For anyone who has been visiting strip clubs over 10 years, do you think some da

avatar for sharkhunter
I believe the answer for some clubs is a definite yes. I remember one club was full of 10's in one small town. They had a strict no touch policy though and only did table dances. It was fun to watch but not as satisfying if you wanted to do more than just watch. Another more hands on club was more representative of the girls I see working in many clubs today, although I did not ever see any really fat dancers back then.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
They look younger now or is it really because I am 10 years older now?
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
Close to 20 years myself, and the dancers look just as hot now as they did 10 years ago, and a lot hotter than they did nearly 20 years ago.
avatar for clevelandbrowns69
12 years ago
The main thing that has changed in the past 10 years is the price hikes in nearly every club. Drink prices, dance prices, cover charges, etc. have increased.
avatar for dallas702
12 years ago
Twenty years ago the dancers were consistently 8s or better - IF you considered only looks. Back then the only way to touch one of them was on an OTC? date because ALL the clubs had "no touch" rules and no clubs had private "VIP" rooms.

I prefer the way it is now. Today, many of the dancers are 6 and 7s (at least better than the average found in non strip bars) but almost all of them are willing and enthusiastic about intimate contact.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I think it goes thru phazes. Sometimes they are totally hot and sometimes they are mostly average
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I think the dancers were hotter 20 years ago.

The talent seems rather water-downed now. More fuglies for sure.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
It's been about 40 years for me, and only the styles have changed. Hair styles from 40 years ago would look real strange on a dancer today, as would the costumes they wore. The women, still anywhere from a fuglie to a near 10.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Back in, say, the late 80's, early 90's, when I first ventured into strip clubs I saw some absolutely stunning, jaw dropping strippers. In fact, when I think of the hottest strippers I've ever seen in person, it's, without a doubt, strippers I saw in the 90's.

And today, with maybe one or two exceptions, it's very, very rare that I see drop dead gorgeous strippers.

Does that mean anything? Maybe not. The clubs I visited back then were low mileage clubs, since I hadn't even heard of, or considered, high mileage clubs. Nowadays I frequent, almost exclusively, high mileage clubs.

My gut tells me that, nowadays, hotter girls are less likely to be strippers, and it's a job that's relegated to the less attractive girls.

And I think part of that is a belief that women in general, at least in LA, are less concerned with making an effort to maintain their looks, so there are less hot girls to go around. Women just want to be comfortable, don't really give a rip whether they look good or not, and are just freakin' lazy. They're more likely to be overweight, and not take care of themselves, and be far more self absorbed, and think they're "too good" to be strippers. And they just have a "fuck it" attitude. I don't think that was the case years ago. At least not to the same extent.

I could be way wrong, but that's just the sense I have.
avatar for scvbn
12 years ago
there is more overweight dancers lately,missing teeth,to many tats and loaded with hardware, most of the hotties have moved on
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I first went to strip clubs in 1994 and I honestly can't tell you if they were hotter then or not. But whether they were or not, expectations have changed which have nothing to do with their looks, such as whether they do extras, so I am not sure it matters that much in the end whether they were hotter then or not. Besides, favorite become favorites because of more than just their looks.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I agree with scvbn ^^

Years ago I used to want to dance with half the roster (or more). But now, at the sane clubs, there might just be one or two I want.

I think I have tough standards and my tastes in women have not kept up with the changes (I hate piercings and tattoos). While one can still find an 8,9, or even some tens, overall it's worse. No question. Too many extremes now. Lots of fatties and a number of way too skinny stick figures.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
In my area it was better 5 years ago
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
The talent has definitely watered down. This is especially true if you go back another 5 years, before the 2001-2002 recession.

Not only are there more clubs than existed back then, but also more girls dancing in each club as the owners try to rake in the house fees. While there are still many beautiful women to be had in clubs all around the country, there are also many girls dancing who would never have been hired by their respective clubs 15 years ago.

But also keep in mind that the contact and other rules were much tighter in many areas 15 years ago. Also, in the areas in which I was clubbing, OTC was harder to source back in the high flying days. Net-net, overall I am a fan of the current system, even if the by-products include a few fuglies and fatties that have to be waded through.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Back in the 90's here in Detroit, the clubs made the dancers have fancy outfits to wear at the shift change parade of lovelies. A fine woman looks even finer in those outfits. Then, Detroit passed a law that gutted the industry and many clubs died. I wouldn't say the women were any more beautiful then, but those outfits sure helped.
avatar for ButterMan
12 years ago
At my current favorite club I must say that the girls were hotter about 5-10 years ago yes. I'm not sure that means anything or not, because I'm just basing it on this particular club. But i can say that the first time I went to the crazy horse and the sappire in vegas the girls were hotter than they looked this past summer. I'm talking about the entire roster. Not that there aren't any dancers that hot at these particular clubs now.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I think that there are just as many hot dancers now as there were "back then", which for me started almost 35 years ago. There are *more* dancers now, so the *average* might be down some, but I still see plenty of good looking ones. And as far as I'm concerned, they aren't any harder to find than they used to be.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I think there are more dancers today and that waters down the pool some. "Back in the day" dancers just sat with patron and danced on stage so fewer were available and they hired only the better looking ones. With private dancers and VIP rooms etc the clubs must have more dancers on per shift so the stage does not go empty or they pull girls out of privates for stage rotation. In a lot of clubs some of the "pretty" girls do not do privates and/or extras and the clubs set up for VIP extras make the most money off of VIP rooms etc.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I think it's more the case that, the hotter a dancer is, the less likely she is to do extras. Clubs that are known for having extras are less likely to have the hotter dancers. The hotties are more likely to prefer to work at a club with more custies who don't require extras.
avatar for jc8891
12 years ago
I agree that back in the 90's there seemed to be a lot more hotties. But thank God that the dancers today don't wear that damn stripper glitter as much.
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
I agree to a lot of these comments. The first club I ever went into was in 82 it was Thee Dollhouse the original one in Orlando. One of the first high end clubs in the business it was shocking how hot the women were in there. And they were bitches that place is a shithole.

There are still a lot of hot strippers. There are a lot of mediocre strippers also but the extras trade seems to have made it easier for the mediocre girls to get into it. But the hot ones are still out there.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I visited SCs a handful of times in the early 90s but did not start SCing regularly until 2000.

I agree w/ several of the posters in that SCs (and thus # of dancers) seem much more plentiful now so that will bring down the avg as gmd commented.

It should also be taken into account IMO, that SCs and the dancers in them will probably have more of a shock factor when one has not SCed much or when SCs were not as common as today? I have noticed that women (celebrities; actresses; porn stars) who were considered sex symbols 15/20 years ago and that I was very attracted to, don’t seem to have that same effect when I see them today (i.e. when I currently see a past photo/video of them in their prime).

Also the internet, and the very increased and easy availability of porn on the internet, means that we may be less likely to be “wowed” by what we may see in the SC?

I also agree w/ other posters that have stated that extras or even heavy 2-way groping was not as common as today, and perhaps hot looking women whom are not comfortable w/ extras and/or heavy groping, would not or could not, do what goes on in SCs today?
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Absolutely not! Dancer quality started to go downhill about 10 years ago.
I never saw an obese stripper till about 7 seven years ago. And now nearly half the Austin strip clubs feature primarily obese girls.

Other than fat dancers, most dancers today are fairly plain looking. The waitresses are better looking than the dancers. Fifteen years ago you had to have a great body and a pretty face or alluring face. Now you just have to shake or clap your ass or provide a host of extras.

Fifteen years ago the top club in Austin required the dancers to pay $200.00 club fee and the dancers drove BMWs and Benzo's. Now the dancers pay $5.00 club fee drive old Hyundai's with busted windows.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Depends on the area, though I agree with rick that talent level has been watered down due to more clubs and dancers. Some perspectives on 3 areas:

Tampa- No change at Mons last 10-15 years, standards remain high. 2001 Odyssey dancer quality has gone up a bit compared to ~ 15 yrs ago.

L.A.- Talent still at high level, but definitely watered down some compared to early 90's. Back then, particular LAX area club was all 8 ups, no tats or fats.

Indy- Not much change in overall level, though seeing more dogs creeping into equation last 5 yrs or so.

DLMV- Dancers Looks May Vary..........
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I suppose with an overall increase in weight in the general population, a larger percentage of fatter dancers, less pretty imo, is to be expected in some places on average. I'm not complaining about high mileage clubs but it would be nice to have the option to see a lot of hot dancers somewhere. Now it's a matter of waiting for the few working to show up. Of course everyone's tastes can be different. I believe I had more fun at a high mileage club but 15 years ago, I also had the option to go to an extremely low mileage air club that was full of 10's. I visited several times.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Totally agree w/ minnow - my fave LAX area club still sports primarily hot women, but not nearly as hot or as many hotties as they did a mere 5 years ago. In some LA clubs that I regularly visit it seems that what they lack in quality they try and make up for in quantity....but it's never the same.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
Things that are needed, but ignored:
1. Quality control.
2. Weight and shape restrictions.
3. Dancing skill.
4. Teeth
5. Mandatory retirement age.
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