Let's talk about big boobs

avatar for she_is_covfefe
I guess most of y'all in here like big boobs, right? How you guys like them? 100% real, fake but real looking, or fake and fake looking?


last comment
avatar for Monte8
12 years ago
Big and real. Btw I like your butt too. :)
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Real, between one to three handfuls are nice.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I go for big and real. See my profile pics for samples of dancers who've sent me pics of their boobage. Only a couple of those dancers are enhanced. You're welcome to guess which ones.
avatar for harrydave
12 years ago
I have learned that the size of a woman's boobs has no correlation with the enjoyment I experience with her. I think we are simply conditioned to like big boobs, and the conditioning can be eliminated through rigorous sampling and experimentation. I am always looking for women, regardless of boob size, to participate in my research program.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I like real. I like them big enough to grab a handful of, but not too big that you'll get hand cramps!
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Small, medium and large but thay all must be real
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Big. Real or fake. I want to bury my face between them.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
Absolutely big and real. There are some I've met who looked nice who had fake ones that looked real, one of whom is a former ATF, but big and real always works, probably too good sometimes.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Big or small Real only.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Don't like fake boobs? You have noone to blame but yourself. It is men's glorification of BIG boobs that causes women to get "enhanced". Even men who don't like big boobs join in the glorification.

As for me I prefer perky over big. That usually means a "B" over a "C" or larger.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
fake or real it doesn't matter to me
avatar for Longball300
12 years ago
Big, medium or small....... real or fake..... most any boob is a good boob...... if I can touch them, they're real.... real nice.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Real boobs please. I like em C cup or better, but its not like I won't like a smaller girl.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Real. But that goes for the entire woman. No tats, piercings, fake this or that. Size, well most any size that doesn't compete with a cow's udder.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
breast enhancements are so passe. the aspiring dancer or porn actress now has to pursue labia enhancements.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 years ago
real and real looking...prefer big, but not tooooo big
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
real. size doesn't matter.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Now if I'm going to get titty fucked I want some real big heavy fake ones to rub baby oil all over and squirt on ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
maddog: "prefer big, but not tooooo big"

Tell the truth, maddog. It's big COCKS that you prefer. Can't fool us!
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Shadowcat is the biggest boob I know of.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
but is he fake or natural?
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Homo Romeo! Is that you or your lover in the shorts.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
actually i'd rather talk about big cocks, too
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Total fake!
avatar for mikeya02
12 years ago
Juice, your last post was very disturbing. Read it again.
avatar for erik270
12 years ago
Real, always and everywhere. Fake tits are like copping a feel on a grocery bag.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Mikey! don't read to much into it. You know what he meant. D-Bag.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
JJD- If you truly have your heart set on getting a boob job, who are we to dissuade you from getting one ?

On original subject: Yes, I like big boobs, with certain caveats. Main one being I prefer moderately large natural breasts. Meaning I'll pick a natural 36-38 over a very large 50DD enhanced any day. If a dancer doesn't fall into either category, I won't ignore her, either. Indeed, I have happily bought dances with at least 2 different average-smallish breated dancers, and continued to do so after they got a "moderate" BA. I look at other attributes besides breasts in choosing dancers. BTW, you have a nice booty, JJD.
avatar for Lack4Oars
12 years ago
Love fake. The faker the better
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Shadow! I know where you live.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
OP: Let's.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
I posted this out of curiosity not because I want to hava 'em done. At this moment, I am lactating so they are very, very large. After I'm done with that, they'll shrink back to their original size. I much rather lift them than making them larger in the future. Bigger boobs hadn't made any significant impact on me.

I love seeing everyone's opinions in here, especially since I had a friend who wants to dance but she thinks her flat chest will be an obstacle. I think this will help her see the light.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Real. Size only matters if they are totally absent or too big. Firm and well shaped, with nipples I can play with, are more important than size alone.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
there's a reason they make chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
"there's a reason they make chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry."

avatar for JustLookingAgain
12 years ago
Prefer real, size not important, it's the TOTAL package that is important.
avatar for Digitech
12 years ago
I love them big. I like implants and naturals equally. Just big!
avatar for Digitech
12 years ago
Actually, given all the comments in favor of naturals, I'll say something about implants: They are great because they allow for the 'slim and stacked' look. It's extremely rare to find a woman with a flat stomach and large (DD-DDD) naturals, but pretty common with enhancements.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Big and natural. But shape is also very important and often preferred over size. I love nice round ones that are full in every direction – top/bottom/outside/inside.

Large areolas/nipples are also a BIG turn-on for me; more of a turn-on that the size of the breast itself. I prefer a B-cup with big areolas/nipples over a D-cup with small areolas/nipples.

But small breasts, no matter how small, is not a deal breaker for me – but fake ones; no matter how they look (even if they look natural) or what size, ARE a deal breaker for me about 95% of the time (even if she is an 8 or 9).

I have never been turned off by *natural” boobs that were too big.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
How does it go

It takes one to know one
avatar for azdd
12 years ago
I like em big. Period. I'm totally OK with enhancement if it's well done. Silicone is far superior to saline, and I don't like bad boob jobs, or those that are so tight they feel like bowling balls. I like soft firmness if that makes sense. Shape is also important, as are nipples and aereolas. I had a great conversation today with a dancer about "side boob". That's when you can see the curved side of her boobs from the back. I LOVE that!
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I prefer natural B's or C's. Hell if I wanted to play with big boobies I'd play with my own. But overall there haven't been too many breasts, real or fake, that I have outright rejected. Have run across a few botched boob jobs, but they are rare nowadays.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 years ago
Fraudster, douche would hop the fuck off my shit...wtf is wrong with you, you got major issues dude....
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
So lopaw.....how big are your boobs?
avatar for Digitech
12 years ago
I'll make another positive post about implants - My experience is that they are better for tit-fucking. You can work up a lot more friction and stimulation with them.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
Here's a new angle for this thread: I had a fav who had what looked like nice, perky naturals. But once you did a hands-on inspection, it was a well-done boob job with partial bags that were embedded underneath. The result was the nice natural Cs were lifted up and given a showcase, maybe kind of like lifts in your shoes or something. Could that be the best of both worlds? Especially if the small implants were tucked way underneath so that you could barely feel them.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
MADDOG: What the fuck are you doing posting in this thread about women? Don't you have some cocks you are late to be sucking?
avatar for endlesstempo
12 years ago
B and C are good enough for me, any larger than that and I don't think it's necessary. I don't mind them, but I enjoy B and C the most.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
IMHO & IME it's the woman behind the breasts that is the ultimate attraction and most important. Real or well done implants are fine. ;))
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
@sclvr5005 - way more than a mouthful ;-)
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
^^^^ niiiice :-p
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Lmfao dudes ;)
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