Confused by animosity towards stripperweb

avatar for rickdugan
I just don't get it. I am a regular poster on both sites and find them both to be excellent resources, for different reasons of course. Now if I had a gun to my head and had to choose just one then I would have to pick tuscl as the reviews are simply irreplaceable to me, but SW is an interesting place and I've picked up tidbits and insights that have helped me refine my game, especially with harder to bag hotties that reside in some of the clubs in the NE. ;)

I have heard a lot of complaints on here about the SW Moderators, but I have never felt particularly constrained and I have discussed virtually everything there, including raunchy OTC events, fun ITC adventures, games and countergames that I have engaged in with savvy dancers, etc. I have also had a number of debates with dancers about everything from dancer and customer behaviors to nudity expectations. And in doing all of this, I have never been banned or even pointed and I've been posting there for years now.

The only thing that the Moderators ask is that (1) members refrain from personal attacks; (2) customers refrain from baiting the dancers, at least on the pink side of the board (lol); and (3) blues take some of the raunchiest stuff down to the Junkie Forum. So for us that basically means don't attack/bait the dancers and don't act like a fucking child. Honestly, I haven't found these minimal restrictions to be particularly onerous.

Anyway, just my two cents.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Well, RickyBoy, let me explain it to you. Most people in this world place a high premium on honesty and truthfulness as opposed to delusion worldviews. You, however, do not. Similarly, the strippers on SW do not. Because of this you get along just fine with them over there, but those who do value honesty and worldviews consistent with reality find the place unbearable.

Get it now?
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
What tips from the strippers did you learn there? When offering them money for sex, if they say no, offer a little more? lol
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Stripperweb has nothing to offer me. I don't need to interact with a bunch of anonymous females making $1000/day and not doing extras. I don't personally know any dancer that has ever posted on there. I'll stick with the strippers that I know for input.
avatar for MojoDojo
12 years ago
Personally I've steered clear of SW because of the various comments I've read here. So I have no specific insight regarding the honesty, integrity or nature of posts there but I am struck by two specific comments made by Mr Rickdugan namely "members refrain from personal attacks" and "don't act like a fucking child" both of which we could use a heaping helping of around here IMHO.

I find this site to be interesting, enlightening, entertaining, and enjoyable but it can also be frustrating and discouraging at times especially when a topic gets hijacked by individual(s) bent on flaming another member for reasons unknown.

I'm not on the pro-moderator side of the argument mind you I just think we could do a better job of keeping things from cycling into personal attacks and flame wars.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Agree with Mr Kat

they don't seem like the "typical" dancer.

So I don't have much interest in reading about dancers that think all customers all stalkers and the mere thought of an OTC meeting - even dinner - is WAY out of line.

And don't even think about mentioning the disgusting "K" word.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"The only thing that the Moderators ask is that (1) members refrain from personal attacks; (2) customers refrain from baiting the dancers, at least on the pink side of the board (lol); and (3) blues take some of the raunchiest stuff down to the Junkie Forum. So for us that basically means don't attack/bait the dancers and don't act like a fucking child. Honestly, I haven't found these minimal restrictions to be particularly onerous."

A GREAT deal of this "Stuff" occurs here and perhaps there is a fear that Moderation would take this site to the same level of "minimal restrictions". I believe these members here who attack & bait would find the "Restrictions" too much to bear & something they would HATE because it WOULD restrict their ability to HATE & ATTACK & MOCK & BAIT others!
persons & members.

My 2¢.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
I got one from the Drac,he claims everyone is on ignore.
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
I don't post on SW but the discussions provide invaluable insights and perspective. I believe that the animosity shown here is explained by cognitive dissonance. It's tough to have your fantasy shattered. PLs hate SW for the same reason Dick Cheney used to insist on having his hotel's TV pre-tuned to Fox News.
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
^Of course, I agree there is delusion by the truckload on SW. Didn't mean to imply there wasn't. Also, I'm sure, heaps of animosity towards the kind of views that prevail on TUSCL. None of that makes SW any less revealing and helpful to read.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Rick- I go to SW for several of the reasons you do, yet I'm not as "surprised" as you are. Anytime you have 2 groups with divergent interests (One that desires to get as much as possible for paying as little as possible, the other wishing to make as much money as possible for doing as little as possible) animosities/conflicts are bound to occur.

Hey, I've seen some tuscl bashing posts over there.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I enjoy reading the posts about extras, and how much they despise extra girls. Also theres a few on there who say they make way more than extra girls, which gives me a good laugh. Other than that I dont have much use for it.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
From what I've gathered, the majority of the dancers on SW make like $200-$500 on a good night and complain about how the extras girls are ruining the industry for everyone and they're moving on to cam work. The dancers that make A LOT of money without doing extras are hot and they work in high-income/low-mileage areas so OBVIOUSLY they're going to bank. Do the extras girls in those areas make more money? Fuck yeah they do, but if you're making good money why complain about the actions of other people?

IMO, SW is helpful sometimes, but I like the conversations on this site better.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
I spent a sick day killing time by wandering through SW but I have never posted on the pink side. I was surprised to see so many tuscl nicknames posting on the pink side.

The girls don't treat us horndogs very nicely so I am surprised to realize that rick hasn't been banned yet.

How long would I last if I signed up for stripperweb, rick?
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
<i>"A GREAT deal of this "Stuff" occurs here and perhaps there is a fear that Moderation would take this site to the same level of "minimal restrictions". I believe these members here who attack & bait would find the "Restrictions" too much to bear & something they would HATE because it WOULD restrict their ability to HATE & ATTACK & MOCK & BAIT others!
persons & members. "</i>

Said the pot to the kettle...
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
SamP nailed it

SW dancers are not like anything I encounter in the "real" world. But on the other hand, we TUSCL brothers are unlike many casual SC patrons too.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Funny you should mention that motorhead. I posted a thread a few years ago on exactly that topic...on SW. :)…
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
i harbor no animosity toward stripperweb. I checked it one time, and deemed it a waste of time. No reviews. A whole lot of whining. Not for me.

I get enough of that on this site in between searching for real information. I see no point in going to that site and wade through 10 tons of bullshit to find one gold nugget. If there were no reviews here, this site would be the same.
But, since this site does have reviews most of which I've found to be solid, I don't mind participating on this board despite the trolls and they who think they aren't trolls but actually are.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
'How long would I last if I signed up for stripperweb, rick?"

LOL Farmer. For some reason, I think that you would do just fine over there. ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
art: "I am surprised to realize that rick hasn't been banned yet."

Here's the secret. If the RickyBoy had been born female he would be a lying, theiving, whore wearing a g-string (aka stripper). Since he was born male, however, he is a lying, theiving whore who wears a suit. You will appreciate, nevertheless, the common bond he shares with them SW girls.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Here's another fact I just noticed. It looks like the RickyBoy has 2200 posts on stripper web in addition to about the same number here. Add it together and it comes out to about 4400 posts total. Adjust for the fact that he been posting for a slightly less amount of time than me and it turns out that our rates are about the same. Apparently, however, this fact does not cause him to feel the least but hypocritical when complaining about my posting rate. But we should all know better than to expect a consistent tune from the RickyBoy. :-)
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
There are some cool regulars over there but, alas, I got banned.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I used to actually be a fan of SW but my fascination with it started waning when I woke up from my estrogen-induced haze and I really started seeing the dancers for what they were. The hatred that they have for customers in general (and female customers in particular) is beyond comprehension. I'll still post occasionally in the customer sections, but some of the dancers there are such cunts that they ruin even those areas too. I used to watch what and how I said things over there.....not anymore. If those bitches don't like it, fuck 'em.

And while I think that Yoda is a good guy, IMHO he is a bit heavy handed in moderating the customer sections. At least back in the day it wasn't so PC that you were afraid to post anything for fear of being banned.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
I have nothing but good things to say about Rick's posting on the pink site.

Rick, you gave me a much needed boost when I was feeling down in the pink site. Thanks.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@lopaw have you really encountered many strippers who hate female customers? I can't remember ever coming across that. The two specific complaints that you here often are: women who come with their boyfriend/husband just so that they can "supervise" what's he's doing with the strippers, and lesbians who think the fact that they are lesbians means that they will automatically get free "extras".
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
@ilbbaicnl - No thankfully I have never actually met and talked to any dancers that openly disliked female customers. Some dancers don't approach me for whatever reason. Maybe they dislike females or maybe they are just shy and don't know how to approach - I'll never know and really don't care. But if you ever read any of the venom-dripping threads over on SW you'd think that we were all there just to ruin their lives. They clump us all in the same boat and stereotype everyone with the same agendas. You wouldn't believe the hate that some of the twats over there spew about women customers and other groups of customers (hispanic, black, old, fat, etc.). If someone were to read SW without any knowledge of the real stripclub world they would assume that dancers in general hate everyone who enters the club as a customer (probably true), and some groups are especially detested and demonized. I know that it's a dancer site and they use the boards to vent to each other, but their anger & hate often spills out to the customer sections too. I stopped reading the Dancer Only sections a long time ago because it was filled with bitterness and anger and full of posts that no customer would ever want to read if they planned on continuing clubbing.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I lurk on there once in a while, but have never actually posted anything. Seems like a waste of time to post anything there to me.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Yeah, I'm not sure I see the reason for following SW. I mean, who really cares about what strippers think? That's not an attack, it's just a fairly common sense least I think it is. Basically they are employees that work at a business that we give our business to, right. So do you go to MacDonald's Employees Web and discuss business with them? Probably no interest. Or the Waitress Web.

Strippers perform a service, you pay them and get in your car and go home. Now I suppose if you care about their wants and needs, and intend to comply with whatever stuff they wish customers would do or whatever, then yeah I suppose it might be beneficial.

But personally I really don't care what they think. I'm sure many think bad things about me and other customers, so that's not something I want to hear about. Or maybe some might be interested in their perspectives for some reason...but I'm just not concerned whatsoever.

And since THEY are providing the service to US, then THEY should be hopping on a men's website to find out what men want in a stripper and how to be better strippers and provide better service, not the other way around.

But I think many men have a fairly low self esteem and want the girls to "like" them.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"Rick, you gave me a much needed boost when I was feeling down in the pink site. Thanks."

No problem Jay. I really believe that you should be proud of yourself for everything that you do.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
@Fraudster: Ouch at all of that harsh language. ;) And that post count analysis might hold water if 4,000 of your posts didn't happen in the past year, all of equal or even lesser (if that is possible) value than the ones in this thread, nevermind however many posts you are clogging the boards with from other screen names. You are clearly a man with nothing but time on his hands. :)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
One, little problem though, Rick. I did not make 4000 posts in the last year.

Always your MO. Tell the biggest lie you think you can get away. First you start with the grand slam and hope people just let it go. If you get called down on it, however, then back you off as a little as you can, until you are telling as big a lie as you can but which at least one other person is going to believe you (even if it is only one of your other aliases like MADFAG_ROMEO).

Another part of making the comparison fair would be to tell us what your post count here and on SW was in the last year. Now I know your number here and if I assume your number of SW is a bit higher (going with the historical average) then my rate is a bit higher than yours, but nothing serious. Only about 50% higher.

The thing, however, is that I get the feeling your rate on SW accelerated in the last year. Why? Because you got your ass beaten down by me on here over all your stupid beliefs about strip clubs. In particular when it emerged that you could "just ask" strippers for sex and didn't have to be the only guy wearing a suit in a club you were particularly embarrassed. So you decided to hang out over there instead.

Anyway, why don't you posts *real numbers* as opposed to pulled out your ass, so we can make a fair comparison. Include your total posts here and on SW. (The other thing which would be interesting is to compare lengths of the posts, but I'll let that go since get those numbers would take some work to get.) You up to posting the *real numbers* RickyBoy?
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
At the end of the day, tuscl is more customer centric which means we are trying to optimize things to get the most bang for our buck. Literally and figuratively.

On the other hand, SW is dancer driven and thus it's dancers trying to figure out ways to squeeze the most cash out of customers. The experienced tusclers aren't the ideal customers for most of these dancers, and naturally a lot of these dancers aren't the ones cool with extras etc. They tend to be more of the high hustle type.

Now theres nothing wrong with this, it's just a matter of different demographic. You can certainly learn lots of valuable things on both sites.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I'm yet another PL that was banned from SW for speaking the truth that the women there obviously don't want to hear. Because of course they are all virgins who never do extras, right?
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I visited the site years ago. I don't need to go there to find out what strippers think. I can just have two sitting at my table and hear more than I want to without even trying. One time I had two dancers sitting at my table and the topic of female customers came up. I was just watching the dancers on stage. One dancer said she is not interested in dancing for female customers. She said she only liked dick. I thought she was serious because I was about to totally tune them out ignoring them. I did for the next several minutes until I heard one dancer say something about knocking on wood and then felt a tap, tap, down at my pants.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Im a member still on striperweb......I Manley lurk but even when i was hot on the site I never got banned or tagged....I got a few thank yous and made a few friends.....and yes their fuckin review section is sad.....but even when I get hot on their again I believe I will good.....
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Im a member still on striperweb......I Manley lurk but even when i was hot on the site I never got banned or tagged....I got a few thank yous and made a few friends.....and yes their fuckin review section is sad.....but even when I get hot on their again I believe I will good.....
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
But i do thank rickdungen and docholiday for the advise when I first joined on that has Probly keep me alive over their lol
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
There has been a lengthy thread in the Michigan TwoSheds board about a guy that banned from SW. He posted a link to the pink thread that got him banned. I've read most of it (well kind of skimmed it) and cannot understand what got him banned.

He posts were respectful. I guess any mentioning of extras gets one banned. (and no, the guy wasn't me. I've never opened an account there)

That's one of my problems. They seem to be pretty intolerant of any contrary opinions over there.
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
ROTFL at the troll preaching about "truthfulness" and "facts" when everything he posts on this board is a glaring lie. For starters, he argues as though his post count is equal to only those attached to his current nickname. As though all his other nicknames and sock puppets (txtittyfag, etc) represent real, separate people. LOL!

This loser has been trolling this board since at least 2004, and no post count can accurately reflect how much of his pathetic life he's pissed away here, because it can't include all the past nicknames (bobbyl, davids, cliffbar, etc.) that got him banned and deleted by Founder.

Nice try, creep.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh, one little problem. No one has ever shown that anything I've posted is a "lie" much less a "glaring lie". All you have is some conspiracy theories that I use multiple aliases, which I do not. No concrete to proof to back that up, just claims on your part. But good ahead and post one "glaring lie" I've posted. Actually give half a dozen example. Should be easy since you say "everything" I post is a "glaring lie". I'm not going to hold my breath waiting, however.

Speaking of multiple aliases, why not tell us all the aliases you post under or have posted under, mr. yourpissedonpot. Talk about fucking projection!
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I'd love to see a list of all the banned people from SW. Its probably bigger than the current membership.
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
Wrong again, dumbass. I posted links last month to where you admitted to being your other aliases and where you fucked up and got caught posting under the wrong alias. It's no use pretending.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
A lot of the complaints of the non-extras dancers on SW are legitimate. It's a big annoyance to them to deal with custies who stick their fingers under the g-string or pull out their dick, or just generally assume they can get extras from any dancer with enough badgering. There are many escorts who are regulars on SW. The non-extras dancers rarely give them shit, they just feel like there should be lap dance clubs that are JUST about lap dancing. Anything other than lap dancing should be done elsewhere.

@Duo I know someone who became a cam girl. She found it hard to make enough to live on. She is about as hot as you are (but she is not as good as you are at not letting people get her goat). The sites with many girls want to take a huge percentage, often over 50%. She is mostly working independently. The problems with that are getting paid (paypal refuses to handle "adult" transactions), time-wasters who want a "free sample show", and the large percentage of custies who don't want a show unless it involves sticking dildos in particular oraficies.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Wrong. You posted some links where you made those *claims*. In none of the link did you show a post by me (i.e. "Dougster") admitting to being any of those people. But good ahead and repost the specific link now if you have it. Looks like this nothing but a glaring lie on your part.

Also, again, while we are at, why don't you tell us the other aliases you currently or previously have posted under. :-)

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thats y I stsy on the blue strip club junkie side of stripper web as I was advised to cause if juice ever come oit of the dungen on the stripper web i fo sho would be banned
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Couldn't find that supposedly link you have, huh, urpissedonpot? Why I'm not surprised. Like I say, won't hold my breath. Not for that or for you to let us know all the other aliases you currently or have previously posted under. Looks like you are just one giant case of projection, there buddy. :-) Actually, that makes me think. Maybe your actually MisterGay reincarnated. Hmmmmm????? ;-)
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Dougie, another cry for attention as you crap on yet another thread? Cool! it is good to see you continue to seek all that good healin'. ;)

Now I'm not going to quibble about whether you placed 4,000 or 3,300 useless posts over that time, but we all know that you have been at 8-10 posts per day for over a year now. And again, that is only the posting activity under that one screen name.

You know, I find it amazing that on some days that your screen name is absent the board really gets quiet and other sn absences are also noted.

For some this place is an extension of the clubs, for others it serves as a primary source of entertainment. So long as you are getting what you need from it, day, night, overnight, etc., then all power I suppose. ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
And of course you don't mention your own post count in that time between here and SW. 2000 or so. So while 8-10 is excessive in your mind 7/day is just fine. Nope no hypocrisy at all.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Your math is fuzzy. I have averaged less than 2 posts per day on each site and that has been very consistent over my membership histories. They are also two different sites with different topics, so trying to combine the numbers is not really apples to apples anyway.

You, however, have gone over the deep end in the past year just with this one screen name on this one site and we all know that you post under multiple names. Seriously dude, is this really so entertaining for you that feel compelled to ride the boards day and night and fill these threads with endless off-topic nonsense? Honestly I just don't get it, but to each his own I suppose...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyDugan: "Your math is fuzzy. I have averaged less than 2 posts per day on each site and that has been very consistent over my membership histories. "

Nope. You are equivocating. We were talking about the last year and now you go back to over the entire course of your posting history in your case but not for me.

You have posted 900 times here over the last year. Any can verify that by looking at your posting history. Now you joined around April 2010 and have made as many post there as you have here: about 2200. Since that is a shorter amount of time during your membership I'm going to say you made a few more post there in the last year than here so about 1100. Again, that is being generous. Like I say, you seemed to have got scared of posting here after you were out for your non-sense regarding "the system" versus "just ask". It's probably higher than that, but I'll be generous.

Ok, Rick, so it's good for you to set the record straight here. While 8-10 posts a day is excessive, 6-7 is just fine. Oh, and it just so happens you are right at the upper limit of "just fine" so you don't have to call yourself excessive. Funny how that worked out just right for you.

As for endless non-sense. Yep, you old contention that you needed to be the only one wearing a suit in dive club to get extras qualifies for that along with your contention that "just asking" was blatant non-sense that could never work. Fuck you're an idiot.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Here's a link to help you verify your post count, RickyBoy:

rickdugan's Comments (911-920)…

Note the posting dates in mid May 2012.

Now do you have more blatant lies to tell that anyone can disprove by merely doing a fact check by looking at your posting history? Or are you going to post as FAGDOG_ROMEO to try and bail yourself out here, by making it look like one other person agrees with you?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
@urpissedonpot: might want to take now how I proved Rick was a glaring liar. I took one thing he said

RickyBoy: " I have averaged less than 2 posts per day on each site and that has been very consistent over my membership histories"

and then published the link above so that anyone could verify it was a lie.

I had no need to appeal to hearsay that someone 5 years ago said he thought that x and y who posted 8 and 7 years ago, respectively, were actually the same person.

That's how you demonstrate "glaring lies". Point out contradictions with direct quotes. A little more convincing than hearsay that someone 5 years ago thought something ain't it?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@MH The fastest way to get banned on SW is to say that maybe someone else who got banned should not have been banned.

SW is meant primarily for strippers. If you feel (as many on this site seem to) that all or virtually all strippers are in some inferior category of people, you have no reason to be on web site for strippers.

I miss Athena from over there, it was fun calling her Nun Stripper and Mrs. Air Dance and giving her a math test. But she never sicked the moderators on me, just flamed me mercilessly.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
You might want to give yourself a math test ilbby after your conclusion that someone who said they paid an average of $133 to a hooker over multiple visits could not have been paying in multiples of $50 each time.

avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Wow Dougie, so the great revelation that has led to 3 more nonsensical posts and who knows how much research time was that my number ticked up to 3.7 (or whatever) posts per day during the past year? I'll take your word for it - honestly I couldn't be bothered to do the research necessary to figure that out. Unfortunately I'm not surprised as I have stupidly gotten involved with moronic back and forths just like this over the past year, along with posting less on SW given what has been happening over there.

But you keep dodging the question of why? Why the wild upswing in off topic, diversionary posts over the past year? Why the back and forth with other aliases? Why ride this thing day and night ready to fuck up good threads with all of the above? Is this the only site talking about anything interesting that will still have you? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

avatar for how
12 years ago
I read some threads on SW. Wow! They HATE customers, and resent their jobs.
avatar for Hardnfast
12 years ago
SW is just a gigantic feminist stripper circle jerk.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"They HATE customers, and resent their jobs."

Gee, ya think???

I've said this many times before...the vast majority of women think that strippers are hookers and sluts and whores, and the last thing ANY woman wants to be called is a stripper or hooker or slut or whore. That's why they hide their job from their families, and are deathly embarrassed and ashamed at being strippers, and would sooner die than having their daughters and her schoolmates find out that Mommy is a stripper. But they come up with all kinds of rationalizations to make themselves feel better about it.

And they REALLY hate guys who expect "extras", because that solidifies the fact that strippers really ARE hookers like their Moms told them, which makes the strippers feel even worse.

And they despise anyone who would come to a club to see strippers like themselves. Which is why the vast majority of strippers (yeah, some exceptions) refuse to date customers without being paid for it. Makes them gag. Why? Because the thought that THEIR boyfriend or husband would go to a strip club and oogle other women instead of spending quality time with her is just horrific.

So yeah, with some exceptions I suppose, strippers aren't happy with what they're doing. Which is one reason why often you'll come into a club and the girls are sitting around on their asses texting or off in a corner doing nothing.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@how provide some links please to these threads.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
<< And they REALLY hate guys who expect "extras" >>

Go to McDonald's and "expect" to be served onion rings. See how much they love that. McDonald's will send you to BK for your onion rings, and a (just) lap dancer will send you to Backpage for your extras.

Reminds me of my ATF club review. Written by a dancer who included directions from the club to the nearest hooker stroll, for those so inclined.
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Atta boy Jerk. Walk into a club with that blanket attitude, no wonder the girls sit on their ass and text. You're a jerk.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy? 3.7? I said 6-7! The point stands. A person who makes 6-7 posts on average between here and SW over the last year cannot, with a straight face, say well that is not excessive it only when it gets as high as 9 that it becomes so. You see 2000 is fine, but 3000, well that is riduculous...

Also more hypocrisy from you. You've also had a big uptick in your post count over the last year. Tell you what though. Let's make a deal. You go first and explain the reason for your uptick and then I' ll explain mine. Willing to play Rick?
avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
There's fair share of fantasy at both sites.

Pink site: Octagenerian strippers hauling $1000 a night in canada. Zero contact. Forget extras. One such lady posts 200 times a day - must be a magician !

Blue site: Super cool dudes having a line of strippers wanting to get laid - while the dude chows his burger - and post 100 times a day - must be a wizard !

Obviously each site is serving a customer base - else they wouldn't be around.

Fortunately - for all of us - 0.1% of the SC industry - that is 1 in thousand - is even aware of these sites - let alone active within the sites.

Yes - the SC industry is large. Upwards of 1.1M in USA alone - workers and customers. These sites have a few hundred - and only a handful active ones. One way or another - the top hustlers manage to find obliging nice-guys while the top playboys manage to find the newbie damsels-in-distress. At least for a night.

Would love to be a fly on the wall when the grand dame Shana Dior meets playboy Juicebox ! One wants $1000 for an air dance while the other wants an all nighter for a burger.

One thing that disappointed me about SW - guys dominate that place. These ass holes are Quick to ban hapless wanderers - with delusional expectations that their chivalry gets noticed by the strippers - and some day they'll get sex. If you meet one of these ass holes in real life - your dislike for these faggots will turn to pity. I wish strippers ran their own site.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I going to have to side more with Mikey on this one than jerkoffson. But it's probably because both my thinking on this has evolved over time and the newer girls have changing attitudes and being a stripper is no longer as shunned as it used to be.

Like I say, especially amongst the super hot ones, many of their entire existences is about their looks, their seductive abilities, their sexuality and sex itself. I'd say there are too many okay with their jobs, and those that actually like it for them to be called "exceptions". The % who would and do date customers had also gone up over time as documented on stripperweb.

You can be a smart guy, jerkoffson, it's just a shame you insist on seeing the world as bleaker place than it is (what million calls negativistic or oppositional personality disorder but which the dsm calls passive-aggressive personality disorder). The world and women are not as bad as you think, and we are hoping for the day finally lighten up and realize this because right now it seems you hating them gives you a bigger hardon than just accepting, liking and having fun with then would.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"Atta boy Jerk. Walk into a club with that blanket attitude, no wonder the girls sit on their ass and text. You're a jerk."


First of all, I thought we were best-est buddies...what happened? You sound a little miffed at me...

Anyway, let me ask you something...

Do you have any rational argument, whatsoever, to counter even one statement I made? I mean, come on guy, you must have SOMETHING other than calling me a jerk, right? Or is it nothing more than "I hate you forever so I'll just all you names"?

Come on Mikey, don't let us down...give us something dude.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
And libbiancanl or whatever your name is...

I'm sure there's like a really good argument there about onion rings and extras, but I read it 3 times and I have no clue what point you're trying to make.

Could you clarify?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"@how provide some links please to these threads"


Since "how" hasn't answered - let me

Ever had to write a one sentence summary of a story or situation? I think how's comment perfectly sums it up. Maybe there isn't just one thread, but if anyone reads thru the threads there and summarizes it in one sentence - then how's comments were spot on.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@J Duh, you're a grown man and should get it that a lap dancer may get very pissed if you expect anything other than grinding that involves your or her junk.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
ilbby: "@J Duh, you're a grown man"

IIRC, there was a post where jerkoffson implied he was on his 40s or 50s. Whether his "mind" has grown to match his chronological age, is, however, much more debatable.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
@MH I was on there for a couple of months and found lots of posts that can't be characterized by "I hate all customer's".

Many if not most strippers consider it to be the pits to work a 40-hour-a-week office job. Those girls do tend to think that us 40-hour guys must be pretty empty inside to live that way. But I would not call that hating us.

Any stripper with self-respect is going to resent bigotry against strippers, but that's not the same as resenting their job. Although they may very well resent what some people consider to be their job.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
You know, I understand the answers from those guys who say that they just don't obtain anything of value from the site. My viewpoint may be different, but at least I get it. But what I don't get are those guys who react in anger, calling them thieves, whores, liars, etc., etc. In fact, posting crap like that on SW is how some of the refugees on this board were banned in the first place.

Dudes, they are just girls who get naked and entertain for a living. What is there to be so worked up about? Yes some of them lie, both in the club and probably on that board as well, and yes they each seem to be vying for "Head Nun of the Convent" when posting, but so what? If a guy really feels threatened or otherwise worked up enough to react badly over this silly stuff then the issues are his, not theirs.

I cannot help but believe that the guys who are all messed up over posts from girls on SW are the same ones who get defensive and angry in the clubs. That's too bad. I am in clubs a ridiculous amount, yet each time I feel firmly in control and even chuckle at some of the more ridiculous stuff I hear. The power dynamic is firmly in my favor as I have cash in my pocket and many of these girls are stripping because they very much need it. I may not always get what I want, but I rarely pay for something that I don't want and pretty much always enjoy myself.

I guess that for me, SW (and this place to some degree) is just an extension of my club interactions and I cannot fathom why anyone would get worked up over something posted by a dancer on her own support forum.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Yep, to RickyBoy lying and living in a fantasy world completely disjointed from reality is second nature. To the girls on SW same thing. So they have that in common and he doesn't see the problem. Most people, by contrast, don't see what the point of hanging around such a site would be. I'll go with the second crowd.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Dougie, all that bitterness sloshing over. Did some girl do something bad to you? Maybe even in a SC if, counter to my suspicions, you have actually visited one? ;)

The reason that I enjoy the clubs and, by extension SW, is not because of any affinity with strippers - lol - but simply because I understand where I sit in the scheme of things. This allows me to remain in calm control regardless of whether it is in a club or on that site. I am in control and only pay for what I want. Simple. The rest is all just silly noise.

I never feel defensive about what strippers do or say, ever. Why would I? This is entertainment for me and I am doing ridiculous stuff with them in points far and wide throughout the year. What is there to get worked up about? They are generally younger girls who (in many cases) have a lot of issues, which led them to dancing in the first place, and now also have to deal with a lot of ridiculous shit from men. Given all of this, the BS and SS that we hear is not surprising. A grown man simply wades through the nonsense to get to the good stuff. Why in the world does any guy, unless he is a broke pussy, need to view any of this as "us" vs. "them?"

I will also say that SW has steepened my learning curve with respect to some of the more sophisticated hustles, so it provides value to me in more ways than simply entertainment.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy: " will also say that SW has steepened my learning curve with respect to some of the more sophisticated hustles"

Oh gawd! Sounds like another addendum coming to "The System". During his first 10 years the RickyBoy learned that the proper and best way to pay hookers for sex is to be the only one wearing a suit in a dive club. That was a development that shocked and amazed the scientific world that it was even possible at all. The RickyBoy was nominated for a Turing Award. During the next 10 years of intensive research, which few thought could be topped, he "steepened his learning curve" and learned how to avoid "the sophisticated hustles". Part of the strategy involved staying at home on nights both your favorites are working. After all if you talk to one if might offend the other.

I'm sure the world is dying for these great insights of yours that are not completely obvious to every single other person in the world.

RickyBoy: " is not because of any affinity with strippers "

Not exactly. You share narcissistic and anti-social traits with them: see your pathological lying and pride in developing "The System".
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago

[I]Get the most from your strip club adventures![/I]

I really need to write that up. ;)
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Thank you so much for reviving the system im looking forward to the dugen magazine
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I was going to start a thread on this, but then I saw that this thread was not too long ago, so I'll just add my thoughts to this thread. I set up an account on Stripperweb about a year ago (not my TUSCL username, a different one), but I disliked the site so much that I vowed never to visit it again.
However, for the last couple of weeks the trolls on TUSCL have been flooding the board with garbage threads, so I decided to give another look at Stripperweb. This time around I was actually entertained by it. It was informing.

Yes it is clear that some of the girls lie on there, but you actually learn a lot over there too. It is nice to get the dancers' insights. Here on TUSCL, right now we pretty much only have Duo as far as dancer insights. I find that the threads there can be pretty entertaining and informing. For example, a guy asked if strippers were being truthful when they tell customers they are cute, every single dancer that responded to that thread said they only tell customers they are cute if they are indeed cute. There was also a celebrities inside strip clubs thread that was pretty entertaining. Another good thing is that Yoda will get rid of all the garbage stuff that trolls post. I have found there are quite a few respected TUSCL members that are also on Stripperweb (Rickdugan, Lopaw, Minnow, Estafador etc).

I think I will start posting over there. Yes the club reviews SUCK over there, so you obviously come to TUSCL for the reviews. I still prefer TUSCL to Stripperweb, but a change of pace is not so bad every once in a while. Stripperweb is not as bad as everyone says it is.

avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Look at the comment not too long ago by juicebox once again thanking rickdugan for reviewing the system and he is looking forward to more of his writing. Looks like juice is still the biggest bullshitter here and one of the biggest flip floppers. What would be funny is if one of juice's aliases turned out to be Duo. Ranutard I am going to ask Dougster and txtittyfag to join stripperweb to make that website just as entertaining as this one for you!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Good luck cambyass the only way you will last over their is to suck yodas dick...not bring mean or joking its the truth....yoda is power hungry.......thats y I only lurk....good luck man
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Did you really get banned there?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Gee, what a shame it would be to loose NukeyBoy. His contribution of how to pickup 9s and 10s with his "never pay" game. His ability to share what it is like to make it through the world with $20 disposable income per month.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Close......I logged out and just lerk saved me from a true was what juice and yoda agreed to
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I'm just here on TUSCL to talk about strippers and strip clubs, I won't get involved in flame wars anymore.

@dougster- I'm down to end our feud if you are. If not then so be it, but I won't be arguing with you anymore.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Looks like I touched a nerve.....sippycup wins agsin !... ***Boooom !***
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
And that goes for Camby and Txtittyfag too if you want to end the "feud".
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Ranukam - I'm in!
avatar for 23cambyman
12 years ago
Make that 2.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Sounds good
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
@tittyfag- my beliefs haven't changed. What has changed is I don't care who you are as long as you don't troll me!
avatar for former_stripper
11 years ago
I am a poster over there (well about to be former)and let me tell you most of the dancers lie. Many do have sex with customers, which they admit in the Ladies Only forum. Others may not have sex with customers but admit they use men. Then there are the camgirls who are really too fat and ugly to strip so they cam because apparently men on the web can't get enough of fat chicks. Most of the dancers have stereotypical lives with being single moms and criminal charges. The moderation there is piss poor with an obvious bias towards some posters and some attacks against posters they dislike, usually those who are more politically conservative.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
^^^^^ Hmm........ :)
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
rick sucks a degree. But when its time to defend his brethren, he actually pulls through...mostly. That's why he's such a loved member there. He knows just how to make these internet hoes swoon. their liars and can be caught in their own lies. They probably DO make $1000...before deductions. And it does include tips and at lest 1 VIP session. They may sometimes lie about sex and when it comes to the gentlemen of the site who just won't bow down to stripper whores, they make you a social paraiah. Yoda only enforces their behaivor by "warning" you not to say such things, pretty much, don't mention reality. It's a bias selective world over there, but then again, it wasn't made for us.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Estafador posted: "rick sucks a degree. But when its time to defend his brethren, he actually pulls through...mostly. That's why he's such a loved member there."

LOL. I don't know why I'm still responding as I'm probably the only remaining person who reading this thread, but anyhow...

I just call it like I see it. I am neither sucking up to dancers nor defending customers per se. Both sides do and say good and bad things. I tend to favor the rational elements on each side of the aisle and disagree with the irrational ones. Simple.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Oh, you suck up for sure RickyBoy. Remember your comment that the "dancers" on stripper web were "too high caliber" to provide extras. Calling it like you see it? Who knows, you are such an idiot you could actually believe that. My bet, however, is that you were doing what you do every second of your life - telling people what you think they want to hear, even if that means telling two entirely tales if it's to different groups of people just seconds apart.

avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Look a little harder if you believe that I'm a suck up. One comment, out a context, does not make a case. I think you will find that, on the whole, I've been very fair and balanced.
avatar for san_jose_guy
11 years ago
I have looked at Stripper Web, and I have used Google Advanced Search to explore it some. It is interesting. I have found lots of discussions about the practical aspects of "escorting". I guess that that is what many strippers retire into today.

I also found some very negative discussions about DFK. Strippers were dissing those seen DFKing in the dance booths, and going even further about those who do it in the main room.

I also saw where they got a review narrative from somewhere of an encounter which ended in FS-ITC. They were pissed that price was not higher.

All I can say is that this always go on. They only way to survive is to do what is always done. Look at how they divide into good girls and bad girls, and then find ways to play the two groups off against each other.

I've not had much interest in SW, and I don't think I would find much affinity there or be very interested in reading it.

avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
Same reason I don't go the women's bathroom.
avatar for indorula
9 years ago
"What tips from the strippers did you learn there? When offering them money for sex, if they say no, offer a little more? lol"

one of the funniest comments I have seen on here
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Interesting to see how our members and their relations have evolved.



What If Women Ruled The World?…
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
avatar for Dancer_
8 years ago
Lol, I really like how first girls complain there about lack of hiring standards these days and then some chubby plain Jane posts pics and the same broads suck up to her with "you are sooo cute". And again, the same girls defend BBWs aka fat disgusting pigs, strippers with too many tats, etc and talk shit about how "narrow-minded" hiring managers at upscale clubs can be. Like huh?

The only section I enjoyed reading was dollar den but after their retarded leftist mods banned Melonie, there is nothing interesting there anymore.:/
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I'm spending a lot less in strip clubs and enjoying strip clubs less now that more dancers feel entitled to bigger tips at the stage and some feel entitled to drinks. I used to see lots of seats around stages filled with customers tipping ones but now in fancy clubs, I see less seats around stages and a few dancers aggressively going after tips when the customer isn't that interested in them. I view stripper web as the web site filled up with moderators that ban anyone not strictly following their protocol and in agreement with their rules. Many young people, strippers included big time, feel entitled. I get turned off by all those attitudes.

I read the other day if you want to make important decisions, it's important to have some interaction with someone who thinks different than you and doesn't always agree with you. You may not like what they are saying and you may not like hearing the message but they may be the most important person you heard because they represent a different view point of another part of society you usually don't interact with.
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