction is positive, they can further embellish on it, and if the response is unfavorable they can back peddle and and say that they were only kidding. Either one really knows what dancers are thinking most of the time so I wouldn't spend too much time thinking or worrying about it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    College Interns
    We're getting a flood of new hires and interns right now, but sadly most are male. But the few females are indeed very distracting. I'm hoping that they will assign a female one for me to "mentor"......heh heh heh
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    A great stage dance
    Absolutely. If a girl onstage is giving me good eye contact and is doing a great stage set, I'm more than willing to overlook the fact that she's not a 10....or an 8....or even a 6.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Best state?
    California. It sure as hell ain't perfect, but it's got most anything that you could want....if you can afford it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club City Guide
    Welcome to my hunting grounds - Los Angeles. As many know, here you can find anything and everything that you could possibly want in a SC. We have clubs of all types that cater to virtually everyone....and we have alot of 'em spread out across the county. But if you want high end attention, you will pay heavily for it. First off - No alcohol in nude clubs (+18) but plenty of booze at topless joints (+21). If you're looking for UHM you've got to go fully nude, most definitely. L.A. is huge, but there are clubs from one end to the other, as well as in OC, the valley, and the notorious COI (which should have a separate review all it's own). Clubs in LA range from $ to $$$$. Many downtown blue collar topless joints (like Sam's Hofbrau) cater to large hispanic crowds. Sam's is usually very busy, with it's $10 bikini dances. Topless joints don't offer topless dances, only bikini dances. Them's the rules. On the West side are high end (expensive) clubs with model quality LA women that many would expect to find in this plastic town. Clubs like 4Play and my fave Bare Elegance house some of the best looking women and the worst prices - upwards of $40 or $50 a dance. I won't even go into what the Skyboxes run, but it's in the range of $500/1/2 hr at some upscale clubs. Dancers in this town, as you'd imagine, run the gamut in size, shape, color and personality. We are definitely heavy with hot latinas, and in some clubs you might have trouble finding many english speakers. I've run into that mostly in the Valley. Speaking of the Valley - the San Fernado Valley is filled mostly with nude clubs in working class neighborhoods. The dancers typically run mid-range on looks, but you can find bargains in the many Deja Vu & SRhino clubs that sprinkle the area. Most of the time speaking isn't even necessary ;) I don't drink booze no mo, but my SC buddies do and they tell me that drink specials at the bigger chain clubs can be decent. I'm interpreting that to mean good for LA pricing, but bad compared to the rest of the country. And if you really want to get a flavor for LA/OC/IE clubbing, hit up zbone.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you see a club taking pics or filming the stage show, do you stay away?
    The one or two times that I've run into this they always stuck a consent form at me to sign, at which point I politely said my goodbyes and left.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Why do guy's leave the board?
    Why do guy's leave the board? Because they can. Was gonna go for a haiku version, but my ADD kicked in and my mind wandered.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Dancer: "What kind of work do you do?"
    I always tell them the truth. It's fun to watch their eyes glaze over in trying to understand it.
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    11 years ago
    Wishlist of clubs
    There are a few clubs in the COI that I still haven't explored, as well as some in the SFV that I should also check out based on good reviews on zbone. One day, perhaps.
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    11 years ago
    Ratings and Comments.
    I rarely read reviews here since there is a dedicated site specifically for my region which is better suited for that kind of stuff. However I do love the "View Clubs on Map" feature that TUSCL offers and I use it whenever I'm looking to see all of the clubs in a specific area.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Do you think she likes me O_O !!!!
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    11 years ago
    washington dc
    Property Of (enter strippers name here)
    It happens to me constantly and it sucks. Thank goodness there are so many clubs in L.A. for me to escape to.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    @ilbbaicnl - No thankfully I have never actually met and talked to any dancers that openly disliked female customers. Some dancers don't approach me for whatever reason. Maybe they dislike females or maybe they are just shy and don't know how to approach - I'll never know and really don't care. But if you ever read any of the venom-dripping threads over on SW you'd think that we were all there just to ruin their lives. They clump us all in the same boat and stereotype everyone with the same agendas. You wouldn't believe the hate that some of the twats over there spew about women customers and other groups of customers (hispanic, black, old, fat, etc.). If someone were to read SW without any knowledge of the real stripclub world they would assume that dancers in general hate everyone who enters the club as a customer (probably true), and some groups are especially detested and demonized. I know that it's a dancer site and they use the boards to vent to each other, but their anger & hate often spills out to the customer sections too. I stopped reading the Dancer Only sections a long time ago because it was filled with bitterness and anger and full of posts that no customer would ever want to read if they planned on continuing clubbing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Confused by animosity towards stripperweb
    I used to actually be a fan of SW but my fascination with it started waning when I woke up from my estrogen-induced haze and I really started seeing the dancers for what they were. The hatred that they have for customers in general (and female customers in particular) is beyond comprehension. I'll still post occasionally in the customer sections, but some of the dancers there are such cunts that they ruin even those areas too. I used to watch what and how I said things over there.....not anymore. If those bitches don't like it, fuck 'em. And while I think that Yoda is a good guy, IMHO he is a bit heavy handed in moderating the customer sections. At least back in the day it wasn't so PC that you were afraid to post anything for fear of being banned.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The New PL+ Strategy???
    I think it's definitely do-able, but like you said you could only do it once at any given club. Without any ID on you there isn't much a club can do except call the cops, but most clubs will just eat the loss and toss you out on your ear. It would be a low life cheesedick move to deliberately plan to do something like that, tho. It would really give new meaning to the term Pathetic Loser.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Word on the Web
    I used to have dancers beg me not to post anything about them online, especially on the old zbone site because that site was brutal to dancers, kind of like here on TUSCL. But if a dancer has a forum where she can promote herself and possibly increase business, usually she'll jump on least the computer literate ones, anyway. But that applies more to local sites that cater to the PL's of that region. Here the members are too widespread geographically to benefit most dancers looking to promote themselves in the Discussion area.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    I love a sexually aggressive woman and would happily be her sex slave. Light housekeeping afterwards is negotiable.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    With fewer overall customers and more dancers working I think all of the dancers, the hot and not-so-hot have to work longer to make what they could have made in half the time a few years ago. A sign of the economic times we live in.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    Definitely check out Best place for up to date intel specifically about LA/OC/IE clubs.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    shine on you crazy diamond
    When I go to a dirty dingy club I expect to find dirty dingy dancers. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    $25 Lappers
    At my fave club the single dances are $31/$41/$51. Talk about bizarre pricing.