
Clubs per Capita

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Friday, December 21, 2012 2:11 PM
Due to a personal “mini fiscal cliff”, I have not SCed in 2 months. Surprisingly, it has gotten easier with time although there are certainly days when I want to say fuck it, let's go (to the SC) – but I've abstained :) So to fill the PL void, I have been spending more time on TUSCL. I was reading some reviews of SCs in states other than my own and I was noticing the # of clubs per state per TUSCL. For some reason I wondered about a correlation of clubs to particular states but of course many factors can influence this. So, since I had some time kill, I decided to enquire about the # of clubs per capita for each state. Not that this correlation necessarily means anything; but I thought it would just be interesting to see the #s. Some of you may say this PL needs to get a life – can't say I can disagree :) Below are the 10 states with the highest # of clubs per capita – followed by the 10 states with the lowest # of clubs per capita – followed by all the states in alphabetical order. The # of clubs data was taken from TUSCL's “Clubs” page. The total population per state data represents the 2010 census data as indicated in the following Wikipedia page: ([view link]) This was a manual process consisting mostly of cutting and pasting since I have not used Excel in a few years - thus there may be some errors (though I was pretty careful when doing it). Not sure how the formatting will look when I post this (probably crappy) – but there are 4 different columns: [state name] – [# of clubs] – [state pop] – [# of residents per # of clubs] TOP 10 LEAST # OF RESIDENTS PER # OF CLUBS:: West Virginia • 45 Clubs - 1,852,994 - 41,178 Oregon • 91 Clubs - 3,831,074 - 42,100 Nevada • 47 Clubs - 2,700,551 – 57,459 Wyoming • 9 Clubs - 563,626 - 62,625 South Dakota • 13 Clubs - 814,180 - New Jersey • 125 Clubs - 8,791,894 – Hawaii • 19 Clubs - 1,360,301 - 71,595 Wisconsin • 73 Clubs - 5,686,986 - 77,904 Oklahoma • 46 Clubs - 3,751,351 - 81,551 South Carolina • 54 Clubs - 4,625,364 - 85,655 TOP 10 MOST # OF RESIDENTS PER # OF CLUBS: New Hampshire • 2 Clubs - 1,316,470 – 658,235 Vermont • 1 Club - 625,741 - 625,741 Washington • 15 Clubs - 6,724,540 - 448,303 Arkansas • 9 Clubs - 2,915,918 – 323,991 Utah • 9 Clubs - 2,763,885 - 307,098 Mississippi • 10 Clubs - 2,967,297 - 296,730 Maine • 5 Clubs - 1,328,361 - 265,672 Tennessee • 26 Clubs - 6,346,105 - 244,081 Virginia • 34 Clubs - 8,001,024 - 235,324 Colorado • 23 Clubs - 5,029,196 – 218,661 ALL STATES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Alabama • 35 Clubs - 4,779,736 – 136,564 Alaska • 7 Clubs - 710,231 - 101,461 Arizona • 54 Clubs - 6,392,017 – 118,370 Arkansas • 9 Clubs - 2,915,918 – 323,991 California • 180 Clubs - 37,253,956 - 206,966 Colorado • 23 Clubs - 5,029,196 – 218,661 Connecticut • 35 Clubs - 3,574,097 - 102,117 D.C. • 7 Clubs - 601,723 – 85,960 Delaware • 5 Clubs - 897,934 - 179,587 Florida • 208 Clubs - 18,801,310 - 90,391 Georgia • 66 Clubs - 9,687,653 – 146,783 Hawaii • 19 Clubs - 1,360,301 - 71,595 Idaho • 10 Clubs - 1,567,582 - 156,758 Illinois • 67 Clubs - 12,830,632 - 191,502 Indiana • 70 Clubs - 6,483,802 - 92,626 Iowa • 33 Clubs - 3,046,355 – 92,314 Kansas • 29 Clubs - 2,853,118 - 98,383 Kentucky • 37 Clubs - 4,339,367 - 117,280 Louisiana • 49 Clubs - 4,533,372 – 92,518 Maine • 5 Clubs - 1,328,361 - 265,672 Maryland • 50 Clubs - 5,773,552 - 115,471 Massachusetts • 30 Clubs - 6,547,629 - 218,254 Michigan • 88 Clubs - 9,883,640 - 112,314 Minnesota • 26 Clubs - 5,303,925 - 203,997 Mississippi • 10 Clubs - 2,967,297 - 296,730 Missouri • 30 Clubs - 5,988,927 - 199,631 Montana • 9 Clubs - 989,415 - 109,935 Nebraska • 10 Clubs - 1,826,341 – 182,634 Nevada • 47 Clubs - 2,700,551 – 57,459 New Hampshire • 2 Clubs - 1,316,470 – 658,235 New Jersey • 125 Clubs - 8,791,894 – 70,335 New Mexico • 10 Clubs - 2,059,179 – 205,918 New York • 125 Clubs - 19,378,102 – 155,025 North Carolina • 89 Clubs - 9,535,483 – 107,140 North Dakota • 5 Clubs - 672,591 - 134,518 Ohio • 134 Clubs - 11,536,504 - 86,093 Oklahoma • 46 Clubs - 3,751,351 - 81,551 Oregon • 91 Clubs - 3,831,074 - 42,100 Pennsylvania • 116 Clubs - 12,702,379 - 109,503 Rhode Island • 9 Clubs - 1,052,567 - 116,952 South Carolina • 54 Clubs - 4,625,364 - 85,655 South Dakota • 13 Clubs - 814,180 - 62,629 Tennessee • 26 Clubs - 6,346,105 - 244,081 Texas • 219 Clubs - 25,145,561 - 114,820 Utah • 9 Clubs - 2,763,885 - 307,098 Vermont • 1 Club - 625,741 - 625,741 Virginia • 34 Clubs - 8,001,024 - 235,324 Washington • 15 Clubs - 6,724,540 - 448,303 West Virginia • 45 Clubs - 1,852,994 - 41,178 Wisconsin • 73 Clubs - 5,686,986 - 77,904 Wyoming • 9 Clubs - 563,626 - 62,625


  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Correction - screwed up South Dakota and New Jersey in the first 10: South Dakota • 13 Clubs - 814,180 - 62,629 New Jersey • 125 Clubs - 8,791,894 – 70,335.152
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Papi - That report & $20 will buy you a lap dance at Tootsies. I suggest that rather than just hangng out on TUSCL, get a 2nd part time job to raise cash for real clubbing. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    sc, Maybe Fonder will use the data and compensate me :) Compensation may just be free VIP though and this wouldn’t help me since I already have the lifetime PL membership.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Thanks for your efforts our TUSCL friend.
  • clevelandbrowns69
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the research. I'll buy you a drink if you pass through cleveland! Could you post the excel spreadsheet so we can do our own manipulations with the data?
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I did something similar some time ago. Might be that S. Florida sun on the brain that causes us to do such things! :) Look at what happened to vm, and he was down here only a couple of years during the "winter".
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @Cleveland, Don’t know if you were being facetious :) but I did not use a spreadsheet . I just used Word and Word’s sorting function for writing/manipulating of the data.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the stats. Portland Oregon has a high concentration of strip clubs
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Here is an article I posted in 2010 [view link] List of states that have seen an increase in the number of strip clubs since 2001 to 2010 Oregon had 43 clubs in 2001 to 86 clubs in 2010 (100% increase)
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    think the highest strip clubs per capita award goes to Brooklyn Illinois. Population = 276 No. of strip clubs = 4. That's one strip club for every 70 inhabitants. Is there ANY other town city or village that comes close?? City of Industry, CA comes somewhat close with ~800 residents and ~6 clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… Brooklyn Illinois. Population = 276 No. of strip clubs = 4. That's one strip club for every 70 inhabitants …” Wow – the SCs may be the biggest employers in town – talk about a cottage industry.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    LOL, Clubber. I never left the clubs there wearing only palm tree leaves. :)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Samsung- I'm here in Portland and there are a lot of strip clubs, but a lot of them are just dives that happen to have dancers dancing.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    vm, "wearing only palm tree leaves", damn it, did I? Didn't think I ever drank that much! :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Washington #3 for least clubs per capita, after only NH and Vermont. We are so lame now.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Maine, New Hampshire, & Vermont All in the top 10 for least number of clubs per capital. That NE corner of the US is bleak for clubbing. A demographer/sociologist should study why.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    LOL motor - and Massachusetts is number 11. I am originally from that neck of the woods and can tell you that it is the vestiges of old Puritan influences. Most of those towns are very old and operate under town council structures that allow residents with ample opportunity to speak their minds before any major decisions are made, including allowing an adult entertainment business to open. Many of these towns have also long ago effectively zoned out these types of businesses and the ones that currently exist are often grandfathered under legacy allowances. Net-net, it is almost impossible to open a new club in any of those 4 states - old clubs go away and often cannot be replaced with new ones. But the good news is that RI and CT are ripe with good clubs, though that is little consolation to those who live in NH, ME and VT.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I didn't know there's 50 states.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    That is surprising to see Washington have so few clubs per capita especially when you subtract all the cookie cutter Deja Vu clubs. Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, Boeing, etc. are all big employers there.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    41,178 West Virginia 42,100 Oregon 57,459 Nevada 62,625 Wyoming 62,629 South Dakota 70,335 New Jersey 71,595 Hawaii 77,904 Wisconsin 81,551 Oklahoma 85,655 South Carolina 85960 District of Columbia 86,093 Ohio 90391 Florida 92,314 Iowa 92,518 Louisiana 92,626 Indiana 98,383 Kansas 101461 Alaska 102117 Connecticut 107,140 North Carolina 109,503 Pennsylvania 109,935 Montana 112,314 Michigan 114,820 Texas 115,471 Maryland 116,952 Rhode Island 117,280 Kentucky 118370 Arizona 134,518 North Dakota 136,564 Alabama 146,783 Georgia 155,025 New York 156,758 Idaho 179,587 Delaware 182,634 Nebraska 191,502 Illinois 199,631 Missouri 203,997 Minnesota 205,918 New Mexico 206,966 California 218,254 Massachusetts 218661 Colorado 235,324 Virginia 244,081 Tennessee 265,672 Maine 296,730 Mississippi 307,098 Utah 323991 Arkansas 448,303 Washington 625,741 Vermont 658,235 New Hampshire
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    [Territory name] – [# of clubs] – [state pop] – [# of residents per # of clubs] U.S. Virgin Islands • 4 Clubs - 109,666 - 27,416 Puerto Rico • 14 Clubs - 3,706,690 - 264,763 Guam • 7 Clubs - 182,111 - 26,015
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @RD - I grew up in MA in a town of 30,000 residents, with no bars, and one restaurant with a liquor license. On Sundays, all businesses were closed except the Pharmacy and a couple of gas stations. As a kid, I heard about places in Boston where it was possible to see naked women. It was called the "Combat Zone", probably to discourage visitors. All of this childhood repression explains my behavior today (eh, probably not).
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    PC: You should post those stats as an article, and get 4wks VIP! You have way too much time on your hands! As I've never seen ~ 40k-100k mongers try to get into a stripclub on a given night, there are a lot of people that don't visit clubs. I could care less about club density as long as there is a good one within reasonable driving distance. Quality over quantity!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @Samsung: Thanks for resorting and reposting the data @minnow: Actually it just took about a 1/2 hour to do it – it was mostly just cutting & pasting. Would have been faster if I was more adept at using a spreadsheet. Since I am not currently SCing, I end up doing crazy stuff like this :)
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