Comments by minnow (page 90)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Another Reason NFL Players Go Bankrupt
    IMO, thread is mis-titled, as there may be more to the story than meets the eye. Story could be a cautionary tale of why NOT to keep lending money to a stripclub patron, or why a high profile individual should be low profile in striplubs (i.e., not be on club managements radar). In later case, "lawsuit" may well be a shakedown ploy. Does someone taking (or in a position to take) a $1M paycut to remain on same team sound like someone with cash flow problems as thread title implies ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which city has the hottest dancers?
    ranukam- TR= Trip Report. You chose well by going to Miami. There are also some worthy prospects in Ft. Lauderdale/ Pompano Beach area. Might as well call area from Miami to West Palm beach the "Megacity of South Florida."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which city has the hottest dancers?
    As much as I enjoy stripclubs, I'll second j40's comments about having other activities to do on vacation. If I'm going somewhere on my time and dime, good things to do in a pleasant climate are a must. My city/eye candy club list as follows: Tampa- Mons Venus Dallas- Lodge, Mens Club. BDD is good, though not quite up to level of 1st 2 clubs, IMO. Phoenix- Babes, BSC, both Christies. Los Angeles- 4 Play, Bare Elegance. Most of my time in Atlanta and Las Vegas was over 10 years ago. I was impressed with Cheetah (ATL) back then- reports indicate that my impression would likely hold valid today. Last time in Vegas, I was wowed by Olympic Gardens lineup- it has faded now relative to the new megaclubs that have opened since then. Awaiting TR from OP..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is Sophia still at the Hi liter?
    LOL @ GMD's charitable "Home For Missing Strippers" Foundation........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    300 club reviews ?
    Typo correction: Should read "quality OVER quantity".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst night you've ever had at a strip club.
    boomer- I'm going to chime in with some other posters to urge you to submit a review. Don't sweat the numerical grades too much. We need to know the narrative with all the good and bad. "ROBS" should definitely be outed. Wouldn't you liked to have known about the "ROB" prior to visiting club ? In some of my reviews, I've covered 2 visits on different nights, listing the differences between the 2 nights, or shifts. Another reason to do "test drive" dances in basic area prior to shelling out $$ for VIP. kk- You mentioned that you tell customers upfront about "expected tip", before the dance. Is that speech BEFORE, or AFTER he's already shelled out $$ for VIP room ? If the later, that fits my definition of a "ROB" play. I got over those kinds of places over 15 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Psychology and the Me Generation
    The comments/laments made by todays elders about younger generation being internet addicted sound similar to those made by elders when I was "young" about television. Regardless of communication, or entertainment media, the challenge is to make technology work for oneself, rather than become a slave to technology. On the subject of younger generations being more concerned about money: I initially thought that recent severe recession could be a contributing factor, but further examination reveals that all 3 generational survey periods experienced at least one deep recession, and at least 1 or 2 other recessions. Other studies show that income/wealth distribution has become more lopsided since 1966 (earliest year in survey), and particularly more so since ~ early 80's onward. So, lack of money (real or perceived) could be a driver here.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Privacy - Do you believe in it or NOT?
    Posting PM's on a public forum is not cool, period. I hope "drac" gets over his PM mishap soon. I for one wouldn't want the PM feature to go away- very useful for chatting with other members for more detailed info.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    300 club reviews ?
    While being named in a T10 list might be a good ego stroke for some, I prefer quality of quantity. I've seen several members with ~ 15-30 reviews do an excellent job of writing a clear, concise review, yet provide an interesting narrative of their uniquely personal club experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    tuscl Speed any better? New Server Installed
    Noticeably faster here. No problem reading reviews or club maps. Another big kudos to founder.................
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Guys' Weekend: What's a good strip club city besides Vegas?
    Fellas,it sounds like OP is looking for a "party" atmosphere for a group of guys, he said absolutely nothing about mileage or availability of extras. In that case, my quick list of places besides LV in no particular order: Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Miami/Ft Lauderdale, Atlanta.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Why do so many PL's think the world should revolve around them in a strip club?
    HUMOR BREAK: How many stripclub customers does it take to screw in a lightbulb ? One, he holds the lightbulb, and lets the world revolve around him..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    To clarify my remarks in earlier post about suggestions #1 and #5- When I say that I have "no heartburn" with them, I mean that dancers' cellphone use, and lighting level in most clubs VIP dance areas don't bother me. I'm not agreeing with j40's suggestions on those points.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    How to Improve Strip Clubs
    j40- I don't have any heartburn with #1 & #5. I'm with you on #6. As for the other items........................ #2. As not every eatery is an assembly line McDonalds, or every store a high volume Walmart, so goes it with stripclubs. There have been a good number of reviewers complain about a too high hustle factor when they want some chill space. The idea of having 6 dancers walk around 4x hour to the same 6 guys nursing their sodas is rather comical. #3. Join for dressing room feed. A few dancers take an hour or more just to get ready, lol. #4. Try this one on the pink site. I'll bring plenty of popcorn. The flipside to this is dancers on stage miss out on floor oppurtunities for LD/CR sales. To position oneself requires some ammount of "strategic lounging" in the floor, or bar area. #7. Dancing isn't rocket science, or learning a new car model inside out so you can better sell to prospect. Or learning new office computer operating systems. Or getting a realtor license. Couple that with the high turnover rate in strippers- club management at typical club isn't going to buy into that. Ironically (check it out on you tube) a veteran 30-something stripper runs a stripper boot camp (for a fee). The focus of the training sessions/videos probably don't correspond to many tusclers focus of interest. #8) Stripclubs are largely a free market, money driven system. I have "felt your pain" on several occasions here. But, really now, if you have your heart set on a red jet ski for 1/2 hr. rental, and some guy a already riding it has it booked for 2 hrs, is JS place going to kick the guy off it just to accomodate you ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    TUSCL for Dancers ?
    P_C : Based on your last 2 threads started, I think I'm going to start calling you "Pinkie_Chulo. To address some of your points in both threads... 1) One reason pink site seems more "cooperative" is that their DB is moderated, unlike Tuscl. I've seen several troll posters get banned over there for engaging in personal attacks, or making too many inane threads. 2) For your linked site, I'd say a contrarian approach would be in order. If a club is highly rated there, avoid it. Flock to poorly rated clubs with comments of much nastiness..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Discussion Forum
    Clubber: If your hip boots get too dirty, the "ignore" button is always there. To piggyback on steve 229 quote: "Never argue with a (Fill in the blank). They'll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience." Hang in there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms
    I go whenever I get the urge. I have other interests besides stripclubs, so I go mostly nights. I like hot and attentive dancers, realizing they can come in all ages/sizes. Enhanced boobs mostly OK in my book, though moderately large natural will win almost every time. Sweet spot age wise seems to be ~ 25-30, though I've met good dancers north and south of that age range.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Bad Reviews on Strip Clubs
    TR- Welcome to Tuscl. Presumptious of you to make your very first post one that lectures membership on reviews, and choice of hours to visit club. Like rick, I'm going to call it as I see it. Every review has provision for listing day of week/time of visit so that prospective visitors can better gauge usefulness of report. If someone has a few hours to kill on Tuesday afternoon, don't you think they'd want to know whether club is a dead/low talent club, or if they're a fairly active club with a good lunch buffet, and plenty of hotties ? I've experienced both extremes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I've done both buffet ( including 1 of lopaws clubs), and menu order at over a dozen different clubs. No problems with "Montezuma". All clubs were above average cachet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Losing my edge ... and LIKING it! ... mostly ...
    Welcome back, Book Guy. A few things... 1) You should consider changing your handle to "Trilogy Novel Guy", or "Manifesto Guy". 2) Devoting more time and energy to a life transition change shuffles prior hobbies to the backburner. A natural progression. 3) Minnows "Cliff Notes" on manifesto: Book Guy feels a less urgent need to go to strip clubs than he did up to a few years ago. He just felt the need to describe his journey in great detail, to include the myriad of reasons why certain setbacks/frustrations in life drove him to more urgently seek out stripclubs in his younger days.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How will SC evolve in the next five years?
    A couple of things: 1) LW- What clubs did you go to 15 yrs ago? I'm thinking your frame of reference must have been divey clubs, because going to BSC (1 of your reviewed clubs) will be blown away. IME, dancer attractiveness has slid a bit in the last 10 or so years. In midrange clubs, I see more dancers who really shouldn't be stripping on the club rosters. In the clubs where one HAD to be an 8 plus just to work there, I see more midrange dancers there. In particular, proliferation of tatoos has become commonplace- several years ago anything beyond "discrete tat" wouldn't even make the cut there. 2) TECHNOLOGY: Anyone been over to the pink site lately ? If you have, you'll notice that camgirls have practically taken over the site, with ~80% of posts related to cam threads. It seems that a lot of guys would rather spend $3/min to chat or be teased, vs spending ~$7/min for a typical $20 lapdance. Not to mention saving gas money/cover charge/overpriced drinks. I suspect a lot of contact averse dancers gravitate to camming, judging by some of the posts there bragging about "banking". All from the comfort of ones studio apartment. We have become a "more virtual" society, thus a lot of potential growth will be channeled into the camming venue.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Clubs that are liberal with the "extras" action?
    Time Out!! Let's look at some facts. Someone with ZERO reviews comes on site, asking about clubs that are liberal with extras. The customary response to a no pic dude coming on like that: We've mostly told him to pound sand until he submits a review- newb slinks off. Only difference in this case is a hot pic submitted, and Voila! A bunch of mongers spout off info like Mt. Etna erupting. Fellas, this is the internet- how difficult can it be for Det. Bacon to glean a hot pic, and post away ? If Vv777 is for real, why not post a review of the clubs you've danced at, then you can peruse club reviews to your hearts content. Nice pic, but I have some healthy skepticism.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Douchebag Reviews
    If "went with my wife" is a douchebag (aka, useless, gloss over) comment, wouldn't "went with husband/bf" fall into the same category ? Guessing 90% plus reviewers/posters are solo visitors to clubs, so most could care less about couples pov. I'm laughing without exploding, if you know what I mean...........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sunday / Monday Night
    Su Afternoon: Many clubs aren't even open Sunday afternoon Su Night: YMWV. If club is in a NFL franchise city on game day, Sunday nights can (and do) rival Sat. nights for crowd/dancer levels. Several times, Sunday dancer lineup as good as midweek lineup, other times dead. Monday: These are often the low point hours, but some gems can sometimes be found. Sometimes, a more lax atmosphere compared to peak hours. In any event, if you don't like what you see, you can always bail. Some clubs don't have an afternoon cover, others have lower Su - Thu. night covers vs Fri-Sa nights.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    HiLiter Gentlemen's Club
    clubber, etal; I never had that "problem" with "Hi-Liter", always knew it as such, enjoyed my happy hours visits there. This is another illustration of how small i's can contribute to people misreading/reading what they want to in a name. I'll share a story that I pm'ed to a fellow Tuscler- please tell me I'm not the only one to make this "goof". This concerns a SoCal member, jerikson40. (note- Although I don't always agree with his postings, I bear no ill will towards him.). For the longest time, I always thought his SN was (JERK-I-SON). Recently, I read more carefully and saw SN is "really" (JER-IK-SON). Hands, please for the number of posters who misread it the same way..