
Best state?

Breathe, breathe in the air
Taking into account climate, economy, standard of living, anything else worth considering and of course strip clubs which of the following States is the best one to work and live in?

California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina


  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’ve lived in Texas and Florida.

    I grew up in South Florida and it sucks when it comes to making $$$ or finding good jobs.

    Texas is close to being the biggest state; has a strong economy; low taxes (no state tax); low cost of living; and good SCs particularly in Dallas and Houston.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    I wonder if you can really get objective opinions on this one.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I don't think any state has it all and like Bullwinkle said, what's good for one wouldn't work for another.

    If the strip clubs were better I'd say NC was in the running. Although our public education sucks.
  • Iansmithdfw
    11 years ago
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    Southern California is an excellent place, except for the fact it sucks. It pretty much has everything you'd want: weather, stuff to do (it probably leads the nation in that aspect), job opportunities (well...), strip clubs, etc.

    On the other hand there are many negatives, like politics and taxes and illegal immigrants (honestly, they really do fuck things up royally), and traffic, etc.

    Nearby Arizona also sucks, IMO. Some good clubs, but Phoenix bores the hell out of me, there isn't shit to do there, and Tucson clubs blow, and as a state I think Arizona just sucks. Some of the same problems with illegals that California has, and it's just a dead state.

    Nevada sucks completely. The economy in Vegas right now is in the dumper, one of the highest unemployment rates in the US as I recall, and you couldn't pay me to live or work in Vegas. Many lowlifes, nothing to do (even though I love the desert), it just sucks.

    I know all about New York, having lived there for years, and it also sucks. Weather sucks, strip clubs suck, nothing to do compared to other places, weather sucks, and the strip clubs suck. I think the same goes for the entire Northeast US. Forget it.

    Personally, I'd consider Texas as the top contender, though I've never lived there. But it has the right attitude, good economy, good politics, clubs are awesome, good weather, and it's a MAN's state.

    I'd also consider some of the states down south. I really like the people there, very nice and friendly, some beautiful areas to live, and aside from the occasional hurricane that wipes our house out, I might consider living down South. Maybe Florida, maybe Georgia, but again the hot humid weather in the South is something you really have to consider first. It can make you nuts.

    And there ain't no fucking way I'd ever move to Michigan. Detroit? No thanks.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    The penultimate state is the state of intoxication.

    The best one is the state of relaxation after orgasm.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Definitely California. I live in Nevada now due to work, but everything that I've ever loved and wanted was in Cally.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Florida sounds great during a midst of a Michigan winter, but try spending July, August, and September in that fucking, humid swamp. I've done it. It's over-rated.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Texas of course, but I'm partial.
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    LMFAO jerkoffson - so its a MAN's state, eh?
    Even I'm embarrassed for you that you actually wrote that.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Some wear other than western north Carolina.....job market sucks and cost of living is way to fuckin high
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Houston, TX

    So much Cheaper than Cali, the money you save will finance a mistress.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I've worked and lived in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. I also lived in the Florida panhandle while working in Alabama. Georgia has the best clubs of the four. All of the states except Cali have right-to-work laws which tend to have businesses with less work stoppages. My understanding is that Texas has the best economy and pretty good SCs.

  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Manchester for sure!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I was born and raised in So. Cal. Lived there for 45 years until I moved to Georgia in 1987. I've been retired for 4 years and I am never moving back to California. Yeah the humidity sucks in the S.E. My first summer here I thought that I would die but you adapt and it becomes livable.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    It sure as hell ain't perfect, but it's got most anything that you could want....if you can afford it.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I prefer SC strip clubs over NC clubs. Weather is pretty good in SC most months except June, July, and August when it can get extremely hot and muggy. I guess this is not a big problem if you are cold blooded and wear a jacket inside when the temp is a balmy 76. There are actual people around here who seem to be cold blooded like that. Of course those same people will complain if the temp goes above 100. Above 100 it just feels slightly more uncomfortable than the typical summer day, not much more unless the humidity matches the temperature. I have walked around in shorts when it was in the 50's and someone shouted out, ah the last of the Vikings! Very funny. Unless I'm drinking a number of beers, most people here freeze when I'm comfortable. That's not all bad because some strip clubs are quite cool at times and occassionally a dancer will curl up on the warmest thing in the club, me.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    My OWN!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I believe I would seriously consider moving to Canada or Portland Oregon if not for air conditioning. I do not enjoy sweating like a pig during the summer. Florida and coastal areas in all southern and possibly east coast states are subject to hurricane evacuations. I prefer western SC over that possibility. Texas and the Midwest get even hotter than here. I have heard the strip clubs in Texas are more free to operate. I believe my income is 20% below the national average just because of my location and not wanting to move for my type of work that is. That sucks. However considering dancers give me deals on dances lots of times, it helps make up for it.

    I could probably move to a lot of different areas and make more money but I don't know if I would save any more with higher prices. It's a lot of hassle to move as well. If the strip clubs sucked but I was making twice as much, I might not be happy.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I would go to Michigan in general, Detroit specifically. With their murder rate, you wouldn't have to suffer long.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Give me a hurricane over any other natural disaster. I'll take one anytime, and I've been through many, including one of only three cat 5's to hit the US.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
  • Dougsterr
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ I just never get tired of being a completely irrelevant retard!
    Aren't I entertaining?
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    "Give me a hurricane over any other natural disaster."

    You're joking, right? Earthquakes are, 99% of the time, NOTHING. A little shaking, maybe a brick building somewhere falls down, and then it's over in a few seconds. Yeah, there's the occasional SFO earthquake that causes havoc, but the end result of some of the big hurricanes is FAR worse than most earthquakes. But people get this weird freaky fear about earthquakes that I'll never understand.

    And hurricanes happen like clockwork multiple times a year. And if you add up all the people affected by hurricanes, compared to earthquakes, and total damage, there's probably no contest. Hurricanes wipe a swath from South Florida up to the northeast.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    I grew up in Missouri. Lived in Texas for a decade after I finished college; Dallas was fun in the late 70's and early 80's. Been back in the Missouri/Kansas area for the past 25 years. Drawing plans for a house on the beach in the panhandle of Florida, and hope to be there in a couple of years. I have found that the summer humidity in Florida can be somewhat mitigated by going to the beach which is more comfortable than the inescapable humidity where I am now.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    California has lots of problems, mainly our asshole, do nothing politicians. But the state, as a am whole, is amazing. Outdoor activities, entertainment, food, easy access to almost any religion, city, suburb, country. It also depends on the individual and their hobbies/activities. If you ski or snowboard then the south is out. I live twenty minutes from the snow, an hour & 1/2 from the beach, and 45 from the desert. I know it sounds overrated and heard before, but I have great access to a good life. Texas is cool but doesn't have enough variety.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I'm a fan of S. Carolina. I'm biased tho, growing up here and only leaving for 8 years in DC. Sure it's hot in the summer, but you get used to it. 100 degrees doesn't really bother me even if I'm doing yardwork or something. I'm one of those that wears a jacket at 65 degrees tho. People are nice for the most part, but the education sucks. Everywhere has their trade offs I suppose.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Perhaps londonguy may feel at home in New England?

    At least is newer.
  • TxVegas
    11 years ago
    I don't live there anymore, but Texas has a nice combination of business opportunities and friendly residents. I would love to have no state income tax again.
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    Lol Papi, maybe you could be right, but a bit too far North for me.
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