
This horror story hit me hard....

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:50 PM
Just this last Wednesday, I entered the Columbia Platinum Plus. As soon as I sat down, I was joined by a dancer new to me. She was attractive, petite (just the way I like em)and very friendly. She introduced her self as Anna and stage name Skye. Then she hit me up for a dance. The price was OK. 2 For $30 but I declined. I wanted to get settled in and see who was working but I left the door open for later. She took it well. On Thursday I was with gridget in the club and mentioned meeting Anna for the first time.She replied "Oh my god. If that is who I think it is, She lured a customer out of here to her hotel room, where she promised sex for money.Her boyfriend rushed in, shot and killed the customer and then took his money".gridget's curiosity was perked. She went over to Anna and asked her if she used to work here awhile back. Anna replied that she had just spent the last 8 years in prison. samsung does a great job of posting these kind of articles on here but this one was personal to me. I don't think I will ever be able to get a LD from Anna.


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I don't think I'd want to be in the same *room* as Anna...
  • imnumnutz
    14 years ago
    8 yrs in the big house? sounds like she was pretty twisted before she went into stir...god only knows how effed up she is now.
  • stan1986
    14 years ago
    Yikes , yeah i'll tell em i have a grand in my truck , grab my pipe wrench and start swinging hope i hit somebody
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I don't know, sometimes a little sense of danger adds to the experience ;0
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Danger? Yes. Mortal danger? Different class of thing entirely.
    14 years ago
    I gather the boyfriend is still locked up? A little disturbing the club would rehire someone fresh out of jail, especially considering how she got to jail in the first place.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    QWERTY said "A little disturbing the club would rehire someone fresh out of jail". It's not like clubs screen the dancers, run background checks, etc. Last year, when I started up with OTC Gal, she was fresh out of the big house. I didn't know that, or the truth, until two months later, when I accidentally stumbled on it. shadow-I wouldn't get dances from her either, and I hope the guys here take note of her name. Your warning about her is the reason a networking site like this exists.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Dudester is correct. Clubs do not do back ground checks. Money is the clubs goal. I tried to search the local Columbia newspaper archives for more details on the BF. Did he get the death penality, etc. But their web page didn't work worth a shit. I did mention it in my latest review to fore warn all users.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    I don't think I would return to the club. I'd just be too freaked out
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Just discovered, through a mutual female friend, that a stripper in Columbus (OH) I know has been doing OTC gigs, stealing from the guys, or setting them up to be robbed by a couple of guys. I'm glad I did not take her up on her OTC offer. If you get the real name of a stripper, and some background on where she has lived for the past 5 years, it's then a pretty easy matter to go to the State corrections department web sites, and do an inmate search. My conclusion is that most strippers have an acquaintance with crime, and the majority have spent time in jail. Perhaps I'm going to the "wrong" clubs!
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Think I might have gotten a dance from her on a visit to PP about 3 weeks ago. Will certainly avoid her in the future if this is all true. I do like petite girls but fortunately the day shift at PP now has a lot of girls working the day shift that are similar in appearance, so plenty of others to choose from.
  • Timbuck12
    14 years ago
    Wow, if that doesn't give pause to anyone considering OTC meetings then I don't know what would. Scary, scary stuff.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    I'm with you Timbuck. A dancer and I have been discussing otc, but now I'll probably pass. I can get what I want from her inside the club so why risk it?
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    SC: I'm pretty sure I ran into Skye during my last vist a few weeks ago, but she quoted a higher price on a Sunday evening. Is she a brunette?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    anna sounds like a real gem. :rolleyes:
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    jack, yes she is a brunette. Shoulder length.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Timbuck, there's *lots* of reasons to take pause at OTC offers. Be prepared, and one can mitigate most of them. Even in this case, there were probably red flags that the victim either didn't know to look for, or just plain ignored.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    That must have been her. I declined 2/$50. I wonder if her parole officer knows she's back working at where she picked up her last mark.
    14 years ago
    Her last "mark" was permanent...
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I hope her boyfriend is still locked up. What a jerk. Sounds like a scene from a horror movie.
  • Cuddle
    14 years ago
    I need to know would she would be rated. Was she at least a 6???
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Now everyone is being a little to hasty about this girl. After 8 years in prison she must be hard up for money, and probably wouldn't mind a bit of cock too ;) If the boyfriend is still away she might actually be a good prospect :) Seriously though, I'm not sure I would get overly paranoid about OTC based upon a one-off event. And as all here know there are things you can do to drastically control the risk. Number one in my book is to stay at a hotel where your door does not open to the outside, but rather where one must pass through a lobby and up an elevator to get to your room. When I have a brand new OTC hookup I also camp out outside the hotel or in the lobby to see if anyone comes in with her. You could also camp out in your car, parked far away from the door, and watch how she arrives even if you ARE in a motel setup.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    hopefully he got the death penalty. I don't know though. thanks for the heads up.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    Read carefully, folks- Victim went to HER hotel room, not his. Not exactly ideal setup for OTC- warrants a caution sign right there. Even if BF in jail or on death row, knowledge of her complicity in ripping off customer (probably not the 1st time her and BF did this scheme) would definitely chill my interest in getting ANY LD's from her.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I hope she doesn't recognize me. If she was charging high prices for dances 8 years ago, she probably still is so I think I'm safe. The last thing I want is for a dancer who spent time in jail to start liking me. I ignored most dancers anyway since most didn't look that interesting to me. There were one or two that made me want to look away. I do vaguely remember one pretty blond who stuck her face next to mine and asked if I remembered her. I did not but I wish I did. I forgot about her too until a brief moment a day or two later. I'm thinking she was a dancer at the club but my memory is bad.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    minnow makes a great point. Also as many crazy killing strippers/hookers there are, there might be even more crazy killing customers/stalkers. I wonder if her and her boyfriend got any conjugal visits during the years in prison. Long time to go without any sex
  • Timbuck12
    14 years ago
    I actually had a dancer invite me to her house recently, but after reading this, hmmm, I dunno.....I've had plenty of OTC meetings with dancers in the past but I always knew them real well first. But with this dancer, I've only been with her at the club 3 times. I haven't seen any other red flags about her, and I've never been burned in past experiences with other dancers, but still.......you can't be too careful. No piece of ass is worth taking a bullet for. Thanks for sharing that story Shadowcat. It's not like we haven't all read about such things before, but there's something different about the impact when it comes from a more personal encounter.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Hey Shadowcat, thanks for the headsup. I'm down in South Florida again and will probably stop at PP on the way back up. I am writing down the felon's names so I do not get dances from her.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    vince, there is a dancer that uses Anna as her stage name. Don't get them confused.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Wait a minute... Clubs don't do background checks, but from shadowcat's story Anna's accomplice-to-murder-via-strip-club-pickup is KNOWN at the Platinum Plus. If she repeated such a crime, everyone in the management of that club would be going to the Big House with her...
  • Timbuck12
    14 years ago
    how: not to mention that the next victim (or victim's family if deceased) would be able to sue the beejesus out of PP for having knowledge of their employee's propensity to do this and still re-hiring her anyway. Of course, the victim/victim's family would have to get over that little hurdle of the victim participating in criminal activity (prostitution).
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Timbuck12, PROSTITUTION??? Are you kidding? Many escort ads, and I'm sure it applies to SC dancers plainly state something to this effect: "Anything else that may or may not occur happens with regard to individual choice and individual preferences between two or more consenting adults of legal age. Such choices are not contracted for or requested to be contracted for in any manner. This is not an offer of prostitution. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    how: They won't go to jail, unless the act of hiring her in and of itself is illegal. It may be, but isn't necessarily. As someone else pointed out however, the may be a liability issue, real or fabricated by a slimy lawyer, for the club to deal with. However, generally speaking, hiring of ex-cons, i.e. "giving them a second chance" is something that's looked on with approval by officialdom. It helps with their "rehabilitation." Unless the club hired her for the express purpose of engaging in the same conduct that got her convicted in the first place, or encourages some other illegal activity, or fails to *dis*courage it, then for the most part, they aren't going to face any legal consequences. Civil liability is a different question entirely, of course. You don't need a good case to get into court and cost the club money, you just need a lawyer who's willing to take it (or be willing to file all the papers involved). Judges at that level usually can't refuse to hear a case because they think it's stupid. They can refuse to hear it if you haven't followed proper procedure, or something like that, and they can dismiss it if it turns out to be stupid, but until they actually hear it, there's usually no discretion about it.
  • Timbuck12
    14 years ago
    That kind of language isn't worth the paper it's printed on. What I'm talking about it what shadowcat described in his original post: Club employees dancer who arrangements, while working at Club, for OTC prostitition with Club customer. Dancer and BF kill employee and Dancer goes to jail. After getting out of jail, Club hires Dancer AGAIN and puts her right back into the same employ/environment to meet Club customers as what happened when she murdered previous customer. IF it happens again, Club has some liability/culpability for knowing the propensity of risk/danger to its customers of employing that dancer and putting her (and future customers) in that same environment again anyway. And with further regard to that disclaimer language: how hard to do you really think it would be to prove PP (or any other similar club) knows what goes on with extras, ITC and OTC, between its dancers and customers and simply turns a blind eye to it???
  • how
    14 years ago
    I should leave the legal stuff to the folks who know (and discount my earlier-stated-opinion accordingly). But it logically seems a poor decision by PP management to re-hire this woman, KNOWING what she did from their club. Assuming she's rehabilitated, she should at least work somewhere else.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Shit, I'd take her out of the club if she was hot enough. She has all the right attributes, hard up for money and fairly untouched by a lot of other cocks. And you know that the last thing she will do is bitch about anything to anybody. I normally agree with some of the posters in here but on this one I feel like I've stumbled across a room of old ladies, or perhaps barnyard hens. Fuck, do you people think you've been fucking choir girls this whole time??? TAKE REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS AND HAVE FUN!!!
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    There would be little if any liability by the club as they do not hire dancers. They are independent contractors. Common sense is all it takes to keep yourself out of these situations. After all, accidents are how nature cleanses itself of stupid people.
  • how
    14 years ago
    txtittyfan, are you saying the murder victim was so stupid to go OTC with this woman that he deserved to be "cleansed?" I hope not.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    how: I agree with regard to the quality of the decision process at PP in this instance. I suppose it's possible current management doesn't know her history, but... rick: I was the mark in attempted hold up in a room with a stripper once. Fortunately, the heavy of the piece understood what 9mm of jaketed hollow point lead would do to his skull and soft tissue, and was disinclined to pursue the matter further. If that incident makes me a little more cautious than some, I'm OK with that. :)
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    gmd, I would probably feel the same way in your shoes, but the overall discussions about hiring cons, club liability, etc., make me shake my head. I am not unaware of the risks in picking up OTC strippers, but my point is that one cannot live afraid of the possiblity of a problem and instead should take reasonable precautions and enjoy. This thread is becoming part "this really scares me" and part meeting of the American Bar Association.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    How, I did not say he deserved to be cleansed. But, if a person willingly places themselves in an increased/high risk environment without taking any precautions, then they are exposing themselves to increased probabilities of accidents. This guy was stupid. He left a club, probably after drinking, to meet a stripper he did not know in her hotel room for sex. Can you honestly say that is not stupid?
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    ttf,, Herbert Spencer coined, "survival of the fittest", even though it is often credited to Darwin. I think that makes your point, however, I don't think the level of stupidity by the above individual should result in his death.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Clubber, 4. Stupidity and Accidents There are so many laws and safeties, that it seems nearly impossible to have an accident. The problem though, is that we need accidents, and lots of them. Danger is nature's way of eliminating stupid people. Without safety, stupid people die in accidents. Since the dead don't reproduce, our species effectively becomes more intelligent (or at least, less stupid). With safety in place, no matter how well intentioned it may be, we are devolving into half-witted mutants, because idiots (who by all rights should be dead) are freed to go out and breed even more imbeciles. Let's do away with safety and improve our species. Run with scissors; play with blasting caps; jaywalk; go swimming after a very large meal; stick something in your ear. Do all of these things and do them with gusto; Future generations will thank you! Personal note: This entire commentary is an excellent argument against the validity of the Theory of Evolution. Were the Theory of Evolution correct, then humankind would not tend to build societal systems that override evolutionary tendancies... This is a takeoff of an article that gets circulated every year or so regarding accidents and stupidity.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    rick: Don't disagree with your last sentence there, but to me, avoiding people who have a history of killing their clients quite easily fits into the category of "reasonable precaution". :) In the absence of any knowledge of that history, however, I'd still have a high degree of confidence in my ability to avoid or thwart the kind of thing that happened in this instance. Going to her hotel room instead of mine, for instance, would never have happened. If I later found out about it, I don't know what I'd do. I guess it would depend on how the first X encounters went, and how many "X" represents.
  • Timbuck12
    14 years ago
    txtittyfan: without getting into too much a of a legal discussion here, be assured that just because a strip club (or any business for that matter) calls the dancers "independent contractors" doesn't mean that the dancers actually meet the legal definition of such.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    When I started this thread, I had no idea it would create such a legal debate. Since I know the Platinum Plus better than anyone else on here, let me share my insight. Because you asked what does Anna look like? well, I said petite. I would rate her a 7-8 in personality and appearance. Do I think that PP knowingly hired a felon? Absolutely not. Since she spent 8 years in prison, the event must have taken place back in 2001 or 02. I doubt that any of the managers back then are still around. I have seen them quit, get fired and die. Ken Wood (Ken Wood Enterprises) is the owner but in 9 years I have never seen him. His flunkies tell me he spends most of his time on the gold course. Do I think Ken remembers or gives a shit? Yes. He lost the Memphis Platinum Plus (his #1 club)for all the stuff that went on there. Now the Columbia Platinum Plus is his bread and butter. He does not want to lose it too. BJs and FS ITC will get a dancer suspended. 5 Dancers recently got the boot. At least two of them have been allowed back in. HJs and pussy petting are tolerated as long as they are done discretely. Does he care what goes on OTC? Hell no. AS long as the dancers make their tip outs, he is happy. We could argue the legalities until the cows come home but the club will look out for itself.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    OTC can be dangerious - you never know how many Annas are out there. Some of these people will do anything for drugs. There are things you can do to contol an otc session and caution should be your watchword. Be wary of gals wanting to stop off and get cigs and then take a long time making a call. It does not phase me much though as your either in the program or not. Me, I am in the program. Seeing strippers can be dangerous, like flying jets. One could argue ITC FS might be safer but a jeoulus BF or husband could rush into the VIP room or CR before you would know whats happening.
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