Comments by minnow (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pink site should be renamed
    Yeah, I've noticed more post counts in camming section, though I haven't bothered reading there, because camsites don't interest me. I can't see paying $3/min to watch a cam model diddle herself, but apparently some people do. FYI, I did a poll there (pink site) about interest in camsites vs clubs. Of the performers who responded, 42% dance at clubs only, 42% cam only, and 14% perform at clubs and on camsites. While not appealing to me as a customer (vs club visit), I can see how camming could appeal to a performer- being able to work out of home, no physical contact with customers, flexibility of hours, wider potential global customer base, etc.
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Brilliant, jackslash. I lmao when I got to the abbreviation question. I'll add a (3rd?4th/) to the sentiment that you should submit this as an article. If you do, there IS one commonly repetitive question that you left out: Q: "Where can I find a good club for couples" ? A: Go to the train station, and watch the club car get coupled to the train."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    For anyone who has been visiting strip clubs over 10 years, do you think some da
    Depends on the area, though I agree with rick that talent level has been watered down due to more clubs and dancers. Some perspectives on 3 areas: Tampa- No change at Mons last 10-15 years, standards remain high. 2001 Odyssey dancer quality has gone up a bit compared to ~ 15 yrs ago. L.A.- Talent still at high level, but definitely watered down some compared to early 90's. Back then, particular LAX area club was all 8 ups, no tats or fats. Indy- Not much change in overall level, though seeing more dogs creeping into equation last 5 yrs or so. DLMV- Dancers Looks May Vary..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Baby Dolls - Dallas
    ss1- Why don't you PM all those who rated BDD highly and ask them ? Speaking for myself on multiple visits 4-6 years ago: I can think of very few clubs that can match the BDD "package" of lots of hot women willing to provide good contact dances coupled with reasonable prices and good atmosphere. Obviously, enough patrons who value those features found them at BDD. I can see that those who favor a cozy neighborhood bar kind of atmosphere might not like BD-D. One would have to go to a large Vegas club to beat BD-D's combination of sheer numbers of attractive dancers in one club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Clubs per Capita
    PC: You should post those stats as an article, and get 4wks VIP! You have way too much time on your hands! As I've never seen ~ 40k-100k mongers try to get into a stripclub on a given night, there are a lot of people that don't visit clubs. I could care less about club density as long as there is a good one within reasonable driving distance. Quality over quantity!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Read Book "Confessions of a Stripper" Meh
    Revo: Did you review the "book" ? I didn't have a kindle download, so I read a couple of previews on the links ~ 20/40 pgs., resp. Could easily be a diary of any self-absorbed adolescent princess. Enough stereotypes in that sample to last a novel. Where in book is her pic ? Player, that was $1700 for 4 days work. Still, having every week like that, and taking 4 wks off/yr works out to $81.6k/yr. Not too bad for a newb, NOT!
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    12 years ago
    juicebox 69
    Estafador: I don't mind what spam ads have to say. However, after the 2nd one or so, gets to be wearisome. Agree with OP that its gotten to the "spam" point. Yes, ignore does work, but one can also pull up the roots, rather than have to keep cutting off branches............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Taking a "snapshot" of a club roster for any given week: I would say that ~ 50% of dancers on roster won't be there 6 months from now. Range anywhere from 20% to 80%, depending on club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Complaining to Management
    To expound on original topic: "Going to management" could be expanded to "do I give in to a ROB miscount, etc. to avoid a set to with mgt, or do I stand my ground". This could also be expanded to include disputes with staff. Sometimes, it is better to pick your battles as it is a coin toss, IME, for customer to come out favorably in disputes. In one case, I handed waitress a $50 for a drink,she walked to bar, got my drink(and others), and brought me back change for a 20. When I pointed out that I gave her a 50, she said "it was a 20" with a smirk. I went to floor mgr, pointing out the waitress, and cash register at bar. Mgr returned my $50 bill. Of course I proceeded to spend it, and then some in the club. I don't think the act of going to mgt. makes one a whiny wimp. Granted, $30 wouldn't make me miss a meal or monthly payment. But, for many club mongers, that ammount would be equivalent to a major airline being overcharged by ~$2-$3M on their annual fuel bill. Do you think they'd let that slide, Rick?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Mobile, AL
    "small business owner who goes where the.........." Rick, did you mean checks or chicks? Whatever, Mobile isn't on my bucket list of stripclub cities to visit. If you get stuck there again, I'll throw out a minor challenge: Visit the USS Alabama museum, 1 of 4 battleship museums in their named state. (USS Iowa in Long Beach CA, and USS Missouri- Pearl Harbor HI not counted here.) Leftover free admission pass to 1 of my club haunts if you can guess the other 3 states/locations with battleship museums, and post a trip report on stripclub visits there, if any. (PS- you might not feel too bad about Mobile if you try it.)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    Let's talk about big boobs
    JJD- If you truly have your heart set on getting a boob job, who are we to dissuade you from getting one ? On original subject: Yes, I like big boobs, with certain caveats. Main one being I prefer moderately large natural breasts. Meaning I'll pick a natural 36-38 over a very large 50DD enhanced any day. If a dancer doesn't fall into either category, I won't ignore her, either. Indeed, I have happily bought dances with at least 2 different average-smallish breated dancers, and continued to do so after they got a "moderate" BA. I look at other attributes besides breasts in choosing dancers. BTW, you have a nice booty, JJD.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What are the chances of dying while taking a crap?
    While they may not have died on the toilet, 2-3 former U.S. Presidents died of dehydration from diarrhea. (All were 19th century presidents).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Can money buy happiness?
    Several comments point to money not being the "silver bullet" to happiness. To put the money vs happiness into perspective, I refer to these words from a former coworker: "Life is like a shit sandwich- the more dough you have, the less shit you have to eat."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What do you eat on days you go strip clubbing?
    If I "catch wind" that Omega22 club visit will coincide with mine,I'll be sure to eat a can of baked beans prior to visit..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    C92- If you're having good nights and getting a lot of compliments as a result of wearing your schoolgirl outfits, do you really need validation from a bunch of anonymous internet board users ? Although I don't seek out schoolgirl wearing strippers, I'll admit that they can rock on the right dancer. (You do seem like the right dancer, fwiw). One of my favorite "outfits" is no panties underneath a short skirt. Any short skirt, schoolgirl, or not. Like several prior posters, I'm not a big fan of excessive tats, piercings, jewelry. I don't favor knee/thigh high boots, or leggings. Are they hiding something? Hey, babe, Flashdance (Ms. Beal leggings)happened almost 3 decades ago.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A load of comments: tb1776: Kissing is rare, though it is making a "cumback" lately. Up to 1991 (Magic Johnson HIV Positive) kissing (LFK) was common in several clubs after tipping a dancer ( at least 1 or 2 would do it.)Then the hiatus. sc- Or the 10th....................... lopaw- You lucky girl!! The number of times I've hit a big powerball jackpot is the number of times I've been "kissed" in L.A. clubs. L.A. chicks must have a secret handshake you're not telling us about. t-man- Please enter "Eskimo rub/Eskimo kiss" into glossary. Just learned a new one today. 3 Legger- Your dancer probably just swallowed a load from her last VIP.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    "Free Admission" doesn't mean it's completely free to enter a strip club
    C_G: I see that a good portion of your reviews are Deju Vu clubs- they're the "fine print" specialist ( $10 cover, $10 drink). Many other clubs eschew the free admission, and just offer a fixed $$ ammount off. Of the free passes I've obtained lately, most of them are really free. Though if club is slow, waitresss will quickly come by with an expectation that you'll buy a drink. I generally get at least one anyway, so whether drink is paid upfront at door, or in natural flow of things inside, not a dealbreaker for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Food
    lopaw; I suppose that I should add TWG to honorable mention list for having a free hotdog with drink order many years ago. To clarify a few things: By "bad experience", I mean a dining visit that results in an urgent/lengthy visit to the toilet some time after the meal. I also generally favor going to "specialists" for what I want.( I wouldn't go to a Red Lobster to order a "turf" meal). Yet, eating stripclub food can be a timesaver in that one can scope out the talent while ordering/eating meal vs spending 20 or so minutes at a regular eatery.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Food
    Out of the dozen or so stripclubs where I've had meals (hot dogs/burgers and above, not happy hour chips n' dips), the main standouts are Mens Club- Dallas, and the Friday afternoon comp buffet Bare Elegance- LAX. Honorable mention goes to post midnight "deals"- Big Als- Peoria (steak dinner), and Cheetah 3 - Pompano Beach (extensive comp breakfast buffet). I haven't (knock on wood) had any bad experiences with stripclub food. I've had my share with fast/takeout food,regular buffets,bars, etc.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Coming from someone who isn't a paid member (but has contributed many reviews and 1 article), I'm against mandatory paid VIP membership. The most attractive thing about Tuscl is the flow of information about clubs from many reviewers, most of whom don't even bother weighing in on the DB. I'll be the first to say that Tuscl isn't a perfect system, but it is far better than SCL, and even zbone. The later didn't require membership to be able to read the reviews, and just a registered "handle" to contribute to reviews/discussions. The sheer number of reviews submitted allows many, except maybe a few egregiously deficient reviews to slip through the cracks. As for those, and troll posts, the scroll and ignore features work amazingly well in that respect. I'm not sure that founder really wants to make board management more complex than its present form by bringing more review screeners, or DB mods into the mix.
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    12 years ago
    So.....I Hear You Guys Had An Election Down South
    That Democrat Presidential Candidates have garnered 90-some pct. of Black Vote the last 2 decades is hardly news. The real question needs to be why/how those states that went for Bush in 00 & 04 changed over to Obama in 08-12 ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    "a club that only gets hot dancers after 10pm"............... Read carefully- saying that the hottest dancers arrive after 10pm isn't saying that ONLY the hot dancers arrive after 10. There are still several hotties at club before 10, just not as many of them. One thing about Mons: It is a non-smoking club, so some dancers on break will go to back porch to smoke, rather than hang out in dressing room. DR cam is an imperfect indicator of talent level as the truly hot/in demand dancers will be busy on the LD couches, favoring a quick refresh/makeup check in restroom rather than extensive DR stay between the dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mons Dayshift
    Coming from a guy who has made dayshift Mons visits: j40 grades are rather harsh, but he's not too off base as the more attractive Mons dancers arrive after 10p. I'd put most dayshift dancers there in 6-8 range. Overall, maybe not quite up to Bare Elegance dayshift standards(LAX area club near j40's stomping grounds). I'm not sure that so called live feed is really live, but a random recycled clip. How would j40 know what dancers (even in "classy clubs") actually wipe themselves with? Better than not wiping at all......
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best Mileage in LA?
    Best mileage in L.A.?? We-e-l-l, of all the cars I've rented on my LAX business trips over the years, the Toyota Prius delivered the best mileage. Dude, are you for real? Why pay for $20/song and up for something that you can do yourself? Yes, I'm slightly annoyed for some of the reasons motorhead mentioned (I had pizza as a kid, never got more than 8" of snow, usually rode the bus.) OK, I'll be nice by saying that 4P isn't the place to get HJ's............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Favorite Asian?
    My fave asians, in order: 1) Japanese- Almost always charming, adaptive. 2) Vietnamese- especially French Vietnamese. 3) Korean- Could almost be #2 on list. Met several good ones lately, after initially finding some rather hard- edged. 4) Fillipina- Definitely some good ones, but also some ROB's in the mix. 5) Thai- Haven't encountered that many Thai's. So far, they seem to have a more ROB/ mercenary lean to them than the other groups I've only started encountering a few Chinese- mixed bag. One started the encounter with "tell me what pleases you". Another was only fair. One should avail themselves of an Asian at least once a month.........