A question

avatar for duomaxwell
If someone that you find attractive asks you to come to their room and be their personal sex slave, would you think that they were serious? And would you do it?


last comment
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
So let me get this straight...

You're asking a bunch of GUYS...if a hot girl asks us to come to her room and be her sex slave, would we do it?

Nothing personal, but either that is the dumbest question ever asked here, or, more likely, a leading question so that duomaxwell can tell us cool she is that she asked some guy to be her sex slave.

Okay, go ahead....
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
^^Actually she's asking if we think the offeror is serious and presumably if we think that they are would we comply.

The answer to the first part of your question depends on the circumstances under which I was asked. If I trust the person regardless of the duration of the time I've known them I would treat the proposition as being serious.

The answer to the second part for me would be no because sex slave has specific connotations that my not yield a pleasurable outcome for me personally. That's not to say that I wouldn't enjoy a little role playing with some BSDM component to it.

But that's just this man's opinion. YMMV
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago

Well, personally, I'd fuck the bitch. Or let her fuck me. Whatever. No questions asked.
avatar for Bonesbrother
12 years ago
jerikson40 - You are one sarcastic ass hole. Too bad that you can't get laid.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"You are one sarcastic ass hole. Too bad that you can't get laid."

Great. Thanks for the input.

And the purpose of your post was....????????
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Oh, nevermind...I think I figured it out...

Bonesbrother is probably one of those guys who has decided to have multiple personalities here so they can rag on everyone. Seems like most of your posts are calling people names, nothing really useful. Just another one of the 6-year-olds who inhabits this forum.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Duo, I would certainly think they were serious. Why else would they ask? But what does "personal sex slave" mean? I think you should be careful. Make sure you know what they really want and that you have some way to escape if things go wrong.

Would I do it? No. I don't find the idea of being a slave appealing at all. But having a personal sex slave sounds sexy. However, I know I would not do anything violent or abusive to the "slave."
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
After establishing the ground rules and a safe word. I would take part, as long as it was safe and I trusted her enough. Not sure if I would like it but I would at least try.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I think slavery is illegal. That's why it was called the Declaration of INDEPENDENCE.

Sheesh. Don't y'all know history.

avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Oh, so you guys are focusing on the "slave" part...

I'm guessing that's not what she had in mind...

I think she has a story to tell and that was a leading question to get everyone to ask her "OOoo, really??? Tell us all about it you naughty girl!!!"

Thats the way girls do things...they don't ask or tell stuff directly, they beat around the bush with leading questions. I'm guessing she was using "sex slave" as a pseduo-naughty way of saying she wants to have lots of sex with the guy.

Maybe not, but we'll see...

In any case, most girls aren't really interested in that kinky stuff, so I wouldn't be too worried.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Looks like jerkoffson's case of major PMS continues, or is jerkoffson so grouchy lately because he decided to short TSLA or something?
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
NOT at all! Sex is a two way street. Give & take on both sides.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
So Alucard!You're ambidextrous?
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Trust is the key to answer the question. If I trusted the woman I'd give a resounding yes. However if it was a casual acquaintance I'd set some conditions. If it was you, Duo, I'd beat you to the room.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Duo! Don't bring your Dad into this.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Sure I'd do it. Why not? Worse case I come out of it bruised if she's into BDSM.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
IMHO the potential BDSM aspects are not a deterrent but rather the "Slave" scenario poses other challenges like for example "drink my piss" or "suck my boyfriend's cock" and I've seen/heard of much worse. There's a difference in the alternative lifestyle world between domination (i.e. master/slave) and bondage (i.e. S&M) although it can be subtle. I did a fair amount of research for a story I wrote and it was eye opening.

I'm sure that I'm over thinking this and to be invited to be an attractive young woman's (read Ms Duo's) "sex slave" would probably be tantamount to "Eat me! Fuck me! Eat me again!" sort of arrangement so one would be crazy to say no.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
Did that once, she kept me up an going for half an hour, 'til she got off, then there was an hour of cuddling, then an hour of small talk, then more cuddling and then she wanted me to dust her ceiling fans.

Clearly we had put emphasis on different words when she said, "sex slave."
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
^ lolz

This was from a conversation my friend and I were having last night, it isn't a segue into a cool naughty girl story. I guess I'm not really surprised by the answers, I sort of figured that the population of this board was primarily dominant in bed and so the "slave" aspect would be a deterrent (but you wouldn't mind having a sex slave yourself!).

That's what my friend and I were saying! It sounds cool at first, but what if you wanted to do something else and you couldn't because you were in sexual shackles!?

@jerikson40 - Thank you for your valuable input concerning the psychology of females.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I love a sexually aggressive woman and would happily be her sex slave. Light housekeeping afterwards is negotiable.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
I don't want to be a 'sex slave' nor do I want a 'sex slave'.

Though if I thought she was saying it in a playful manner, fuck yeah.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, duo, I take back the comment about that being a dumb question...

The answers totally surprised me. I never would have expected that so many males would be so scared of the thought of a woman overpowering them and hurting them and making them her slave. Honestly I'm shocked.

I figured most red blooded males would say, yeah, I'd do her in a heartbeat, and realize that as males they are stronger and would naturally take control of the situation, and being taken physical advantage of would not even be a concern.

But apparently I was wrong. I'm not gonna say the guys here are pussies, because everyone will just get MORE upset with me. But maybe some guys might want to consider "manning up" a bit. Just a thought.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Jerikson your complete lack of understanding of what it MEANS to be a "slave" is remarkable. The very fact that one SUBMITS to being a slave means that they give up that inherent manliness that you so glibly argue is missing from those of us who bothered to reply to the actual post instead of acting like a playground bully calling people names.

Lots of very powerful people literally submit to another's complete control and give up the virtual right to make their own decisions. Deciding 10 or 20 or 30 minutes into a session that you are going to "man up" and take control is totally out of bounds and frankly one would question why they were pretending to give over control. People who practice that type of roll playing are pretty serious about it and wouldn't take kindly to a poser. That having been said there is also the concept of "safe" words (usually colors) to keep things from getting out of hand but that very premiss of what is out of hand is very individual.

So before you skip down the lane calling people pussies or anything else take a deep breath, go look in mirror and remind yourself that you are a handsome, smart, loving man and then reply to the post ON TOPIC and perhaps with out lambasting someone for having an opinion different from your own and I guarantee you that people here will stop ragging on you. I'm dead serious about this. Think about it.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, here's my answer to the question:

If the girl is hot, I'd say hell yeah, I'll have all the sex you want. And if she shows up with a knife or handcuffs and shit, I'd tell her to put them back in her car cuz we ain't doing any of that weird shit.

Why do you want to make it such a big fucking deal, and why do you want to get so pissy? Are you saying that if you submit to some sort of BDSM slave shit there's a law that says you can't tell her to get the fuck out if she gets weird?? You're obligated to let her tie you up and whip you til you bleed or else she can call 911 and have you arrested or something?? I'm just totally amazed that's where you guys went with this.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Of course you're right @jerikson.

I give up...AMF
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Dude, don't just walk off in a huff !!!

Are you honestly saying you somehow feel obligated, once you agree to some of this weird "slave" shit, to allow some chick to take a knife to you or try to hurt you? Are you serious? And if you don't she can, what, sue you for breach of contract??

You're a man, take control of the situation. You tell her "yeah, I'll have all kinds of sex with you", and if at some point you feel like things are gonna get weird you take control. Just like every other encounter you have with every other person in your life. Things get weird and you take control. A stripper tries to make you go bareback and potentially give you some bad disease, and you say no fucking way and push her off. But do you never get a lapdance or VIP for fear maybe she'll make you submit to bareback and there's nothing you can do?

avatar for Jdabbs
12 years ago
Think you're confused jerikson but your answer is clearly no lol
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
The question wasn't "If a hot woman asked you to have sex with her would you say yes?" because that's the scenario you're proposing.

I don't know if you're being a deliberate asshole or are just stupid, it's often hard to tell with you.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"I don't know if you're being a deliberate asshole or are just stupid, it's often hard to tell with you."

And I realize that you only have snarky, useless replies in your arsenal but never anything of substance, but just this once, try to address the issue.

I gave a very reasoned response wondering why so many males are so concerned about relinquishing total control over their safety, and in doing so giving up the opportunity for possibly unlimited sex with a hot girl. Why are you and everyone else deciding that this slave shit forces you to relinquish total control over safety, and making it a deciding factor? Is that such a difficult concept to address? Or, as usual, do you have nothing to say other than name calling?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Just so everyone knows, jerkoffson works as a human lightning rod when he isn't in the clubs or slacking off her on TUSCL.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
The question is predicated on the idea that you don't know what kind of sexual activity you might end up engaging in and are you willing to accept that because you consider the other party attractive.

Instead of answering you decided to twist it in a pathetic attempt to insult people who answered no.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
If a really hot girl said she wanted to be my sex slave, I'd definitely be interested. I'm not interested myself in getting tied up or any handcuffs.

Now I once gulped down two or three beers with hours until closing time trying to enjoy the beer before they cut it off at midnight. As I had a temporary beer buzz. an average looking girl yelled at me. She was persistent. I didn't remember ever seeing her before. She said she wanted to take me to her apartment and I could do whatever I wanted to do to her.
Uhhh, that was a surprise. I was walking over to tip a dancer on stage before the interruption. So of course I didn't want to leave my car alone at a strip club so I immediately left and drove drunk waiting for the girl's boyfriends to knock me out and rob me back at her hideout.

I beat the crap out of them but I had to hide their bodies because I was worried the police might not believe it was self defense.

Actually I had a gazillion thoughts when I was approached out of the blue.
1. Is she serious?
2. Is she really a call girl who will want money but isn't talking about it right now?
3. Is this a setup so a friend or friends can take my wallet wherever her place is?
4. Will I still have time to tip the dancer on stage before this conversation is over?
5. I might be over the legal limit. I don't want to risk driving drunk and I don't want to leave my car alone at the strip club all night or take a ride with a stranger.

So I ignored her.
Later her friend came over and asked if I was gay or something. I thought maybe she did only want to have sex but they are pestering me now and rude. I certainly will not go off alone with someone who is rude to me.

avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Hmmmm I think that you are on to something Mr Shark. It's a bit like that Rock Paper Scissors game except here rude overpowers sex-appeal which overpowers drunk.

avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Leave it to jerkson to take what appeared to be a lighthearted question from Duo and turn it into yet another tirade about his perception of masculinity. It appears that he is equally ignorant about both sexes.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"...take what appeared to be a lighthearted question from Duo and turn it into yet another tirade about his perception of masculinity"

wow, that's an interesting take on it all..

Actually, I'm the only one who took the lighthearted question from duo AS a lighthearted question. The rest of you got your panties in a bunch and took it as alarms going off and red lights flashing, and worrying about whether some girl is going to beat you into submission.

But you fucking twits are only interested in playing your 6-year-old I HATE YOU games, so you'll twist it however makes me look the worst.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@Duo: Assuming I thought the offer was a serious one, were you using the phrase "sex slave" in the BDSM sense, or as a synonym for "fuck toy/fuck buddy/booty call"?

If the former, then I personally would not, simply because I'm not a switch. If the latter, then I probably would.

For clarity's sake, I don't *need* a dom/sub session every time, or even very often, and I'm fine with a woman who makes it clear, even somewhat forcefully, what she wants, but I don't get anything from an overtly submissive role.

avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I'm still thinking about this with some slight variations. I have agreed to meet up with a girl who danced topless for me first and she didn't even say what she wanted. I have agreed to take an unknown female standing around the side of the strip club a ride to an unknown location. Yet when an unknown female approaches me in a strip club and basically says she wants to leave and have sex, I find it highly suspicious. I guess the real issue was timing. I just arrived at the strip club and didn't want to leave yet. I remember even when I was routinely seeing one dancer we didn't meet up until much later at night and I even told her I wanted to party at the club for a while a few times. Well the other comment was right in that rude overpowers sex appeal. If she had been a dancer I would have said no to getting dances. Her sex appeal might have been higher naked but she wasn't.

If a hot sexy girl tries to bum a ride from me when I leave a strip club and after we're going down the road she tries to give me a bj, I might be at a loss for words. Maybe that could be a new 2amer. I might ask her if we should get a room. I kind of hope I do not run into anyone else trying to get a ride when I leave a club. That seems about as safe as going to someone's apartment when you don't even know her name.

Hmmm, maybe instead of getting robbed, maybe some girls wanted to take me to a sorority party. It's been a long time since I went to one of those. I remember there were a ton of girls there and a ton of free drinks. Not as crazy as a fraternity party I went to where the movie animal house if I remember correctly could have been made based on those guys. I mean the stripper in the basement wasn't that weird. The room they turned into a beach scene with sand, wild oats or whatever including the sign for $100 fine for picking the sea oats, maybe a bit illegal. However the picture of the 7 story beer bong off the side of a hotel they were drinking from was amazing. I didn't know anyone could swallow that much beer. I guess I'm rambling off topic.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I'm more inclined to answer a question on here if the asker gives their personal answer, or explains why they have not decided on an answer.
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