Word on the Web

avatar for SlickSpic
How many dancers are knowledgable about TUSCL and similar sites? Just like civilians who Google themselves, how many dancers have looked up their club and stage name? Would this knowledge be helpful to them or a hindrance ? One should never assume, but should is it safe to assume that dancers in a club are in the know? Forgive me for so many questions in a row.


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avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I think they do, but it is hard to find info on them. I have looked up multiple strippers by stage name and real name. Ive even looked up my ATF with my ATF and we found nothing on her.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
Because TUSCL (Founder's) guidelines for submitting reviews discourages mentioning dancers' names, it's almost useless for dancers to try to research themselves on TUSCL. Other sites, possibly.

There's one other site, that's well-known among dancers here in Seattle. Because there's no membership or registration requirement, anyone can post under any name, any time. It's not a very reliable source of information. Some dancers do seem to check it occasionally. Where customers comment about indvidual dancers on that site, it's generally negative, and dancers don't want to read that.

As for most dancers I've ever spoken to about strip club web sites, they don't even want to take the time to learn what their public is saying out them, their coworkers, or their club. It's been my impression that it's not worth their effort. Most have just asked me to tell them if they're ever mentioned on line.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
My experience is that few strippers even have computers. Of those that do have internet access they are generally unaware of TUSCL and similar sites. Without having a real first and last name it is virtually impossible to get any information. Once I know a dancer well enough she is told about shadowcat, etc.

If you do have the names you can get a lot of information free. I have found out when & where a marriage license was taken out, where her husband worked, parents names and I even found out how much one paid for the new house she bought. Truthfully I probably could have gotten the same information by just asking them. LOL.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Sites like zbone that encourage dancers to post and promote themselves I think are quite rare. A surprising number of dancers in the COI have at least heard of zbone tho few seem to post there.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Shadowcat - sounds like stalking to me. I used to provide my ATF with a smartphone which was on my account. After a few months I realized that I could look up her calling history. I had the phone numbers of every drug dealer within 100 miles of her home. I then started seeing the numbers of other "Johns" and caught her in a few lies. Needless to say, she gave me back the phone and got her own. I guess I wasn't a very good stalker.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
gawker - I prefer to think of it as recon. :)
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Me, Caroline, Stilleto, Duo Maxwell. We are dancers ans we know about this site.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
They use this site as they use a mirror and the results are the same,oh shit thats me.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I've asked several dancers if they check the web for reviews of their clubs or of themselves. A couple of them have told me that they used to do so but found that "malicious bitches" were posting lies and untruths regarding their morality and chaste demeanor.( my words, not theirs)
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
They are too busy ripping PL's or doing extras to care. They spend their web time working on their SA (seeking arrangement) profile to reel in a whale.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
If I posted information about dancers, I doubt they would be pleased especially if there were any personal information or anything that could get them in trouble and some dancers are paranoid. I guess I am too which is why I never post names except to identify those who ripped me off. Saying something like for a good time call Susan at 555-864-4129 doesn't help me.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I used to have dancers beg me not to post anything about them online, especially on the old zbone site because that site was brutal to dancers, kind of like here on TUSCL. But if a dancer has a forum where she can promote herself and possibly increase business, usually she'll jump on it....at least the computer literate ones, anyway. But that applies more to local sites that cater to the PL's of that region. Here the members are too widespread geographically to benefit most dancers looking to promote themselves in the Discussion area.
avatar for Chanel
12 years ago
I discovered TUSCL and Strip Club List from another dancer on my shift in 2008 while working at the Sands.

We were concerned because a co-worker was writing nasty comments about us while posing as a customer (on Strip Club List). We were also interested in reviews by customers and whether they were too explicit or not.

We both became lifetime PAID members of TUSCL and I also became a member of SCL for three months.

On SCL, members can remove up to three comments per day from the club comment section. It took me a while, but I removed most of the mean spirited, baseless comments about me written by that dancer.

During that period, four of eight dancers(on our shift)in 2008 knew about the sites and escort review boards and we had to handle things ourselves regarding negative comments and too revealing reviews.

Now, the owner (I'm back at the Sands) monitors the comment section of SCL and deletes negative comments. The girls don't need to be concerned anymore and most don't know about it.

While at Centerfolds last year, several dancers knew about the sites because customers told them. I practically begged the owner to re-instate the club membership to remove the most vile comments-it made the club look so bad!! And it was embarrassing to work at a place people talked about like that!!

Because the owner wouldn't pay the $100 to SCL, the comment site ran rampant with some of the worst comments I've read anywhere. I became a member for two months to remove a few things about friends but left the musings about the owner and the club itself. If he didn't care, I wasn't going to make the effort.

avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I have only met one dancer ever who knew about TUSCL. This was at a club which was away from home and I met a girl and I told her I was from out of town and she wanted to know how I found out about the club and I said on the internet and she asked if it was TUSCL or SCL or a couple other sites.

I know, at least at my favorite club, they know about SCL, because a couple dancers have posted on there. I know there is one at my #3 club who posts on there all the time, mostly just to say she's coming in. But for a good number of clubs on there, they like to post their drama on there. It makes it unreadable, plus that site seems deadly slow for some reason.
avatar for Chanel
12 years ago
I forgot to mention that the two clubs I referenced are located in Seattle (in case anyone wondered).
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@JayJaydancer: You and the other dancers who regularly post on this site are no more representative of dancers in general than are the *customers* who regular post here are of strip club patrons.
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