Here are two at opposite ends of the price & attractiveness spectrum. Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco (expensive). Tropicana 66 in Scranton, Kansas (inexpensive).
If you want extras and can travel anywhere in the country, go to Reno, Nevada. Then forget the strip clubs and visit the legal brothels a short drive away in Mustang and Mound House.
Go to Detroit. I would be surprised if you went to Henry VIII South and did not get an offer for a HJ or BJ. Or you could take the windsor tunnel over and just hire an escort legally.
ESL has a lot of variety; anybody can get anything at any price at any time. Helps to be a regular at Trop 56 - there are exceptions. MBOT in SF has nice looking girls, but c'mon it's just sex - not worth $500+. I gotta get back to Houston, soon!!
Welcome to the tuscl board! I see this your first post but you have provided a couple of reviews over the years. Couldn't help but notice that you are a man of very few words who doesn't get caught up in the details - NICE :)
My favorite placs for extras are as follows:
1. Boston There is a club called Centerfolds that is off the hook. Once you get inside the club, just tell one of the guys in tuxedos exactly what you are looking for (and maybe slip him a few bucks for his trouble) and he will take VERY good care of you.
2. Chicago Another crazy place for fun. Any of the 5 clubs in Chicago proper are good options, but my personal favorite is the Pink Monkey. Here, however, you need to be a little more subtle and wait until you get the girl in the lap dance area to work it out. Usually moving your hand gently on her thong will get the message to her and let the party begin!
3. Milwaukee The general rule of thumb here is that the closer the club is to downtown Milwaukee the more fun it is. The trick in these clubs is to pre-negottiate with the girl before going back for the dance and you will find that they appreciate the direct approach. I guess it is a cultural thing as Milwaukee has a heavy German influence. Just let her know exactly what you need and she will take it from there!
4. Richmond This is another place that is a little more subtle. Here, all good things come from the door guy/gal, so you need to make it clear to this person what you are there for as you are paying the door fee. He/she will make sure that you get all the right action ;)
I'll try to post more as I think of them. In the meantime, good luck!
farmer, I think that discretion is the better part of valor, so I would most definately prefer that my name not come up as you do the things I mentioned above. ;)
1) Bogart's in Inkster (Detroit) - The girls practically insist on extras in the VIP ($10 one-time entry fee and $20/dance). Either negotiate with the girls while on the main floor or discuss when back in the VIP. I like BBBJs for about $60 which includes however many songs it takes to get there (Usually within two). The girls at Bogart's seem down-to-earth, very fair, and value-oriented as well, which I appreciate.
2) Fight Club in Inkster: Totally upscale, as beautiful as Bogart's is trashy. And like Bogart's the availability of extras is usually made known by the girls. Unlike Bogart's, it's more expensive, but the girls are better looking, classier, and the VIP rooms large, nicely cushioned/upholstered, and curtained off for privacy.
3) Follies in Atlanta - 30-minute VIP is $142, which may or may not include extras, depending on the girl and what you discuss before heading back. I've had nude grinding or a HJ for the basic fee and a BBBJ w/an upcharge of ~$60, making the 30-minute total ~$200.
4) Palomino Club in Vegas - $100/three songs in nicely cushioned/upholstered and private VIP rooms. Although not specifically requested or discussed, a complimentary HJ was included, perhaps because the dancer and I struck a nice rapport beforehand on the main floor.
5) Hawaii Theater in City of Industry, CA - Never been there, but reviews suggest it's pretty much wide open in the VIP, with total costs in the $120 - $250 range.
Friday afternoon at Bogarts, $120 was the price I was quoted at Bogarts for a BJ (her name was Destiny). I took her HJ offer instead and she was a ROB who told me I owed her extra tip at the end. Also unlike Henry South this stripper did not have any moisturizer with her. She used her spit instead... I would give Bogarts another try but not on a Friday afternoon.
rickdugan: Ok. I am just a rookie here. Still learning from the tuscl masters. Will never mention your name; but will surely try tipping tuxedo guys. I never would have thought of that. Thanks again.
farmer, Mister has a vested interest in keeping this information quiet as he frequents the MA clubs, so take his response with a grain of salt. Trust me when I say you would have a great time in Boston.
rickdugan: misterguy: Conflicting advice here. I may stop in Boston on way to my place in France for winter. I will see what goes there then. I have never visited Boston. Harvard Yard and hot Boston SCs? Could be interesting couple of days for hillbilly retired oilman like me. As for being "trusting Canadian", it has worked just fine for me in my life so far.
farmerart, I agree with rickdugan. Centerfolds was a surprising good find in Boston. I had good times there some time back, despite the Boston crackdown.
May I suggest Diamonds Caberet near Dayton, OH. They require membership card, so why not join a special club. Try telling the guy scanning your drivers license into computer prior to issuing you membership card what you're looking for, he's there to help you. Have fun!!
Oh he said extras. Sorry I don't know any clubs with transvestite strippers. I personally don't go looking for girls with dicks (or is it dicks acting like girls?). Good luck!
Yes and Yes. There are a number of extras clubs in Houston. If you buy a LT VIP at one of these the fun is on. Shop around. At one where I am VIP I do not go there unless I will be banging one of them as almost all of them there fuck. Usually its a gal I set up a meeting with via texting. POP has averaged $100 - $200. Negotiate the price before you go to VIP or CR. Once she goes to work on you she has the upper hand.....
farmer, listen to vince and I. Mister couldn't find an extra if the girl's mouth was hovering over his shrivelled penis. Boston is off the hook! Good times to be had by all (except of course for Mister) :)
vincemichaels: rickdugan: I trust both you guys. Vince, you gave me superb advice about the Detroit SC scene and rick, you helped me (almost) break my SC cherry by pointing me to Arnie's in south Chicago. I am going to continue following your advice. Thanks.
Mister, frankly I think that you are being a little bit selfish. I know that you would prefer not to have sensitive info. about a good Boston club outed, but I don't see a problem with sharing with someone like farmer, who has already contributed out of the gate.
"Mister, frankly I think that you are being a little bit selfish. I know that you would prefer not to have sensitive info. about a good Boston club outed"
LOL...oh & I both know that *you're* the one that rambles on & on here about how TUSCLers shouldn't be too specific with this kind of info. You're just having some fun at farmerart's expense...even though, as you say: he "has already contributed out of the gate."
LMAO. I can't do this any longer in the event that anybody else besides mister is so dense :) Or worse, that someone else actually believes what we said about those clubs - lol.
Mister, you have been "gagged". A few people were in on it and at least two others (vet posters both) were eager to join, but I couldn't figure out a way to work them in subtly. You are painfully predictable sir - lol.
For those of you too green to understand that what I wrote above about those clubs was tongue in cheek, please do not try those things in any of those clubs. The best you can hope for it to be tossed out onto the street. These are among the worst places to go clubbing in the country.
The reason for this junk post is the same as always when a new poster comes on asking for info. In fact, this poster hit two pet peeves in one shot - he gave nothing and asked for a lot and he was asking for very sensitive info.
And mister, I don't give a fuck if you spill your guts out to any moron that posts a stupid question, but I (and many other regular providers of information) will not be giving until one has shared first. What I like about farmer, even though he is new to both the board and to clubbing, is that the VERY first thing he did was to share before he asked for anything.
This sure became one screwed up thread. MisterGuy points out it was a bogus response by RD. RD attacks him and references spilling his guts, when clearly he did not.
The OP posed a harmless general question, that can be answered in general terms. I personally don't care if someone has contributed or not when they pose questions. Some questions just are not worth responding to IMO. But I certainly do not feel the need to impose "my rules" on others regarding if they have earned any right to ask questions.
tx, the question was not exactly harmless and is suspect at best coming from someone with 0 posting history and 2 non-review reviews. But even putting that aside for a second, I don't impose my posting rules upon anyone - I can't lock anyone else's computer up. I state my opinion like anyone else, and have received a rash of snotty comments from Mister for doing so. Hell, even in this thread he graced us with smarmy comments such as:
"LOL...not really noob, since, once again, I don't live there."
"LMAO! Like I've said before, there are two basic ways to learn...the easy way & the hard way. Have fun learning the hard way farmerart... "
"LOL...oh & I both know that *you're* the one that rambles on & on here about how TUSCLers shouldn't be too specific with this kind of info."
He was gagged by many willing participants because he earned it by posting in a similar manner in countless threads.
"Or worse, that someone else actually believes what we said about those clubs - lol.
Mister, you have been 'gagged'."
Gee, what a surprise weren't really telling anyone the truth with your "advice" here...what do you think these responses from me were all about??: "Dude, our resident noob rickie is pulling your leg with his 'advice'." and "You're just having some fun at farmerart's expense"
You didn't fool ANYONE here, except maybe farmerart, and, if so, that's *his* problem to sort out at a later date...just like I told him!
"You are painfully predictable sir"
...and you're painfully still a sad, lil noob that likes to play obvious, silly games with people for no good reason. Once again, you've wasted everyone's time here...ugh...
"The reason for this junk post is the same as always when a new poster comes on asking for info. In fact, this poster hit two pet peeves in one shot - he gave nothing and asked for a lot and he was asking for very sensitive info"
...and, once again, you got called out in advance by me with your obvious & pointless tom-foolery, noob.
"And mister, I don't give a fuck if you spill your guts out to any moron that posts a stupid question"
Sure you do noob...otherwise you wouldn't have gone to all the trouble here to try & punk someone we're all as stupid as you appear to along
"What I like about farmer, even though he is new to both the board and to clubbing, is that the VERY first thing he did was to share before he asked for anything"
...but you still tried to punk him none-the-less,
"MisterGuy points out it was a bogus response by RD. RD attacks him and references spilling his guts, when clearly he did not."
Exactly...once again, we're not all as stupid as our resident noob rickie seems to
"But I certainly do not feel the need to impose 'my rules' on others regarding if they have earned any right to ask questions."
Exactly! This isn't YOUR message board rickie...wake up! ----------------------
"I don't impose my posting rules upon anyone"
Yes, you really do noob, and that's been *painfully obvious* here in this very thread. Like I've said to you before, you will continue to be *brow-beaten* by myself & others when you act this way. Enjoy the never-ending punishment there, noob. LOL!
"I state my opinion like anyone else, and have received a rash of snotty comments from Mister for doing so" hoo, noob...
"He was gagged by many willing participants" your wildest dreams that is, noob...welcome to the losing side, again... :)
LOL vm...I give you some useful advice for dealing with some of the Internet Trolls on here & this is how you repay me? Nice...have fun siding with an obvious & pathetic noob there my troubled friend...
lol Mister - you are indeed an ass. And don't single out vince - there were many vying to participate. And browbeat? More like irritate with just the right mixture of arrogance and obtuse thinking.
And unless I can lock someone else's computer up then I cannot control what anybody posts, but I will continue to share my opinion regarding senstivie club info. and freeloading trolls looking to benefit off of our backs without contributing. And if your panties continue to bunch up over this than so be it.
LOL @ MisterGuy's bunched up panties. I strongly doubt you have useful advice. The body of your work here is to be an ass. ROTFLMMFAO, at the troubled MisterGuy
LOL @ MisterGuy's bunched up panties. I strongly doubt you have useful advice. The body of your work here is to be an ass. ROTFLMMFAO, at the troubled MisterGuy
"And don't single out vince - there were many vying to participate."
Sure, sure there were, noob...
"And browbeat?"
Yes, and the sting of defeat hurts pretty bad, eh noob?? LOL...
"And unless I can lock someone else's computer up then I cannot control what anybody posts"
...even though you continually try to by needlessly rambling on & on about the same irrational reasoning over & over again. Take a hint from txtittyfan and just don't bother to respond to topics that you don't interest you. I do it all the time, noob. Grow up sometime...
"I strongly doubt you have useful advice."
LOL...I've already proven here over & over again that I do my troubled friend.
mister, I think you give me too much credit for powers of control ;) I also think that everyone knows who the ranter is here. I state my opinion and that is it. Did you see me jump on the people who DID share?
But thank you. Each time I state my opinion on these topics you lose what little mind you have and start ranting, which has the effect of poisoning the thread. Heck, you actually accomplish what you give me credit for - lmao.
"mister, I think you give me too much credit for powers of control"
Ummmm, that's the whole point, noob, you're just wasting everyone's time here with your useless & irrational rants.
"Did you see me jump on the people who DID share?"
Ummmmm, wasn't that the *entire point* of your posts (and vincemichaels') after at least 5 people responded honestly to the OP?? Who exactly was "poisoning the thread" again?? Oh yea, that was YOU, moron.
Once again noob, exactly how stupid do you think we all are around here? Hint: We're nowhere near as stupid as you appear to be, noob. Run along now...
Mister, I'm not sure who the "we" are that you are trying to include yourself in, but I am quite certain that you are very stupid.
If someone doesn't like my opinion then they can post whatever they want. I won't rant at them, and in fact the only person I have ever had this issue with on here is you, but I am guessing that I'm not the only one that you pull this crap on.
Do you really believe that other people are afraid to challenge my opinion? You give others on here way too little credit - not everyone is a girly man like you.
And as I've said before I will continue to state my opinion every time a non-contributor comes on here trolling for info. or asks for sensitive details on an open forum. It seems to me that YOU are the one who is trying to dictate what opinions are posted. And if you want to whine (er, browbeat) each time in response then have at it ;)
"If someone doesn't like my opinion then they can post whatever they want. I won't rant at them"
Yeah, you really, really do, noob...all the time, and a fine example of that is right here in this very thread, moron.
"and in fact the only person I have ever had this issue with on here is you"
Wrong again, noob, but what else is knew eh??
"Do you really believe that other people are afraid to challenge my opinion?"
LOL...keeping beating those strawmen, noob.
"And as I've said before I will continue to state my opinion every time a non-contributor comes on here trolling for info. or asks for sensitive details on an open forum"
...and you will be continued to be called to task on that nonsense by myself & others.
"It seems to me that YOU are the one who is trying to dictate what opinions are posted." really aren't as "smart" as you'd like to think of yourself, eh noob?? Who's the one that's trying to restrict what someone can & can't post in their *own reviews* or what questions they can & can't post on this discussion board (which none of us run)? That would be YOU, my sad lil noob...I think we're done here...ugh...
yes we are done here. Keep those "tasking" rants handy though shit for brains, because I have no doubt that there will be many other trolls and morons posting threads for you (er, I mean me of course) to poison ;)
last commentMitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco (expensive).
Tropicana 66 in Scranton, Kansas (inexpensive).
If you want extras and can travel anywhere in the country, go to Reno, Nevada. Then forget the strip clubs and visit the legal brothels a short drive away in Mustang and Mound House.
club name is Tropicana 56.
Or you could take the windsor tunnel over and just hire an escort legally.
My favorite placs for extras are as follows:
1. Boston
There is a club called Centerfolds that is off the hook. Once you get inside the club, just tell one of the guys in tuxedos exactly what you are looking for (and maybe slip him a few bucks for his trouble) and he will take VERY good care of you.
2. Chicago
Another crazy place for fun. Any of the 5 clubs in Chicago proper are good options, but my personal favorite is the Pink Monkey. Here, however, you need to be a little more subtle and wait until you get the girl in the lap dance area to work it out. Usually moving your hand gently on her thong will get the message to her and let the party begin!
3. Milwaukee
The general rule of thumb here is that the closer the club is to downtown Milwaukee the more fun it is. The trick in these clubs is to pre-negottiate with the girl before going back for the dance and you will find that they appreciate the direct approach. I guess it is a cultural thing as Milwaukee has a heavy German influence. Just let her know exactly what you need and she will take it from there!
4. Richmond
This is another place that is a little more subtle. Here, all good things come from the door guy/gal, so you need to make it clear to this person what you are there for as you are paying the door fee. He/she will make sure that you get all the right action ;)
I'll try to post more as I think of them. In the meantime, good luck!
For extras, I recommend:
1) Bogart's in Inkster (Detroit) - The girls practically insist on extras in the VIP ($10 one-time entry fee and $20/dance). Either negotiate with the girls while on the main floor or discuss when back in the VIP. I like BBBJs for about $60 which includes however many songs it takes to get there (Usually within two). The girls at Bogart's seem down-to-earth, very fair, and value-oriented as well, which I appreciate.
2) Fight Club in Inkster: Totally upscale, as beautiful as Bogart's is trashy. And like Bogart's the availability of extras is usually made known by the girls. Unlike Bogart's, it's more expensive, but the girls are better looking, classier, and the VIP rooms large, nicely cushioned/upholstered, and curtained off for privacy.
3) Follies in Atlanta - 30-minute VIP is $142, which may or may not include extras, depending on the girl and what you discuss before heading back. I've had nude grinding or a HJ for the basic fee and a BBBJ w/an upcharge of ~$60, making the 30-minute total ~$200.
4) Palomino Club in Vegas - $100/three songs in nicely cushioned/upholstered and private VIP rooms. Although not specifically requested or discussed, a complimentary HJ was included, perhaps because the dancer and I struck a nice rapport beforehand on the main floor.
5) Hawaii Theater in City of Industry, CA - Never been there, but reviews suggest it's pretty much wide open in the VIP, with total costs in the $120 - $250 range.
Good luck!
I would give Bogarts another try but not on a Friday afternoon.
Dude, our resident noob rickie is pulling your leg with his "advice". You Canadians are a tad too trusting...ugh...
misterguy: Conflicting advice here. I may stop in Boston on way to my place in France for winter. I will see what goes there then. I have never visited Boston. Harvard Yard and hot Boston SCs? Could be interesting couple of days for hillbilly retired oilman like me. As for being "trusting Canadian", it has worked just fine for me in my life so far.
LOL...not really noob, since, once again, I don't live there.
"As for being 'trusting Canadian', it has worked just fine for me in my life so far."
LMAO! Like I've said before, there are two basic ways to learn...the easy way & the hard way. Have fun learning the hard way farmerart...
rickdugan: I trust both you guys. Vince, you gave me superb advice about the Detroit SC scene and rick, you helped me (almost) break my SC cherry by pointing me to Arnie's in south Chicago. I am going to continue following your advice. Thanks.
LOL...oh & I both know that *you're* the one that rambles on & on here about how TUSCLers shouldn't be too specific with this kind of info. You're just having some fun at farmerart's expense...even though, as you say:
he "has already contributed out of the gate."
Have fun wasting everyone's time noob...again...
Mister, you have been "gagged". A few people were in on it and at least two others (vet posters both) were eager to join, but I couldn't figure out a way to work them in subtly. You are painfully predictable sir - lol.
For those of you too green to understand that what I wrote above about those clubs was tongue in cheek, please do not try those things in any of those clubs. The best you can hope for it to be tossed out onto the street. These are among the worst places to go clubbing in the country.
The reason for this junk post is the same as always when a new poster comes on asking for info. In fact, this poster hit two pet peeves in one shot - he gave nothing and asked for a lot and he was asking for very sensitive info.
And mister, I don't give a fuck if you spill your guts out to any moron that posts a stupid question, but I (and many other regular providers of information) will not be giving until one has shared first. What I like about farmer, even though he is new to both the board and to clubbing, is that the VERY first thing he did was to share before he asked for anything.
The OP posed a harmless general question, that can be answered in general terms. I personally don't care if someone has contributed or not when they pose questions. Some questions just are not worth responding to IMO. But I certainly do not feel the need to impose "my rules" on others regarding if they have earned any right to ask questions.
"LOL...not really noob, since, once again, I don't live there."
"LMAO! Like I've said before, there are two basic ways to learn...the easy way & the hard way. Have fun learning the hard way farmerart... "
"LOL...oh & I both know that *you're* the one that rambles on & on here about how TUSCLers shouldn't be too specific with this kind of info."
He was gagged by many willing participants because he earned it by posting in a similar manner in countless threads.
Mister, you have been 'gagged'."
Gee, what a surprise weren't really telling anyone the truth with your "advice" here...what do you think these responses from me were all about??:
"Dude, our resident noob rickie is pulling your leg with his 'advice'."
"You're just having some fun at farmerart's expense"
You didn't fool ANYONE here, except maybe farmerart, and, if so, that's *his* problem to sort out at a later date...just like I told him!
"You are painfully predictable sir"
...and you're painfully still a sad, lil noob that likes to play obvious, silly games with people for no good reason. Once again, you've wasted everyone's time here...ugh...
"The reason for this junk post is the same as always when a new poster comes on asking for info. In fact, this poster hit two pet peeves in one shot - he gave nothing and asked for a lot and he was asking for very sensitive info"
...and, once again, you got called out in advance by me with your obvious & pointless tom-foolery, noob.
"And mister, I don't give a fuck if you spill your guts out to any moron that posts a stupid question"
Sure you do noob...otherwise you wouldn't have gone to all the trouble here to try & punk someone we're all as stupid as you appear to along
"What I like about farmer, even though he is new to both the board and to clubbing, is that the VERY first thing he did was to share before he asked for anything"
...but you still tried to punk him none-the-less,
"MisterGuy points out it was a bogus response by RD. RD attacks him and references spilling his guts, when clearly he did not."
Exactly...once again, we're not all as stupid as our resident noob rickie seems to
"But I certainly do not feel the need to impose 'my rules' on others regarding if they have earned any right to ask questions."
Exactly! This isn't YOUR message board rickie...wake up!
"I don't impose my posting rules upon anyone"
Yes, you really do noob, and that's been *painfully obvious* here in this very thread. Like I've said to you before, you will continue to be *brow-beaten* by myself & others when you act this way. Enjoy the never-ending punishment there, noob. LOL!
"I state my opinion like anyone else, and have received a rash of snotty comments from Mister for doing so" hoo, noob...
"He was gagged by many willing participants" your wildest dreams that is, noob...welcome to the losing side, again... :)
You always have been, most likely you will always be.
And unless I can lock someone else's computer up then I cannot control what anybody posts, but I will continue to share my opinion regarding senstivie club info. and freeloading trolls looking to benefit off of our backs without contributing. And if your panties continue to bunch up over this than so be it.
Sure, sure there were, noob...
"And browbeat?"
Yes, and the sting of defeat hurts pretty bad, eh noob?? LOL...
"And unless I can lock someone else's computer up then I cannot control what anybody posts"
...even though you continually try to by needlessly rambling on & on about the same irrational reasoning over & over again. Take a hint from txtittyfan and just don't bother to respond to topics that you don't interest you. I do it all the time, noob. Grow up sometime...
"I strongly doubt you have useful advice."
LOL...I've already proven here over & over again that I do my troubled friend.
But thank you. Each time I state my opinion on these topics you lose what little mind you have and start ranting, which has the effect of poisoning the thread. Heck, you actually accomplish what you give me credit for - lmao.
Ummmm, that's the whole point, noob, you're just wasting everyone's time here with your useless & irrational rants.
"Did you see me jump on the people who DID share?"
Ummmmm, wasn't that the *entire point* of your posts (and vincemichaels') after at least 5 people responded honestly to the OP?? Who exactly was "poisoning the thread" again?? Oh yea, that was YOU, moron.
Once again noob, exactly how stupid do you think we all are around here? Hint: We're nowhere near as stupid as you appear to be, noob. Run along now...
If someone doesn't like my opinion then they can post whatever they want. I won't rant at them, and in fact the only person I have ever had this issue with on here is you, but I am guessing that I'm not the only one that you pull this crap on.
Do you really believe that other people are afraid to challenge my opinion? You give others on here way too little credit - not everyone is a girly man like you.
And as I've said before I will continue to state my opinion every time a non-contributor comes on here trolling for info. or asks for sensitive details on an open forum. It seems to me that YOU are the one who is trying to dictate what opinions are posted. And if you want to whine (er, browbeat) each time in response then have at it ;)
Yeah, you really, really do, noob...all the time, and a fine example of that is right here in this very thread, moron.
"and in fact the only person I have ever had this issue with on here is you"
Wrong again, noob, but what else is knew eh??
"Do you really believe that other people are afraid to challenge my opinion?"
LOL...keeping beating those strawmen, noob.
"And as I've said before I will continue to state my opinion every time a non-contributor comes on here trolling for info. or asks for sensitive details on an open forum"
...and you will be continued to be called to task on that nonsense by myself & others.
"It seems to me that YOU are the one who is trying to dictate what opinions are posted." really aren't as "smart" as you'd like to think of yourself, eh noob?? Who's the one that's trying to restrict what someone can & can't post in their *own reviews* or what questions they can & can't post on this discussion board (which none of us run)? That would be YOU, my sad lil noob...I think we're done here...ugh...