
Why do guy's leave the board?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I know I live in the past. I would rather listen to 50 year old Chuck Berry songs than anything by Kanye West. Or watch Gilligan's Island instead of American Idol. So it's no surprise I get nostalgic for the old guys.

I know why the females don't stick around. But why do guys like Chandler, DougS, even MisterGay stop posting? If you look at their profile, they still log in. And they're not the only ones. If you look it old threads, even from 3 to 4 years ago, there's a pretty big turnover over of core posters.

I can anticipate some of the answers. But just curious. Hey, maybe even one of those guys might respond. Or better yet, how about a 2 page response from jablake?


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I see Chandler regularly and we keep in contact weekly by PM. He got tired of the flame wars, etc. He does post on USAsexguide.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    MisterGay was even more universally hated than I am. Maybe even more than alutard is now. He also tried to be the only liberal on a board of nearly all Libertarians. I, in particular, loved zero'ing in on him. So I got to imagine that he finally got so much of the board riding his ass daily, with ZERO allies on his side that he finally gave up.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I think the peek of the board was last December. Flame wars, spamming everywhere, along with some sincere Christmas love, especially for and from the juiceman. It was a very special and beautiful time.

    We've got a great mix of characters right now, but things have mellowed a but since last year. With human lightning rod jerkoffson on the scene though we'll see what happens. (As some may have guessed I am one who has a particular fondness for the flame wars here, and I'll admit it openly.)
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    mh- Probably for the reasons that the vast majority of tuscl members don't bother posting here in the first place. Tuscl probably has over 1000 members,guessing that ~ 200 of which have a meaningful number of reviews (like, say, 15 or more). Yet the same 8-10 posters account for 80-90% of the posts. I'd suspect that many just want club info, nothing more. Some may lose interest in visiting stripclubs for whatever reason. Some may have concerns here about posts someday coming back to bite them. We really don't know for sure, unless a non/infrequent DB poster posts listing the reason(s) why they don't post on DB.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    minnow - maybe 1,000 active members but the number of registered members is over 100,000. I know this to be true because several years ago Founder told me off the record that there were 60,000+ and he stated publicly before the last increase in band width that the number had doubled in the last few months.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "I know this to be true because several years ago Founder told me off the record that there were 60,000+"

    "off the record"


  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    ...ON the record now :|
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Well I've been here 6 years now. There is only one other forum that I post on that I was posting on 6 years ago.

    Membership on most forums is constantly changing with a small base of hardcore members that stays permanently.

    This board would be way more stagnant except for the alternate accounts and spam by juice.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    " Yet the same 8-10 posters account for 80-90% of the posts. I'd suspect that many just want club info, nothing more."

    Are you REALLY serious about posters wanting club info, & nothing more???

    "Why do guy's leave the board?"

    I believe you have a very good idea motorhead. Why don't you voice it?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The jestie-girl spaketh thus: "the alternate accounts and spam by juice."

    LOL @ jestie and his multiple alias conspiracy theories. Thought I was the only one you accused of that, jestie! Btw, when you gonna openly fess up to your own Douugster and sick liver aliases?
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "I believe you have a very good idea motorhead. Why don't you voice it?"

    I suppose the easy answer is. "flame wars"

    But I don't remember Chandler, and especially DougS, getting caught up in all that.

    I particularly mention those two because they used to frequent some of the same clubs I do. DougS hit my old stomping grounds, the Indianapolis and Kokomo clubs, and Chandler hit the Detroit and Lansing clubs before he apparently (?) moved south.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    you know the main reason, motor. Stupid flaming, bickering and spamming. Most see that and don't want any part of it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    We may lose some due to the flame wars, but not exactly the kind of people we want around anyway. In some case they provoke the flame wars themselves, lose them, and then take their ball, sniffle and go home.

    You also have to consider who the flame wars attract. I think it's a good tradeoff!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "In some case they provoke the flame wars themselves, lose them, and then take their ball, sniffle and go home. "

    MisterGay and tenishomo1776 are some concrete examples of that.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    In the past was their ever a juiceman before i became this persona
  • MojoDojo
    11 years ago
    Ok so this is my 3rd incarnation here at TUSCL the previous 2 having been compromised (long story) and while I've only been around since 2006 sum total I can validate Mr Minnow's take on things, for me at least.

    In 2006 when I initially joined I was looking for G2 on clubs because I was traveling like a circus for weeks upon end and I needed the R&R that the SC scene afforded me. I didn't participate, hell I never even looked at the DB at that time. It was all about acquire G2, go to SC, write a review to maintain VIP, repeat. I wasn't a player. I didn't spend much money. I didn't go for extras (wasn't in my meager budget) I just used TUSCL as a data source. That lasted for a little over two years then I stopped going to SCs.

    In 2010 the beginning of my second incarnation I was better off financially but was traveling much less. So while initially I was looking for G2 I was also exploring the DB and I wrote an article or two to boot. I enjoyed the experience except for the flame wars and while I was never directly involved in any so I never found myself having to "take my ball, sniffle and go home" they are still disruptive and off putting for those who are not involved IMO. It's like living with parents who fight in public, it's embarrassing and uncomfortable.

    But to each his own and to those who dabble in the art of name calling I say "whatever makes you feel good".

    Now in my third incarnation I'm enjoying participating in the DB and while I realize that I'm not a "Top 10er" I still enjoy jumping into the frey. By and large I personally dig the diverse and interesting view points expressed here even the ones that don't align with mine. The only gripe I have is with name calling. Good old fashioned disagreement and vigorous debate is healthy, entertaining and can actually be educational but name calling is sophomoric at best IMO.

    But hey that's only this guys opinion TIFWIW.
  • minnow
    11 years ago
    Drac- To clarify, I was referring to overall Tuscl membership, not active board posters when I listed the various reasons, starting with desire for club info.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    There is lots of things that end posting. Sometimes a guy gets a girlfriend (when that happened I stopped posting). Gets kids. They change. It's no longer slacking in school but a real job now. Lose contact with a club, or it has changed so much they don't feel like they know it! Grow out of it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Maybe it's because a lot of the discussions seem to resemble teenage kids squabbling and not something too many want to get in the middle of.

    When it's not that, it's often the same ol same ol topics.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago

    I hear that. I almost never read reviews. There was a time I travelled to clubs. Now, I've settled into a comfort zone with my ATF that I don't have a lotta desire to try new clubs. It's like I'm married. Oh gawd! What have I become?
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Some people's lives change, but for the most part people leave because of the bickering and trolls.

    Those trolls accounts and members who provoke people really bring down the site
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I think it's best I people are overt in their disagreements as a good flame war will demonstrate. Otherwise you just end up with alot if passive aggressive covert behavior where people accomplish the same thing but in what they kid themselves is some sneaky roundabout and "clever" way of doing it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’ve often wondered about this myself – I thought it could be b/c:

    a) someone’s fortunes changed and they are not in the hobby anymore – i.e. financial; health; or other personal issue?

    b) moved on to better and more productive things?

    c) as others have stated – found the flaming to be a waste of time
  • nickifree
    11 years ago
    I've stopped posting (especially reviews) because for the most part I just do not like modern day strip clubs. So every review or discussion post was negative in content and tone. I started to sound like an old broken record.

    Plus it seemed like most of the discussions centered around getting extras. Tired of that record too.
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    Most leave because of idiots like me constantly posting useless garbage.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Well some people actually talking about the real reasons.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    I think the more appropriate question is "why the hell do people post here in the first place?"

    I mean, what benefit do people get from posting here? Why would anyone spend their time posting here? Do they get great information and insights that can really help them with their strip club experience? Well, no...

    Honestly, I think if the regular posters here were being honest and objective, they would admit that the only reason they post here is because they have nothing else to do, and/or they're temporarily or permanently bored, they have no real friends to play with, and they'd rather sit at their computers screwing off than doing something useful.

    That's the only reason I stop by occasionally and post. If I get bored, and maybe if I'm really horny and in a strip club mood and I'm looking at all the reviews, I might jump over here and see what's going on. And usually/always it's a big mistake and complete waste of time, but gives me something to do if there's nothing going on at the time. And the worst part is you can get hooked for a while (for some strange reason that I haven't quite figured out).

    Which, unfortunately, is where I am right now, and I'm about to decide to pull myself away from the childish insanity that is this forum and do something useful. And hopefully, this time I'll stay away instead of wasting more time.

    So, no, it's no surprise whatsoever that people stop posting. The surprise is that people start posting.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    jerkison...people post here for the same reason they post on any other forum....people like to talk to other people who have the same interests...this case being strip clubs

    When I first joined this board, it was NOTHING like this. You might have had a couple people bickering, but no where near the extent of how it is now.

    Also didn't have a whole bunch of accounts that are solely meant to provoke people or troll

    This site wasn't like this 5 or 6 months. It's almost like people WANT to ruin the discussion board. It's strange man
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "It's almost like people WANT to ruin the discussion board"

    GoVikings, it is NOT almost like they want to - the ASSHOLES do want to ruin it. It isn't strange. It is PREMEDITATED!
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    wasn't like this 5 or 6 months ago, I meant
  • MojoDojo
    11 years ago
    As a means to what end Mr Alucard???
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Jerikson is on the right track. I mean let's get real all you folks who are implying how terrible the flame wars are and the board is being ruined.

    What are we doing here? Trying to cure cancer? No we are discussing how we can find stripper to fuck us for a reasonable cost. Not exactly of any great importance to the world is it? So what if we good around and flame each other? As I have said many ones I only tango with those who make it abundantly clear they are up for the dance, they have to ask in the first place and keep the dance going on their end.

    Yeah, so we are not being serious on a fuck strip club website? WTF? Seems like a place you are supposed good around. Maybe some of us have important high pressure jobs and want let off some steam?

    What are we missing by not being serious enough? We already know what makes strippers tick, what makes customers tick, how to find strip clubs, how to approach and pay strippers for sex? So what great insights does our lack of seriousness and decor cause us to miss? Yeah if we were here to cure cancer and missed on that because of too many flame wars... Ok you would have a point. But no, we miss out on ?????
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    As a waitress once said to me on the whole SC matter - "it's not of much importance to the world either way."
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Yeah, Alucard, you're probably right about it being pre- mediated

    The craziest thing about all of this is the fact that people who post here are obviously adults.... being that this is a strip club site

    You might expect this behavior from 12 yr olds....but GROWN MEN? That's quite sad.

    I guess some people find it 'entertaining' but the truth is it just ruins the discussion board and shows that someone has WAY too much time on their hands
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    So you let off steam by personally attacking people & calling them homosexuals [Which you seem to greatly FEAR Dougster] & mocking them.

    To what end MojoDojo - as a demonstration of the power they can wield in an UNMODERATED discussion forum.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    The only power a troll has is the power that his or her readers give up. By responding, you lose. "The only way to win is not to play."
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Fear homosexuals? Don't what you are talking about? other than the fact that he insists on calling me "Douchster" as opposed to my real name txtittyfag and I get along fabulously. (Now when he reverts to posting as txtittyfan, well that is a different story. He is such a betterperson since he came out. I applaud him.)
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    You're a Homophobe Dougster, read your own posts & comments about homosexuality. It is EXTREMELy evident to any open minded person.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    "why the hell do people post here in the first place?"

    Why do I post on travel forums and cigar forums? They're activities I routinely engage in and enjoy doing that I want to know more about AND that I enjoy discussing with others who also enjoy them.

    Really Jerkison one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on here. I'd give it a shred more credibility if you hadn't posted 800+ other times.
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    "other than the fact that he insists on calling me "Douchster" as opposed to my real name txtittyfag "

    I think I just screwed up and outed myself!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Why am I not surprised to hear that the jestie-girl likes to smoke cigars? As a matter of fact, I've got one to offer him right here...
  • Book Guy
    11 years ago
    I left the board for a while, mostly to "get control" of my strip-clubbing. It had grown and grown, in some ways, into the only social outlet in my life. Even when I wasn't spending time or money at strip clubs, I also wasn't investing any of that saved time or money in any other worthwhile pursuits. I decided to treat it as an "addiction" and to see if there might be some potential interventions. For about 100 days I went cold-turkey on several things, and strip-clubbing was one of them. In fact, ALL adult entertainment was nixed, including prostitutes, porn, strip clubs, back-room shenanigans that might be considered "almost" prostitution, etc. etc..

    It wasn't a huge challenge for me, it turned out, to survive a 100 day cold-turkey experience. I did have some "itch" to return to my old habits, but I was able to overcome that temptation quite easily. I think the hardest thing to do without was the ready way to fill up my spare time. Suddenly on Friday evening I had ... uh ... NOTHING TO DO except stare at my own reflection. That was the most drab and negative part of the whole experience.

    The fact that I have come back to the board might mean that I have failed to defeat the addiction. Or it might mean that I wasn't ever really addicted in the first place. I don't really think that an adult heterosexual human male can be considered to be "addicted" to sexual desire or to sexual activity, or can be said to have an "addiction" to the nubile bodies of young hot females. I don't think that's a proper use of the word "addiction." It's kind of like saying we're addicted to air, or food. But I do think that I was behaving in a marginally out-of-control manner, regarding my strip-clubbing and adult-entertainment patronizing. So I'm glad to have taken back some control.

    On top of all this, I don't mean to suggest that I think other guys ought to do the same as I did. I frankly don't know any of you in "real" life, and I have no suggestions for any of you. If you think a cold-turkey experience would be good, then go for it, but if it doesn't seem to apply well to your life, then whatever, don't go for it, I don't mind either way, and it's your choice. Your choice may have negative or positive consequences either way, but the consequences are those which you choose to engage in. So, there is literally NO preaching that I'm engaging in, for either side of this equation. Strip clubs? Sure! No strip clubs? Sure! Cold-turkey? Sure! Hot-mutton? Sure! :)

    In fact, my experience with going away from the board, and away from adult entertainment, wasn't all positive. In some ways it caused a set of odd reactions in my emotions. I did get a bit of a sense of control back; in that way, it was good to go cold-turkey. I know, now, that I can indeed save money if I choose to do so. And I know that I can spend an evening not drinking, not carousing, and instead reading a good book. All of that was a rather simple transition. But I also know, now, that the mere act of moving on for a while from adult entertainment does NOT automatically improve my life. I have not ended up dating super-models; I have not managed to get a perfect girlfriend; I have not managed to get ANY girlfriend; and I haven't even proven to myself that my strip-clubbing is the thing that prevents me from getting a girlfriend, which used to be my theory. In fact ... oh, never mind ...

    So, it had seemed to me, that I should expect to get my life "bettered" by the act of leaving adult entertainment for a while. But that didn't happen (of course, duh!). Instead, it would still be up to ME to improve on the other aspects of my life. Leaving adult entertainment cold-turkey could, indeed, be a first step to improving on things. Or it could just be one step among a hundred other steps. The steps I haven't taken, are things like developing interests and greeting and meeting people outside of my work life, or things like joining sports clubs and activity groups, or things like deciding how to make my long-term aspirations (fame glory and a zillion dollars) mesh better with my use of my day to day time and activities. I haven't done any of that stuff. And going cold-turkey on strip clubs doesn't really make me do it any more than continuing to attend strip clubs made me do it.

    That's my comment on the "why do you leave" idea.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    "Really Jerkison one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on here."

    Dude, fine if you don't agree, but really, calling that "one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen"? Are you freakin' kidding me?

    A video of a girl doing a dog? Entire threads of guys calling each other fudge packers and faggots. The list of worlds dumbest posts in this forum goes on for days.

    So I know you can't be serious, and you've decided you hate me so you'll make whatever exaggerated attack you feel you need to prove your hatred. But geez, at least be a LITTLE bit rational, huh?
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Jerkoff: "A video of a girl doing a dog? Entire threads of guys calling each other fudge packers and faggots. The list of worlds dumbest posts in this forum goes on for days."

    Hey! What about my fart contest thread?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I love when people like you and Dugly use words like "rational" and "proof". The definitions shift depending on your needs.

    Flame threads: worthless.
    Dog sex: fucked up.
    That post: dumb.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Is it
    fart < shit < menstrual blood

    Or is it

    Menstrual blood < fart < shit

  • MojoDojo
    11 years ago
    You gotta point with the Fart Contest thing Mr Dougster although I think you're gonna have to work harder to top some of the recent Juice-a-thon threads...


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    There is no shift, jestie. Just concepts you do not understand.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    As far as I am concerned, the reason I participate on this board is for pure cheap entertainment.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Why do guy's leave the board?
    Because they can.

    Was gonna go for a haiku version, but my ADD kicked in and my mind wandered.
  • MojoDojo
    11 years ago
    ^ROTFL I can so relate.
  • scatterbrain
    11 years ago
    I can't speak for anyone else but myself. I "left" the board a few years ago because of a health issue that nearly killed me. That experience which gave me a second chance on life has made me enjoy my SCing even more.

    Like many others, I don't care for the trolls and flame wars, but it hasn't made me depart the board. I simply choose to not acknowledge them. I've learned to ignore a lot of the annoying commercials and advertisement on TV too; and I haven't stopped watching TV yet. Seems to me it's the same thing.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    GMD posted: "The only power a troll has is the power that his or her readers give up. By responding, you lose. "The only way to win is not to play.""

    Actually, once a troll decides to wreak havoc, and has the will and free time to do so day and night, using multiple aliases, then you've lost either way. Whether "playing" or not, the inevitable effect is to deter strip club junkies from posting their real life intel and experiences and instead attracting discussion board junkies for whom the online drama is the "fix" as opposed to strip clubs.

    During my early days on here the board was admittedly more sedate, but also a time in which I picked up good stuff from here. For example, I learned of all the joys of Pasco County and, since then, have rarely clubbed in Tampa proper. I have other examples as well that I won't list out, but suffice it to say that this type of stuff is almost nonexistent nowadays. It has been years now since someone even posted a decent trip report on this thing.

    Now maybe this is how founder wants things and it is his site after all. In fact, he did recently mentioned that traffic has been picking up a lot, though I do not know if that is related to the discussion boards or not. In any event, from my perspective it is too bad that the LCD effect has kicked in so badly that the boards are no longer useful (and fun) for a club junkie.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Ah, poor RickyBoy wishes people would worship his brilliant invention of the system but just gets mocked for it instead. Poor little baby.
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I responded bitterly because I am the main troll and the main reason most people now dislike this forum.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^ Case in point. ;)

    Now anywhere else, we would give a imbecile like Dougie a pat on the head and send him to the kiddie table. We would then chuckle benevolently while he tells tall tales to the other kids about clubs that he never actually visit and things that he has never actually done.

    When you peel back the onion on Dougie, you find that his situation is so sad that it is hard to hate him. In fact, his need to stay on here day and night, with his insecurities ever driving him to sensationalist posts, is understandable. But, in most other topic-sepcific forums, a child crying out for attention, with limited topical input, would not be allowed to crowd out other participants.

    C'est la vie I suppose. Again, it is founder's site and his call.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Rick didn't we establish that you post nearly as much as me between here and SW?

    Oh, I forgot. 2000 posts (your count) is quite acceptable and not excessive, it's only when you get to 3000 that it becomes riduculous. So yeah, 20 minutes a day is fine but 30 minutes would be ridiculous! How can anyone including you yourself believe a word you say with hypocrisy that blatant? Too funny having busted you on that one, ass-clown!
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dougie, this isn't SW dipshit. We are talking about what you are doing to this board, not all adult entertainment boards. I have posted 1,350 times on here since May 20 of last year, all too many of them responding to your nonsense. That compares to you posting 3,320 just under this screen name alone and who knows how many more under others.


    What's worse is that you are escalating. You have already posted 260 times just this month and almost 540 just since April 1 (and again just under this sn). Recently, not a single decent thread can gain traction before the OT nonsense starts. Now that has always been more or less your MO, but now your compulsive need for attention has completely overcome any restraint that you used to have.

    Hey, I get it. Since you don't have anything to contribute with respect to clubs and dancers, because of course you patronize neither, we are getting the best that you can do. ;) Fair enough, but at least at one time you had the decency not to completely derail threads.

    C'est la vie. Founder will decide what is policy here, as is his right, and there is really nothing to do but live with it.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Spring semester is over, Dugly has a lot more time on his hands.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Dougie, this isn't SW dipshit. We are talking about what you are doing to this board, not all adult entertainment boards. I have posted 1,350 times on here since May 20 of last year, all too many of them responding to your nonsense. That compares to you posting 3,320 just under this screen name alone and who knows how many more under others.


    What's worse is that you are escalating. You have already posted 260 times just this month and almost 540 just since April 1 (and again just under this sn). Recently, not a single decent thread can gain traction before the OT nonsense starts. Now that has always been more or less your MO, but now your compulsive need for attention has completely overcome any restraint that you used to have.

    Hey, I get it. Since you don't have anything to contribute with respect to clubs and dancers, because of course you patronize neither, we are getting the best that you can do. ;) Fair enough, but at least at one time you had the decency not to completely derail threads.

    C'est la vie. Founder will decide what is policy here, as is his right, and there is really nothing to do but live with it"

    I agree Sir, unless he can be convinced to use a strong handed Moderator. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @Alucard: WRT your pussy email (how does that refrain of yours to again? "You can't stop me from posting my opinions." So how come you won't post then publicly?) how the fuck would *you* know, given that you can't actually manage to ignore them.

    "Actually, once a troll decides to wreak havoc, and has the will and free time to do so day and night, using multiple aliases, then you've lost either way."

    Says another one of the many who don't have the self-discipline to stop responding.

    The ignore button works, if the ignore centers of your mind don't.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan: "I have posted 1,350 times on here since May 20 of last year, all too many of them perpetuating your nonsense."

    Fixed that for ya.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "Says another one of the many who don't have the self-discipline to stop responding."

    GMD, enough with the nonsense that what anyone else does matters. I actually ignored the last several pot shots and baiting attempts. It didn't matter. That screen name just served and volleyed with other screen names and firebombed the threads anyway.

    Btw, yours was one of several screen names that went MIA the last time that this board suddenly slowed down. A coincidence no doubt. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Oh, ok Rick, got it. If you make 2000 posts on in a year between two websites you are not wasting you time and have a life, but if it's three thousand on one you are. Because in the 1st case although between two or one doesn't affect time spent at all... Hmmm... Break down in logic only you can explain.

    Let me fill in why you really mean to say. Your 2000 posts are not wasting time because you think you area rich stud, but 3000 from me, well, clearly..,

    Just admit we are both about equally bad in amount of time we waste on SC websites. Admit you were busted, boy. Don't dig deeper because it's rally pathetic,
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I only post under one screen name RickyBoy. Looks like your side is the one that uses multi: e.g. Douugster who just parrots everything you say.

    RickyBoy = a busted son of a... Gun!
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @jestie: I love you too! When can we go in a date, btw? Or do you want to skip the pretense and get straight down to sex?
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan: "GMD, enough with the nonsense that what anyone else does matters. I actually ignored the last several pot shots and baiting attempts. It didn't matter."

    Really? You call ignoring a few posts "discipline"? Try making it permanent, and I'll consider your above remark relevant. Shouldn't be that hard, right? I mean, after all, he's not providing any useful information, right? So why is it so tough to avoid? Why so hard to hit that ignore button?

    And enough with the nonsense of multiple screen names. If you're so sure a troll is posting under more than one, ignoring ten is as easy as ignoring one. Stop avoiding your own responsibility in responding to what you perceive as useless posts.

    @"Btw, yours was one of several screen names that went MIA the last time that this board suddenly slowed down. A coincidence no doubt. ;)"

    So, either I'm a troll as well, a contention I find myself unable to completely dispute at this point, or I'm such an interesting poster that everyone else slacked off while I was crying in my beer. Which were you inferring?
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
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