What do you eat on days you go strip clubbing?

avatar for Omega22
I usually try to stick to foods that don't make me have to go to the restroom constantly. Also I don't want to eat foods that are so filling to the point that it cancels out the affects of alcohol. My guess is most people don't even really think about it, but I am simply curious.


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avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
2 ecstasy pills and 1 Viagra.
avatar for Trool2000
12 years ago
Viagra and penacillian
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Raw liver.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Good question - seriously. I do think about it.

I guess if my clubbing habits were stopping in after work for a couple of beers and a dance, I wouldn't give it a thought, but normally I go on a Saturday night for several hours. Typically 5 to 6 hours.

I avoid any heavy filling meals. I avoid strong food such as garlic or onions. Not rocket science. But I def think about it. Typically I eat skip the evening meal entirely and then eat when I leave the club.

Not a dumb question.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Lol at Doc Holiday. Great response.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
I limit my diet to 120 Lb a day.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Steak and veggies when possible, whatever is on the menu otherwise.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Never really thought about it, whatever I eat, I eat. I don't stay away from a particular food just because I will be at a club.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Since I mostly avoid booze when I club I do not care what I eat. I usually eat light and like motorhead I do not eat much onions and garlic.
I do not care if I have to go to the bathrromm some times it is a good excue to ditch the bitch.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Steak and potato with sweet tea
avatar for HB13
12 years ago
Beforehand if I do eat something it's light (no strong odors / tastes like Motorhead said) or just coffee.

Don't want to get that bloated feeling whenever you've drunk later in the club. If you're feeling fancy, you can go all out drinking pineapple-juice the entire day just to make it a little sweeter for them... ;)
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
well, I never thought about eating when going to strip clubs, its usually after I go that I get hungry. Usually the only thing that's open is fast food joints, halal vendors and pizza. So far, after every strip club escapade, I go for pizza (though i did do halal chicken over rice once)
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Mostly, I eat *afterwards*. There's a White Castle just down the road from my favorite clubs, and on those occasions where I stay out late, I often stop there. Nothing like a few sliders at 3 o'clock in the morning...
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I usually avoid any strange food that could give me an upset stomach. Sit down bathroom facilities at clubs I visit are a one per men's room for everyone in the club or something I would not even want to use because the condition is so bad I don't even want to see it. Maybe it's not that bad but privacy would not be good at all in one club.

I avoid eating a big pizza because that might make me sleepy with the club about an hour from home.

I once had a retirement advisor at work suggest you could pre drink to save money when you go out. Great idea I thought, up to a point. I figure she probably didn't think too much before telling a bunch of employees to drink before they drive to save money.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I have eaten at Hooters a few times. I would like to try Twin Peaks hamburgers and fries but noticed it was packed. Then I saw a menu online and saw that they called their fries Fire Fries. I'm wondering if they have MSG in the seasoning. If so that would ruin my night and make me sick.

Sticking to ordinary food.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I never really thought about it, although for a couple years, I would stop at the Buffalo Wild Wings and have some chicken wings before going to the club, usually Parmesan Garlic (the best kind they got, at least amongst their milder flavors) or Asian Zing. I have stopped at Chipotle before going to a club, but I'm not sure that's really a good idea. Usually, I don't think about food til afterwards.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
If I "catch wind" that Omega22 club visit will coincide with mine,I'll be sure to eat a can of baked beans prior to visit..........
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Nice answers, some of them made me laugh I won't lie. I think it is best to avoid an upset stomach in the club by staying away from spicy food, and foods loaded with carbohydrates. An upset stomach can make a club visit less fun after all.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I try to avoid things that produce bad breath - Chinese, Mexican, pepperoni pizza, etc.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Aspragus, roasted garlic, and anchovy pizza with a side of refried beans.
That way we all get the benefits.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Fish tacos
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