Comments by minnow (page 82)

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    11 years ago
    I'd pick #3, because I occasionaly like to try new places, or ones that I haven't been to in a while. My choice of locale would be weather/non-clubbing considerations driven. So, Jun-Sept, Detroit,Providence, and St.Louis(ESL) would be on my bucket list. All other months: Miami, Phoenix,Las Vegas. Almost any months- Dallas, Los Angeles(COI).
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    11 years ago
    Two new female juicebox aliases within a few days. (This and ugly187). What is next.
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    11 years ago
    I found some spare change, a million dollar bill. Do you think strippers would
    Shark hunter needs to make it rain with those bills. Seriously, a $10K bill is the largest US bill in general public circulation. The Federal Reserve (and the banks) stopped distributing "big bills" ($500 and up) in 1969. Seeing that inflation has increase more than 5 fold since then (Present $500 less buying power than 1969 $100), IMHO, $500 bills should be reintroduced into circulation.
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    11 years ago
    More SC Cash For farmerart
    Belated Happy Birthday, farmerart. You asking that question is like an Eskimo asking if he'll have enough snow-cones for a midnight snack tonight.
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    11 years ago
    bbw strip clubs in la
    You shouldn't have too much trouble finding a BBW club (or one with several) in Louisiana, seeing that it is the 5th most obese state with 31.5% of population obese. Oops, OP meant Los Angeles. You might want to put periods after the "l" and the "a" to avoid any confusion. Hey, I didn't even have to read the complete text of post to smell troll/umpteenth sock puppet. In the event post is genuinely serious, good luck finding a BBW club in Los Angeles, or So Cal. CA is the 40th most obese state with 24.8% of population obese. Class dismissed, have a nice clubbing day.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Paying too much money for OTC can lead to bad experiences
    Unless you truly have an insatiable desire to figuratively climb a mountain "because it is there" (i.e., meet the "challenge" of converting a reluctant dancer), I think you've already answered your own question. By establishing limits, I'm guessing you wouldn't offer, say, $250 or $300 in an area where going rate is $200 to win over a reluctant damsel. Hey, if a well known sports commentator that hates flying equips himself with a $800K RV/Bus, and is willing to spend days vs hours to go coast-coast, you know that no(reasonable??) ammount of money is going to make him fly. So goes it with dancer fears/reluctancy.
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    11 years ago
    Biggest suprise club
    Tt- Actually, Brass Flamingo was one of my more pleasant surprises on initial visit. This was back in the early 90's, though. While not Detroit, Providence, or COI like mileage, I'd hardly call it a low mileage dive. With Tuscl pre-screening, I haven't had any big surprises since I joined.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    "nurse outfit...."hairy legs"... "her nuts popped out"...... Say no more, I'd be reaching for the barf bag by then.
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    11 years ago
    VIP rooms
    As gmd and crsm said. Thanks for a new acronymn, lopaw. That's a good one.
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    11 years ago
    Veteran's Day - 11/11/13
    I'd like to convey a big salute, and big thanks to all veterans. Flew the flag today.
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    11 years ago
    taking nominations-worst towns for strip clubs
    Cincinnati. Has ZERO clubs, prospects across river in Newport KY aren't so good. Ditto for airport hotels, and indigenous KY towns near airport. When the closure of a sole DV club makes city/metro area clubless, you know things are bad.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Posting as others: Re: Alucard.
    I favor deleting "Allucard." account. Plus several other screen names probably originating from same IP address. RE- urban dictionary definition #6 of spammer: "Someone who posts needless ammounts of crap on a forum." You have (apparently) deleted the accounts of past spammers, notably one or 2 whose sole purpose was to advertise another website. That fell under the more common definition of spam. But #6 is applicable to latest state of affairs whereby board has been flooded with inane posts/threads by zero/few review new screen names. I realize that you desire a high traffic count for tuscl website- well and good, except when so much useless crap crowds out legitimate discussion on stripclubs/clubbing that it detracts from original purpose of tuscl. I recognize that you have been mostly "hands off" on moderation, but do you really want to see Tuscl become a, which is little more than a juvenille chat board. Yes, ignore is a good feature (gotta love all those blue crickets). There comes a time when it is better to dig up and discard the roots rather than keep having to pull up weeds. I guess too that you are looking at the personal harrasment angle of a paying member. IMO, taking on an identical screen name, save for the period dot for the sole purpose of mocking/satirizing them, even going to trouble to use identical avatars( to the point of timing avatar changes to match original Alucard avatar changes in latest posts) sure tickles the line between stalking/harassment, and just kidding around. I trust that you will draw on your quarter century experience of originating, and running a website to make the correct decision.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Is today rent day?
    In 2 decades of clubbing, I don't think I've ever gone on Halloween night. My reticence stems from the same reasons I don't go on New Years Eve and a few others: More knuckleheads are out and about which leads to more police presence. Same rationale that I tend more to go on off peak nights/hours.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    RIP Lou Reed
    Belated RIP to Lou Reed. When I heard of his death, I initially mistook it for ANOTHER Reed from same era- Jerry Reed (Amos Moses, and other hits.) Alas, research shows that he died in 2008. I liked his songs, so make this a double belated RIP.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm just plain flabbergasted. At least I NEVER go to this club.
    shadowcat: If you or any other tuscl member wins a big lotto prize, we absolutely should go to this club. But first, some legwork is in order. As one poster said, need to verify that this is true. If so, find out Mr. Bigshots name and company. Then, pay off DJ to continuously play Johnny Paycheck "Take This Job and Shove It." Also have DJ announce that song is dedicated to all employees of Mr. Bigshots' company. That said, I question if this review was credible.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lines by strippers that worked to get you into VIP.
    "I'm recently divorced and feeling horny." At least 1 of the 2 was true....
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    11 years ago
    My unofficial Top Ten list
    r-kam: I've been to half of them- BD, 4P, Cheetahs, MV, BSC. I guess you could count Tootsies, though I went there when they were in old original building- club was a bit different back then. Anyway, good list, though in some cities, your listed club not really tops for best lookers. My alternatives as follows: Dallas- Lodge, and Mens Club- Dallas have better lookers than BD. Yet what little BD gives away to the other 2 clubs, it more than makes up for in atmosphere, potential mileage. Plus sheer size of club and number of dancers delivers a cornucopia type of feeling that I've gotten in very few clubs. Los Angeles- IMO, 4P has the best lookers, but Bare Ellegance-LAX isn't too far behind. Phoenix- Babes- Scottsdale, has the edge in dancer attractiveness, but BSC has a looser atmosphere. Both Christies clubs a notch below BSC, but good honorable mention material.
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    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Do Strippers and Computers Mix?
    I don't get that either, lol at ldk82. A related aspect I've seen is that some guys go in the bathroom to yak on their cellphones- saw the same guy in there in 2 visits ~ 30 mins. apart.
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    11 years ago
    Low Budget Reviews
    clubber; There are several regular bars that don't levy a cover charge,and have a hot bartender. This is a STRIPCLUB review site where the raison d'etre of vast majority of members are to see hot dancers. If a hot bartender and cheap beer are the sole, or decisive criteria for visiting a club, those reviews should be posted on
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    11 years ago
    Diamond Cutter vs. Blue Veiner
    Diamond Cutter vs Blue Veiner ?? Gee, art, for a second I thought you were talking about some bar drinks or mens colognes that just came out. I have some years yet to catch up to your age. I don't embrace the "BLTC" concept too heartily. I've found that dropping some weight helps the little head think better. Gotta run now, gym time beckons.
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    11 years ago
    Tampa Strip Clubs
    Are you tired of the Pink Pony already ? Hey, if you can find the Pink Pony, it shouldn't be too challenging for you to find the Mons, 2001, and Scores. They're all within ~ 200 yds. of each other. However, you might find the $20 cover at Mons to be "challenging". But, hey, about returning the favor, and providing more info in your reviews than just "lots of good looking girls", OK ?
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    11 years ago
    TUSCL members I miss :(
    +1 on chitownlawyer. Enjoyed his writing style/narrative in his posts and reviews.
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    11 years ago
    I just have to Rant!
    "I don't like the girls kneeling away from me where I can touch." I'm getting that #10 dislikes the "wham bam thank you maam', NEXT>" atmosphere of the whole thing rather than handjobs, per se. IMO, many dancers who push the HJ as "the main event" are of this genre,( eg, very minimal contact/intimacy), and would be unenjoyable, regardless of services provided.
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    11 years ago
    An Afternoon of Accidental Golden Showers(Or The Civie Gal With A Good Sense of
    WTF!!!?? No eggs benedict for Slick!? You're slipping there, you're not that high in her rotation if you don't get "EB". Well, at least you didn't pee in the pool you were lounging around in, so I guess you're not a total lout. There is hope for you, yet...........