Big F! If you are in the mood to watch heads roll check out Bonesbrothers comments.She's a dancer at Platinum Plus in Columbia S. Carolina and tries to…
The troll/flame accounts have recently become a problem here including the Alucard. account (note, I am referring to the dot account, not the actual anti-gun flake). It…
If you banned/delete some body do bonesbrother that was an account to just attack people...his solo mission is to attack dougster and juicebox69 and say hurtful words like…
There is no way to prevent people from "filling a board... responding to themselves" without banning IP addresses. Of course, when you do that, you are potentially…
Pretty much agree with Dallas. Don't delete accounts for being stupid, offensive, or trolling. But if there is some way to get rid of the multiples, especially the…
If it was "Founder." would you want it deleted? I would. The same goes for anybody else including Shadow and even Dougster. If a username is created with…
@sharkhunter I don't think alucard. has actually said a word to alucard . Its not like its someone using someones real name. If anything Alucard has put the…
I favor deleting "Allucard." account. Plus several other screen names probably originating from same IP address. RE- urban dictionary definition #6 of spammer: "Someone who posts needless ammounts…
Everything that dallas, sharkhunter and minnow said. I think we all understand the desire to keep the board free from restrictive moderation, but internet discussion boards are…
I think the satire value "Alucard." provides more than outweighs whatever minor annoyance he causes to "Alucard" so I say don't delete. Now if it was another user,…
I agree with txtittyfag....& would like to throw on that he should be moderator. Also ban juicebox.... Who else would tell founder to ban the aliases he created!
Protect the right to satire! No ban/mandatory name change! Joker's windbaggery is particularly flawed, as usual, since their is obviously nothing finance at stake with the similar names.…
last commentDeleted? I say make him moderator!
No Mr. F! It's all in good fun. I am assuming Alucard PM'ed you with his usual crying. And tell me you didn't get a little chuckle out…
Whoa! Had to double check to make sure I wasn't responding to Founder..
Banned Alucard but keep Alucard.
Reason is the later causes way less drama than the former
And I second bring back juicebox69
Juice ! Juice ! Juice !
You should also banned bonerbreath for always saying nigger with no humour behind it....its getting a little much
I also thank you should copy write the system by rickyboy and sell it on tuscl before Rick will make you a lot of cash
But thats my 2 name is James and I give hard answers to hard questions
No. It may have been a little bit in bad taste but it was done as a parody to protest how Alucard behaves on here. His profile page…
I think s/he shouldn't be banned.
S/he didn't crack Alucard's account and begin posting as him. So no admin/software damage was done.
It wasn't long before the…
Let me add, that both names are a pseudonym, a fictitious name. Both are posting anonymously. So no claim can be made that it is effecting…
It is easy to ignore rants. Many rants from the various colorful characters are amusing to read. I sometime bait them on myself to get them going all…
Let dem boyz play big killa
Let's focus on not deleting but bringing back juicebox69
Let's focus on dem strippers and love for da brotha hood
Please founder don't turn this into stripper web.....but if you do go get yoda he will do a good job fucking this place up for ya.....
But if you do delet Alturd. And shadowkat and don't bring back juicebox69 I would appreciate it if you deleted juiicebox69 and juicebox68
I support bringing back juicebox69 if you delete all his aliases. At least we'd know who were really dealing with...
Big F! If you are in the mood to watch heads roll check out Bonesbrothers comments.She's a dancer at Platinum Plus in Columbia S. Carolina and tries to…
Let's not forget the M.O. of this site Founder
" Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
The troll/flame accounts have recently become a problem here including the Alucard. account (note, I am referring to the dot account, not the actual anti-gun flake). It…
Just bring juicebox69 back please
Founder, as long as the ignore function is available I'm okay. In fact I was able to avoid over half of the comments to this thread. Thanks.
Corvus makes a good point about the ignore function.
If we are going to ban anyone here then "rickdugan" really need to be the first to go!
@dallas i think if Founder gets into deleting every account that has flamed another then a ton of accounts would have to be deleted. There are a lot…
I can confirm that statement ^^^^
Hey Founder, picking off one user name after another is pointless. All it takes is one period for tons of accounts from one person. If you want to…
Blankspace shouldn't have been deleted. Blank was a huge contributing factor to this web page and has been deeply missed
Bring Blank Back !
If you banned/delete some body do bonesbrother that was an account to just attack people...his solo mission is to attack dougster and juicebox69 and say hurtful words like…
@ime, you have a point, but I was not referring to a regular user who flames, or irritates other users. I am referring to the recent situation…
There is no way to prevent people from "filling a board... responding to themselves" without banning IP addresses. Of course, when you do that, you are potentially…
Ip address are easy to will not stop a professional
Priority list of users who need to banned from this site (in descending order):
rickdugan txtittyfan Alucard (no period) BonesBrother
"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
Enough said.
Not only do I agree with what Jab just said, but let's be real people. This is a site filled with horny muthafuckas whose hobby is going…
Rev.Slick......Amen !!!!!
Speaking of moderators, I am opposed to the concept but if we get one, here are the best candidates (in descending order):
Dougster txtittyfag juicebox69
...Oh yes, and DoctorPhil as well...
Also add crazyjoe
Joe ! Joe ! Joe !
He so crazy !
It is your site do as you see fit. Has TUSCL become the type of site you desire.
It would be interesting to see the city from which…
Txti the state option would be very koooouuuel
@Txtittyfan-I live in Claremont,CA.
And i live in miami Florida
I whole heartedly agree with dallas702’s last post.
It’s ok to disagree and everyone is entitled to their opinions – but it seems as if some just want to…
Dammit happy 51
Papi you wait until I tell founder ! Your in big trouble mister
Founder is one cool mother Fucker for at least reading and asking for our shitty opinions....
"Alucard." (with dot) is a fairly recent development. So, IMO, I'm not sure how big of an abuser the 'with dot' account is. There are much…
Ban Mayberrywell and bring back Juice, wait I am Mayberrywell ! Keep me , bring back Juice and give Allcard a free month.
Pretty much agree with Dallas. Don't delete accounts for being stupid, offensive, or trolling. But if there is some way to get rid of the multiples, especially the…
If it was "Founder." would you want it deleted? I would. The same goes for anybody else including Shadow and even Dougster. If a username is created with…
Harassing others online I thought was illegal but a lot goes on anyway. If you set up an account where it looks like the sole purpose…
Will the real Alucard please standup,please stand up.
Kinda splitting hairs there Jump the Sharkhunter.
@sharkhunter I don't think alucard. has actually said a word to alucard . Its not like its someone using someones real name. If anything Alucard has put the…
I favor deleting "Allucard." account. Plus several other screen names probably originating from same IP address. RE- urban dictionary definition #6 of spammer: "Someone who posts needless ammounts…
Everything that dallas, sharkhunter and minnow said. I think we all understand the desire to keep the board free from restrictive moderation, but internet discussion boards are…
Not really our decision to make, founder. This site is yours. The decision will be yours.
You will have many pieces of data to base your decision upon.…
It would be nice if people talking about IP addresses had a basic clue WTF they were talking about. Changing IP addresses is trivial in an age of…
Alucard and I have agreed to disagree about gun rights.
Just because I disagree, doesn't mean I can post pages and pages of harassing information about someone.
I think the satire value "Alucard." provides more than outweighs whatever minor annoyance he causes to "Alucard" so I say don't delete. Now if it was another user,…
I agree with txtittyfag....& would like to throw on that he should be moderator. Also ban juicebox.... Who else would tell founder to ban the aliases he created!
Dugly isn't in favor of an IP ban? Shocking.
Too bad you can't read, jestie.
I really don't care if there is one. I'll just tell you right now, since you clearly have no idea what an…
Founder... as others have mentioned this is your site and you should do what is best for the site in general and your financial interests.
I don't generally have…
Bring back juicebox69
Juice! Juice! Juice!
OP = "Posting as others: Re: Alucard." I read it as should Founder require users to CHANGE user name [NOT BAN the user] when that user chooses a…
More juicebox69! More tittyfag! Less RickyBoy! Less Alucard! Less jestie-girl!
Protect the right to satire! No ban/mandatory name change! Joker's windbaggery is particularly flawed, as usual, since their is obviously nothing finance at stake with the similar names.…
With this thread, we have lost all rights to laugh at strippers for being drama queens.
Banned the system by rickyboy