
Has anyone ever caught a cold or flu from a dancer?

Avatar for DancerLuver

Or am i being too paranoid when I see a girl sniffling and coughing as she offers me a dance?


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Avatar for dodgeman

Just as likely getting a cold or flu from a coworker or someone that you meet every day in the real world. Do you think the person serving your food stays home when they are not feeling well. At least there was some fun involved if you caught it from her. There have been a few times I called my fav. to tell her that I was under the weather and would not be in to she her only to find out that she was sick to. So who gave it it who.

Avatar for Dudester

A good while back I caught a cold from a dancer. I noticed she had the sniffles and noticing that I was recoiling a bit-because she needed the money-she encouraged me to play with her kitty and do whatever else wanted. I didn't mind the cold after that.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Hmm, cold isn't bad, I don't want the flu, I'll get dances from someone else.

Avatar for samsung1

I do remember a dancer was sitting at the bar complaining how cold she was. This was summer and I was not cold at all. I told her I would take her back to the LD area to warm her up...had two enjoyable dances from her but yes when I got home I was feeling ill. It went away after 2 or 3 days.

Avatar for minnow

DL- Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that dancer didn't come to work just to pass her illness on to you.

Avatar for harrydave

If you catch a cold from a stripper, it probably means you are not going often enough, or you need to go to a wider set of clubs. Through frequent club visits and intimate contact, you should be immunized against most of the major cold viruses. That is my theory, and I'm sticking with it.

Avatar for Clubber

Better a cold or flu than a case of stupid.

Avatar for potheadpl

I'm just getting over a stripper bug. I'm stupid and make out with strippers.

Avatar for gatorfan

I have never traced the source of colds or flus, but I'm sure it happens. I'd much rather get the flu from a hot stripper than a ugly cashier or store worker who coughs and sneezes on the product you bought and your change.

Avatar for lopaw

If I don't get my yearly dose of "stripper crud" sometime in the winter months, I'd think something was wrong.

Avatar for CCRiderm

I've never caught anything from a stripper...

Wait...what is this crusty runny thing down....ruh rhooo....

Avatar for DoctorDarby

The only time I caught a cold from a dancer was when I went against my better judgement and let an unfamiliar, unattractive, whiny, sniffly, scrawny,skanky woman dance for me. What was I thinking? She even said she was sick. I never saw her in that club again, so I was not the only one who thought she was horrible. Brrrrrrrr. It still makes me shudder.

Avatar for gatorfan

Be happy if a cold is all you ever get from a stripper

Avatar for sharkhunter

You're worrying about a cold? I overheard some guys worrying about getting an std. After they started talking I started wondering if something could rub off on a guy. I don't think anything would go through clothes or I have not heard about that yet. But what if she wants to rub her bare pussy or barely covered pussy against you or wants to start French kissing you or something? If she was real sweaty, who knows what fluids may be in that? If she was real sweaty, I would not want her dancing for me anyway. If her panties or thong was wet, how would you know what was in it? Generally I drink more beer and try not to think about those things if an occasion ever happens that I should worry about. I do like to stay away from anyone with a known cold or disease.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Colds and viruses are easily spread. I do try to stay away from dancers with colds unless they look smoking hot and I rarely see that.

Avatar for sharkhunter

If you're worried about germs, just think if a dancer lets you suck on her nipples, just think about how many other guys with germs may have already put their mouth there. Some of them may have had colds. If extras are going on in the club and she wants to kiss you, just think about what she could be giving you. Shaking hands and touching door knobs, gas pump handles etc. etc. all are good potential virus containing objects. If you're worried I suggest not shaking hands at church either. That is a great way to spread colds and illness better than visiting a strip club. Considering tens of thousands of people die of the flu every year, it should be a crime to shake hands in church. Unless there is a really hot girl right next to you and she isn't sick. Sick people feel obligated to go to church and shake as many hands as possible.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Got a terrible illness and highly contagious with only days left to live? Better go to church while you can. While you're there, shake hands with everyone and sit near a crowd so everyone can inhale the air next to you. A dancer with a bad cold may or may not go to work depending if they let her take time off or how bad she needs the money.

Avatar for Gilly21

Can't imagine a girl being particularly sexy all coughed up sniffly. It's never come up in my experience, but I'm not gonna say that I'd turn down a dance from a cute girl over a cough. Now, if they're pale, shaky, vieny, and general crack-head type of coughing, then ya, I stay far away.

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