To return to the scatological. A washroom in a SC I recently visited had no urinals. This spot had a ten foot metal trough for urinary relief with all the splatter and backsplash one could ever desire. Anything grosser or weirder come to mind?
Yes, the men's washroom at The Crazy Horse in San Fran. The sole toilet had no privacy walls ... just you doin' your thing in front of whoever enters, or it would be if it worked. Instead, when I was there they would tell you to use the women's bathroom for #2s.
I love the dive bar clubs that don't have doors on the toilets. Glad I've never had drop the deuce at a club. It's weird to think I'll have my dick out in a very public VIP but I'm not comfortable taking a dump with out a lot of privacy.
While on the subject. I have never seen a ladies room in a club. In the ones that I am familiar with, the female customers must use the one in the dancers dressing room.
I can't understand why any club wouldn't have a stall around the toilet and yet a good number of clubs I have gone to don't. Fortunately, I usually don't have to do #2 at the club.
I find it odd that Shadowcat says he's never seen a ladies room at a club, because most of the clubs I've gone to have one which is not one in the dancer's dressing room. There might be some sort of legal thing going on there, plus it's probably something that was there before it was a strip club.
The bathroom attendent at my club seems more interested in giving you a towel then keeping the restroom clean. Now it usually pretty clean but I seen him ignore cleaning just to hand out towels and accept tips.
Usually on busier nights the clubs that give half a shit will keep the trough (urinals for that matter) full of ice to help kill the smell. Also helps with the splatter issue.
Slightly OT, but I can't fucking stand it when I go to a urinal and there isn't a shelf or drink holder right in front of me about shoulder level. Seriously, I don't want to leave my drink where it could get taken by over-zealous waitresses or spiked by some nutbag. Neither do I want to try and balance it on the top of the urinal pipe. Late into the evening I can sometimes barely balance myself much less a beer bottle on a pipe fitting.
In addition to former Vegas Crazy Horse 2, a few Texas clubs, and Cowboys- Lexington KY have the pissing trough. The one at SF Crazy Horse is essentially a janitors closet that passes itself off as a restroom. Can't say I've seen a club that has outhouses as a restroom, or one with a bidet.
You're right - I love it when I go to a club and I have to share the dancers bathroom with them. It does come with some caveats, tho - I not only get to see some of these chicks in bright light (Ack!), but I also get to see & hear the types of things that occur in a bathroom that you guys never have to experience. It can really kill the fantasy. After all....strippers never actually pee or poo, do they? ;)
What's interesting is that more & more I'm finding clubs with separate female customer & dancer restrooms. As female customers get more commonplace, it seems clubs are adding that separate "jane" for us lady clientele.
One of the clubs locally has a men's room that not only doesn't have a stall for the commode, but has no way to lock the restroom door from the inside! In addition, when the door is open, said commode is visible to a significant portion of the stage room, including, if memory serves, much of the stage itself.
^ now that you mention that georg, that reminds me that at several clubs in my area the urinals are in plain view of the main room when the door is open.
Don't know if anything's changed in the last couple of years, but the men's rooms at Chicago's Wrigley Field, that sacred Mecca of baseball, had metal, 10-foot troughs. Quite classy.
The men's room at Harper's in Winston-Salem didn't even have a door. Women had to stand in the doorway to open there restroom door. Never seemed to bother the guys. I understand they have remodeled it along with the rest of the club though.
last commentand the royal palace in d.c.? As I can remember the mens' room was absolutely filthy.
thankfully i've never had to use them.
Lopaw has it made....
I find it odd that Shadowcat says he's never seen a ladies room at a club, because most of the clubs I've gone to have one which is not one in the dancer's dressing room. There might be some sort of legal thing going on there, plus it's probably something that was there before it was a strip club.
Slightly OT, but I can't fucking stand it when I go to a urinal and there isn't a shelf or drink holder right in front of me about shoulder level. Seriously, I don't want to leave my drink where it could get taken by over-zealous waitresses or spiked by some nutbag. Neither do I want to try and balance it on the top of the urinal pipe. Late into the evening I can sometimes barely balance myself much less a beer bottle on a pipe fitting.
You're right - I love it when I go to a club and I have to share the dancers bathroom with them. It does come with some caveats, tho - I not only get to see some of these chicks in bright light (Ack!), but I also get to see & hear the types of things that occur in a bathroom that you guys never have to experience. It can really kill the fantasy. After all....strippers never actually pee or poo, do they? ;)
What's interesting is that more & more I'm finding clubs with separate female customer & dancer restrooms. As female customers get more commonplace, it seems clubs are adding that separate "jane" for us lady clientele.
Pasadena, the restrooms at the stadium were all that way.
One funny note, however...
A couple of guys down, this black guy said, "This waters cold", and his friend, Yeah, and deep too."
You should try going to Europe. Many of the public bathrooms in Italy didn't have toilet seats at all, and you had to pay to get into many of them.