Comments by minnow (page 100)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions- Based Solely On Team City Stripclub Strength
    ROUND 2/ ROUND 1 RECAP ********************************** Round 1 not so good, batted .250. Perhaps Ricks will make a comeback in Seattle?? Here comes Round 2 predictions, again based solely on city/area stripclub strengths: AFC (Next Post will be NFC) NEW YORK VS NEW ENGLAND- Both cities/ metro fan areas hard to pin down, though New York has edge in number of clubs (15-36) vs Boston (3- maybe 32 in state of MA). NYC also has edge in number of T100 clubs (3) vs 1 for Boston area. Boston has a rep for very low mileage, though it gets a certain ammount of long distance help from Providence ( exact opposite in mileage). New York isn't exactly the best value for average sc patron, though some clubs in NJ are, though this long distance help dilluted by a certain number of Jets or Eagles fans. We could go back and forth on this, which is what the game will probably be. // JETS 24-23 BALTIMORE VS PITTSBURGH: Again, Baltimore faces a city/metro area with a dearth of stripclubs (3 downtown, 11 total in metro area, none rated in T100). Just can't compete with "Baltimore Block"// RAVENS 20-6
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    14 years ago
    The Money Customers Spend (how much is too much)
    1) Guessing 5-10% of income 2) Have you ever had too much dessert? (lol) 3) Good ? Crossing the line to "addiction", imo is a matter of behavior rather than hard $$ ammount. If strip club activities causes one to frequently miss/be late for work, appointments, causes you to forego other activities that you'd previously enjoyed, causes you to miss car or mortgage payments, neglect car or residence upkeep, etc, one just might be addicted.
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    14 years ago
    2 years on TUSCL
    Steve- I'll trust you on the math for my join date, lol. How do you plan to celebrate your 2nd anniversary?
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    14 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions- Based Solely On Team City Stripclub Strength
    Correction: Oops, sometimes old habits are hard to break. RAVENS OVER CHIEFS 17-3
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions- Based Solely On Team City Stripclub Strength
    Clubber- How so?? In what way(s) is my estimation of the relative merits of Bal vs KC stripclub scene off the mark? How does your experience/research differ from mine? Your score estimate? (disregarding the actual team merits, of course) farmerart- I guess I'll let you "skate" on thread hijack.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    NFL Playoff Predictions- Based Solely On Team City Stripclub Strength
    PART 2- NFC PLAYOFFS ************************************************************* NEW ORLEANS VS SEATTLE- This is an ugly matchup in that neither city is that great for clubs. New Orleans has the edge in number of clubs [17-21] vs 9 for Sea-Tac metro area. However, Nola has rep for being low mileage, high priced tourist traps. Having Ricks go down hurt the Seattle area scene. Recent posts by area residents begging for info on good road trips speaks volumes on the weakness of Seattle stripclub scene// SAINTS 13-6 GREEN BAY VS PHILADELPHIA- This is a no-brainer: Philly has 30 clubs, including 3 in Tuscl T100, Green Bay has a whopping THREE stripclubs. (Is the only WI club to make T100 weighing in at #54 anywhere near Green Bay?). Even if it is, Philly gets abundant long distance help from some PA and NJ suburb clubs.// EAGLES 24-3
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    14 years ago
    Hookers here and there.
    Sitting in a Waffle House after midnight: A semi-hot brunette rushes in to counter, asks for change for a 20. Cashier told her they don't break bills here, must order something. "SHB" could arguably be called hot, and apparently had a "john" nearby needing change to consumate the deal. Yes, she had the hooker look about her, further reinforced by her giving me that laser beam look while cashier was taking her sweet time getting her a coffee to go. My big head thinking won out that time- when she got her to go, and change, she was out the door like an Olympic sprinter.
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    14 years ago
    Year in Review?
    Preface: "Even when its bad, its good". I did have some good times in '10, but could be called a "bad" year in that my club visits dropped ~ 15-20% due to less favorable travel patterns and increased workload.
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    14 years ago
    Mons vs 2001 Odyssey
    I'd try both of them. Bring plenty of cash. You just might end up wanting to keep going to both of them.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another shooting in Phoenix.
    I've been to "Abco" on several occasions. It is unique in that it is 1 of 2 clubs in Phoenix area with 2 sides: 1 topless with alcohol, another a nude juice bar. 21 and over get wrist band to circulate freely between 2 sides, under 18 stay on juice bar side. Club located in dark industrial area, but with well lit parking lot. Back in the 90's, Cheri magazine named this club in their top 10 list.
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    14 years ago
    Return of Portland clubs?
    ss1- Why don't you pm some of the reviewers that gave the most glowing reviews, ask them some pointed questions, then report back..............// I suspect CTQ is right.
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    14 years ago
    Mandatory Valet
    Like a couple of posters, I view valet, or parking fees as a cost of doing business.ttt took the words right out of my mouth. clubber- I've been to both types of clubs as for letting you park it yourself, but pay the fee. Cheetahs-Pompano, and Solid Gold-Oakland Park would let you exercise that option. Ditto one of lopaws fave SoCal clubs. I'm with snowtime on his main issue of having someone rummage through the belongings in the vehicle. Think a moment- a stranger has access to your personal info (registration), and your car/house keys. Are you really going to remove housekey from keychain, and registration/insurance from glove compartment prior to entry? ( I do pocket my car rental contract prior to handing keys over to valet on out of town business trips) Ditto on key belongings you may have?
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    14 years ago
    New Jersey
    Relocating to Middle East - Not a TUSCL Hot Spot
    hd- My congrats (sympathies???) to you. I guess that $90k/yr being exempt from Uncle Sam should leave you with a bunch of spending $$$ at the end of the 2 yr. contract. Hope you get some good vacation time as part of the package.
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    14 years ago
    tall strippers
    RE: Super Dude- "A tall stripper is sometimes a tranny". // Have you met any SD? The only "confirmed" case of a tranny in clubs I've been to, "shim" was about 5'6". To OP- May I suggest buying tickets to WNBA games, and letting us know how much luck you have at picking up WNBA players after the game.
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    14 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International Agrees To Purchase Gold Club In Indianapolis
    ss1- Two things: 1) Trying to nail down CEO compensation is like trying to nail Jello to the wall. 2) Our neighbors up north think a bit differently than us. Mathematically, you're correct on the 65% loss. MG was probably calculating the gain that must occur in order to reach the prior stock high price, which is probably 210%. A handicap to overcome is the same as a loss in his mind, I guess.
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    14 years ago
    UCLA Prof: DREAM Act Will Help Illegal Immigrants Replace ‘Old White Men' in C
    I'd be curious to know how much productivity is lost by having to wade through the "Press 1 for English", and choose language option for answering machine/ATM maze??
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    14 years ago
    Rating the chains
    Good thread, inno. Out of curiosity, are you a dancer, club owner/mgr, employee, or otherwise have a business relationhip with club (eg- consultant, etc.). My take: SR Chain projects a more upscale image vs Deja Vu, which is a McClub kind of place. My experience with SR has been in SoCal clubs, which is their main concentration. Being in/near COI, mileage is very good, but I'm not sure if their Boise, Lexington, or Dallas locations would mirror COI/ LA Downtown experience. On the downside, higher than average prices, extremely clipped song lengths, and high pressure "BTLAD" keeps this chain from being a slam dunk 1st choice for the area. Deja Vu has a greater number of clubs, and more geographic diversity. They are almost universally nude juice bars. In many cases, they are in areas with little/no meaningful competition. I went to several such areas many years ago. In my current situation visiting club dense areas, DV clubs aren't high on my wish list.
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    14 years ago
    Quick opinion-related question for avid clubgoers
    Within a wide range of reason, club clientele has little effect on my club enjoyment. I don't enjoy the SRO kind of nights as much, so crowd level has an effect, as does the type of crowd (oh, sh^# , not another bachelor party). I generally try to be outta there by 1030p on those nights. As for dress codes- I don't find stripclubs to be as anal/dickheadish about dress codes as some regular nightclubs are. I've been turned away from those for wearing running shoes, or a plain leather jacket( no patches, or insignia on it).
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    14 years ago
    Nissan Quest Minivan: The Stripper-Friendly Family Car
    ss1- Wouldn't the same nav system in the minivan be available in the GTR and 370Z models? For unfamiliar clubs, I just call the club and ask for directions from prominent place (airport, major highway intersection, etc).
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    14 years ago
    Rating the chains
    I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Walking into chain clubs ( directed mainly towards DV SR chains), I know a certain minimum standard will be met in club furnishings, and dancer attractiveness, but they will never make it to satisfaction/enjoyment level of such independent/small local chain of the likes of Mons Venus, Brass Flamingo ( Indy ), Baby Dolls- Dallas, Hi liter (PHX), Bourbon Street Circus (PHX), and I would imagine some others I haven't been to lately like Tootsies, Cheetahs-LV, OG-LV, and the "Chapel"(Church??) in Houston. The big chains are simply too programmed/gimmicky/ pricey for feeling like you truly had a good time and got decent value. I'm considering writing an article about my specific area choices in chain club areas.
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    14 years ago
    Suds With Securb: Top Ten Strip Clubs In America
    Interesting- I've been to 4 of this guys T10 (Lodge, 4P, Abco, LDLV). At first, blogger seems to favor upscale places, but ends up with an eclectic mix with little rhyme/reason. My personal take on the 4 I've visited: Lodge- Definitely the place to go if you value lots of attractive women, an upscale environment, reasonable fine dining options. For the looser, grittier edge, there's many other options in Dallas. Close competition to Lodge, insofar as upscale lean/fine dining would be Mens Club. 4 Play- Arguably has the most attractive dancers in L.A. area, but food is more in the realm of appetizers, than a true meal. I haven't seen any verifiable centerfolds there, but a couple of actresses ( 1 who won a festival award in B Grade Movie), and 2 pornstars listed in database. Abco- Nobody will mistake this place for an upscale club- both in the decor, and talent department. Has old western saloon kind of look. Agree with ttf on Phoenix choices, still this is a club that should be tried at least once. LD-LV- Deja Vu cookie cutter club?? Need I say more......
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    Offhand, I'd say spend on her in 1-2 hrs whatever her shift earnings average is. (Average~ $300). Of course, I also estimate that 99 angels can dance on the head of a pin............
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    14 years ago
    Adult-nightclub operator VCG posts higher Q3 earnings
    mg- VCG is far from the only stock down from where it was in 2007. ss1- So, what are you thinking about VCG clubs? Or purchasing VCG stock? Myself: For the longest time, VCG (almost all PT's named clubs) was my fave corporate chain. (If that is possible without being too much of an oxymoron). They'd consistently provided more of an upscale lean without a lot of the upscale BS. This based mostly on pre-Tuscl experience with 6 clubs in 4 different metro areas. In the last 2-3 years, they seem more interested in remodeling clubs/buying out existing clubs, jacking up the prices(they weren't bargain basement to start with, mostly average for area), and instituting PITA Policies/Practices. My experience with 1 club (PT's Indy- travel patterns don't take me to ESL anymore) has been a club that went from being fun to one with markedly higher prices than other area clubs . I wonder if VCG is going much further down the road of being just another corporate chain. At least they haven't started clipping songs too much like a couple of other chains do. I'm curious what other posters experiences have been, and also if recently bought out clubs have been improved, or worsened as a result of the buyout. Eg- Was prior mediocre club upgraded overall, or was it a case of prior popular unique local club being quashed in reinvented corporate cookie cutter approach??
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    14 years ago
    Strip club with good buffets
    LOL, rd and hd, I've read Playboy Articles and eaten at stripclub buffets. OP's question a legit one, because good stripclub buffets can be a good time management tool, effectively saving 30-40 minutes (I'm assuming one wants a bit more than burgers and dogs or chips and dips). Bare Ellegance, (L.A.) has a decent lunch buffet Friday afternoons (meat, potatoes, veggies or salad, fruit spread, cheese/cracker spread, etc). Mens Club (Dallas) has chef on staff, but only occasional buffets, usually early Friday evenings( shrimp, bbq chicken, sliced potatoes, etc). Good thing about buffets- to order service at stripclubs are often slow, IME.
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    14 years ago
    What is "Thug Factor?"
    op- yahoo,msn , google, etc search engines are useful things. So is urban dictionary. I personally take thug factor to mean the type of customers that hang out at club, plus the immediate surrounding neighborhood. Dickhead bouncers classified under "staff courtesy/club atmosphere". Awaiting your discrete reviews.............