
OTC Kit?

For those that are in the habit of OTCing, do you have soemthing like what I call my OTC kit?

I have a backpack that I keep all of my OTC stuff in, so that when I hit town for an OTC "event" - or even if I'm merely hitting a club with a hope that OTC might follow, I can have everything I need. (this backpack is kept in a locked drawer in my office at work)

Some of the things that I keep in my backpack;
-> speakers (for my computer for iTune entertainment)
-> shot glasses (three kinds - regular, shooter and quaffer)
-> condoms
-> body lotions (including the KY that warms when you apply... if you haven't tried it, do so!)
-> camera (and extra memory cards)
-> a supply of uhhh .. diamond shaped pills - just in case (hey, I'm gettin' older! [wink])
-> playing cards (they have come in handy to loosen things up with games like Strip War and Strip Crazy 8's, etc.)
-> dice (yep, I've rolled dice with a girl... "if I roll a number higher than yours, I can [fill in the blank]" - or "you will do [fille in the blank] for me", etc.)
-> gum
-> blank CDs (in case the girl wants me to burn some music for her)
-> aspirin, tylenol and ibuprophen (don't want things to end early because of a headache, toothache, cramps)
-> bandaids (had a girl step on bottle cap and cut her toe... she was grateful for the bandaid!)

I think that's it, unless I'm forgetting... But, the moral of the story, just like a Boy Scout, I COME prepared!

Of course before the rendezvous, I will stop and pickup things like red bull, juice, soda, and liquor, all based upon the girls likes. For my current (CJ), I will get sprite, red bull and Jager (for Jager Bombs), and a 6 pack of whatever import sounds good when I'm at the store and probably Crown or Patron.

Incidentally, other than two times (once in Dallas - take out from Baby Dolls) and once in Houston (ummm ... an escort), my OTCs are usually all about spending the entire evening together and having a good time. Typcially, the OTC will be instead of the girl working the club, so it will be basically for the length of her shift so as not to raise suspicion (if you know what I mean). Some have been all-nighters. Usually start out going out to dinner, then back to the hotel for festivities.


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    I wouldn't take a computer. Just in case you get things turned around on you, that's a lot of info to lose. It's your call though. Otherwise, I think you got the bases covered.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    In addition to most of thing you talk about, I include clean king size sheets in mine. A couple of girls have expressed concern over the cleanliness of the hotel's.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "Strip Crazy 8's"

    Great idea, lol.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol...too funny.

    My OTC kit consists of a wad of cash in my pocket and, if I have some forethought, a few condoms. With such detailed planning and sophisticated foresight evident here I am clearly an amateur amongst masters. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Hey, the first one wouldn't go without them, and there was a spare set in the closet, so... Small price to pay for that particular girl, and it's impressed some few since. If I was a high class traveler such as Rick, gadding about the country, I might go light, too. But I'm a local kinda guy, with not far to go, and a few regular girls. I can afford to make things a little more comfortable. ;)
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    OTC kit? pack "How to Fuck Strippers for Dummies
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Be sure to include cigarette lighter - they forget these, then get to the room and want to smoke.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    OP seems to have OCD about OTC.................
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Blindfold, handcuffs, nipple clamps, riding crop...oh, wait, sorry, that's a different kit.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I never forget the bubble bath.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    My kit for OTC is cash and, unlike rick who has confessed to the occasional lapse of memory, condoms.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago

    Thanks guys for the info, I'll add some items to my kit.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    At what point do you stop calling it OTC. You do it enough, you should call it a fucking relationship. Yes that was proper use of the word fucking!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Here's an idea to eliminate the need for a kit. Purchase a nice motor coach, lease a camp ground site, and stock it up! No need to worry about an kit. A big upside, a dancer get to be a PITA, MOVE!
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    throw a hooker in the winnebago and skip the stripper completely.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    There ya go!
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    there is way toooooo much stuff in your kit bag. your fukking these strippers not trying to romance them. all they care about is the money for the sexual service they provide. here are some tips

    -> speakers (for my computer for iTune entertainment)
    .....[dont need it] too much can go wrong - she steals the comp, takes a pic on the webcam, gets personal info off of it. leave it at home the hotel has a radio clock for music, or bring an ipod and get a small speaker set from radio shack for $10

    -> shot glasses (three kinds - regular, shooter and quaffer)
    .....[dont need it] hotels have cups maybe plastic but hell why impress the stripper, aint like she will do extra cause you have shot glasses

    -> condoms
    .....[need it] live visa ..dont leave home without it

    -> body lotions (including the KY that warms when you apply... if
    you haven't tried it, do so!)
    .....[dont need it] she aint fuking you for pleasure, the only thing that gets her off is green....cash. trust me shes had enough dicks run up in her that she probably doesnt feel you in her

    -> camera (and extra memory cards)
    .....[dont need] the fuk would you need evidence for? for the ball and chain to find? to loose a memory card and it ends up on the internet for your coworkers to find and wife? for law enforcement to find and pin you / stripper? what is the purpose, its a hit and run leave no evidence.

    -> a supply of uhhh .. diamond shaped pills - just in case (hey, I'm gettin' older! [wink])
    .....[need it] hey get your moneys worth out of abusing her pussy in an attempt to make her cum

    -> playing cards (they have come in handy to loosen things up with games like Strip War and Strip Crazy 8's, etc.)
    .....[dont need it] well to gatorfans comment "How to Fuck Strippers for Dummies" your paying she is the entertainment, make her ass get the fuk up and dance to the music from the ipod, if she dont want to dance have her perform sexual activities then you both are entertained. after that tell her to massage you down, make her work for the money and others your providing.

    -> dice (yep, I've rolled dice with a girl... "if I roll a number higher than yours, I can [fill in the blank]" - or "you will do [fille in the blank] for me", etc.)
    .....[dont need it] see above comment

    -> gum
    .....[dont need it] if your kissing her just think of where her lips have been before you, probably on hundreds of dicks, pussies, and maybe an ass or two

    -> blank CDs (in case the girl wants me to burn some music for her)
    .....[dont need it] damn you think of everything tell her you'll bring it next time and for her to do xtra for it or knock of some $$$ next time

    -> aspirin, tylenol and ibuprophen (don't want things to end early because of a headache, toothache, cramps)
    .....[need it] ok some compassion for her, and the too many drinks she had

    -> bandaids (had a girl step on bottle cap and cut her toe... she was grateful for the bandaid!)
    .....[need it] well you should have one in the wallet but again if your bringing your main wallet to the hotel again you need to read "How to Fuck Strippers for Dummies" and "strip clubs for dummies"
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