As a public service, I have put together Frequently Asked Questions for TUSCL. It should provide help to new members of this discussion forum. Please add your own questions and answers to this FAQ.
Q What 3 words best describe strippers? A Lying, thieving whores
Q Do strippers think all customers are pathetic losers? A No. Some customers are rap stars and drug dealers.
Q What should I wear in a strip club? A A condom.
Q If I go to a strip club, will I be shot? A Not if you leave before 2AM.
Q What's the best thing to do with my money to keep it safe in the strip club? A Roll it into a tight cylinder and stick it up your ass.
Q If my wife or girlfriend finds out I'm going to strip clubs, will she leave me? A Yes. This is the best reason for going to strip clubs.
Q How do I get better mileage? A Buy a Chevy Volt.
Q What should I do if I run into someone I know in a strip club? A Tip her a dollar.
Q When's the best time to go to the strip club? A When it's open.
Q Should I go to strip clubs or save the money for my kids' college education. A Go to the clubs. Johnny is too dumb to get into college and little Emily can always become a stripper.
Q I am a young, good-looking guy. Can I date a stripper? A Yes. But you must also be (1) unemployed or (2) a drug addict or (3) a musician. Best stripper boyfriend material: an unemployed drug-addicted musician.
Q I am over 40 and out of shape. Can I date a stripper? A Yes. But you also must (1) have a good-paying job and (2) be pathetic and (3) have shit for brains.
Q Is is okay to eat in a strip club? A Only the bearded clams.
Q Why do strippers have so many tattoos? A They don't like to feel naked.
Q Should I loan money to a stripper? A No. Save time by flushing your money directly down the toilet.
Q Why did the stripper cross the road? A She couldn't find a worse decision to make
Q How do I get a stripper to have sex with me ITC? A Give her money.
Q How do I get a stripper to have sex with me OTC? A Give her money.
Q Do you have a secret technique that will make strippers give you sex for free? A Yes. But I'm not telling you.
Q How much is HJ/BJ/FS? A Ham Jerky is $3.95, Beef Jerky is $4.95, and a Fish Sandwich is $5.95.
Q Why do you guys on TUSCL use so many acronyms? A IDK
Q What is the best stripper name? A Tiffany.
Q What is the best strip club song? A The She's Too Fat For Me Polka
Q How many strippers does it take to change a light bulb? A None. Strippers won't change.
Q I met a stripper who's really cute. We talked and had a lot of common interests and really connected. Do you think she likes me? A Does a shark like chum?
Q im 18 n i wanna no if i can b a strpper? A Do you know how to take your clothes off?
Q What the best thing about about a three way? A The fantasy beforehand.
Q What is the worst thing about a three way? A You spend your money twice as fast.
Q Will my friends and family be disgusted if they find I have a strip club addiction? A Yes. But you will forget all about your friends and family as soon as you go back to the strip club.
Q How can I tell if a stripper is lying to me? A Her lips move.
Q This blonde dancer told me she's stripping to pay her way thru school. Should I believe her? A Yes. This is the way most blondes pay their way thru elementary school.
Q Do strippers ever graduate from college? A Yes. They graduate magna CUM laude.
Q My fav dancer says I'm the only customer she blows or has sex with. Should I believe her? A It depends. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Q Should I be proud to be a strip club customer? A Yes. You are helping single mothers make a decent living.
Q All I can think about is naked strippers writhing lasciviously in front of me. Am I going straight to hell? A Yes.
Q Can I catch a disease in a strip club? A No. Strip clubs are sterile environments.
Q I really had great rapport with Fantasia, who used to dance at the Booby Lounge. Does anybody know where she is now? A Yes. She's on her knees under my desk.
Q How can I tell if a stripper's tits are real? A If you can feel them, they're real.
Q What is the proper strip club etiquette? A Be sure to ask permission before you cum in her mouth.
Q Where can I find the cheapest strippers? A In the paint department of Walmart
Q Where can I find a stripper with a heart of gold? A In the movies.
Q What's the difference between white strippers and black strippers? A Whore vs. ho.
Q I want to own a strip club so I can spend all my time with hot babes. What do I have to do? A Have the heart of a pimp.
Q I'm in love with a stripper. Should I marry her? A Just shoot yourself.
Brilliant, jackslash. I lmao when I got to the abbreviation question.
I'll add a (3rd?4th/) to the sentiment that you should submit this as an article. If you do, there IS one commonly repetitive question that you left out:
Q: "Where can I find a good club for couples" ?
A: Go to the train station, and watch the club car get coupled to the train."
Fuckin comedy gold jack this is juice aproved bitch.....I vote article credit to playa
My personal fav was " Q How much is HJ/BJ/FS?A Ham Jerky is $3.95, Beef Jerky is $4.95, and a Fish Sandwich is $5.95."........thanks jack for such a fucking funny
last commentYou nailed it! A good read to start the New Year!
An article.
I'll add a (3rd?4th/) to the sentiment that you should submit this as an article. If you do, there IS one commonly repetitive question that you left out:
Q: "Where can I find a good club for couples" ?
A: Go to the train station, and watch the club car get coupled to the train."
My personal fav was " Q How much is HJ/BJ/FS?A Ham Jerky is $3.95, Beef Jerky is $4.95, and a Fish Sandwich is $5.95."........thanks jack for such a fucking funny
great laugh to start the new year.