
Favorite Asian?

Friday, November 2, 2012 9:47 AM
Asian's are my preferred dancer ethnicity. In Phoenix, the Asian dancer population is pretty diverse. At a larger SC one can find Thai, Filipina, Vietnamese and even Chinese smoking hot babydolls. Although all are beautiful, I think, in general, the filipina's give the best stage show but the Thai dolls give the best LD's. The Thai's seem to melt into me as they dance. Their skin and hair is the softest of the nationalities. Of course the Asian dancers new to this country give the best dances. Haven't had time to become jaded yet. Must blow their mind to come from dancing in a poverty sticken third world country to making bank of PL's losers every day.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I find pretty much all Asian women attractive, especially dancers.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I'm in love with the Koreans my friend
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Ran into a girl the other day who said she was 1/4 Chinese and 3/4 Cambodian. What a smoking hot girl. I'll have to keep my eyes open for more of those Cambodian hotties.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Not many Asians at the clubs I've been too. But I've been with Asian girls. I like Hispanic better but that's just my tastes.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Mrrock me as well the Asians I see are from massage parlores
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I like Asian women, I've had many memorable lap dances from them and more. I'll never forget the Phillipina who tried to set me up with her mother. :)
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I like them every now and then, rarely do I find one that I think is just a smoking 9. In my mind the hottest Filipino women are the top of the Asian ladder.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    I usually don't see many Asian dancers at the clubs I've been to. But one of the hottest dancers I've ever seen told me she was half Filipino and have black.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Trouble with getting dances from Asian dancers is that you're hungry for more dances 2 minutes later ;-)
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    For me, Asian dancers aren't particularly to my liking. I had an Asian girl friend in college, and she was great, but since then I've had no particular interest in Asian dancers. (Not too many, anyway, here in Seattle.)
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I got my fill of them when I spent two years stationed in Japan. I'll leave them to Clubber. :)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Favorite Asian? Tia Carrere....I loved Relic Hunter
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Very true, lopaw.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    A number of years ago I was knocking around Asia and met a guy who was doing "research" for a book he was going to write. Said he'd spent over a year criss-crossing the continent in search of the best girls and best sex. I traveled with him a bit. My favorite at the time was Indonesians.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I don't see too many Asians in my area, although I've had my fair share. I've never bothered to ask what ethnicity they are, because they're all hot.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    My ATF for several years was a tiny Filipina who completely captivated me, especially when using her tongue (see avatar). Sadly, the little beauty is now retired.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    KK of course!
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Sorry New York is known for their russian lap dancers. All southeast asians are cute, but very few are hot. They got no body, as skinny as a pancake
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    My fave asians, in order: 1) Japanese- Almost always charming, adaptive. 2) Vietnamese- especially French Vietnamese. 3) Korean- Could almost be #2 on list. Met several good ones lately, after initially finding some rather hard- edged. 4) Fillipina- Definitely some good ones, but also some ROB's in the mix. 5) Thai- Haven't encountered that many Thai's. So far, they seem to have a more ROB/ mercenary lean to them than the other groups I've only started encountering a few Chinese- mixed bag. One started the encounter with "tell me what pleases you". Another was only fair. One should avail themselves of an Asian at least once a month.........
  • lappygohucky
    12 years ago
    I'm with Lone_Wolf. Filipinas and thais are really friendly girls. Chinese and Japanese girls tend to be cuter, but you can never tell how far they're willing to go. Where does the asian dancer population in Phoenix hang out?
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    There's a Thai dancer who works in one of the local clubs. She's hot as hell, top to bottom, dusky skinned, sweet small breasts and full of simply gorgeous tattoos, but I have so far been unable to talk her into anything. Being old, fat and ugly has it's disadvantages, I suppose.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    They don't tend to be as good looking as white girls, and I actually think their superior "niceness" and "accomodativeness" can make them less fun (i.e. won't you prefer to fuck a bitch?) but it depends on what you are in the mood for. Always like the Thai girls best myself when I'm in the mood for Asian.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Dougster: "(i.e. won't you prefer to fuck a bitch?)" Sometimes, but the submissive thing does it for me too, especially if she *really* likes it. Most of the Asian girls I've met don't *really* like it, but fake it reasonably well, which is acceptable most of the time.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Damn, by now I figured Clubber would post some of his thoughts about Asian dancers. I really liked that Phillipina I mentioned earlier. She was making extra cash dancing besides her nurse day job. She was intelligent, fun to talk to and gave great head.
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