Care to share where your nick name originated from? We did this awhile back but since then we have had a lot of new posters. As for me, I have shared my home with a 4 legged critter named Shadow for the last 12 years. He is friendly.
I've always been fascinated with ninjas ever since I saw "Revenge of the Ninja" as a kid. Storm Shadow of G.I. Joe fame happens to be my favorite ninja out of all media outlets (TV/movies, comic books, etc.) to the point where I even went to a Halloween party last year dressed as him! The 760 in my name represents where I was born & raised: Oceanside (and San Diego), CA
The name of my computer monitor....I had no idea I would be using TUSCL so often. I have thought about changing it but too spoiled with all the VIP credits I have saved up on this site.
i thought about starting a thread regarding our nick names several times since i joined tuscl but always decided against it because by explaining how i got my name i could possibly give away who i am if any of the employees of the clubs i frequent happened to read my explanation. like i've said before, the employess of the clubs don't know that i'm reviewing them and i want to keep things that way.
My Wife who is a dancer calls me Shadow due to the fact i'd sit in the shadows and watch her work sometimes before I went off and did my own thing in the club.
I am a frustrated farmer. Born and raised on a farm but left at 15 for the oil patch and didn't return to the rural life until selling my company 45 years later. I now grow tomatoes (89 different varieties this year) and flowers. I have found that taking my flowers to strip club girls here in Alberta gets nowhere near the reaction that one of my browns (C$100) elicits !! Lousy growing season for tomatoes at Rancho farmerart this year. Anybody need a few tons of green tomatoes?
@troop They are still around but mostly west of the Mississippi River. All of their gasoline is from the United States which can't be said for Exxon-Mobil, BP, Chevron, etc.
I originally planned to use the name "Showtime" which was the name of a favorite strip club I used to frequent in Nashville. Somehow when I registered an "n" replaced the "h" and my new name appeared. I was so excited to be a part of this site that I never bothered to change it. Based on Shadowcat's comments above I may do so in the future, but will probably leave it as is.
MajorBoobage is both the name of a South Park episode (the one where Kenny gets high on cat urine) that was on shortly before the first time I logged onto this site, and also what I go to strip clubs for.
In the Marines, I learned to approach many situations without caution. Later, as a cop, I was on gang task force and ERT (similar to SWAT). Many times, I did things that just amazed others-climbing on top of a 250 foot radio tower to talk down a jumper, while on a water tower on surveillance op-exchanged gunfire with a rogue cop, fearlessly taking on three strong arm robbers (backup was on the way, bu I managed to take down and pin all three for about thirty seconds, until backup helped cuff them.
I'd walk into roll call the day after some big feat and there'd be this subdued chant-Duuuuudester !!
I wrote about my username in an article I posted. In large strip clubs I often thought dancers behaved like packs of sharks. They would swarm passing back and forth. Then, when they saw a good looking piece of meat, they would attack. I let them come at me and try to swat away the less desirable ones. I try to pick the more desirable shark.
My surname begins with a D, so amongst my friends, I was originally Dandy Dan D., but the D was dropped so I became Dandy Dan. After being on here, I discovered there is a strip club in Denver named Dandy Dan's.
When I was a kid, I sometimes played arcade video games. If I got a high score, I would input HOW for the three-letter designator..."How does he do it?"
I first chose my handle (minnow) because I prefer being a big fish in a little pond. I like keeping it because of the various words that can be derived from it such as "own", "win", "now", etc.
I used to work in the grocery business throwing stock....the ail I had was the juice ail !.......... :)) juicyjuice....aka juicebox........the 69 has nothin to do with the sex position I realy don't care for it being honest but it was my football number all through youth league up until I finished college !
Juicebox69, I must have a dirty mind, I assumed "juicebox" refered to something else. And "69".
Farmerart, I hope you don't take a box of rotten tomatoes to the club to pelt the air dancers.
For me, "Ermita" was the old red light district in Manila before Mayor Lim cleaned it up. A strip club heaven if there ever was one. And night time is when I used to visit.
Ahh, but he'll have to return to PP to be Kelani'd. Any time I can be, I will :) Back to the topic at hand, I commented on this before in another discussion I believe. I call myself vincemichaels in tribute to my departed grandpa and brother.
My nickname is a line from the title track of the Bat Out Of Hell album. The adjacent lyrics is a little better suited for my account on the pink site, but I decided to use the same nickname on both sites.
last commentThey are still around but mostly west of the Mississippi River. All of their gasoline is from the United States which can't be said for Exxon-Mobil, BP, Chevron, etc.
I'd walk into roll call the day after some big feat and there'd be this subdued chant-Duuuuudester !!
Farmerart, I hope you don't take a box of rotten tomatoes to the club to pelt the air dancers.
For me, "Ermita" was the old red light district in Manila before Mayor Lim cleaned it up. A strip club heaven if there ever was one. And night time is when I used to visit.
shadowcat had a canine Lhasa Apso (named Lapso, Lap for short) before the feline Shadow. Therefore, his TUSCL name was lapdog. : )