Paying too much money for OTC can lead to bad experiences

avatar for rickdugan
There is a school of thought that enough money will overcome most objections to OTC. True enough in my opinion and experiences. Very few dancers would turn down, say, $5,000 for an hour of work if she believed that a guy was actually serious about paying her. The real question, however, is whether increasing cash offers to procure OTC from a truly reluctant girl is ever really worth it.

The answer to this question is "No" in my experience. Why? Because heavy reluctance to do OTC often stems from fear. Fear of getting caught; fear of being alone with a strange guy who pays for attention; fear of STDs, fear of cheating on an SO; some other personal fear or issue; and in many cases some combination of the aforementioned fears. Even when one increases the cash enough that her greed overcomes her fear, the fear is insidious and still rears its ugly head during the act itself. Twice in all of my years doing this have I been so enamored with a girl that I was willing to offer well above market norm to land the score and both were among my worst OTC experiences to date.

It has been a long time since I have gone down this road, but a discussion I had with a dancer the other night was a refresher for me. She is a girl I see every so often in my local club and she regaled me with a story of her imminent departure from the club due to the acquisition of an SD. This guy has been throwing gobs of money at her for some time now and has yet to get into her pants and now he is upping the game. When I mentioned that she was probably going to have to fuck him once she was on the payroll (so to speak), she indicated that she was prepared to do that, but also mentioned the variety of rules that she intended to have in place (covered everything, no Viagra allowed, etc). Ugh.

Sometimes it just isn't worth it, no matter how good she looks or how fun she seems ITC. This is why, with the educational exceptions already mentioned, I never go over $300 ($400 in NYC) for one girl OTC and never over $500 for two girls. It is enough to entice a girl who has only moderate hesitations or concerns, but not so much that I am going to take out one of the truly fearful types who will just make the experience as crappy as possible.



last comment
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "Thoughts?"

Yeah, you're a faggot, and your "The System" is pure faggotry.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Link to the faggotry that is RickyBoy's "The System":…

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Link to the best analysis to date of RickyBoy's "The System":…
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Fraudster, are you trying to say, relying upon your own vast OTC experiences (LOL), that you disagree? :)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I gotta agree with Dugan on this one. Even though the cash flow has surged beyond the banks of the Mississippi, the extra H2O ain't gonna help the crops grow. Thsey're gonna drown.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@RickyBoy: Have you ever actually done OTC in any place other than your own imagination? I ask this because everbody who has actually done it in reality knows you need to wear a stupid suit and jump through all the hoops that The System dictates. For an analysis of who the fraud is check out this analysis of your The System…

avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Posted by Fraudster: "Have you ever actually done OTC in any place other than your own imagination?"

LOL. Here and there. ;) Discussed not long ago in this thread:…

You? :)
avatar for jacobs.patrick7
11 years ago
Sounds like to much work. We pay them to leave not to stay.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Again, RickyBoy, I was talking about in reality, not in your imagination. I ask this because it's hard to believe that anyone who did it in reality, would come along afterward and write "The System". Either you have no experience with it, in reality, or your "mind" is has some serious problems seeing reality for what it is. LOL!
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I have to admit that while I occasionally slip up ITC, the idea I would ever do OTC is a non-starter. OTC is for the wife and our girlfriend du jour.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
This might make for interesting reading:…

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s new film Don Jon is the story of a man whose porn habit has left him unable to relate to real women. He's not the only one, reports Nisha Lilia Diu
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Ah, yes, I see RickyBoy admits that his supposed OTC adventures are fictional/fraudlent in the very first line of "The System":

"The following is solely a portrayal of a fictional character and is provided for entertainment purposes only"…

Guess that resolves that question by his own self-admission!
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
@Fraudster: Well, I guess then we'll just have to wait for you to take a break from your bad satire and multiple troll aliases to share with us how you do it properly in that OTC hotbed of Seattle. ;)

@Slick: The analogy I would have used would involve irrigating a plant that one ultimately doesn't want, but I like what you said. :)

@ski: OTC is not for everyone. Some guys seek clubs where ITC services are readily available. I often travel to areas where dicey services are not readily available ITC, and are not done in privacy even if offered, so OTC has been my preference for some years now.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: " share with us how you do it properly in that OTC hotbed of Seattle."

I've explained it many times RickyBoy. Now, I know you have a very small, dumb brain, but you can remember two words can't you? "Just ask". That's it. No faggotry that is "The System" required. Simple, huh?
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Of course I ask dipshit, we all do. How would you otherwise let them know that you want to take them to your hotel room?

Seriously dude, that's what you have to share? So what you're saying is that when you roll your wheelchair van out to some remote club in Idaho, you just solicit the first stripper that catches your eye? :)

Ok, thanks for sharing...I think. ;)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Actually, RickyBoy, if you recall what you wrote in The System, sometimes you don't even ask. All part of being low key and maintaining your super sly, super important cover.

Forget the stupid System RickyBoy and the stupid white three piece polyester suit and "Just Ask". This isn't Rocket Science you know? Well I guess since it took you ten years to come up with that non-sense maybe to you it is!

avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for duomaxwell
11 years ago
What do you MEAN money won't always overcome someone's disinterest in having sex with you? Surely you jest!
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
A couple of thoughts. Obviously, there's a lot of other emotions besides fear that make a dancer hesitant to go OTC. Revulsion, contempt, etc. can be common ones too -- all those things factor into why a dancer goes OTC with one customer but not another, or charges one customer $ but another $$$.

As far as the money, as always it depends on the experience you're looking for. For myself, I'm in strong agreement about not overpaying ... if I have to entice her with a ton of money, I pass.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Hey now, go easy on the poor RickyBoy. It took him 10 years to figure out to pay hookers for sex in the first place. This latest brilliant deduction of his only took him 3.5 years since then. A mere 35% of the original time. He is getting swifter every day!
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
@Fraudster: Well, I guess that some people are less worried about the consequences of indiscriminately soliciting un-receptive girls than I am. ;) Or maybe those consequences aren't really apparent to guys like you, who have a limited frame of reference (to say the least). :shrug:

@Duo: LOL. Imagine that. :)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@RickyBoy: Oh, yes, the consequences. Oh, my! She might say "no" and then what? The System didn't work. Not something that your titanic ego could ever recover from, right? Seriously, RickyBoy, if you had an experience with this in reality you would know that consequences are just that she says "no" and that's it. I guess in your imaginary world you have blown your super important cover though, and your problems have only begin. Like I say, pull your head out of your ass and try it in reality once, before you spew more of your non-sense here and continue to prove what a complete ass clown you are! :-)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Here's the bottom line. A woman knows from the very first time that she sets eyes on you, whether she'll fuck you or not. It's as simple as that.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
There is a limit to how much pussy is worth to everyone. Actually it is not the pussy it's self. All pussies are pretty much the same. We are actually paying for the package that it is wrapped in. Fancy wrap is more expensive than plain wrap. Put a bag over her head or a blindfold on yourself and your dick can't tell the difference. So there is no advantage to over paying.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
@Fraudster: Perhaps this is a function of the (imaginary?) places at which you purportedly club. I could go into places like SR in Vegas or Tootsie's in Miami and solicit all day long without a real problem. They are huge clubs with tons of girls who are far more used to being solicited often. I could also go into clubs in Detroit and Providence and do much the same thing since many of these girls are offering the same services in the back rooms anyway.

But most of the clubs I visit in a given year are smaller, more local and have more conservative club cultures. Solicit the wrong girl in one of those clubs and you can quickly become a pariah. Even the girls who might have been receptive to OTC, had you met them first, will now avoid you for fear of association. This is not an academic point of debate - it is a simple fact. In some of the most uptight places, girls will even run to management and have you booted out.

Interesting that a playa' like yourself really doesn't understand these dynamics. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
LOL shadow. I hear what you're saying on that front, but I cannot get myself to fuck butterfaces.
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
A girl that needs a lot of money to do OTC not only is going to be reluctant to do it even with the money but is going to have the expectation that you are made of money and love throwing it at her. In what way is this possibly going to turn out right?

If you want OTC just cut the BS and get an escort.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "blah, blah, blah!"

You know I got the RickyBoy good when he is forced to back away from his hardline and into the watered down position of "okay, dougster you're mostly right but I swear there are a few select clubs which I refuse to name which aren't like that." Stages of grief for your The System being torn to shreds. At first denial, now we are at bargaining maybe just two years you'll be at acceptance and say yeah it was garbage all along? :-)
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Fraudster: "You know I got the RickyBoy good when he is forced to back away from his hardline and into the watered down position of "okay, dougster you're mostly right but I swear there are a few select clubs which I refuse to name which aren't like that.""

Actually tiger, the clubs I mentioned above, where one can simply solicit with abandon, are the exception, not the norm. There are over 2500 clubs in the U.S. and only a small fraction of them are touristy mega-clubs or in uber-high mileage areas.

Dude, even when you think that you are cleverly baiting me your ignorance is obvious. ;)
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
" The real question, however, is whether increasing cash offers to procure OTC from a truly reluctant girl is ever really worth it"

'Tis NOT!
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Lady godivas $150 all i can fuck pussy...good blowjobs two
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "re the exception, not the norm. "

Again RickyBoy I am speaking of clubs in reality as opposed to your fantasy world. Anyone who reads your stupid The System will see that your experience is only with the latter. Hell you even admit in the first line of The System that it is all fiction/fantasy. Instead of making such an ass clown out yourself with statements like I quoted above why not visit a real strip club in the real world some time. Oh yeah, and don't forget to pull your head out of your before you walk in as well - homo!
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
I agree wholeheartedly with Rick. I have a fave who refuses extras and I've played the game with her: "Would you sleep with me for a $1,000,000?" Sure. Now that we're over that hurdle lets negotiate on the price. She swears she was once offered $3500 for a blow job.
I have, on occasion, paid well over market value and afterwards realized that I was the one who got screwed, not the dancer.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
$3500 and she probably still didn't do it.
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
Unless you truly have an insatiable desire to figuratively climb a mountain "because it is there" (i.e., meet the "challenge" of converting a reluctant dancer), I think you've already answered your own question. By establishing limits, I'm guessing you wouldn't offer, say, $250 or $300 in an area where going rate is $200 to win over a reluctant damsel.

Hey, if a well known sports commentator that hates flying equips himself with a $800K RV/Bus, and is willing to spend days vs hours to go coast-coast, you know that no(reasonable??) ammount of money is going to make him fly. So goes it with dancer fears/reluctancy.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Well done Minnow.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
To put it more simply, suitability to be in the P4P business is not a simple matter of having a fair number of johns who think you look good. You have to lack aversion to doing the acts johns want. If you can seem like you actually enjoy the sex, banking will be much easier. When a person has a strong aversion, no amount of money is going to make it disappear. If a john convinces a non-P4P girl to do P4P with a big amount of money, she is likely to see it as a one-shot deal. So she has no motivation to care how satisfied the john is.
avatar for gsv
11 years ago
To be honest, I am starting to not see much value in sourcing from strip clubs; not that I ever saw it as as really great activity, but realistically speaking in areas like NYC it is probably a lot easier to just go for an escort. And if your budget is $400, you can actually get a pretty damn good escort.

avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
I have tried both escorts and strippers for P4P. I prefer strippers, and the main reason is that with strippers you are doing the equivalent of test driving the car before you buy it. I have developed at least a basic conversational relationship with her prior to the OTC action, and in many cases have developed a physical connection. Plus she has already seen me and knows what I look like, and if she's willing to fuck me OTC for money after that, it usually means she's going to provide good service.

If I've asked a stripper if she meets OTC and she says no, I usually don't go any further in asking or trying to negotiate. I usually only ever ask if she gives a great LD anyway, and I don't want to ruin my chances for great LDs just because I was stubbornly trying to get her to do something she likely won't do, at least not with me. Besides, there are too many I've approached about OTC who've said yes to fret about those few who say no, even if it would be totally awesome to score with those few.

Escorts are too unpredictable. And I've been burned by escorts that quote a price over the phone then demand an upsell once in the door. And escorts are agreeing to sex with you sight unseen, which could mean their performance could be diminished. I would rather get OTC from a willing stripper.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
John Madden
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
@Sam The upsell is much less prevalent than in the past. You can usually tell it the upfront price is really low.

Escorts only work for guys who want to find a fav and stick with her for a while. Well over half the time, when you see a escort, you feel like you wasted your money, and don't want to see her again. Course, same with dancers. But the "first date" with a dancer cost you under $50 rather than hundreds.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Ilbb that is so true
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Gsv, I actually agree with you with respect to trying to source from NYC clubs. I have done it but it is a bitch. So many of these girls are already making so much money that you must either catch on who is naturally predisposed to picking up extra cash OTC or catch a girl having a bad night.

And only one have I sourced from Manhattan. My best luck has always been in Queens, but even there it is not easy.

NYC clubbing is unique from almost anywhere else in the country.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
A couple of times I have tried to use the size of my bankroll to overcome a dancer's reluctance to do OTC with me. Both times I failed. Once I was really beefed with $22K in my pocket. That particular time I was drunk enough and horny enough to flash the wad to the chosen dancer - a truly epic fail on my part. I keep telling you that I am a hillbilly, rick.

Now, as to the merits of high-priced P4P as opposed to the merits of moderate or low-priced P4P. The most expensive sex that I have purchased in my lifetime was a weekend with a top notch 10+ from a Milan escort agency during one of my winter vacations in southern France. Beautiful girl; dreary, boring sex. I actually dismissed her a day early. As I remember, the cost of the weekend was 5000 euros ($8,000 then).

The absolute best sex of my life was my first encounter with the tight pussy moronic squirter that I met in Million Dollar in Mississauga. Slack jawed with awe after she had fucked me so wonderfully I gave her $500. Second best sex of my life was my first encounter ITC with my current Toronto sweetie - $300.

All that I conclude from my experience is that the P4P game is a pure crap shoot when it comes to quality of performance by the girl.
avatar for DirtBoy313
11 years ago
RickBoy- "There is a school of thought that enough money will overcome most objections to OTC. True enough in my opinion and experiences. Very few dancers would turn down, say, $5,000 for an hour of work if she believed that a guy was actually serious about paying her. The real question, however, is whether increasing cash offers to procure OTC from a truly reluctant girl is ever really worth it.

The answer to this question is "No" in my experience. Why? Because heavy reluctance to do OTC often stems from fear. Fear of getting caught; fear of being alone with a strange guy who pays for attention; fear of STDs, fear of cheating on an SO; some other personal fear or issue; and in many cases some combination of the aforementioned fears. Even when one increases the cash enough that her greed overcomes her fear, the fear is insidious and still rears its ugly head during the act itself. Twice in all of my years doing this have I been so enamored with a girl that I was willing to offer well above market norm to land the score and both were among my worst OTC experiences to date.

It has been a long time since I have gone down this road, but a discussion I had with a dancer the other night was a refresher for me. She is a girl I see every so often in my local club and she regaled me with a story of her imminent departure from the club due to the acquisition of an SD. This guy has been throwing gobs of money at her for some time now and has yet to get into her pants and now he is upping the game. When I mentioned that she was probably going to have to fuck him once she was on the payroll (so to speak), she indicated that she was prepared to do that, but also mentioned the variety of rules that she intended to have in place (covered everything, no Viagra allowed, etc). Ugh.

Sometimes it just isn't worth it, no matter how good she looks or how fun she seems ITC. This is why, with the educational exceptions already mentioned, I never go over $300 ($400 in NYC) for one girl OTC and never over $500 for two girls. It is enough to entice a girl who has only moderate hesitations or concerns, but not so much that I am going to take out one of the truly fearful types who will just make the experience as crappy as possible.



Man that was a lot of typing, and the only thing you got out of it was Dougster reminding you that your a Faggotassbitch.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
@Art it's an individual preference thing. I'd rather rent a good Scorcese film from Redbox than spend 3 figures to see some Andrew Lloyd Webber shit on Broadway.

Ideal P4P girls are the sort of very outgoing people that consider everyone, including strangers, their friend by default. Showing and receiving affection is a big part of sex to them, so they don't necessarily consider sex horrible even if they get little to no arousal from it. This kind of girl is much harder to come by than magazine-perfect ones.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
@BitchBoy: Yeah, but nobody other than you takes him seriously anyway.

@farmer: You, sir, are anything but a hillbilly. ;) And you are right on the money with the crap shoot comment, though when you find a good one it is worth circling back every so often.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I don't know, RickyBoy, alot of people are starting to realize what a complete faggot you re lately. Not exactly what you were expecting to get from this board I'm expecting. Maybe why you are always crying about the way things are here?
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Well Fraudster, I guess I'll just have to live with the enmity of trolls and cyber-stalkers. ;)

And as for anyone else who may dislike what I post, it is what it is I suppose. :)
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy: "it is what it is I suppose"

That actually a word for anyone who dislikes all the non-sense you post, e.g. The System and your other faggotry. The word is "sensible".
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