Comments by minnow (page 101)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    North Carolina
    What a shocking coincidence!!!
    Fellas, if you get worked up about a particular review, pm founder. I don't get too worked up about the shills- info isn't entirely false, just slanted. I have pm'ed founder on phony reviews- eg, telling about downing beers in non-alc. club, or going back to VIP in clubs that don't even have a VIP. He has taken appropriate action in all cases. One time, a poster even cut and pasted same boilerplate review to 2 different clubs in same area, repeating the process 6-8 weeks later. As our reviews are what make this site what it is, so too can our spotting of bogus reviews.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    Strip Club Resources
    If you go to Los Angeles area, is a good source of club info. I think there's a link from tuscl to it. As for SCL- it's a big joke, imo. Seems more like a juvenille chat room than a source for useful stripclub info.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Snake is Back!
    Congrats, and welcome back? Did you get an attack boat or a boomer?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Butt implants? Love em or hate em?
    A very popular COI club dancer (mentioned on zb reader reviews) has butt implants. They're somewhat noticeable looking at them, but the turnoff factor for me was the rock-hard feel of them, much like certain boob jobs. (That didn't stop me from buying repeat LD/VIPs from her). I've also encountered a dancer who had liposuction done to part of her butt- no complaints there. Dancer told me that if I felt her butt where lippo was done, she could hardly tell I was feeling her there.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Great Blog from a former Strip Club Manager.
    First saw link on zbone DB- good blog. Which club did blogger manage? (Old Century and / or others???)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OTC Kit?
    OP seems to have OCD about OTC.................
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Should have pulled out sooner
    Nothing is 100% foolproof........ I'll sign off with the joke of the day: At the conclusion of the physical on a sexy coed, the university doctor informed her that she was in excellent health, and asked her if she had any questions. Coed: "My boyfriend likes to perform anal sex on me, is it possible to get pregnant from that?" Doctor: "Certainly- where do you think lawyers come from".
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Police: Man Arrested With 18-Inch Sex Toy In Pants
    I'd like to read the police report, including the part where officer explains what "gave rise" to his suspicions.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OP(10'): Well, for a starting reference point, belonging to the human race for the object of interest................ Really, the attitude of the dancer can add/subtract points regardless of ethnic background. I've mostly been attracted to various Caucasians(white), but I've also turned many down. Asians are near the top of my wish list, I've had one of my best, and also one of my worst experiences with Asians. And so on down the list.............. lopaw, did the Iranian dancer used to dance at Century Nudes, or SR-WLA by chance? If yours is 1 of these, I envy you now.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is This ChiTown Lawyer ?
    I don't think so for several reasons: 1) According to posts, he's in his mid 40's, not 52. 2) Although he lives in IL, he's close to St. Louis, and did some of his clubbing in ESL clubs. 3) chitownlawyer had "Jones" for Tijuana jaunts, I'd be more worried about him being missing in TJ, than turning up in Chicago tabloids. (I'm not one to worry too much)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyway the wind blows...
    Customer Abuse!
    At a few clubs, I've seen them pour ice down bachelors shorts, and then have dancer bounce on his lap. Seems like a boner killer to me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancers Offering Their Numbers/E-mails...
    Its a good business practice, a way to generate $$ outside working shift. manuela: Thank you for pictures and posts. I've figured out your height/weight in USA measures, could you please translate bra size (85) into USA terms ?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Clubs to check out in SF?
    I'll 2nd CTQ's opinion on Crazy Horse being the value champ. While the overall attractiveness of CH dancers may not be quite as good as SFCF, your $$ will go a lot farther there. Stageside interaction for $ tips a strong point there, if that's your thing. The DV clubs on Broadway are tourist traps- you'll be upcharged if you want something more than a clothed airdance there.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Which Asian women are the most beautiful?
    Yes!!! All of the above!!!! To OP's 3 choices, I'd add French-Vietnamese.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How a dancer gets her start
    I've had a couple of dancers tell me that I was their 1st lapdance, but not at the time, only on my return visit to club. I guess I was a little luckier than OP in that one of the newbs 1st requests was for me to take her thong off..........
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL nick names...
    I first chose my handle (minnow) because I prefer being a big fish in a little pond. I like keeping it because of the various words that can be derived from it such as "own", "win", "now", etc.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs with the Most Extras
    May I suggest Diamonds Caberet near Dayton, OH. They require membership card, so why not join a special club. Try telling the guy scanning your drivers license into computer prior to issuing you membership card what you're looking for, he's there to help you. Have fun!!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer I met is my highschool classmate's sister
    Just for grins, I looked up my high school in enwikipedia. There's a section at the end of famous grads. I found out that I'd seen a feature show, got a lapdance from a "POM" feature that graduated from my high school.... Two decades after I did!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Weird Washrooms In SCs
    In addition to former Vegas Crazy Horse 2, a few Texas clubs, and Cowboys- Lexington KY have the pissing trough. The one at SF Crazy Horse is essentially a janitors closet that passes itself off as a restroom. Can't say I've seen a club that has outhouses as a restroom, or one with a bidet.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Sick stripper sharted on customer
    Vet- No, I haven't heard of that- can you provide a link/reference to the story? I guess someone will get around to writing an almanac of "The Unusual Things That Happened In Stripclubs A-Z". Thanks for expanding my vocabulary, and providing me with one more possible reason to wear dark slacks to stripclub.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    taking notes?
    I've been meaning to make a donation to Alzheimers Foundation, but I keep forgetting about it............... Seriously, Lee, after leaving a club, I just jot down all the names I recall from visit ( on newspaper, hotel notepad, or even rental car map) with + or - sign by name,( depending on how good or bad dancer was) and if a lot of dancers, brief description. Usually the name is enough to jog memory when I get around to writing review, or returning for another visit weeks later.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    Read carefully, folks- Victim went to HER hotel room, not his. Not exactly ideal setup for OTC- warrants a caution sign right there. Even if BF in jail or on death row, knowledge of her complicity in ripping off customer (probably not the 1st time her and BF did this scheme) would definitely chill my interest in getting ANY LD's from her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Business Travelers Favorite Cities
    A) Top Recent Choices: Tampa, Los Angeles/Ontario CA, Dallas, Phoenix, Indianapolis. B) Cities I'd Like To Try: Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, Houston, St. Louis, Detroit, maybe Las Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Wondering how to treat guy moving in on dancer that I'm working on.
    I haven't had that happen to me in a stripclub. A similar version has happened to me a few times, namely club employee ( mgr, hostess, etc) cutting in and pulling dancer aside. In one case, "hostess" steered dancer towards a table and got locked down. Club in question was a mega club- I recovered somewhat, but was still rankled by being on the short end of the stick. I put hostess down in my black book as someone who will never get a drink order or tip from me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Has anyone ever caught a cold or flu from a dancer?
    DL- Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that dancer didn't come to work just to pass her illness on to you.