

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:11 PM
Was in a club and having a series of private dances witt a lady I was physically attracted to and having a good time. Lite pecks on the lips eventually turned into deep intimate kissing. Got to say this was a first for me. Is this kind of behavior usual?


  • canny
    12 years ago
    It's very rare. I've only done that with 3 dancers.
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    I must admit I was more than a bit shocked. She'd been drinking some grey goose. Could it have been a alcohol induced mistake?
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    It's gotten so common at my favorite club that I worry about being her second VIP customer of the day. LOL.
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    The dancing included unlimited nipple sucking and some clitoris rubbing while she laid face up on top of me. Afterwards she told me how much she really liked me but I just assumed that was normal SS.
  • vinstud
    12 years ago
    Yes normal BS. Obviously they want $ and will do anything to get it from you. This girl sounds like she is up for OTC for the right price.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    It's never happened during any of the lap dances I've received, so I'd say its rare. Kissing is something most females hold in high regard. It's something they place high on the totem pole. This is why I'm surprised that so many people on here say they've made out with dancers during lap dances.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Once, but I'd already known her outside the club.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I'd say it's very common, at least where I live.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    It's happened to me with about 10 different girls, but generally I would say it's pretty rare.
  • topmandd
    12 years ago
    Sounds like BS to me. I call it the "pretty woman' movie factor where they'll screw you anal but we hold kissing as too 'intimate', Even with my ATF - she only does them 'Eskimo style' where we rub noses. One of the last times we just about slipped in passing and had a laugh about it. Sorry but I have to say, but last i knew saliva is one way to spread something - so I'll take it on the safe side and just enjoy the rest.
  • joey2002
    12 years ago
    Hey man, I had it done several times. Like what most people says: it's standard. Enjoy the experience. You just take it like it is.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    I would say, at least IMO, it's not common but, on the other hand, it happens surprisingly often. And I think you can almost make it happen. While getting a dance and she's facing you, assuming your breath is nice and you're not nasty or anything, just hover your lips close to hers, but never touch. Do that a few times, longer and closer each time. But never touch. As if you were just aching to kiss her, but keep pulling back. Maybe it creates some sexual tension or something, but that usually seems to work for me. And often she'll be the one to finally break down and initiate. I *think* that women engaged in pseudo-sexual activity like close lap dancing can and do, to some extent, get carried away as if they were in a real passionate moment. And they like that just as much as guys do, and can get lost in the moment and the fantasy. At least that's my explanation...and I'm sticking to it...
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    BTW, I don't want to give the wrong impression... OF COURSE there are a lot of girls, even dancers, who ain't gonna do that no matter what. As some have said, they have strict limits, and for example they'll jack you off, but kissing is something altogether different. Don't try to understand it.....
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    Oh, and you know how sometimes when a dancer has been chewing some bubble gum or has some really awesome smelling cherry or watermelon or bubblegum lip gloss on or whatever, and you get a whiff of it and it's like "holy fuck" and it gets you even hotter? Well, I'm guessing it works both ways. Try chewing some bubble gum or whatever that smells real good before the dance. Get all of her senses going....
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    "You do realize that light-skinneded hoe was a hoe, right granddad?" Do you know if you were her first customer of the day. I doubt you were and she probably had latex to salty balls in her mouth before she made out with you. You gotta be careful who you mess with bro. Be happy they generally DON'T want to kiss you, how much stripper perfume is used tells you how bad their hygenie is (or at least their B.0.). So how often you think they wash their mouth out with toothpaste, mouthwash and soap after they sucked some dick (dirty or not).
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    "You do realize that light-skinneded hoe was a hoe, right granddad?" Do you know if you were her first customer of the day. I doubt you were and she probably had latex to salty balls in her mouth before she made out with you. You gotta be careful who you mess with bro. Be happy they generally DON'T want to kiss you, how much stripper perfume is used tells you how bad their hygenie is (or at least their B.0.). So how often you think they wash their mouth out with toothpaste, mouthwash and soap after they sucked some dick (dirty or not).
    12 years ago
    OP, great avatar... I agree with the concensus on this topic, it's the exception with most...
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    I've had one awesome girl give me some great VIP treatment including nipple sucking, pussy fingering, and considerable time doing HJ, but she kept doing this hovering over my face, without making contact. Finally, I asked if she kisses. Her response was "No, I don't, and you shouldn't either". While I'm grateful for her candor, the truth is she ruled herself out from being my club fave. I haven't seen her since that day, and now mainly go to another club where a lovely AA goddess curls my toes with her DFK (among other things).
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    Yes, DFK has happened many times, and it has lead to things happening ITC and OTC. Sometimes the stripper will screw up and start having feelings for you. That's where it gets interesting. You always know because she will screw you for free, and want to spend time with you like a civilian woman. It's tough dating a stripper because many of them are so beautiful, yet so insecure. At any rate, everyone is different. Just my experiences....
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Menu: $100 Hand job $200 Blow job $300 Full service $400 Kiss
  • Revo
    12 years ago
    I have had it happen a few times. Usually when she seems to be getting in the fantasy also. Only a couple of times with DFK. Only once in an extras club, and she was one of the hottest dancers I have ever seen and done the full boat with HJ,BJ,FS, American, long dark hair, face like and angel, perfect body. Fun personality. And of course that got me wondering and worrying. But she was too beautiful to resist. I am still looking for her six months later.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    A load of comments: tb1776: Kissing is rare, though it is making a "cumback" lately. Up to 1991 (Magic Johnson HIV Positive) kissing (LFK) was common in several clubs after tipping a dancer ( at least 1 or 2 would do it.)Then the hiatus. sc- Or the 10th....................... lopaw- You lucky girl!! The number of times I've hit a big powerball jackpot is the number of times I've been "kissed" in L.A. clubs. L.A. chicks must have a secret handshake you're not telling us about. t-man- Please enter "Eskimo rub/Eskimo kiss" into glossary. Just learned a new one today. 3 Legger- Your dancer probably just swallowed a load from her last VIP.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    So, all you guys who L&DFK with strippers, how does her previous customers' jizz taste?
  • xcav8r
    12 years ago
    Don't worry guys. Knowing what a dick tastes like doesn't necessarily make you gay...
  • xcav8r
    12 years ago
    Don't worry guys. Knowing what a dick tastes like doesn't necessarily make you gay...
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Depends on the club. Some clubs very rare other clubs its business as usual.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Never been offered to me ITC. OTC at the hotel?.......Many times.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Foreign dancers seem more likely to initiate this with me, personally I don't care for it.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    i have heard that you're more likely to catch something shaking a person's hand than kissing them... but i get the concerns in an SC. i've heard some dancers say they won't kiss because they think the guys are kissing the 'hoes' who put their mouths anywhere. personally i use mouthwash all night long and sip alcohol to kill germs. @lopaw, i know a number of dancers who feel a lot less concerned about kissing women custies, so maybe that's why your experience seems better than most guys' in this thread. personally, i don't like it if the guy goes in for a big sloppy kiss right away, but if the vip session is going well and i'm starting to feel it i'll naturally start kissing. and that prettywoman thing? that is real for a lot of dancers. they can block out extras, but not kissing, especially while doing fs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I’m with most on this thread in that in my 12 years of SCing it has been rare. Part of the reason I believe is that I do not normally partake in ITC/CR – IME the more $$$ I spend on a dancer, the more “romantic” she sometimes becomes (i.e. may get some kissing). I’ve probably had DFK 3 or 4 times and pecks on the lips a lot more but still not the norm. I also think most women are a bit more scrupulous w.r.t. hygiene than the avg. guy IMO.
  • xhunter
    12 years ago
    Kissing is unusual, but I've had two recent experiences. One was with a girl I had spent a lot of money on who was angling for more in the future. I hinted that if she liked me she'd kiss me, and she did. That was fine. Better was a girl about a month ago who escorted me out when I was ready to leave. As we neared the door, she up and kissed me, just like that, totally unexpected. That was fantastic.
  • LeeH
    12 years ago
    Only experienced it with one dancer in several years. She was a very interesting character, so I'd chalk up ANY differences in action to how different she was as a person. It was everything from light kisses to DFK, depending on her mood, I guess. But most of the kissing occurred during lap dances or in the "afterglow" of a VIP -- never in the heat of the moment. The oddest time was right in the middle of the main floor. She was giving me a fairly tame (for her) LD, but leaned in at one point and gave me the most severe hickey I've ever had. Ran into Bram Stoker on the way out of the club and he said, "Dude, WTF happened to you?"
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    In my experience anything more than a peck is rare, and that is even from girls offering extras. Partly it is because there is an elevated chance of infection risk and they can't really get much extra money for it.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    So....second hand blow jobs?
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I have denied a kiss once. Mainly because she just finished sucking my dick. Wound up giving her a peck on the cheek.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    It had been non-existent for me before I came on TUSCL. In the last year and a half I have had light kissing on a few occasions. But only in VIP not in the general dance area.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Like minnow said, when I started going to clubs in the early 80's, a kiss, usually with some tongue contact, was pretty standard for a one dollar stage tip. Maybe it was a Midwest regional thing. But then after the "discovery" of HIV it all went away. Kind of was spoiled for awhile.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @shadow: LMAO. That's what you get for kissing girls in a club where BJs are on the menu in VIP. ;) I've kissed a couple of dancers and it was hot as hell, but never in a club where edgy services were offered.
  • davejones1978
    12 years ago
    I had a dancer try to kiss on the main floor. As she came closer I could smell her breath. Nasty. I lrft without getting dances from her.
  • scatterbrain
    12 years ago
    It's happened a few times but only with one or two ladies that I've developed a long standing (years) ITC relationship with.
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    I'm always entertained by the opinion that kissing a girl means your kissing every Dick she ever sucked. Laughable. Reminds me of a story. I ran into my wife's. Ex-husband and he asked me "how do you like fucking that used pussy?" I replied "not bad it didn't take me much effort to gett past the used part"
  • SoonerSam
    12 years ago
    In my 20 years of SCing, I've found that kissing has become more popular in recent years. The first time I kissed a dancer was at a club in Houston in 1993. It was a long time before that happened again. Recently (last 5 years), though, I've found a number of dancers who are into DFK. On my last trip to PT's Gold Club in Dallas, I had a dancer who basically swabbed my tonsils and said I was a really good kisser. Is it rare? not as rare as it used to be, but not completely common, either.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    "I replied "not bad it didn't take me much effort to get past the used part" Okay, that gets a gold star for funny.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Maybe 20% who do ITC and 80% who do OTC. If they don't OTC, you know you've made a big mistake and that will their one and only time.
  • police
    12 years ago
    Motorhead is correct...used to be standard in Texas, in the 1980's...now very rare, and only in VIP
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