does the race/ethnicity of a dancer make a difference in your choices. do you seek out a particular type or maybe avoid a certain nationality when dealing with dancers. i personally think beauty comes in all races but do find that i tend to gravitate to bosomy, black women. definitely would not turn away a hot latina, oriental or white girl though. only thing that is a no go for me is either no tits or too many tattoos/piercings.
last commentIt makes very little difference to me, as Shadowcat put it. It's all pink on the inside.
I will maul any large bosoms - black, white, chartreuse, whatever!
Equal opportunity groper here.
I'm with steve, It's all pink on the inside.
Interesting question that's not as easily answered as I first thought. A couple points: < P > I tend toward tall, slender, and medium-to-lightly complected women with proportional natural breasts and butts, little body hair, and unblemished skin (no stretch marks, unsightly scars, nor excessive razor rash/bumps in their "Y"). Unfortunately, many dancers of darker ethnicity are not among my top choices because they're too thick (e.g., African/Latina), too hairy (Middle Eastern/Indian), or too swarthy (Mediterranean). In almost all cases, their hair is darker/coarser which makes pubic shaving more problematic, leaving behind a permanent 5-o'clock shadow, razor stubble/bumps, and sometimes scarring/pot marks.
I also shy away from some ethnic groups because they're too freckly/splotchy (Irish/English), too much pigment contrast between between regular skin and areolae/pubic areas (Asian/Spanish/East Indian - not a fan of large, dark nipples), or just too short/stocky (Asian/Mexican).
So, Mr. Picky, who's left... :)
No big surprise, my favs are ethnically middle/upper Euro-babes including German, Polish (love Polish women!), French, Scandinavian, Icelandic, Nordic, Dutch, Swiss, Estonian, Georgian, Hungarian (if their teeth are good), etc. And let's not forget mother Russia - wow, wow, wow. I'm getting horny just thinking about'em all.
Now, having said all that, and lest some of you think I'm a total scheming, heartless bastard that won't give a girl a chance if she's not some lilly-white Euro-queen, I have groped/screwed and otherwise had the pleasure of nearly every nationality, and almost always leave happy. And there are beautiful specimens of every ethnic variety, especially when a pleasant smile and warm personality figure into the mix. I'm just saying, to use a broad-brush to answer the original question, I know where my preferences lie.
Let's have fun out there...
I try to look at everyone individually, but that's not to say that there aren't stereotypes for a reason. When it comes to dancers, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I like em sexy, sometimes sweet and innocent looking. If I had a "type", I probably wouldn't spend as much time in SC's and just go looking for a civilian of that type to keep me busy.
LOL rod.. i thought i was picky!
i've had a couple latina atfs, a couple black atfs, and a few white atfs. there was an asian girl that could have been an atf but she didn't give me enough. anyway, color doesn't matter as long as she is hot and appeals to my senses, i've described what i like before.
Steve, equal opportunity groper... LOL, me too.
10", If they have the look, the personality and attitude that clicks for me, that's what it's all about.
Attitude, look, how they present themselves, and prospects for fun. That's the formula.
i'm wif u GK damn rod i think hitler had less requirements and stigmas (not calling you hitler at all, just a bit picky) its all good we are there to have a good time and looks shouldnt always matter. hell i have paid 4 dances from girls i wouldnt consider attractive just because she came over talked me up and we had a good time felt da connections and went for it. sometimes that makes for an even better LD if yall feeling the chemistry
Petite with no more than a b- cup and under 25. Brown hair and eyes preferred. Race makes no difference as long as they fit the "mold".
I'm partial to certain body types, and if a girl has that body time, irrespective of race or ethnicity, then she's attractive. If not, then not. There are other details, such as attitude, skin quality, teeth, hygiene, etc, that go into the evaluation, but race alone doesn't.
Now, around here, there are certain propensities among dancers. Most of the women of non-white races who are dancing at the clubs I frequent are of a body type that is typically less attractive to me, i.e. large butt, sagging breasts, poor skin, or lax muscles, etc. I'm as turned off by Caucasian dancers with those attributes as I am of other races.
Although I'm a Sicilian Jew, I'm regared as caucasian (HATE that word). With that said though,
ine up four women of different ethnicities, I will go with:
The Asian- GREAT in bed and very loyal.
Black gal-Great in bed and open minded.
Latina-Although 99% of them are spoken for by age 12, once in a while you find one willing to do FS BB because hubby is in jail.
The white gal-it's harder to get extras out of a white stripper than those listed above.
haven't done an asian as there aren't many around here and i agree white girls (well the hotter ones anyway) are less apt to go the extra mile than black and latina girls will.
of course there are always exceptions.............
Yes, absolutely, I racial profile because I prefer European White women. Non-White women as a rule don't get my dick hard.
@ GStringAddict: How is that even possible???
I like all women. I am very open. They just have to look and smell good both in the outside and inside...in my standards. Standards that I am too lazy to explain. lol
Ultimately, if I am seeking a dancer. I will check to see if:
(Ranked) 1)they actually know how to dance! I absolutely love a girl who can work those hips and shake that booty meat. 2)they have the physical looks. I look at face first, body second. 3)they have good hygiene. Neutral smell is minimum. Body spray is always great. 4)they have good personalities and attitudes. Bad attitude is a turn off for me and so I brush them off my shoulders.
Dancers with good presentation wins my money... plus me!
I guess I just listed some of my dancer standards...
Race absolutely doesn't matter to me. We are all humans.
All things being equal, I would choose black, asian, or latina women first. Guess I like my fantasies to be far from my reality. HOWEVER, if a dancer of ANY race has the right attitude, I can be very, very happy.
I tend to gravitate towards white women. But if the right woman of any race comes along, I'll be all over it.
For the first time an Arab American woman won the Miss USA Pageant this year (Rima Fakih)... is this a sign of a new white male fetish?
^ no.. it's the continuous political correctness thought that if we treat a certain group nicely, they will like us and not kill us.
nothing against the fine looking arab women out there, but the miss usa pageant has always been politicly correct and there's always an agenda behind their moves. (besides the backroom bjs)
I grew up mostly with white people and read Playboy magazine, so at first I liked white blonde women.
Then I met a black woman in a club and we had a great time OTC, so then I liked black women.
Then I had an Asian ATF in one club, and I developed a preference for small Asian women.
Then I got some really high mileage dances from some babes in Mexico, so Latinas were my preference.
Then I met my wife, who is a tall blonde, so I liked white women again.
And so it goes.
Of course it matters. We all have preferences. You may call them whatever they wish. I see an Asian woman, I am on it. Of course, they do have to look good, which is just another preference. I am not into dark women, no matter the race, even Asian ones.
Although I'm always attracted to Asian women, by coincidence my latest flavor-of-the-month happens to be (of all things) Iranian.
Whooda thunk it!
I tend not to be attracted to most black women. Also, most Asians don't really do it for me.
Latinas and Italian women are my favorites, both for their body types and personalities. Now some of the Latinas also tend towards the chunkier side once they have been in the U.S. for a while, but the ones that can limit their tortillas and beans intake can often look fantastic!
OP(10'): Well, for a starting reference point, belonging to the human race for the object of interest................
Really, the attitude of the dancer can add/subtract points regardless of ethnic background. I've mostly been attracted to various Caucasians(white), but I've also turned many down. Asians are near the top of my wish list, I've had one of my best, and also one of my worst experiences with Asians. And so on down the list..............
lopaw, did the Iranian dancer used to dance at Century Nudes, or SR-WLA by chance? If yours is 1 of these, I envy you now.
Minnow, Remember those green skinned alien dancing girls on the old Star Trek? I would do them, lol.
farmerart: I will maul any large bosoms - black, white, chartreuse, whatever!
So it was you jacking off at that Avatar showing!
The three things I seek in a dancer are: A) Hot looking B) Not a princess C) Fun
For A, race is not a big issue. I like full lips (edge to black dancers) and long black hair (edge to asians and latinas). But not big factors after considering eyes/boobs/booty/legs and just generally not having the grumpy, stick-up-the-ass look.
For B, white dancers seem to be the most likely to be princesses (but not always). Princesses seem to be desparate to believe that their boyfiends don't put up with them just for the free pussy. They want you to pay them AND be their doormat. Good dancers realize that they make $300-600 per hour while they're dancing, so they pull out the stops to get you to want to buy more dances. They're not into hustling tips/drinks/food, or fucking with your head just for grins. They don't need you to tell them how they are real princesses, and people are just stupid for not seeing it and treating them as they deserve.
There's a lot of overlap between B and C. A lot of latin girls are not princesses, but they have the idea that you want them to pretend like they're your fiance or something. Too heavy to be fun. I get the impression that a lot latin GUYS are into this. Just a lack of good product differentiation I guess.
minnow - Don't know where this dancer worked before...I'll ask her when I see her on Saturday. Sounds like you've had some good experience(s) with a Persian gal? Do tell! I can tell you that this woman is off the charts in all catagories and the mileage is ridiculous ;)
lopaw: Didn't happen if there ain't pictures! :)
Attitude and actions matter; skin color does not. As it happens, most of my fave dancers are latina, but that does not mean others are unwanted.
So Farmerart, when you are talking to strippers, do you call their boobs "bosoms"? Do they laugh or smack you?
lol gmd gotta sneak a spy cam in one day......