It was a Friday afternoon in early September. Out here in Southern California, that means it's hot. I was lounging at the pool when I got a call from this gal. Now, her and I have known each other for 6 months. I guess you can say that we're friends with benefits. She wanted to know if I wanted to come over. Of course I did.
So I went over. She lives about 20 minutes from where I stay. She recently bought a small bungalow in Claremont,CA. Not too far from a bunch of colleges that smart people attend. Anyways, she was getting the mail when I pulled up. Boy, she was looking good. We went inside and chilled. She's a fan of stand-up comedy and had some Mitch Hedberg on. I dig Hedberg.
I must admit that this petite brunette is a cool chick. She has good taste in coffee and we had a couple cups. Even though it was after 2 pm, she asked if I wanted breakfast. Next thing you know, we had bacon, eggs, and waffles. I told you she was a cool chick.
After a late breakfast, we retired to her room where had hot, wet monkey-sex. We both agreed that a shower was in order so we jumped in the shower(Safety Sidebar-Never, under any circumstances, jump into a shower. You might slip and fall. Not good.). After busting a nut, taking a piss is what you gotta do(See discussion on The Split Piss). So while we were showering, I started pissing. Pissing good. Pissing hard. And accidentally pissing on her.
She was like, "What the fuck! You just pissed on me." I replied, "Hey, Sweet Tits, it was an accident. ". She laughed and we showered up. I had toweled up first and sat on top of the toilet seat. She was drying off and sat on my lap. She proceeded to kiss my neck and run her fingers through my hair. Then, she pissed on me. On the towel and on to me. She looked me in the eye and said, "Hey Dumbass, it was an accident." Then she started laughing.
Peeing on another person without asking permission is QUITE impolite, NO matter how BAD you had to go. You're lucky she took it well. Do you have a fascination with piss?
WTF!!!?? No eggs benedict for Slick!? You're slipping there, you're not that high in her rotation if you don't get "EB". Well, at least you didn't pee in the pool you were lounging around in, so I guess you're not a total lout. There is hope for you, yet...........
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