we have all seen this or been this guy before when a dancer tries to hog your money from all the other dancers so she labels you as "hers" so other dancers wont go near you this happend to me a few years back at a club i was frequenting dancer i used to get alot of dances with but i wanted to dance with other dancers hell i even had otc with another dancer.. she tells the other dancers that im hers.. that we go out on dates and im her man even know i didnt even have this chicks phone # lol. pissed me off. who else here has gotten the tag put on them by a dancer?
Hey if Hugh Hefner can be married to a twenty something year old, why can't Shadow? Congrats Shadow. I didn't know you remarried. I guess that's one way to get a ton of loot, just marry a much older guy. Smart dancer. :)
Yeah it's happened once to me. I was hugging a dancer I knew outside the club, and then a favorite of mine walked up to the dancer and said, "why are you hugging him?", "that's my boyfriend."
It happened to me when I first started visiting strip clubs. One dancer said she always wanted to be first to dance for me. She would even come over even if some new dancer was already sitting with me shortly after I arrived. I remember a new dancer sat down with me when I first arrived one time and my favorite came over and explained that she got dances from me first. I didn't intervene so the other dancer said she would check back later. I wouldn't put up with that now unless the dancer doing it was hot or if I was planning on sleeping with her soon.
This has actually been discussed various times on the board – so it is not too uncommon.
None of us like it or appreciate it – for me personally – no way in rell I would stand for that :)
Unless you really care about burning the bridge w/ that particular dancer; the best way to defeat this is to take control of the situation and approach dancers which otherwise would not approach you thinking you are so and so’s custie. This would show the dancer in question you are not into her exclusively and would let the other dancers know you are a free agent looking to get drafted.
"Unless you really care about burning the bridge w/ that particular dancer; the best way to defeat this is to take control of the situation and approach dancers which otherwise would not approach you thinking you are so and so’s custie. This would show the dancer in question you are not into her exclusively and would let the other dancers know you are a free agent looking to get drafted."
This won't necessarily work, if all the other Dancers are intimidated by the "Claim" to your wallet. Best cure is not returning to the club until that dancer leaves or at all.
On another occasion the dancer that claimed to be my wife brought over her BFF and introduced her to me. Then she took hold of my dick and said to her friend "This mine. If I am not here, you and only you, are to take care of it". The BFF agreed to the terms. I didn't. LOL.
lol yeah i just find it funny these dancers have the gumption to do that . when this happend to me i did what alucard did and left the club for almost a year. now if a dancer weas to do that i would tell one of the other dancers " when im not here she dances with other guys right?.. ok then she ain't my girl then"
The first time, the other girls made the decision. I had moved and was checking out a new club. I ended up spending most of the night with one girl. A couple days later I went back. About half way through the night, I mentioned to the girl that no other girl had stopped to see me. She said "Yeah, they decided you were mine and won't stop unless it's ok with me." Soon after that we were there together as customers and the problem was solved.
The other time was a royal pain in the ass. My ATF not only 'claimed' me but made threats of physical harm to any girl that danced for me before she did. The worst part was that the girls were so scared, she was gone from that club & out of the business over a year before any of them were brave enough to tell me the truth.
I had this problem when I first got into this. I made cuts where needed and settled on 1 ATF. She is not the jealous type, and will make reccomedations. She will find new girls for me when I want them.
yeah crasp like this always sucks when new talent comes in .. then theres some clubs that dont mind . i have a club im going to now.. ive done itc with 2 girls otc with 3 different girls and got acouple others #s and none of them really care .. the owner (a woman) sees me all the time and just laughs
Gee stumblingdice she phoned me yesterday and spent 30 minutes telling me why she is NOT your girl friend. All about the 16 chances she gave you and how everything in your last review was bull shit and how you are obsessed with our platonic relationship.
Yes I am a friend with stripper benefits and I pay her for dances just like anybody else but I would hardly call it a mint.
There is a, sometimes not so, fine line between being the "property of" a dancer, and deliberately choosing to patronize only her because anyone else would be a waste of time and money in comparison.
I was in the club for lunch a few years back and a veteran dancer was putting on a major league show for me. My ATF (as opposed to my ATATF) at that time came up and sat beside me. The girl on stage took umbrage and said to my ATF, "What are you doing with that guy?"
I looked her in the eye and said, "Actually, she's the one I came in to see."
Video girl comes the closest for me. She is extremely possessive of me and gets very jealous because I play with lots of other girls at her club (free girl and gingerbread work there plus a couple of other sluts I like). She hates it when I do a VIP with an extras girl. I lie and tell her that we don't have sex, but I'm not sure if she believes me.
But I draw the line at the crap that the OP describes. I've told VG to let me play or else I can't see her anymore. This keeps her in check because she loves my money. She doesn't like my slutiness but she has no choice but to tolerate it because I don't give her a choice.
rell conjuring his own thread back from the dead with a simple "yup"! lol
Obviously enough, I'm not a fan of passive-aggressive beta male tactics like avoiding a club just because a dancer is acting entitled. It's part of her hustle, no big deal, just pretend you have testicles and assert yourself a tiny bit.
Perhaps a little easier for me to say since my M.O. is that I pick a girl and stick with her for the entire trip, and expect her to stick with me. But I can and do dismiss girls as soon as they approach, if that's not the girl I want to spend the day with.
last commentNone of us like it or appreciate it – for me personally – no way in rell I would stand for that :)
Unless you really care about burning the bridge w/ that particular dancer; the best way to defeat this is to take control of the situation and approach dancers which otherwise would not approach you thinking you are so and so’s custie. This would show the dancer in question you are not into her exclusively and would let the other dancers know you are a free agent looking to get drafted.
This won't necessarily work, if all the other Dancers are intimidated by the "Claim" to your wallet. Best cure is not returning to the club until that dancer leaves or at all.
Yeah, right. I'm gonna forego a good club because a dancer wants to lay a claim to my wallet.
"If my *wife* can handle me having relations with other women, so can you."
The first time, the other girls made the decision. I had moved and was checking out a new club. I ended up spending most of the night with one girl. A couple days later I went back. About half way through the night, I mentioned to the girl that no other girl had stopped to see me. She said "Yeah, they decided you were mine and won't stop unless it's ok with me." Soon after that we were there together as customers and the problem was solved.
The other time was a royal pain in the ass. My ATF not only 'claimed' me but made threats of physical harm to any girl that danced for me before she did. The worst part was that the girls were so scared, she was gone from that club & out of the business over a year before any of them were brave enough to tell me the truth.
Yes I am a friend with stripper benefits and I pay her for dances just like anybody else but I would hardly call it a mint.
Grow up!
NOT a terrible thing as long as she keeps performing at a high level IMHO & IME. :)
As I have found out these last few weeks.
I looked her in the eye and said, "Actually, she's the one I came in to see."
But I draw the line at the crap that the OP describes. I've told VG to let me play or else I can't see her anymore. This keeps her in check because she loves my money. She doesn't like my slutiness but she has no choice but to tolerate it because I don't give her a choice.
Why do people resurrect ancient random threads like this?
Obviously enough, I'm not a fan of passive-aggressive beta male tactics like avoiding a club just because a dancer is acting entitled. It's part of her hustle, no big deal, just pretend you have testicles and assert yourself a tiny bit.
Perhaps a little easier for me to say since my M.O. is that I pick a girl and stick with her for the entire trip, and expect her to stick with me. But I can and do dismiss girls as soon as they approach, if that's not the girl I want to spend the day with.
Oh, and ATATF != DS !!!
If you want other girls, then their are other strip clubs.