Comments by minnow (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How to be fly at the club?
    E: Based on last post, I'd say that you should douse yourself with Axe body spray, top it off with a few spritzes of Joop! Yes, Old Spice is nice, but for some may be "old school". (Originally came out in 1938).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How to be fly at the club?
    E- I eagerly await a writeup (review, article) from you on such an escapade. But, lets not forget the cologne. Walmart has a ready supply of Joop, and Drakaar Noir just for you.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Cheap Colognes
    .... you can buy it at Walmart. Come to think of it, that's probably where bathroom trolls get their cologne.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Recon Missions
    Does BP think that South Carolina is a foreign country ? As for original question: Unless there is a good non-club reason for making the kind of trip BP is proposing, my answer is hell no.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Are Strip Clubs going Down Hill?
    Papi- If you spend any time on the pink site (aka stripperweb), you'd swear that it should be called "camgirlweb". The cam section viewing counts outnumber the stripper related sections 3 fold or more. The new post counts are overwhelmingly more camming related. Certainly, more dancers (and wannabes) are going into camming. The big questions are: 1) Will camsites induce present strip club goers to forego club visits in favor of spending more time/$$ on camsites ? 2) Will camsites capture (AND MAINTAIN) the interest of an evolving segment (and generation) of cam junkies that will be addicted to the cam venue to the point of ignoring/rejecting other venues, stripclubs in particular ? For me, the answer to #1 is no. However, stripclubs should dread the thought of #2 coming to fruition along with a whole generation of internet junkies devoid of any desire for human contact.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Being rushed in VIP.
    Whether it is a blowjob, handjob, house remodel job, car overhaul job, whatever, anytime finishing job as quickly as possible becomes the sole/main focus, quality, and customer satisfaction suffers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Are Strip Clubs going Down Hill?
    I'm surmising OP is looking at a last ~ 2-4 year timeframe. As I've traveled to significantly less clubs in the last 3 years, I'd still say there has been some subtle decline in the last few years. Mainly in that the peak hours start later, and the peak crowds aren't quite as crowded. Decline, yes, but is it enough to trigger clubs closing, or a significant reduction in quantity/quality of dancers ? In most cases, no. If I'm able to get a fave dancer (familiar, or a new one), who am I to complain ? Yet, looking on other sites (namely pink site) i see a lot more camgirl posts and fewer dancer posts. Maybe talent is filtering more towards that direction. I see camming as expanding the envelope for entertainment, but personally wouldn't want it to replace live interaction with a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The portrayal of strippers in the media
    Duo, if it makes you feel better, I liked Jennifer Anniston better as the maneater dentist in "Horrible Bosses". The eating the banana by her bedroom window scene is classic.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Cheap Colognes
    When it is on most bathroom troll offerings.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Nominations for Moderator
    mh- Did you mean to say JUDGE Judy ? She strikes me as the epitome of someone who doesn't brook any tomfoolery. By contrast, Judy Judy (the one with plenty of stocking fetish photos) struck me as a more tolerant sort. I know where your mind wanders now, motorhead...........
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    favorite blond pornostar
    Venus Delite- Her fire breathing act added another dimension to the moniker "hot blonde." I saw Julia Ann in her pre-milf days (mid 90's) when she was teamed with Janine to form "Blondage". Frankly, I'd be hard pressed to choose between the two of them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Responsible Reviews
    Rick: Did you flag the review ? Founder does take corrective action. Although the "tremendous dis-service" line is a bit melodramatic, the overall sentiment of the deal is correct, as the many eyes of seasoned club reviewers can help founder truly seperate the chaff from the wheat.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Social Security Checks and Strip Club Trips
    A suave and debonair guy like rick d. standing in line at a bank??? What is this world coming to!?!? I haven't stood in line to deposit a paycheck at the bank since rick was in high school. (Direct deposits, anyone ?) As for original question, the SS recipients that would make any meaningful splash at a stripclub probably has income sources BESIDES Social Security.(Pension, 401k, IRA, etc.) So, those "old dogs" go whenever they get the urge. There are probably as many pay schedules as there are paymasters- I've been paid on weekly, biweekly, and 15th/EOM schedules.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    John McCain hopes $1 coin leads to bigger tips for strippers
    Where are you, farmerart? In Canada, the smallest paper denomination is the 5 dollar bill. There are dollar coins (Loonie), and 2 dollar coins (Toonie), named roughly after the birds appearing on the coin. I've heard of the "Loonie Toss" in Canadian clubs. As for the $2 bill becoming more popular- I saw nothing in proposed bill that said anything about increasing the production of the paper Jeffersons. That is been printed for quite some time, it never really gained any traction, and I don't see it gaining traction anytime soon. FYI, current CPI-U is ~ double what it was in 1988. What I do see gaining traction is for greater usage of credit cards, and in some cases, club "funny money". On some websites with stagecams, there is actually a provision for members to tip a designated stage dancer with "credits"( 1 credit= $1). Some clubs even have a "rain machine", with usually $50- $100 being required to make it rain. (Trapdoor opens in the ceiling, accompanied by faux thunder noises.) Funny money is a pita on 2 levels: Customers will have to pay more for a given ammount of $$ (like $110 and up to get $100 in funny money), and dancers will get a smaller cut (probably < $90 in real money per $100 in funny money). A potential profit making source for clubs, not so great for patron and dancer. Net effect may be to drive up motivation for OTC even more.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Smooth Skin
    Good smooth skin on a dancer is like nice smooth lines on a sports car.. Wouldn't consider doing without either one when spending $$ on them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Millionaire stripper
    Some thoughts..... 1) TM probably isn't the only millionaire stripper 2) Now that she's getting her money back, can we expect to see a new club open in NJ with her as owner ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    washington dc
    reviewers complaining about ethnicity and language barriers
    "....and i saw bitching." I and at least 1 other member saw a simple conveyance of information. I have no doubt that you know the DC Metro area like the back of your hand. Yet, some Tuscler making a business/vacation trip to the DC area doesn't have your native knowledge. Such a discriminating individual (yes, tusclers do have discriminating tastes) would appreciate knowing in advance the nuances of certain areas/clubs. Much like a Ford Mustang enthusiast would want to walk into a Ford dealer and see several Mustangs, not just a bunch of pickup trucks, or Focuses, minivans, etc. Names aren't always intuitive, either. For example, El Segundo CA has several white collar professional watering holes,while an English sounding name like Torrance CA can have some "el barrio", or "da hood" kind of enclaves. I'm taking a siesta on this now.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    washington dc
    reviewers complaining about ethnicity and language barriers
    Was aforementioned "El Gaucho" located in Juarez or Mexico City? If so, by all means, punch that reviewer in the face. Otherwise, that chip on your shoulder is looking like Mt. Whitney.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    flagging reviews abuse
    Somehow, someone with so many "LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!" threads/posts talking about keeping things undercover/secret/low profile is comical to watch...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Date and time of visit on reviews.
    I've chosen "unknown" in some cases when submitting a composite review. For example, if I was on vacation, and visited a club on a Saturday night then a Tuesday afternoon visit, I'd choose unknown, but mention the day of the week/shift in my review. I've devoted seperate pargraphs to the unique details of each specific visit/shift. I suppose that I could submit 2 reviews 4 weeks apart to pump up my review count. I'd prefer fellow tusclers to get another "2 for 1 deal."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bed dances?
    r-kam- Seeing that you "have some money to blow", and "paying extra doesn't concern you too much", I'd say that its time to pop your cherry on bed dances. There are worse things in life than taking one for the team, and living to write about it............
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Help me find clubs with...
    Thanks for the humor break, gmd. I actually experienced a club visit back in '09 that almost met your criteria: The 2pm Tuesday afternoon visit had the sole dancer present on shift who filled all of your squares, except for the hairy pussy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Re: j40 vs rick "debate". I can see both sides here. To put some sort of perspective, I will make a non-clubbing analogy. Lets say that j40 is a moderately enthusiastic bicycle renter. He loves nothing more than to be able to ride a bike up and down Venice Beach for an hour. He especially likes a racing bike vs the standard Schwinn, and is really to pay for it. Only problem is, Rick has it booked for 3 hours or so. So, j40 hoofs around for a while. Lo and behold, he sees a familiar bike a few blocks away, parked at a residence. Rick is on the porch shooting the breeze, sipping a few drinks with a pal. Bikes are made for riding, this scene would frost the balls of any motivated cyclist. Yet, stepping back and looking at the forest, the owner of the bike shop could care less who rents the bike, or how much they ride it so long as he is paid, and the bike is returned in good condition. If anything, owner may actually like the 3 hr renters like rick who hardly ride the bike (less wear and tear) vs 3 different 1 hr. renters who continuously ride. So it goes with individual dancers who choose whether to stay with a certain patron or bail and seek out other prospects.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Dancers footwear or lack of
    Mons is a laid back place. Besides being "high heels optional", dancers walk around club in various states of undress, even naked. A dancer who isn't topless, or panty-less underneath a short skirt would be considered too Amish. Dancers make their own schedules, coming and going at all hours of the day(and night).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Where Have All The Adults Gone?
    Three rules: 1) The ignore button works 2) Do not feed trolls/spammers 3) See #1 and #2 Bon apetit....................